Roseway Publishing
Livres Canada Books
View Rights PortalThe Bruno Dorn Verlag is publishing extraordinary and high quality art books and catalogues since 1996. In collaboration with artists*, museums or other art institutions, BDV is creating very special books that open up whole new creative worlds. Since 2007, the BDV is publishing the art magazine seen, a completely new and compact format to present new, emerging and interesting artists. Der Bruno Dorn Verlag zeichnet sich seit 1996 durch Künstlerbücher und Kataloge von höchster Qualität und Kreativität aus. In Zusammenarbeit mit Künstler*innen und oft in Kooperation mit Museen oder anderen Kunstinstitutionen entstehen im BDV Bücher, die den Zeitgeist einfangen und zum Verweilen einladen. Seit 2007 gibt es mit dem Kunstmagazin seen ein neues Format, zu dem der Verlag in unregelmäßigen Abständen Künstlerinnen und Künstler einlädt.
View Rights PortalCe livre analyse le changement systémique post-socialiste en République de Moldavie. Il mobilise la problématique du capital social, au sens de Pierre Bourdieu, afin d’analyser la diversité de stratégies et de trajectoires des « intellectuels », tels que définis au sein de la société moldave de type soviétique, dans le post-socialisme. S’appuyant sur les résultats de deux enquêtes de terrain, ce travail met en avant l’idée que cette diversité peut dégager les traits caractéristiques du capitalisme post-socialiste moldave. Il rompt ainsi avec une vision téléologique et universaliste d’un système pour le penser selon ses propres particularités institutionnelles, historiques, politiques, culturelles. S’inscrivant dans une démarche socio-historique et conjuguant différents champs des sciences sociales, cette recherche apporte une lecture comparative entre la trajectoire de ces « intellectuels » de 1980 à 2000, période couvrant trois régimes spécifiques d’accumulation : un propre à la fin du système socialiste de type traditionnel, un autre propre au système socialiste réformateur et un troisième relevant du système post-socialiste moldave. Elle montre que les tensions engendrées par les différents régimes d’allocation et de distribution des ressources peuvent être régulées par le volume du capital social accumulé par les individus. La problématique du capital social apparaît ainsi centrale, permettant de voir comment s’articulent la dynamique institutionnelle et l’action sociale.
Nigeria faces great political challenges as it prepares for its third successive multiparty elections, scheduled for April 2007. This report was commissioned as part of the project on Political Transitions in Africa, managed by Dorina Bekoe, at the United States Institute of Peace
Ethiopia’s domestic politics have produced violence and continuing tension over the past two years. The deep shortcomings in the country’s democratization and state-building processes may remain unresolved as the worsening instability of the region takes precedence. This report was commissioned as part of the Political Transitions in Africa project managed by Dorina Bekoe at the United States Institute of Peace.
Nine contributors offer pioneering work on the scope and nature of electoral violence in Africa; investigate the forms electoral violence takes; and analyze the factors that precipitate, reduce, and prevent violence. The book breaks new ground with findings from the only known dataset of electoral violence in sub-Saharan Africa, spanning 1990 to 2008. Specific case studies of electoral violence in countries such as Ghana, Kenya, and Nigeria provide the context to further understanding the circumstances under which electoral violence takes place, recedes, or recurs.
Damit hat die Kunststudentin Pia nicht gerechnet. Ausgerechnet die Abschlussarbeit für ihren Kurs, ein Stillleben, wird beim Trocknen von einem streunenden Kater mit Farben bekleckert. Und sie hat keine Zeit mehr, es neu zu malen. Natürlich fällt Pias Bild damit durch. Allerdings - schlecht sieht das Bild trotz der Pfotenspuren nicht aus. Eigentlich sogar recht gut, wie ihre Zufallsbekanntschaft Keno findet. Er sorgt dafür, dass Pias Bild in einer Galerie landet. Und die Käufer sind seiner Meinung. Sie wollen mehr davon. Pia muss ihr Leben neu sortieren. Passen der Kater Pikatzo, eine erfolgreiche Jungkünstlerin und ein Sportstudent tatsächlich zusammen?
Dorina's father had been an industrialist, an inventor and a genius who trained her to be his heir, sending her abroad to learn many languages. While she was in France she learned that he had died, and she must now take over his business. But she does not feel ready, especially as she knows he has been trying to design a horseless carriage. For a while she keeps his death a secret, to give herself time to learn, and goes to work for his great rival, the Earl of Kennington. He is younger than she had expected, and much better looking. Working closely with him, and living in his house, she finds herself drawn to him. Then she learns that he too is designing a horseless carriage and realises that they are in direct competition. What will he say when he discovers her true identity? As she fears, he is bitterly hurt and angry. How they competed in a daredevil race, and what the Prince of Wales did to bring them together is told in this romantic novel.
Four years before his death in 1996, National Artist for Film Ishmael Bernal started writing a journal for what he envisioned is a unique biography that would tell all. The goal was an anti-biography that refused to be hagiography or tribute, and instead would be Bernal unexpurgated and uncensored. His biographer was his closest friend and constant collaborator, Jorge Arago, who worked on Pro Bernal Anti Bio until his death in 2011. He then passed the task of completing the book to his friend, Angela Stuart-Santiago. Working towards the goal of a tell-all, and with new research and additional interviews, the final product is a memoir unlike any other in the Philippines. Pro Bernal Anti Bio brings in a cast of actors, scholars, colleagues, and peers who speak from the margins of the book, while Bernal and Arago tell this personal-political history in their own words, sometimes gay, often irreverent, but always revealing an intellect and spirit that was ahead of its time.