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      • Editora Jandaíra (Pólen Producao Editorial Ltda.)

        Jandaíra is an independent publisher of books by Brazilian authors who are thought-provoking and daring for children and adults.Originally Pólen Livros, it was born to explore new horizons, to establish partnerships, new ideas and to value voices. With a focus on women, contemplating the greatest diversity of feminine universes, she started her catalog with works written by and for women, to tell the feminine vision of stories, the world, society. And as a perspective for a new future, children came with themes to be discussed by people of all ages.In 2020, in partnership with the Sueli Carneiro seal, we achieved wide reach in bookstores throughout Brazil! With the seal coordinated by the philosopher and writer Djamila Ribeiro and with eight titles published initially; the diversity most present in our books, made us recognized as the publisher that embraces causes, from motherhood to self-knowledge, from feminism to anti-racism, from literature to non-fiction and children.

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      • Martini Maria Cristina | MMC Edizioni

        MMC EDIZIONI is a publishing house based in Rome.Born in 2001 as a generalist, along the time it has specialized almost exclusively in non-fiction, dedicated in particular (but not only) to the city of Rome.The main series, called "A walk with history" offers an alternative vision of the city through the historical reconnaissance and analysis of some of its urban furnishings that are not taken into consideration such as small fountains, clocks, inscriptions, sacred shrines, plaques. This series stands out for a particular graphic style and for the abundance of photographs, specially made for these books.Other series on Rome are instead dedicated to in-depth studies on specific historical and customs themes, or on the mysterious aspects of the city that also reveal its dark side.In the MMC catalogue are other non-fiction books on topics such as Music, Interculture, Anthropology and a series of stories for children encouraging solidarity, non-violence and respect for the environment

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 2017

        Jane Austen über die Liebe

        by Jane Austen, Angelika Beck, Margarete Rauchenberger, Felicitas Lovenberg, Felicitas Lovenberg

        Jane Austens schönste Gedanken zum größten aller Gefühle, das doch immer ein ewiges und unergründliches Mysterium bleibt: die Liebe. Ausgewählt von Felicitas von Lovenberg. So modern und zeitlos, emanzipiert und klug, gewitzt und humorvoll, unverstellt und mit Raison hat in den letzten 200 Jahren über die Angelegenheiten des Herzens kaum eine geschrieben wie Jane Austen – von prickelnder Erwartung über besinnungslose Verliebtheit und erste Enttäuschung hin zu Eheglück und Ehezwist. Jane Austen wirbt dabei für eine gesunde Mischung von Gefühl, Vernunft, Geld, Schönheit und Geist. Doch bleibt die Liebe stets an erster Stelle. »Einmal im Leben sollte jede das Recht haben, aus Liebe zu heiraten.« Jane Austen

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2007

        Geliebte Jane

        Die Geschichte der Jane Austen

        by Jon Spence, Ursula Gräfe

        Bis heute begeistert Jane Austen die Welt mit ihren Werken, ihrem Witz und ihrer Weisheit. Inspiriert von der Begegnung zwischen der jungen Jane Austen und dem Iren Tom Lefroy, erzählt Geliebte Jane einfühlsam, wie aus einer jungen Lady die berühmte Schriftstellerin Jane Austen wurde.

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        Medical & healthcare law
        August 2016

        Medicine, patients and the law

        Sixth edition

        by Margaret Brazier. Series edited by Simona Giordano

        Embryo research, cloning, assisted conception, neonatal care, saviour siblings, organ transplants, drug trials - modern developments have transformed the field of medicine almost beyond recognition in recent decades and the law struggles to keep up. In this highly acclaimed and very accessible book, now in its sixth edition, Margaret Brazier and Emma Cave provide an incisive survey of the legal situation in areas as diverse as fertility treatment, patient consent, assisted dying, malpractice and medical privacy. The book has been fully revised and updated to cover the latest cases, from assisted dying to informed consent; legislative reform of the NHS, professional regulation and redress; European regulations on data protection and clinical trials; and legislation and policy reforms on organ donation, assisted conception and mental capacity. Essential reading for healthcare professionals, lecturers, medical and law students, this book is of relevance to all whose perusal of the daily news causes wonder, hope and consternation at the advances and limitations of medicine, patients and the law.

