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      • XO Editions - OH ! Editions

        Publication of works geared toward a mass-market audience An intentionally small number of titles (15 to 20 titles per year) so as to give a maximum of attention and means to each work and thus optimise their sales potential, both in France and abroad. An ambitious strategy aiming to discover new talent and put French authors back at the top of bestseller lists around the world. In 20 years: 421 titles published, 302 made it on the best-seller lists, 250 have been widely sold abroad.

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        Social & political philosophy
        July 2016

        Karl Polanyi

        The Hungarian writings

        by Edited by Gareth Dale

        This is the first work to offer a collection of Polanyi's texts never before published in English. The book presents articles, papers, lectures, speeches, notes, and draft manuscripts, mostly written between 1907 and 1923, with the exception of a few later texts. Organised thematically around religion, ethics, ideology, world politics and Hungarian politics, the topics include contemporary thinkers, the Galilei Circle, the Tisza government, the Aster and the Bolshevik Revolutions, the Councils Republic, the Radical Citizens' Party, Hungarian democracy, the national question, political conviction, fatalism, British socialism, political theory and violence, and more. Each section includes a discussion of the political and intellectual contexts in which the texts were written. Karl Polanyi: The Hungarian writings is an outstanding and essential resource that brings to light for the first time the works of a key thinker who is relevant to today's study of globalisation, neoliberalism, social movements, and international social policy.

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        September 2023

        Planet. Ein Liebeslied an unsere Erde

        by Deniz Jaspersen, Gareth Ryans, Julia Wenzel

        Das Buch zum Song von Unter meinem Bett. »Mach mal lauter, lass mal gucken!« Ganz genau: Dies ist das Bilderbuch zu dem Song Planet von Singer-Songwriter Deniz Jaspersen. Deniz kennt ihr bestimmt von Deniz und Ove und Unter meinem Bett, der coolen Kindermusik mit tollen Kinderliedern, die auch Erwachsene mögen. Darin singt er über unseren Planeten, die Erde: »Viel zu viele Menschen nehmen dich für selbstverständlich«. Dabei lieben wir doch alle unseren blauen Planeten, besonders die Jüngeren, weshalb Natur- und Umweltschutz auch schon für Kinder ein Thema ist, das sie beschäftigt. Das Buch Planet ist eine wunderbare Reise um die Erde, die Kindern nahe bringt, wie schön und wertvoll sie ist. Große atmosphärische Illustrationen, mit ein paar Figuren, die ihr vielleicht von den UMB-Alben kennt, machen es zu einem Liebeslied an die Erde. Es lädt zum Mitsingen, Träumen und miteinander Reden ein. Alle mal herhören: Schütze mit Deniz unseren Planeten. Für alle, die den Song Planet von Deniz Jaspersen (Herrenmagazin) feiern. Bekannt aus der coolen Kindermusik-Reihe Unter meinem Bett. Sensibilisiert liebevoll und kindgerecht für Umweltzerstörung und Klimawandel. Text von Deniz Jaspersen und großformatig sowie detailverliebt illustriert von Gareth Ryans. Als Fans der Unter meinem Bett-Alben werdet ihr in den Illustrationen sicher ein paar Figuren wiedererkennen.

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        Agricultural science
        April 1998

        Lupins as Crop Plants

        Biology, Production and Utilization

        by Edited by J S Gladstones, C Atkins, John Hamblin

        Lupins have until recently remained wild or semi-domesticated species of minor interest to agriculture, although their value as a rotation crop was noted 2,000 years ago. However, with the advent of the science of genetics in the early twentieth century, full domestication of Lupinus species for use as crops was begun, by the combination of favourable genes such as those for low alkaloid content, non-shattering pods and soft seeds. As a result several lupin species have become an important part of temperate farming systems as a high protein crop for both animal and human consumption. This book gives an authoritative account of the history, distribution and taxonomy of Lupinus species and the current knowledge of all aspects of their agronomy and impact on agriculture, including breeding, genetics and biotechnology, nutrition, nitrogen fixation, transport physiology, toxins, stress responses, pests and diseases, agronomy and farming systems, composition and food uses, economic value and trade. Contributions are made by researchers in Australia and Europe who have had key roles in lupin research. The book is essential reading for botanists, agronomists, plant breeders and geneticists involved with lupins and other grain legumes or with an interest in crop domestication and evolution. It also provides important information for lecturers and students of agriculture and for professionals in the livestock and food industries.

