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      • Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

        La editorial de la UNC fue concebida como un emprendimiento de promoción en la difusión de obras científicas, artísticas y literarias de profesores e investigadores de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina); cuyas contribuciones a la construcción del conocimiento y discusiones intelectuales de ideas, sigue vigente en la actualidad. Está estructurado en nueve colecciones que abarcan diferentes temáticas y áreas de conocimiento: Reforma, Sociedad, Estado, Política, Formas, Divulgación, Ciencia, Institucional, Ensayo. La selección de los títulos presentados para publicación, es ejecutada por profesores e investigadores de la UNC y otras universidades. El programa editorial también incluye coediciones de obras de interés para la comunidad académica y la sociedad en general. La casa de edición de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba se estableció en 2007 y su objetivo es ser un respaldo para la comunidad universitaria, un registro de trabajos académicos recientes y una memoria del campo intelectual. Además, aspira a poner a disposición del público universitario más amplio los libros y contribuir a los debates más significativos de nuestro tiempo.

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      • Ediciones Uniandes / Universidad de los Andes

        Ediciones Uniandes, Universidad de los Andes’s press, in Bogotá, Colombia, publishes scholarly books and music CDs, thus making available the research and arts production of professors and researchers within the university. Our aim is to consolidate a rigorous catalog with high academic and editorial standards, and to publish relevant titles while promoting collaboration with other key institutions, both in Colombia and abroad, and intercultural exchange; we also support editorial policies such as open access. Our catalog includes a wide range of topics with special emphasis on Social Sciences, Humanities and Law, but also Economics, Sciences, Management, Architecture, Design, and Medicine.

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        by Rachele Sciortino

        From the Alps to the slopes of the mountains, to the rocky Karst all the way to the insular Italy; all over the country there were tears and blood. Italy has entirely been traveled, shaken, bombed, leaving thousands dead. Destroyed lives and lost dignity in the lagers. The war spread under the blue roof of the world. Several years later, after urban reconstructions, a new and better education for our children and oblivion of all the pain, the echoes of moaning have returned. The majority of italians are strangled by a blind politics. They complain of an environmental and moral degradation, of a thoughtless immigration. The humanism and the respect for others have been neglected.

      • J

        by Daniele Begato

        John and Jennifer met by chance and – as often happens in unexpected events – fell in love when their lives were taking different paths: John’s imminent departure for South Korea, where he will be busy for six months digging for tarbosaurus fossils, will keep them apart for a long time and risk extinguishing that newborn love. The promise to write to each other with constancy seals the last moment of the two young people, who are separating unaware of the (dis)adventures that await them: upon arrival in Korea, John will be welcomed in a sui generis hotel, run by a couple who hides an incredible mystery, while Jennifer – convinced that spending her life in Detroit will keep her safe from any danger – will soon have to change her mind. As if that weren’t enough, terrible winds of war shake the Earth…A novel that cleverly mixes poetry and irony, delighting the reader with cultured references and pop quotes, given naturally by characters as unlikely as they are difficult to forget.Original and exciting, “J” can give moments of pure fun and moments of intense lyricism.

      • Christian life & practice

        As the Father Sent Me, So I Send You

        Theology and Spirituality of Priestly Apostolic Ministry

        by Ángel Cordovilla

        This work, halfway between the personal testimony and the theological reflection, is divided into three parts. The first displays the historical and cultural situation that has provoked a radical change in the way of perceiving and understanding priestly ministry. The second identifies four features that may enlighten nowadays the image and mission of the priest: the disciple, apostolic, fraternal, and secular dimensions. The third part deepens into the basic tasks of his mission –the preaching of the Gospel, the sanctification by way of the sacramental and liturgical action, and the guidance of God’s people–, without forgetting that the criterion that must guide and feed the apostolic existence is the daily practice of the ministry, the true and proper way to holiness.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2019


        by Adauto Novates (editor)

        The eleventh book in the series Mutations, Dissonances of progress discusses how the progress of technology brought undeniable benefits to humanity – such as advances in medicine and communication –, improving our daily life. On the other hand, it brought speed and superficiality to the relations of the human being with its surroundings, and degraded several aspects of current life with the exacerbation of individualism, the substitution of moral values, the overestimation of religious beliefs, the economy as the utmost referential of life in common, the knowledge of specialists to the detriment of thinkers. The essays in this volume analyze this situation and indicate paths for reflection.

      • Health & Personal Development
        January 2016

        Ya no te aguanto

        Como mejorar la relacion con tus hijos adolescentes

        by Edouard Atangana, PhD

        The book is a practical guide for parents with adolescents children. It helps parents manage their relationship with their teenage children through the tumultous years of adolescence.

      • April 2020

        Engaging in Transnational Education

        by Mpamhanga, Karen

        A clear and concise introduction to transnational higher education, drawing on research, current sector guidance and policy.

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