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      • Reimheim Verlag Thorsten Zeller

        Home to poetry slammers / stage poets and their stages-texts as well as novels / fictional works. What have all our authors in common? They can perform on stages what make every reading quite entertaining. When a stage-experienced actor and poetry slammer writes a dragon-novel for yound readers / listeners, then it's beatuful to read, listen and his readings are always fascinating. That way, the young dragon Fionrir, princess Quirina and their most unusual pack gained a intensely interacting fanbase. As the other stage-performers do.

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      • Dalcò Edizioni S.r.l. / DE Publishing

        Dalcò Edizioni is an independent publishing house based in Parma, Milano and New York. For over twenty years we have been specialized in gastronomic and lifestyle books, which we publish with the Food Editore brand. As a packager we design and create general non-fiction and illustrated books for children with a strong educational component. All our projects are designed both for the Italian and international market.   Visit to discover more or contact us:

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      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        November 2020

        Tourism in Development: Reflective Essays

        by Peter U C Dieke, Brian E M King, Richard Sharpley, Ali Thompson

        This book: - comprises reflective essays written by internationally-ranked scholars and tourism consultants with extensive experience, particularly in the developing world countries - considers extant themes, issues and challenges related to tourism and development - offers a critical and contemporary perspective on tourism's significance and role in development.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        January 2018

        Special Interest Tourism

        Concepts, Contexts and Cases

        by Carol Southall, Lynn Minnaert, Nazia Ali, Ade Oriade, Allan Watson, Glen Croy, Ralf C Buckley, Dallen J Timothy, Steven Rhoden, Alison Caffyn, Richard Benfield, Cheng-Fei Lee, Sheela Agarwal, Graham Busby, Rong Huang

        Special interest tourism is growing rapidly due to a discerning and heterogeneous travel market and the demand for more focused activity or interest-based tourism experiences. This book approaches the topic from the perspective of both supply and demand, and addresses the complexities now inherent in this area of tourism. It presents a contextualised overview of contemporary academic research, concepts, principles and industry-based practice insights, and also considers the future of special interest tourism in light of the emergence of ethical consumerism. With a clear, user-friendly structure, the book: -Links theoretical frameworks to clear practical applications. -Reviews key emerging issues for tourism relating to families and faith, the performing arts, active and passive pursuits, therapeutic leisure and travelling. -Includes contributions and case studies from international academics and practitioners to give a truly global overview. Sometimes referred to as niche or contemporary tourism, this book provides a complete introduction to the study of special interest tourism for students.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        Small Animal Veterinary Psychiatry

        by Sagi Denenberg, Ali Thompson

        Problem behaviours are often the result of how an animal thinks and feels, genetics, and environmental influences. Steering away from just description diagnoses and focusing instead on emotional and cognitive causes, this book provides a practical approach to diagnosing, treating, and managing behaviour pathologies in dogs and cats. Beginning by addressing cases in the first opinion practice, this book then considers physical disorders that may lead to or exacerbate abnormal behavior. From there, the focus shifts to mental and emotional health, from an assessment of normal behavior and giving juveniles an optimal start in life, to diagnosing mental and emotional disorders, addressing emotions such as anxiety and frustration, and how to manage these issues - by modifying behavior, managing the animal's environment, training, and, when necessary, the use of medications. The second half of the book then addresses owner concerns, including management problems, aggression, affective disorder, elimination disorder, abnormal and repetitive behaviours and ageing-related problems. With an emphasis on helping first line veterinarians identify common presentations and offer help to owners, this book: - Addresses both normal and abnormal behaviour in cats and dogs from an emotion and cognition perspective; - Provides behaviour modification protocols, and drug doses and indications; - Includes handouts to be used both within the practice and with clients to help the veterinary surgeon manage the case. Written by international experts, the book translates their insights and experience into approaches taken in behavioural medicine. Also including the most up-to-date drugs, it is an important resource for both small animal veterinarians and students of veterinary medicine or animal behaviour.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2010

        Muhammad Ali

        by Peter Kemper

        »Ich werde das Boxen nicht vermissen, aber das Boxen wird mich vermissen.« Nicht zufällig hat man Cassius Clay alias Muhammand Ali als »fünften Beatle« bezeichnet. Zusammen mit den Liverpooler Musikern stellte er sich an die Spitze jener sozialen und kulturellen Umbruchbewegung, die alle westlichen Länder in den Sechzigern erschüttern sollte. Seine Kombination aus Trotz und Witz veränderte den Sound der Zeit. Gleichermaßen eloquent und unverfroren, immer angriffslustig und mit einem schier unerschöpflichen Repertoire an Ausdrucksformen, brachte sich Ali als erster Popstar des Sports auf die internationale Bühne, um dort ethnische, religiöse und politische Tabus leichthändig zu verhandeln. Sein beinahe schwereloser Stil veränderte den Boxsport, seine kompromisslose Haltung schockierte die Welt.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2011