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        Animal behaviour
        June 2014

        Livestock Handling and Transport

        by Edited by Temple Grandin

        Edited by world-renowned animal scientist Dr. Temple Grandin, this practical book integrates scientific research and industry literature on cattle, pigs, poultry, sheep, goats, deer, and horses, in both the developed and developing world, to provide a practical guide to humane handling and minimizing animal stress. Reviewing the latest research on transport systems, restraint methods and facilities for farms and slaughterhouses, this fully updated fourth edition of Livestock Handling and Transport includes new coverage of animal handling in South America, and reviews extensive new research on pig transportation in North America.

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        November 2018

        Spielarten der Bezugnahme

        by Gareth Evans, John McDowell, Joachim Schulte, Catrin Misselhorn, Ulrike Ramming

        Gareth Evans, einer der brillantesten Philosophen seiner Generation, starb 1980 im Alter von nur 34 Jahren. In seinem unvollendeten Meisterwerk Die Vielfalt der Referenz entwickelt Evans im Ausgang von Frege und Russell eine Theorie des Bezugs und der Bezugnahme im Rahmen einer umfassenderen Theorie des Verstehens und Denkens. John McDowell hat das Manuskript nach Evans' Tod für die Publikation vorbereitet und mit einem Vorwort versehen. Nun ist es erstmals in deutscher Übersetzung zu entdecken: ein Meilenstein der jüngeren Philosophiegeschichte!

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        Pharmaceutical industries
        November 2009

        Pesticide Manual, 15th edition

        A World Compendium

        by Edited by Clive D S Tomlin

        The fifteenth edition of The Pesticide Manual provides the most comprehensive information on active ingredients for the control of crop pests in the world. Completely revised and updated, with information supplied by manufacturing companies worldwide, the latest edition contains 30 new entries including more than 20 new synthetic molecules. It also features 1,436 profiles and lists over 2,600 products.

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        Pharmaceutical industries
        November 2009

        Manual of Biocontrol Agents, 4th edition

        A World Compendium

        by Edited by Leonard G Copping

        Completely revised and updated, this edition of The Manual of Biocontrol Agents contains 452 detailed entries of biocontrol agents used in the production of 2,000 commercial products. It includes: 149 micro-organisms 89 natural products 140 macro-organisms 74 semiochemicals Although different in style, this publication is complementary to The Pesticide Manual now in its 15th edition and where appropriate entries are cross referenced. All those involved in the practice, administration, regulation of or educational fields in organic or conventional crop protection and environmental safety will find this a definitive source of global biocontrol information.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2003

        Intellectual Property Rights in Agricultural Biotechnology, 2nd Edition

        by Edited by Frederic H Erbisch, Karim M Maredia

        During the past twenty-five years, biotechnology has revolutionized agricultural research. The enormous potential, together with a landmark decision by the US Supreme Court to allow the patenting of genetically-engineered organisms has encouraged private sector companies to invest in agricultural biotechnology research programmes. This has contributed to a rapid growth in interest in intellectual property rights as applied to this subject.The first edition of this book was published in 1998. Now fully revised and updated it presents definitive information on intellectual property law in a simplified form (with a minimum of legal jargon). New chapters have been added which cover plant variety protection and farmers rights, and additional case studies.

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        September 1997

        Common Agricultural Policy, 2nd Edition

        by Edited by Christopher Ritson, David R Harvey

        The first edition of this book, published in 1991 with the title The Common Agricultural Policy and the World Economy, was well received as a timely analysis of this fast-moving but important subject. However, several major developments, such as general CAP reform, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), expansion of the European Union, and relationships with eastern Europe, have justified the need for a new edition. As a result, the book has been thoroughly updated, with some completely new chapters added and others replaced. It has also be rewritten with a greater emphasis on the needs of students for a well-integrated, comprehensive textbook.