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        Animal physiology
        November 1998

        Grass for Dairy Cattle

        by Edited by Jerome H Cherney, Debbie J R Cherney

        With the current interest in the environmental and economic sustainability of dairy farming, grass forage crops have emerged as a potential solution to some of the nutrient management problems now encountered on intensively managed dairy farms. The expansion and reintegration of grass-based systems into the mainstream of dairying systems will require a major paradigm shift involving economic, social and ecological, as well as biological factors.This book examines the role of grass in milk production in sustainable agricultural ecosystems. It provides a current summary of the role of grass in dairy cattle systems, including the breeding, management, storage, feeding and economics of grass for both lactating and dry dairy cows. Written by leading specialists from Australia, Europe, New Zealand, North and South America, this is an essential reference source for researchers, dairy industry professionals and advanced students of forage and dairy cattle nutrition.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2009

        Mit Jane Austen durch England

        by Elsemarie Maletzke, Markus Kirchgessner

        Elsemarie Maletzke ist den biographischen und literarischen Spuren Jane Austens durch England gefolgt und entführt uns in die wunderbare Welt der Schriftstellerin und ihrer Romane. Jane Austen reiste gern. Sie erkundete Südengland von Devon bis Kent; sie fuhr nach London, an die See und nach Bath. Was sie sah, gefiel ihr ausgezeichnet, und als gute Patriotin konnte sie sich nicht vorstellen, daß es anderswo schöner sein könnte. Mit ihren Augen und durch ihre Romane sehen wir noch immer die klassischen Straßen von Bath – heute Weltkulturerbe –, das Cottage in Chawton, wo sie schrieb, die Salons, in denen sie tanzte, und die geschwungene Kaimauer von Lyme Regis, von der im Roman Anne Elliot oder die Kunst der Überredung Louisa Musgrove in Kapitän Wentworths Arme springen will und auf dem Pflaster landet.

      • Trusted Partner
        History of Art / Art & Design Styles
        December 2006

        Model and supermodel

        The artists' model in British art and culture

        by Edited by Jane Desmarais, Martin Postle and Martin Vaughan

        Over the last twenty years there have been flurries of interest in the artist's model, and recent exhibitions have stimulated new activity in this area. Model and Supermodel extends the discussion about the social and cultural significance of the model in British art and culture. A fascinating collection of essays and interviews, it examines the persistent mythology of the artist's model and some of the ambiguities involved in depicting the body. The volume begins with Martin Postle's survey of the profession of the model during the period c.1840-1940. Elizabeth Prettejohn considers the Pre-Raphaelite model and Alison Smith examines the lives of some nineteenth-century models who achieved fame and notoriety in their own right. Jane Desmarais looks at the model from a literary perspective and Reena Suleman presents the work of Edward Linley Sambourne. Michael Hatt's essay examines the aesthetic and ethical aspects of Tuke's use of boy models for his paintings of nude bathers, and William Vaughan reflects on the British figurative tradition from Sickert to Freud. Catherine Wood brings the volume up to date with her essay on the found model in contemporary art, and the volume concludes with two interviews with the artist, Peter Blake, and a life model, Susannah Gregory. The book offers a series of lively takes on the phenomenon of the artist's model. It will make fascinating reading for those interested in modern art and the wider aspects of British culture and society.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2013

