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      • Gerstenberg Verlag GmbH & Co. KG

        The Publishing House and its History Established in St. Petersburg in 1792, today Gerstenberg is one of Germany’s oldest publishing houses. A family business, the publishing house moved to new headquarters in Hildesheim in 1796 and to this day occupies the same address in the old city marketplace as it did then. The most important branch of the publishing business, however, was the Hildesheimer Allgemeine Zeitung, which, incidentally, is the oldest daily newspaper still in existence in Germany. Today, the name of Gerstenberg is synonymous with delightful, innovative books of aesthetic design and high-quality content for children and young adults that compete very successfully also on the international market. An adult range comprising illustrated books, non-fiction and cookery books also forms part of the Gerstenberg portfolio.   Program Gerstenberg publishes board picture books, picture books, children’s and young adult narrative literature and non-fiction. With Eric Carle’s »The Very Hungry Caterpillar« (»Die kleine Raupe Nimmersatt«) and Rotraut Susanne Berner’s ›discovery picture books‹ (›Wimmelbücher‹), Gerstenberg became one of the best-known children’s book publishers. In 1999, the anthology of poetry »Dunkel war’s, der Mond schien helle«, came out as the first in Gerstenberg’s series of household compendiums, a segment that has since developed into a main pillar of the program. The publishing house has brought out some highly respected developments of its own in the children’s knowledge-book series ›Abenteuer! Maja Nielsen erzählt‹.

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      • Boslen LLC Publishing House

        BOSLEN is independent publishing house. It has existed since 2002. Our publishing house is distinguished by a special attitude to the level of printing of the book, the search for new forms and design solutions, the desire for technological innovation, enthusiasm and a wide sphere of creative interests. We believe that simply compiled information, that is, a book without a publishing idea, which the designer, editor and the whole team embody, is comparable to performing an orchestra without a conductor: it has all the necessary instruments, but there is no agreement between them, nothing binds them. We are engaged in an experimental book, that is, editions that we design from idea to circulation, together with the authors and the entire project team. The slogan of our publishing house is "The Union of Letters and Creativity"

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      • Trusted Partner
        October 1978

        Der Unerbittlichkeitsstil

        Rede zum 100. Geburtstag von Robert Walser

        by Martin Walser

        Martin Walser wurde am 24. März 1927 in Wasserburg am Bodensee geboren. Nach seinem Arbeitsdienst erlebte er das Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges von 1944 bis 1945 als Soldat der Wehrmacht. Nach Kriegsende machte er 1946 in Lindau am Bodensee-Gymnasium das Abitur und studierte an den Universitäten Regensburg und Tübingen Literaturwissenschaft, Geschichte und Philosophie. Mit einer Dissertation zu Franz Kafka wurde er 1951 in Tübingen promoviert. Von 1949 bis 57 arbeitete er beim Süddeutschen Rundfunk. In dieser Zeit unternahm er Reisen für Funk und Fernsehen nach Italien, Frankreich, England, CSSR und Polen und schrieb erste Hörspiele.1950 heiratete er Katharina Neuner-Jehle. Aus dieser Ehe gingen die Töchter Franziska, Alissa, Johanna und Theresia hervor. Seit 1953 wurde Walser regelmäßig zu den Tagungen der Gruppe 47 eingeladen, die ihn 1955 für die Erzählung Templones Ende auszeichnete. Sein erster Roman Ehen in Philippsburg erschien 1957 und wurde ein großer Erfolg. Walser lebte von da an mit seiner Familie als freier Schriftsteller erst in Friedrichshafen und dann in Nußdorf am Bodensee.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2024

        Geoffrey Hill and the ends of poetry

        by Tom Docherty

        The idea of the end is an essential motivic force in the poetry of Geoffrey Hill (1932-2016). This book shows that Hill's poems are characteristically 'end-directed'. They tend towards consummations of all kinds: from the marriages of meanings in puns, or of words in repeating figures and rhymes, to syntactical and formal finalities. The recognition of failure to reach such ends provides its own impetus to Hill's poetry. This is the first book on Hill to take account of his last works. It is a significant contribution to the study of Hill's poems, offering a new thematic reading of his entire body of work. By using Hill's work as an example, the book also touches on questions of poetry's ultimate value: what are its ends and where does it wish to end up?