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        January 1999

        CAB Thesaurus (Alphabetical)

        by Edited by CABI

        The essential search tool for all users of the CAB ABSTRACTS™, Global Health and AGRICOLA databases and related products. The CAB Thesaurus is not only an invaluable aid for database users but it has many potential uses by individuals and organizations indexing their own information resources for both internal use and on the Internet. Its strengths include: Controlled vocabulary that has been in constant use since 1984 Broad coverage of pure and applied life sciences, technology and social sciences Approximately 59,000 terms Specific terminology for all subjects covered Includes thousands of plant, animal and microorganism names Broad, narrow and related terms to help users find relevant terminology Cross-references from non-preferred synonyms to preferred terms American and British spelling variants Relevant CAS registry numbers International Union of Biochemistry Commission notation for enzymes Choice of alphabetical or classified displays The CAB Thesaurus is available as a 2-volume printed edition (5th edition, 1999, comprising an alphabetical listing and a supplementary classified section) and in electronic format.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1999

        CAB Thesaurus (Classified section)

        by Edited by CABI

        The essential search tool for all users of the CAB ABSTRACTS™, Global Health and AGRICOLA databases and related products. The CAB Thesaurus is not only an invaluable aid for database users but it has many potential uses by individuals and organizations indexing their own information resources for both internal use and on the Internet. Its strengths include: Controlled vocabulary that has been in constant use since 1984 Broad coverage of pure and applied life sciences, technology and social sciences Approximately 59,000 terms Specific terminology for all subjects covered Includes thousands of plant, animal and microorganism names Broad, narrow and related terms to help users find relevant terminology Cross-references from non-preferred synonyms to preferred terms American and British spelling variants Relevant CAS registry numbers International Union of Biochemistry Commission notation for enzymes Choice of alphabetical or classified displays The CAB Thesaurus is available as a 2-volume printed edition (5th edition, 1999, comprising an alphabetical listing and a supplementary classified section) and in electronic format.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1999

        CAB Thesaurus (Complete set)

        by Edited by CABI

        The essential search tool for all users of the CAB ABSTRACTS™, Global Health and AGRICOLA databases and related products. The CAB Thesaurus is not only an invaluable aid for database users but it has many potential uses by individuals and organizations indexing their own information resources for both internal use and on the Internet. Its strengths include: Controlled vocabulary that has been in constant use since 1984 Broad coverage of pure and applied life sciences, technology and social sciences Approximately 59,000 terms Specific terminology for all subjects covered Includes thousands of plant, animal and microorganism names Broad, narrow and related terms to help users find relevant terminology Cross-references from non-preferred synonyms to preferred terms American and British spelling variants Relevant CAS registry numbers International Union of Biochemistry Commission notation for enzymes Choice of alphabetical or classified displays The CAB Thesaurus is available as a 2-volume printed edition (5th edition, 1999, comprising an alphabetical listing and a supplementary classified section) and in electronic format.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2021

        Chosen peoples

        The Bible, race and empire in the long nineteenth century

        by Gareth Atkins, Shinjini Das, Brian Murray

        Chosen peoples demonstrates how biblical themes, ideas and metaphors shaped racial, national and imperial identities in the long nineteenth century. Even as radical new ideas challenged the historicity of the Bible, biblical notions of lineage, descent and inheritance continued to inform understandings of race, nation and empire. European settler movements portrayed 'new' territories across the seas as lands of Canaan, but if many colonised and conquered peoples resisted the imposition of biblical narratives, they also appropriated biblical tropes to their own ends. These innovative case-studies throw new light on familiar areas such as slavery, colonialism and the missionary project, while forging exciting cross-comparisons between race, identity and the politics of biblical translation and interpretation in South Africa, Egypt, Australia, America and Ireland.

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        Botany & plant sciences
        November 2010

        GM Crop Manual, 1st edition

        A World Compendium

        by Edited by Leonard G Copping

        This new book outlines all the GM products that are currently available to growers and provides a snapshot of the world of GM crops as of October 2010. This field of crop technology is developing very rapidly especially in Africa, Asia and South America.

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        Non-graphic art forms
        May 2012

        The 'do-it-yourself' artwork

        Participation from Fluxus to New Media

        by Edited by Anna Dezeuze

        Viewers of contemporary art are often invited to involve themselves actively in artworks, by entering installations, touching objects, performing instructions or clicking on interactive websites. Why have artists sought to engage spectators in these new forms of participation? In what ways does active participation affect the viewer's experience and the status of the artwork? Spanning a range of practices including kinetic art, happenings, environments, performance, installations, relational and new media art from the 1950s to the present, this critical anthology sheds light on the history and specificity of artworks that only come to life when you - the viewer - are invited to 'do it yourself.' Rather than a specialist topic in the history of twentieth- and twenty-first century art, the 'do-it-yourself' artwork raises broader issues concerning the role of the viewer in art, the status of the artwork and the socio-political relations between art and its contexts.

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