        The Intellectual and Cultural World of the Early Modern Inns of Court

        by Edited by Jayne Archer, Elizabeth Goldring and Sarah Knight

        This is a collection of essays on an important but overlooked aspect of early modern English life: the artistic and intellectual patronage of the Inns of Court and their influence on religion, politics, education, rhetoric, and culture from the late fifteenth through the early eighteenth centuries. This period witnessed the height of the Inns' status as educational institutions: emerging from fairly informal associations in the fourteenth century, the Inns of Court in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries had developed sophisticated curricula for their students, leading to their description in the early seventeenth century as England's 'third university'. Some of the most influential politicians, writers, and divines - as well as lawyers - of Tudor and Stuart England passed through the Inns: men such as Edward Hall, Richard Hooker, John Webster, John Selden, Edward Coke, William Lambarde, Francis Bacon, and John Donne. This is the first interdisciplinary publication on the early modern Inns of Court, bringing together scholarship in history, art history, literature, and drama. The book is lavishly illustrated and provides a unique collection of visual sources for the architecture, art, and gardens of the early modern Inns ;

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 2020

        Jane Goodall, Updated Edition

        by Tara Welty

        On July 16, 1963, Jane Goodall stepped onto the shores of the Tanganyika in Gombe National Park in Tanzania, Africa, for the very first time. The 23-year-old researcher was about to begin the adventure of a lifetime, studying wild chimpanzees in their forest home. The discoveries she made there about chimpanzee behavior changed the way people thought about chimpanzees and human beings. Since then, Goodall has become a tireless conservationist, working to protect the chimpanzees and improve their lives. Her work has spanned more than 50 years. This eBook explores Goodall's fascinating research and how it has opened windows into both primates' and humans' behavior.

      • Trusted Partner
        Animal behaviour
        June 2014

        Livestock Handling and Transport

        by Edited by Temple Grandin

        Edited by world-renowned animal scientist Dr. Temple Grandin, this practical book integrates scientific research and industry literature on cattle, pigs, poultry, sheep, goats, deer, and horses, in both the developed and developing world, to provide a practical guide to humane handling and minimizing animal stress. Reviewing the latest research on transport systems, restraint methods and facilities for farms and slaughterhouses, this fully updated fourth edition of Livestock Handling and Transport includes new coverage of animal handling in South America, and reviews extensive new research on pig transportation in North America.

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        Agricultural science
        June 1996

        Biology of Grasses

        by Edited by Geoffrey P Chapman

        Grasses are put to a multitude of uses by those involved in agriculture and recreation. They are also of importance to environmental biologists, for example those involved in restorative ecology. In this book the biology of grasses is illustrated by many different grass genera and species, drawn from both temperate and tropical zones. Beginning with a discussion of the role of grasses in a changing world, the author provides a thorough treatment of such topics as the generation and dispersal of grasses, their diversity, history, contrasting life styles, ecology and domestication. The text is supported by the inclusion of high quality line drawings and black and white photographs. There is also a thorough glossary of the terminology associated with grass science. This book bridges the gap between introductory textbooks and research and technical papers. It is an advanced level reference text for students and teachers of agriculture, plant biology and ecology. It is of particular importance to all those studying and researching the genetics, physiology and taxonomy of grasses.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2015

        Margaret Cavendish

        by Emma Rees

        Margaret Cavendish was one of the most prolific, complex and misunderstood writers of the seventeenth century. A contemporary of Descartes and Hobbes, she was fascinated by philosophical, scientific and imaginative advances, and struggled to overcome the political and cultural obstacles which threatened to stop her engagement with such discourses. Emma Rees examines how Cavendish engaged with the work of thinkers such as Lucretius, Plato, Homer and Harvey in an attempt to write her way out of the exile which threatened not only her intellectual pursuits but her very existence. What emerges is the image of an intelligent, audacious and intrepid early modern woman whose tale will appeal to specialists and general readers alike. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        July 1986

        Die Abtei von Northanger

        by Jane Austen, Hugh Thomson, Margarete Rauchenberger

        Der satirische Blick auf die gesellschaftlichen Zustände und der parodistische Blick auf den Schauerroman geben diesem frühen Werk der Jane Austen einen besonderen Reiz.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2009

