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      • Claret Press

        Claret Press is an independent press based in London. Our books are now read and enjoyed all over the world. We specialise in mysteries and thrills and chronicles and memoirs.

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      • Clare Painter Associates Ltd

        Licensing digital rights can be complicated and time-consuming. For 15 years our digital licensing agency, founded by pioneering digital publisher David Attwooll (as Attwooll Associates), has guided publishers through rapid and complex digital change. Clare and her small team of digital rights experts take a personal approach to each publisher, recommending specific licences and digital business models. We attend the book fairs in London and Frankfurt each year, and deal regularly with over 50 e-vendors across all sectors of the market: professional, academic, educational, and consumer.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Tao Te Ching

        by Laozi,Wu Genyou

        It is a philosophical work by Laozi in the Spring and Autumn Period and is one of the greatest masterpieces in Chinese history. It is the main classic of Taoism.

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        June 2019

        Legenden der Schattenjäger-Akademie

        by Brennan, Sarah Rees; Wasserman, Robin; Johnson, Maureen; Clare, Cassandra

        Der Spin-off zur Bestsellerserie „Chroniken der Unterwelt“ - Action, Romantik, Spannung pur! Ohne Erinnerungen muss Simon, Clarys irdischer Freund, herausfinden, wer er eigentlich ist. Hat er das Zeug zum Helden und Dämonenjäger? Oder ist er doch der bleiche Comic-Fan, der nicht einmal die Kraft hat, eine Waffe der Nephilim richtig in der Hand zu führen? Seine Schattenjäger-Freunde Clary und Jace sind die einzigen, die alles über Simons Vergangenheit wissen. Und was sie erzählen, kann er kaum glauben: Simon hat als treuer Freund die Schattenjäger mehr als einmal aus tödlicher Gefahr gerettet. Jetzt muss er um Isabelle kämpfen, an deren Liebe er sich nicht erinnern kann, obwohl es in seinem Bauch kribbelt, wann immer Simon an sie denkt. War er wirklich mit diesem heldenhaften Mädchen zusammen - und wenn ja: Wie hat er das nur angestellt? 10 romantische und actionreiche Geschichten rund um die beliebten Heldengestalten Jace, Clary und Simon aus der Bestseller-Reihe „Chroniken der Unterwelt“. Von Kultautorin Cassandra Clare. Zu jeder Geschichte gibt es einen illustrativen Comic-Strip von Cassandra Jean. Dieser Band enthält die Episoden: Cassandra Clare/ Maureen Johnson, Legenden der Schattenjäger-Akademie (1): Willkommen in der Schattenjäger-Akademie Cassandra Clare/ Robin Wasserman, Legenden der Schattenjäger-Akademie (2): Der verschollene Herondale Cassandra Clare/ Maureen Johnson, Legenden der Schattenjäger-Akademie (3): Der Teufel von Whitechapel Cassandra Clare/ Sarah Rees Brennan, Legenden der Schattenjäger-Akademie (4): Nichts als Schatten Cassandra Clare/ Robin Wasserman, Legenden der Schattenjäger-Akademie (5): Das Böse, das wir lieben Cassandra Clare/ Robin Wasserman, Legenden der Schattenjäger-Akademie (6): Könige, Fürsten, so bleich Cassandra Clare/ Sarah Rees Brennan, Legenden der Schattenjäger-Akademie (7): Bittere Wahrheit Cassandra Clare/ Sarah Rees Brennan, Legenden der Schattenjäger-Akademie (8):Die Feuerprobe Cassandra Clare/Sarah Rees Brennan, Legenden der Schattenjäger-Akademie (9): Zu endloser Nacht geboren Cassandra Clare/ Robin Wasserman, Legenden der Schattenjäger-Akademie (10): Die Wiederkehr der Engel

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        July 2009

        Einwirkungen der Grundrechte auf die Beweisverbote im Strafprozessrecht.

