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View Rights PortalPublishing house from Spain working since 2015. We publish all kind of books and lately we are trying to improve our non-fiction line. Here we would like to show a very small sample of our books, for the complete catalogue, please visit us here. Open to new proposals, business and dreams.
View Rights PortalIn Babyn Jar, einer Schlucht bei Kiew, wurden Ende September 1941 mehr als 33 000 Kiewer Juden von den deutschen Einsatzgruppen, der Wehrmacht und lokalen Helfern erschossen. Das Hier und Jetzt jener endlosen Tage verwandelt die ukrainische Lyrikerin Marianna Kijanowska in eine nicht mehr weichende Gegenwart. Die 67 Gedichte ihres Zyklus, die »Stimmen«, sind fiktive Selbstaussagen von Kiewer Bürgern, die durch die Straßen getrieben wurden, aber auch von anderen, die am Fenster standen oder von ferne die Schüsse hörten. Das Buch ist in vieler Hinsicht einzigartig und wird Anlass zu Diskussionen geben. Der wohl bedeutsamste Aspekt: Eine nicht-jüdische Ukrainerin klagt und erinnert an die Kiewer Juden, deren Ermordung erst nach und nach den Platz in der Erinnerungskultur der heutigen Ukraine einnimmt. Ihr Gedichtzyklus ist ein Monument aus Stimmen – visionär und verfremdend zugleich.
Kejadian demi kejadian akibat daripada perbuatan pembuangan haram sisa toksik dan pembakaran terbuka hingga mendatangkan pencemaran alam sekitar mencemaskan dan mengundang kegusaran serta kemarahan ramai pihak. Konflik serangan binatang liar kekawasan perkampungan di sempadan pinggir hutan yang menyebabkan kerosakan harta benda seterusnya mengancam nyawa merupakan kesan daripada jenayah alam sekitar yang sewenang-wenangnya memusnahkan habitat hutan belantara, iaitu rumah kepada hidupan fauna itu sendiri. Bagi menjawab permasalahan ini, buku ini mengandungi maklumat tentang sebab, faktor dan langkah yang perlu dilakukan bagi menghalang kejadian tersebut berlaku.
Haiwan telah sekian lama hidup berdampingan dengan manusia di Alam Maya, sama ada dalam bentuk fizikal, simbolik dan metafora. Malahan, ikatan antara haiwan dan orang Melayu juga menjadi sebahagian daripada weltanschauung orang Melayu itu secara keseluruhannya. Penelitian diberikan khususnya kepada gajah, harimau, buaya dan kuda yang sememangnya mempunyai kaitan dengan ekonomi dan sosiobudaya orang Melayu.
Ancoats, in Manchester, was once unimaginably different. One of the world's earliest industrial suburbs, it was dark and dense, noisy, frenetic, violent and unhealthy. It was also vibrant and creative. It had a striking vapour, sound and feel. The area today has undergone a striking regeneration. New streets, pavements and civic spaces have been laid down. A series of installations, known as The Peeps, have been created for the area. Built into the fabric of the buildings, the brass peep holes offer a fleeting glimpse of a walled-in space, a tunnel, a disused toilet, a bell tower, a gauge. Dan Dubowitz, given the title of 'cultural masterplanner', records through photographs, interviews, commentary and contemporaneous texts, the recent past and the current regeneration of the suburb. It is a fascinating, beautifully illustrated and designed volume that eloquently depicts the common narrative of industrialisation, slow decay and rebirth.
Dan Pagis gilt als Klassiker der modernen hebräischen Literatur. Seine Gedichte werden auf deutsch und hebräisch wiedergegeben, in Auswahl und Übertragung von Tuvia Rübner, des langjährigen Freundes und Kollegen, selber ein bedeutender Lyriker in Israel.
In 2008, Manchester decided to embark on a counter-cyclical project, much as the city fathers had done in the last great recession, and invest significantly in two civic buildings, two buildings that were cornerstones of the making of the first modern industrialised city: Manchester Town Hall Extension and Manchester Central Library. Early on in this major redevelopment project, artists Dan Dubowitz and Alan Ward were given privileged and open access to witness this transformational period in the life of these two iconic buildings. Through large-format photographs and interviews taken and conducted over a period of eighteen months, they captured the moment when the city's citizens and workers had been locked out and the spaces were being stripped bare; revealing both a glimpse of what they had been and what they might become. The artwork provides insights on the reciprocal relationship between people and place, and reveals how the refurbishment of a building can go far beyond physical refurbishment, questioning the relationships between a city, its citizens and place.
Seit Hunderten von Jahren sind wir von der fixen Idee besessen, dass Spaß eine teure Sache sei. Wir arbeiten und arbeiten bis zur Erschöpfung, damit wir Dinge tun oder kaufen können, die uns Freude machen. Dass die schönsten Dinge im Leben häufig umsonst sind – das zeigt dieses Buch mit erfrischender Leichtigkeit. Tom Hodgkinson und Dan Kieran stellen hundert dieser müßigen Vergnügungen vor wie etwa „Mit kleinen Kindern spazieren gehen“ oder „Warten, dass der Tee zieht“. Das Buch der hundert Vergnügungen ist eine charmante Fibel über das leichte, unbeschwerte Leben und das perfekte Geschenk für jeden Müßiggänger.
The poems in The Voices of Babyn Yar convey the experiences and emotions of ordinary people going through the tragic events of Babyn Yar massacre in Kyiv. Conceived as a tribute to the dead, the book raises difficult questions about memory, responsibility, and commemoration of those who had witnessed the horrors of human suffering. The book is illustrated by sketches of the Ukrainian artists Ada Rybachuk and Volodymyr Melnychenko. The same sketches were used for the construction of the monument commemorating the victims of Babyn Yar. The works of the artist Zinoviy Tolkachov "Talescoten", series "Majdanek", 1944, as well as a photo of Dmytro Peysakhov from the series "Babyn Yar" are also used in the publication.