        Ali und Ramazan


        by Perihan Magden, Johannes Neuner

        Ali und Ramazan wachsen zusammen in einem Waisenhaus in Istanbul auf. Aus der spontanen Zuneigung entwickelt sich eine Liebe ebenso zärtlich wie grausam. Als sie mit 18 Jahren in eine ungewisse Zukunft entlassen werden, gibt ihnen nur diese Liebe Kraft. Doch der Traum vom Glück zu zweit währt nicht lang. Ramazan, der für beider Unterhalt sorgt, gleitet ab in die Welt der Stricher, während Ali seine Eifersucht mit Drogen und dem Schnüffeln von Lösungsmitteln betäubt. Eine Katastrophe bahnt sich an … Der neue Roman der türkischen Bestseller-Autorin: eine dramatische schwule Liebesgeschichte aus dem modernen Istanbul, beruhend auf einer wahren Begebenheit. Erschütternd, ergreifend und packend.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2023

        Ali Baba und die vierzig Räuber

        by Burkhard Neie, Enno Littmann

        Diese Geschichte ist weltbekannt: Der arme Holzfäller Ali Baba, der, im dichten Geäst verborgen, das geheime Codewort »Sesam, öffne dein Tor!« einer Räuberbande mit angehört hat, findet in der Felsenhöhle deren »Schätze«: Teppiche, Gewänder, Goldmünzen und Edelsteine. Um seine bescheidenen Verhältnisse zu verbessern, nimmt er einige der Goldstücke mit nach Hause. Doch die Räuber kommen ihm auf die Spur und Ali Baba kann sich nur mit Hilfe seiner schlauen Dienerin Mardschana retten. Das Märchen gehört zu den berühmtesten Erzählungen Scheharazades aus Tausendundeiner Nacht. Der Illustrator und Buchgestalter Burkhard Neie hat sich des klassischen Textes für die Insel-Bücherei angenommen und eine Ausgabe geschaffen, die so prächtig ist, dass sie selbst in der Bibliothek einer Königin stehen könnte!

      • Trusted Partner


        by Alexander (Ali) Blankstein

        Prof. Alexander (Ali) Blankstein Seine große Liebe zu Mensch und Natur führte ihn weltweit an ferne Ufer. Abgesehen von seinem Stethoskop, das er mitnimmt, um Menschen zu helfen, führt Prof. Blankstein in seinem Reisegepäck stets auch eine Kamera mit sich, mit der er in seiner Freizeit die Mimik und die Körpersprache der verschiedensten Tiere verewigt. Über Jahre hinweg konzentrierte er sich dabei vor allem auf das Fotografieren von Kühen aller Art vor dem Hintergrund der zauberhaften Schweizer Landschaft. In jüngster Zeit begannen seine kleinen Enkelkinder, sich zunehmend für diese Fotografien zu interessieren. Daraus entstand die Idee, diese zu veröffentlichen und einem breiten Kinderpublikum zugänglich zu machen. Ilan Bachar, Autor und Journalist, nahm diese Aufgabe auf sich. Er fügte die einfühlsamen Fotografien von Prof. Blankstein zu einer Geschichte in Reimen zusammen, die kleinere und größere Kinder bezaubert. Es ist Ilan Bachars viertes Buch und das erste einer Serie von originellen Kinderversen. Miri Küchel-Blankstein sammelte die Fotografien und brachte diese zu Ilan Bachar, dem Autor und Shuki Duchovni, dem Grafiker, woraus „Die Kuh hat Geburtstag“ geboren wurde. Prof. Alexander (Ali) Blankstein Seine große Liebe zu Mensch und Natur führte ihn weltweit an ferne Ufer. Abgesehen von seinem Stethoskop, das er mitnimmt, um Menschen zu helfen, führt Prof. Blankstein in seinem Reisegepäck stets auch eine Kamera mit sich, mit der er in seiner Freizeit die Mimik und die Körpersprache der verschiedensten Tiere verewigt. Über Jahre hinweg konzentrierte er sich dabei vor allem auf das Fotografieren von Kühen aller Art vor dem Hintergrund der zauberhaften Schweizer Landschaft. In jüngster Zeit begannen seine kleinen Enkelkinder, sich zunehmend für diese Fotografien zu interessieren. Daraus entstand die Idee, diese zu veröffentlichen und einem breiten Kinderpublikum zugänglich zu machen. Ilan Bachar, Autor und Journalist, nahm diese Aufgabe auf sich. Er fügte die einfühlsamen Fotografien von Prof. Blankstein zu einer Geschichte in Reimen zusammen, die kleinere und größere Kinder bezaubert. Es ist Ilan Bachars viertes Buch und das erste einer Serie von originellen Kinderversen. Miri Küchel-Blankstein sammelte die Fotografien und brachte diese zu Ilan Bachar, dem Autor und Shuki Duchovni, dem Grafiker, woraus „Die Kuh hat Geburtstag“ geboren wurde