        Im Hinblick auf die Situation in Taiwan und in der VR China.

        by Chao, Yen-Ching

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2021

        Lie Zi

        by Huang Dunbin

        The book is a compilation of the pre-Qin dynastic Taoist texts compiled by Liezi and his descendants, which is a must-read for the study of Taoist thought and classical philosophy, from the Tao Te Ching to the Zhuangzi. It is an essential book for the study of Taoist thought and classical philosophy. It has been described as a classic comparable to the Aesop's Fables of ancient Greece, with its alert language and profound meaning.

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        The Arts
        May 2023

        Modern European cinema and love

        by Richard Rushton

        Modern European cinema and love examines nine European directors whose films contain stories about romantic love and marriage. The directors are Jean Renoir, Ingmar Bergman, Alain Resnais, Michelangelo Antonioni, Agnès Varda, François Truffaut, Federico Fellini, Jean-Luc Godard and Éric Rohmer. The book approaches questions of love and marriage from a philosophical perspective, applying the ideas of authors such as Stanley Cavell, Leo Bersani, Luce Irigaray and Alain Badiou, while also tracing key concepts from Freudian psychoanalysis. Each of the filmmakers engages deeply with notions of modern love and marriage, often in positive ways, but also in ways that question the institutions of love, marriage and the 'couple'.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2015

        Regular Script of Dao De Ching by Sun Xiaoyun

        by Sun Xiaoyun

        China enjoys a profound civilization. Among countless classics, some are of rich meaning and deep insights, which has influenced people’s personality, mindset, morality and appreciation of beauty. These classics serve as a door to the understanding of Chinese culture. This series offers readers a way to learn classics through the calligraphy of master Sun Xiaoyun.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2015

        Die Metapher des Lamms in der Johannesapokalypse

        Eine sprach- und sozialgeschichtliche Analyse

        by Chan, Lung

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2023

        Die Weisheit des Buddha für Liebe, Glück und Unbeschwertheit

        36 Karten mit Anleitungsbuch

        by Chan, Sofan

        Übersetzt von Frank Lachmann

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        Lao Tzu Is Not Angry-Thirteen Lectures on Lao Tzu's Mind and Philosophy

        by Liu Xuyi

        This book combines the three editions of Tao Te Ching, the silk book and the Chu bamboo slips. It is the first time to interpret Lao Tzu from the perspective of mentality and philosophy. It not only approaches the original meaning of Lao Tzu's thought as much as possible, but is also close to modern people's eagerness for quick success. The drawbacks and the needs of the soul. For contemporary people who are in anxiety, depression, anger, impetuousness and life pressure, it provides a way to relieve and practice, so as to help readers more accurately absorb the great wisdom of Lao Tzu. In this revision, the following work has been done: the language should be as popular as possible; a number of original incomplete statements have been revised; and new research findings have been added.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2005

        Drama of the English Republic, 1649–1660

        by Janet Clare

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2013

        Therapeutic landscapes

        A history of English hospital gardens since 1800

        by Clare Hickman

        Therapeutic landscapes uniquely brings together historical and contemporary debates on the use of the garden as a therapeutic space. Hickman narrates the story of the landscapes associated with psychiatric, general and specialist medical institutions and asks what did they look like, how were they used and how did this relate to medical concepts? It traces the history of these gardens from the grottos, Chinese galleries and summer houses of elite nineteenth-century lunatic asylums, through Florence Nightingale's championing of the Victorian pavilion hospital design with its courtyard gardens, and the open-air institutions of the Edwardian period with their revolving chalets. It concludes with a discussion of new hospital gardens being created by designers such as Dan Pearson in the twenty-first century. This book will be essential reading for those interested in the histories of place, space and material culture, and in particular medical historians, garden historians and historical geographers. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2002

        Women on the Renaissance stage

        Anna of Denmark and female masquing in the Stuart court 1590–1619

        by Clare McManus

        This work reassesses women's relationship to performance in early modern England. It investigates the staging conditions, practices and gendering of Anna of Denmark's performances, bringing current critical theorisations of race, class, gender, space and performance to bear on the female courtly body in dance, staging, scenery, costume and make-up in the Jacobean court. The study establishes a tradition of early seventeenth-century female performance which constitutes a trajectory for the emergence of the professional Restoration female actor. Anna of Denmark, wife of James VI of Scotland/James I, was a great patron of Ben Johnson, among others. ;

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