        »Ich bin voller Ungeduld«

        Briefe an Cassandra

        by Jane Austen, Ursula Gräfe, Ursula Gräfe, Ursula Gräfe

        Bis heute begeistert Jane Austen die Welt mit ihren Werken, ihrem Witz und ihrer Weisheit. Auch als Verfasserin von Briefen beweist Jane Austen Verstand und Gefühl; sie ist eine scharfsichtige Menschenkennerin und originelle Beobachterin ihrer Umgebung. Brillant und geistreich plaudert sie über ihre Epoche und ist dabei auch über boshaften und respektlosen Klatsch ganz und gar nicht erhaben. Neben dem facettenreichen, ironischen Bild der ländlichen Gesellschaft und ihrer Zerstreuungen eröffnen die Briefe an Cassandra, die ältere Schwester und engste Vertraute, auch einen Blick auf die ganz persönlichen Seiten der Autorin. Sie sind Aufzeichnungen einer selbstbewußten Frau, deren geistige Unabhängigkeit eine durch und durch moderne Persönlichkeit offenbart. Die hier erstmals auf deutsch vorgelegte Auswahl aus den noch etwa einhundert erhaltenen Briefen an die Schwester hält die wichtigsten großen und kleinen Augenblicke im Leben einer ungewöhnlichen Frau fest – und geben damit einen intimeren Einblick als jede Biographie.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2007

        Über die Liebe

        by Jane Austen, Angelika Beck, Margarete Rauchenberger, Felicitas Lovenberg, Felicitas Lovenberg

        In einer Zeit, da die Thesen vom Zusammenleben von Mann und Frau so vielfältig und verwirrend sind wie die Sache selbst, spricht aus Jane Austens Romanen die Stimme der Vernunft, die Verstand und Gefühl unter eine Haube bringen will. Ihre romantische Botschaft – so Felicitas von Lovenberg in ihrer amüsanten Anthologie für Singles, Paare und andere Liebende – hat mit Romantik wenig zu tun. Sie lautet, daß es nicht nur das Recht, sondern die Verpflichtung gibt, sich den Lebenspartner mit Bedacht und Empfindsamkeit auszusuchen. Jane Austens Literatur wirbt für die gesunde Mischung von Vernunft und Gefühl, Geld und Liebe, Schönheit und Geist.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 1988

        Anne Elliot

        by Jane Austen, Hugh Thomson, Margarete Rauchenberger

        Ein Jahr nach ihrem Tod im Jahre 1817 erschien Jane Austens letzter Roman Persuasion. Anne Elliot, die Hauptfigur, wird in einem sozialen Umfeld dargestellt, das auch Jane Austen bekannt war und das in der Beschreibung für ihre übrigen Romane typisch ist.

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        Pest control
        January 2016

        The UK Pesticide Guide 2016

        by Edited by Martin A Lainsbury

        The UK Pesticide Guide is a unique and authoritative source of information on pesticides and adjuvants. The 2016 edition has three new active ingredient profiles included for the first time. The additions include: imazosulfuron for weed control in winter cereals metobromuron for weed control in potatoes fenpyrazamine for disease control in wine grapes and protected cucurbits. Many products have new hazard classifications as Europe starts to standardise with the rest of the world. Some products now have buffer zone requirements greater than the standard LERAP 5 metres. Other additions include: 11 new herbicide profiles 13 new fungicide profiles Spearmint oil, a sprout suppressant for potatoes

      • Trusted Partner
        Pharmaceutical industries
        November 2009

        Pesticide Manual, 15th edition

        A World Compendium

        by Edited by Clive D S Tomlin

        The fifteenth edition of The Pesticide Manual provides the most comprehensive information on active ingredients for the control of crop pests in the world. Completely revised and updated, with information supplied by manufacturing companies worldwide, the latest edition contains 30 new entries including more than 20 new synthetic molecules. It also features 1,436 profiles and lists over 2,600 products.

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