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2005

        Graham Swift

        by Daniel Lea, Susan Williams

        This book offers an accessible critical introduction to the work of Graham Swift, one of Britain's most significant contemporary authors. Through detailed readings of his novels and short stories from 'The Sweet Shop Owner' (1980) to 'The Light of Day' (2003), Daniel Lea lucidly addresses the key themes of history, loss, masculinity and ethical redemption, to present a fresh approach to Swift. This study proposes that one of the side-effects of modernity has been the destruction of traditional pathways of self and collective belief, leading to a loss of understanding between individuals about their duties to each other and to society. Swift's writing returns repeatedly to the question of what we can believe in when all the established markers of identity - family, community, gender, profession, history - have become destabilised. Lea suggests that Swift increasingly moves towards a notion of redemption through a lived ethical practice as the only means of finding solace in a world lacking a central symbolic authority. ;

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        November 1988

        Die politische Ontologie Martin Heideggers

        by Pierre Bourdieu, Bernd Schwibs

        Über das Verhältnis Martin Heideggers und dessen Philosophie zum Nationalsozialismus ist viel diskutiert worden. Das vorliegende Buch von Pierre Bourdieu ist ein Beitrag zu dieser Debatte – jedoch nicht durch den Nachweis philosophieexterner Bezüge zwischen NS-Politik und den Handlungen dieses Philosophen. Bourdieu geht es vielmehr um die Rekonstruktion sowohl der verschiedenen Varianten der Weltanschauung der »konservativen Revolutionäre« als auch der intellektuellen und sozialen Logik des philosophischen Feldes, auf dem sich die Überführung der völkischen Gesinnung in die existentielle Philosophie vollzieht. Erst dann kann man die politische Ontologie Martin Heideggers verstehen und bewerten.

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        January 2003

        Absolut Mann

        Fit bleiben und gut aussehen - die besten Strategien

        by Hesch, Rolf-Dieter; Bosch, Gerald

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        Zoology & animal sciences
        May 2021

        Nutrition and Feeding Organic Cattle

        by Robert Blair

        Organic cattle farming is on the increase, with consumer demand for organic milk and meat growing yearly. Beginning with an overview of the aims and principles behind organic cattle production, this book presents extensive information about how to feed cattle so that the milk and meat produced meet organic standards, and provides a comprehensive summary of ruminant digestive processes and nutrition. Since the publication of the first edition, global consumers have increasingly become concerned with the sustainability of meat production. Here, Robert Blair considers the interrelationships of sustainable practices and profitability of organic herds, reviewing how to improve forage production and quality, and minimizing the need for supplementary feeding using off-farm ingredients. This new edition also covers: - Managing a recurrent shortage of organic feed ingredients, due to increased GM feed crop cultivation worldwide - Current findings on appropriate breeds and grazing systems for forage-based organic production - Diet-related health issues in organic herds and the effects of organic production on meat and milk quality. Required reading for animal science researchers, advisory personnel that service the organic milk and beef industries and students interested in organic milk and meat production, this book is also a useful resource for organic farming associations, veterinarians, and feed and food industry personnel.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 1991

        Martin Walser liest »Die Verteidigung der Kindheit«

        Tonband-Kassette. 45 Minuten

        by Martin Walser

        Die Verteidigung der Kindheit. Ein Liebesroman also. Da die Welt für große Liebe nicht eingerichtet ist, bringt eine solche Liebe den Liebenden nicht das, was man Glück nennt. Schon gar nicht, wenn diese Liebe die eines Sohnes zu seiner Mutter ist. Alfred Dorn wehrt sich gegen das Leben, weil es zum Tod führt, gegen das Erwachsensein. Erwachsen werden, das hieße zugeben, daß man nicht geworden ist, was man werden wollte. Er war ja fast ein Wunderkind. Diese Liebes-Geschichte hört auch nach dem Tod der Mutter nicht auf. Jetzt muß Alfred Dorn erst recht die Kindheit verteidigen gegen Gegenwart und Zukunft, er will alles so festhalten, wie es wirklich gewesen ist. Er will retten: Sätze, Träume, Tage, Jahre; alles, was das Inferno des 13. Februar 1945 in Dresden übriggelassen hat; und alles, was die Mutter noch berührt hat, wird zum Heiligtum. Und weil dieser Roman einer großen Liebe von 1929 bis 1987 in Deutschland spielt und von Dresden über Leipzig nach Berlin und nach Wiesbaden führt, wird er unwillkürlich auch ein deutsches Epos dieser Zeit.

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