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        October 2015

        Film light

        Meaning and emotion

        by Lara Thompson

        In one of the first monographs of its kind to focus on the aesthetic and emotional impact of lighting in cinema, Lara Thompson looks at the way light informs the cinematic experience, from constructing star identities, sculpting natural light and creating imaginary worlds, to the seductive power of darkness, fading representations of the past and arresting twilight encounters. This groundbreaking and accessible introductory study offers a unique insight into the way illumination has transcended its diffuse functional boundaries and been elevated to a position of narrative and emotional importance, transforming it from an unobtrusive element of film style to an expressive and essential component. It includes analyses of over fifty renowned international films, discussed in inventive and illuminating combinations, from cinema's earliest moments to its most recent digital manifestations, and is essential reading for all those who want to understand what film light means and how it makes us feel. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        November 2020

        Tourist Destinations: Structure and Synthesis

        by Douglas G Pearce, Ali Thompson

        Destinations are a central feature of tourism and the focus of much tourism research. Destinations have been studied from diverse perspectives using multiple concepts and a range of approaches. As a result, destination research today has become increasingly fragmented as studies have become more specialized. There is a need for a more integrated approach, one which systematically draws together these different research threads to provide a comprehensive and coherent picture and a fuller understanding of destinations, their structure and how they function. This book provides such a synthesis by critically reviewing a wide range of international research and incorporating in one volume many different facets of destinations from studies which have appeared in related but often divergent literatures. Conceptual and methodological issues are illustrated with empirical examples from Europe, North and South America, Asia and Oceania. This material is drawn together around two major structural themes: spatial and organizational structure. Spatial structure concerns the physical location, distribution, configuration and inter-connectedness of products, services and actors and the factors which underlie the resultant patterns of these. Organizational structure focuses on the diverse configurations and the ways in which multiple actors, collectively and individually, come together, interact and behave to produce the experiences sought by tourists. The originality and contribution of this work lies in the systematic examination and combination of these two themes across destinations from the national to the local scale. This integrated approach provides fresh insights, produces a comprehensive understanding of destinations and identifes avenues for future research.

      • Trusted Partner


        by Alexander (Ali) Blankstein

        Prof. Alexander (Ali) Blankstein Seine große Liebe zu Mensch und Natur führte ihn weltweit an ferne Ufer. Abgesehen von seinem Stethoskop, das er mitnimmt, um Menschen zu helfen, führt Prof. Blankstein in seinem Reisegepäck stets auch eine Kamera mit sich, mit der er in seiner Freizeit die Mimik und die Körpersprache der verschiedensten Tiere verewigt. Über Jahre hinweg konzentrierte er sich dabei vor allem auf das Fotografieren von Kühen aller Art vor dem Hintergrund der zauberhaften Schweizer Landschaft. In jüngster Zeit begannen seine kleinen Enkelkinder, sich zunehmend für diese Fotografien zu interessieren. Daraus entstand die Idee, diese zu veröffentlichen und einem breiten Kinderpublikum zugänglich zu machen. Ilan Bachar, Autor und Journalist, nahm diese Aufgabe auf sich. Er fügte die einfühlsamen Fotografien von Prof. Blankstein zu einer Geschichte in Reimen zusammen, die kleinere und größere Kinder bezaubert. Es ist Ilan Bachars viertes Buch und das erste einer Serie von originellen Kinderversen. Miri Küchel-Blankstein sammelte die Fotografien und brachte diese zu Ilan Bachar, dem Autor und Shuki Duchovni, dem Grafiker, woraus „Die Kuh hat Geburtstag“ geboren wurde. An German-language eBook edition was published in spring 2015 by Lindenfels Von Pressel Verlag, Frankfurt am Main. 24 pages,22X28 CM