Andalusia reached the peak of the glory of Islamic art civilization with the construction of the Alhambra palace in Granada during the reign of the Nasriyyah kingdom. The rulers of the Christian kingdom always attacked the Islamic kingdom in order to take back the colonies that were occupied by Islam and then eliminate Islam. The Christian dream of seeing the Islamic rule wiped out in Andalusia was successfully fulfilled by Queen Isabella and her husband, King Ferdinand when they conquered Granada, the last stronghold of the Muslims. Abu Abdullah became the last Muslim ruler in Andalusia when he was forced to surrender Granada to the hands of Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand. When leaving Granada, she shed tears until her mother said, "Don't cry like a woman for something you can't stand like a man.
Enrique from Malacca is a man of Malay descent who participated in Ferdinand Magellan's voyage around the world. Enrique became a slave of the Portuguese explorer, Ferdinand Magellan in 1511 at the age of 14 when the Portuguese colonized Malacca. Enrique is documented to have traveled with Magellan from Malacca to Cebu in two segments, namely from Malacca to Portugal in 1511, and from Spain to Cebu from 1519 to 1521. Enrique's name is recorded in the list of names of the main crew in the voyage to the Moluccas led by Magellan, which is Trinidad.Some historians argue that it is possible that Enrique was the first person to circumnavigate the globe and return to his starting point. However, there are no records or sources to confirm this. Is it true that Enrique was the first Malay to circumnavigate the world?
Tok Bah memelihara pelbagai jenis haiwan ternakan. Haiwan-haiwan itu ibarat kawan kepada Tok Bah. Suatu hari, Tok Bah dapati tiada satu pun haiwan di kandang dan reban. Maka bermulalah pencarian Tok Bah terhadap kawan-kawannya itu.
The Beauty of Malaysian Songket (Keindahan Kain Tenun Songket Malaysia) is one of the publications created by The National Department for Arts and Culture in 2022. This exclusive publication on Malaysian songket encompasses bilingual documented material in both Malay and English that will fulfill the needs of a diverse audience. It also incorporates augmented reality (AR) technology, which will be a pioneering feat and will set a new benchmark for future academic publications. Prof Norwani Md. Nawawi, the author of the book, conducted thorough research involving many of the main songket figures in Terengganu, Kelantan, Pahang, Melaka, Johor and Sarawak. It is hoped that the publication of this book will add to the references on artistic cultural heritage and at the same time provide a clear testament that songket is a treasure of national heritage that should remain as one of the catalysts for national civilisation.
Un ours dans mon lit et un chacal dans mon four De drôles d’aventures d’un zoologue de la vie sauvage israélien par Avinoam Lourie et Cissy Shapiro Combien de personnes peuvent se vanter d’avoir eu un ours syrien dans leur lit ? Ou d’avoir réchauffé un chacal dans leur four ? D’avoir été chargé par les cornes d’un chevreuil jaloux ? D’avoir été attaqué par un tigre ? Ou encore de voir des singes se balancer du lustre de leur salon ? Et d’avoir égaré un serpent dans un avion ? Ce sont quelques unes des expériences passionnées, amusantes et éducatives qu’a vécues, avec une variété d’animaux sauvages exotiques, le zoologue israélien Avinoam Lourie, ainsi que les membres de sa famille. Il les raconte avec enthousiasme et humour, de sa manière spirituelle et la sagesse bien connues qui captivent ses lecteurs. Avinoam Lourie a participé à amener en Israël plusieurs espèces en danger ; il s’est vu décerner la Médaille d’Honneur du Président de l’Etat d’Israël et il a été sélectionné comme l’un des « 100 Notables de la Ville » de Haïfa. « Ayant accompagné Avi sur le terrain quand il apprenait à de nouvelles générations d’israéliens à connaître leurs écosystèmes natifs, c’est une joie de partager le drame, l’humour, et les dessous refermés dans ce recueil fascinant », Sneed Collard III, auteur et éditeur, habitant à Missoula, au Montana, lauréat du Prix des œuvres non fictionnelles de la Guilde du livre d’enfants du Washington Post. « Beaucoup de nos amis avaient des chiens, des chats et autres animaux domestiques, mais aucun n’a vu son père rentrer à la maison avec un tigre, un ours ou même un singe, comme cela arrivait chez nous ! », Dr Barak Lourie (le fils cadet d’Avinoam), de Haïfa, Israël. « Il m’a appris que les animaux sont juste comme les personnes : conduisez-vous bien vis-à-vis d’eux et ils vous traiteront de même » résumé du message d’Avinoam par un de ses étudiants à la classe de 4ème de l’école secondaire de Vie naturelle et d’écologie de premier cycle de Green Bay, au Wisconsin.
In Doing Good Deeds: Chinese Stories from Famous Paintings is set against the backdrop of Wang Ximeng's masterpiece "A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains" of the Northern Song dynasty. Adapted from the traditional folk tale "Fan Dan Asks the Buddha," it follows Fan Dan's journey to change his own impoverished fate by seeking out immortals in the deep mountains. Along the way, he meets a ministry councillor wishing for his mute daughter to speak, a tortoise longing to be a dragon, and a landlord aspiring to become a deity, all seeking answers about their destinies from the immortal. As Fan Dan meets the immortals and inquires about others' fates, he cannot inquire about his own. On his journey back, each person realizes their good fortune, offering Fan Dan generous rewards in return. The story embodies the simple wisdom of ancient Chinese people, allowing children to immerse themselves in traditional Chinese culture and appreciate the magnificence of nature, the wisdom of humanity, and the depth of art.