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        July 2020

        Mason's World Dictionary of Livestock Breeds, Types and Varieties

        by Valerie Porter, Ali Thompson

        Mason's World Dictionary of Livestock Breeds, Types and Varieties, now in its sixth edition, has a long history as a reliable and authoritative source of key livestock breed information. Intended as a list of livestock names and synonyms for breeds, groups, types and varieties worldwide, the dictionary aims to include all names found in the literature, 'defining' each breed or type with a brief indication of identifying characteristics, uses and source of origin. Expanded into a new edition, this established and trusted resource: - Extends coverage to include yak, reindeer and camelids in addition to the existing cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, horses, asses and buffalo - Features well over 10,000 entries and cross-references on breeds, sub-breeds, types, varieties, strains and lines of species - Covers newly created and now-recognised local breeds documented over the last two decades An important updated work, Mason's dictionary forms a useful reference for livestock breeders and academics interested in breeds, as well as national and international organizations with interests in livestock.

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        September 2020

        Butterfly Biology Systems

        Connections and Interactions in Life History and Behaviour

        by Roger L H Dennis, Ali Thompson

        Butterflies, among key animals for assessing environmental changes have consequently also become prominent model organisms for the study of trade-offs in life history and behavioural traits. Examples include factors affecting the size of egg batches, fast or slow larval growth, waiting or searching for mates, migrating or staying put in the habitat, roosting alone or together in aggregations, and the development of different defence mechanisms. The book focusses on the factors and trade-offs leading to the development and evolution of distinct traits emerging in the life cycle of butterflies within their habitats. In this book the reader is taken systematically through research findings in each life history stage, on the links identified between different aspects of butterfly biology that have been discovered, and introduced to novel ideas emerging from taking an integrative view of butterfly life history and behaviour. The book is divided into four sections: A: Language and concepts of system's theory, B: Perspectives on butterfly biology, C: Butterfly life history - basic trade-offs in reproduction, development and survival, and D: Butterfly behaviour - interactive adjustments in the habitat. The first section deals with the study of relationships in biological systems. The second is an introduction to key aspects of butterfly biology, such as broad issues in taxonomy, the fossil record, variation in space-time, habitat and niche, and the butterfly body frame. The last two longer sections deal directly with the key puzzles in life history and behaviour. The book has been composed primarily for students and researchers in butterfly biology, but it should be of interest to all those who enjoy observing butterflies. For the researcher into butterfly biology it is supported by an extensive glossary and bibliography and, to encourage incentives for ideas, it is liberally illustrated with diagrams for exploring in greater depth the relationships in butterfly biology.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        February 2006

        Digging up stories

        Applied theatre, performance and war

        by James Thompson, Martin Hargreaves

        In 'Digging up stories', James Thompson explores the problems of theatre practice in communities affected by war and exclusion. Each chapter or 'story' is written in a lively and accessible style and draws on a range of contemporary performance theories. The chapters discuss: - participatory theatre in refugee camps - theatre workshop and stories of a massacre - traditional dance-dramas in an insurgent controlled village - 'Forum' theatre with the Mahabharata - ethical issues - the struggle to teach the author to dance 'Digging up stories' documents a range of theatre practice and includes project reports, ethnographic accounts, performance analysis and diary-style reflection. Taken from Thompson's research and practice in Sri Lanka, these diverse examples question the link between applied theatre, traditional performance and performances in everyday life. The book blurs lines between research and travel writing to create rich and provocative accounts of applying theatre in a troubled setting. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        Solving Equine Behaviour Problems

        An Equitation Science Approach

        by Rose M Scofield, Ali Thompson

        Horses can develop a range of behavioural problems, which if left untreated, could cause the relationship between horse and human to break down. With many different well-meaning opinions offered to solve such situations, it can be difficult to find the right path. In this book, Rose Scofield examines behavioural issues using the latest academic research. Offering practical solutions and with useful diagrams and photographs throughout, the book helps to protect and develop the horse-human relationship. It: - Addresses issues by circumstance, making it easy to find solutions to all your handling, groundwork, and riding problems; - Uses scientific research to investigate both the problems themselves and the methods tasked to solve them; - Includes illuminating case studies illustrating problems and how solutions work in practice. Beginning with an introduction to the main principles of equitation science, Solving Equine Behaviour Problems then covers over 30 major issues, including biting, kicking, separation anxiety, loading, shying, bucking and bolting. It provides key points, take home messages and scientific references, translating lessons from experimental science into practical help for both professionals and the horse enthusiast.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        Equine Endocrinology

        by François-René Bertin, Natalie S Fraser, Ali Thompson

        This book provides a practical, clinical approach to diagnosing, treating, and managing endocrine diseases in the horse. Each chapter uses the same structure to form a user-friendly tool of information and advice on aetiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, differential diagnosis, diagnosis and treatment for each endocrine disorder. The book covers: - diseases of the thyroid and parathyroid glands; - diseases of the hypothalamo-pituitary-thyroid and hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical axes; - diseases of the endocrine pancreas; - hyperlipaemia and lipid metabolism disorders; and - diseases of the female and male reproductive systems. Also including material on additional endocrinopathies such as diabetes and pheochromocytoma, this book is dedicated to the fast-moving field of equine endocrinology. Written by international experts in Australia and the USA, it collates their insights and experience into approaches that prove invaluable for general equine practitioners.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1983

        Über Wachstum und Form

        In gekürzter Fassung neu herausgegeben von John Tyler Bonner. Übersetzt von Ella M. Fountain und Magdalena Neff. Mit einem Geleitwort von Adolf Portmann

        by D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson, John Tyler Bonner, Ella M. Fountain, Adolf Portmann

        Zweifellos ist es ein verlegerisches Wagnis, DʼArcy Thompsons legendäres Buch im Zeitalter des Quasi-Ausschließlichkeitsanspruchs von Biochemie und Molekularbiologie in einer Neuauflage und dazu in deutscher Sprache herauszubringen. Wer von den jungen Biologen verbindet heute noch mit Thompsons Namen einen Begriff? Wer war dieser Mann? Was macht sein Werk noch heute druckenswert? Man könnte vielleicht aphoristisch sagen: DʼArcy Thompson war einer jener Polyhistores, von denen man meinte, sie seien mit dem Verklingen des Barock ausgestorben und in späterer Zeit nicht einmal mehr denkbar. Mithin ein verspäteter Barock-Gelehrter? Keineswegs, sondern einer der Pioniere der modernsten Biologie! Er vereinigte in sich das Denkvermögen des Mathematikers und Physikers mit dem des Linguisten und des Biologen, und er verfügt über das Handwerkliche aller drei dieser – ach doch so verschiedenen – Wissensgebiete. Dieses Buch hat eine widersprüchliche Geschichte: 1917 erschien die erste Auflage – damals vollendete Ketzerei – mit 793 Seiten Umfang, 1942 eine Erweiterung auf 1116 Seiten. Die posthume Neuauflage von Bonner – sie liegt der Übersetzung zugrunde – knüpft an die erste Auflage an, läßt vieles aus (weil es nicht mehr aktuell ist) und bringt zahlreiche Kommentare des Herausgebers. Es handelt sich also bei der vorliegenden Ausgabe um eine »Klassikeredition in Auswahl und mit Kommentar versehen«. Dies ist bei einem Buch mit einer erst 55jährigen Geschichte bemerkenswert. Um es vorwegzunehmen: von Thompsons Konzeption ist nichts Wesentliches verlorengegangen, und die Kommentare machen die Orientierung für denjenigen, der die Literatur nicht selbst kennt, leichter. (So. J.H. Scharf, Halle, 1974 in seiner Besprechung der deutschen Erstausgabe.)

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2020


        Organism, Disease, Control

        by Marcel A Behr, Karen Stevenson, Vivek Kapur, Ali Thompson

        Paratuberculosis, also referred to as Johne's disease, affects cattle, goats, sheep, buffalo, deer and other ruminants. Examining the epidemiology of paratuberculosis, the organism that causes the disease, and practical aspects of its diagnosis and control, the book also addresses the link between paratuberculosis in the food chain and human health implications, including Crohn's disease. This timely new edition: - builds on a strong foundation to update, streamline and better structure existing chapters with important new developments from the last decade; - includes new chapters discussing the fast-growing field of whole genome based comparative genomics, and the increasing opportunities for disease control in low- and middle-income countries; - Brings on board rising star new authors from diverse backgrounds to include varied perspectives. A truly comprehensive, critical reference resource, this book is an essential reference for large animal veterinarians, livestock industry personnel and those involved in the dairy and meat industries, as well as microbiologists, researchers and students in these fields.

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