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      • Christine Heimannsberg

        Gelobtes Land, die dystopische Climate Fiction Trilogie: Mit CO2 verbindet man den Klimawandel, schmelzende Gletscher und Überflutungen. Mittlerweile ist der Klimawandel auch in der Literatur angekommen. „Climate Fiction“ oder „Cli-fi“ lautet das Stichwort, das zuletzt verstärkt in den Feuilletons auftauchte. Die deutsche Autorin Christine Heimannsberg präsentiert mit ihrer Debüt-Trilogie „Gelobtes Land“ eine ungewöhnliche, spannende Dystopie, die ökologische wie humanistische Themen geschickt im neuen Genre zusammenführt.

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        Oder die Kunst, das menschliche Leben zu verlängern

        by Christoph W Hufeland

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        November 2020

        Veterinary Ethics in Practice

        by James W Yeates

        Veterinary Ethics in Practice gives non-specialist veterinary professionals an introduction to ethics. It helps readers to think about, and discuss, ethical dilemmas and viewpoints faced by practitioners in their daily practice. The book: · Is an important primer and introduction to basic ethical dilemmas. · Helps improve ethical reasoning, through the use of numerous worked examples, leading to increased confidence in decisions and actions. · Explains key ethical concepts and terminology making the subject easier to understand. · Contains case studies which help bring real dilemmas to life. With carefully crafted themes and problem cases in farm animal, companion animal, equine, wildlife, zoo and laboratory settings, the book provides an important yet concise and accessible introduction to moral decision-making in veterinary practice.

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        Science & Mathematics
        April 2022

        Nematodes as Model Organisms

        by Itamar Glazer, David I Shapiro-llan, Paul W. Sternberg

        Nematodes, which are small multi cellular organisms have been used as biological models since the 1960's. The nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans is a free-living nematode, about 1mm in length, that lives in temperate soil environments. It is made up of about 1000 cells, and has a short life cycle of only 2 weeks. It was the first multicellular organism to have its whole genome sequenced. The book includes chapters that summarize the importance of nematodes as model organisms in the fields of genetics, developmental biology, neurobiology, pharmacology, nutrition, ecology and parasitology. Of interest to a broad audience across a wide spectrum of disciplines, the book is useful for biologists working on comparative studies to investigate biological processes across organisms; medical scientists and pharmacologist for exploration of drugs and medicine (including the use of genome editing to eliminate diseases); ecologists considering nematodes as indicators for environment changes; and parasitologists for host-parasite interactions. Many other researchers can use this book as a benchmark for the broad implications of nematology research on other aspects of science.

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        Fishes (ichthyology)
        July 2014

        Diseases and Disorders of Finfish in Cage Culture

        by Edited by Patrick T K Woo, David W Bruno, L H S Lim

        This new edition is a timely update on important advances in the understanding of infectious diseases of finfish. The content has been significantly updated to reflect current knowledge and the developments in the fish production industry, including the dramatic increases in production in the Asia-Pacific region. An important resource for aquaculturalists, fish health consultants and fish pathologists.

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        Sport & leisure industries
        August 2000

        Trends in Outdoor Recreation, Leisure and Tourism

        by William C Gartner, David W Lime

        This book focuses on the issues and trends in outdoor, ‘nature-based’ recreation, leisure and tourism and explores the implications for public policy, planning, management and marketing. It is intended as supplementary reading for advanced students and is a useful reference tool.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2023

        Defending Eastern Europe

        by Jacek Lubecki, James W. Peterson

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        November 2010

        Probleme der Moralphilosophie

        by Theodor W. Adorno, Thomas Schröder, Theodor W. Adorno Archiv

        Theodor W. Adornos 1963 gehaltene Vorlesungen über Probleme der Moralphilosophie sind in den letzten Jahren auf breites Interesse gestoßen. Judith Butler etwa hat sie in ihrer Kritik der ethischen Gewalt zum Ausgangspunkt genommen. Im Durchgang durch klassische Texte und Positionen der Moralphilosophie spürt Adorno hier dem problematischen Status der Moralphilosophie selbst nach. Wenn es »kein richtiges Leben im falschen« geben kann, was heißt das für das Philosophieren über Moral? Wie verhält sich die Moralphilosophie als Theorie zur alltäglichen Moral als Praxis? Adorno hat zu Lebzeiten keine praktische Philosophie publiziert, und so entpuppen sich diese Vorlesungen, die den Widersprüchen zwischen Theorie und Praxis einer Moralphilosophie nach Auschwitz nachgehen, als das Werk, das einer praktischen Philosophie Adornos am nächsten kommt.

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        Agriculture & related industries
        May 2001

        Biotechnology Revolution in Global Agriculture

        Invention, Innovation and Investment in the Canola Sector

        by Edited by Peter W B Phillips, George G Khachatourians

        Biotechnology processes are fundamentally changing the nature of the products being produced in the industry. Canola has been developed in Canada through such processes. It is a type of rapeseed that has an enhanced level of mono-unsaturated fatty acids, thus producing a healthier oil for human consumption. It is now being introduced to many other countries. This book reviews for the first time the global canola sector in order to identify fundamental trends resulting from the adoption of biotechnology. It examines the canola sector over an extended period, looking at:its local originsregional growth and international expansionanalyses of public policy affecting commercialisationestimates of the costs and benefits of changes.It is essential reading for government and industry researchers and students involved in the areas of agricultural economics, plant biotechnology and crop science.

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        Political parties
        September 2008

        The Labour governments 1964–1970 volume 2

        International policy

        by John W. Young

        This book is the second in the three volume set The Labour governments 1964-1970 and concentrates on Britain's international policy under the Labour governments in the 1960s and is available for the first time in paperback. The coverage ranges from defence policy and the government machine to European integration, NATO and the Vietnam war. Harold Wilson and his ministers have often been accused of betraying the sense of promise that greeted their victory in 1964. Using recently released archival evidence, John Young argues that a more balanced view of the government will recognise the real difficulties that surrounded decision-making, not only on Vietnam, but also on Aden, the Nigerian civil war and Rhodesia. Economic weakness, waning military strength, Cold War tensions and the need to placate allies all placed limits on what a once-great but now clearly declining power could achieve. Furthermore the government proved of pivotal importance in the history of Britain's international role, in that it presided over a major shift from positions East of Suez to a focus on European concerns, a focus that has remained until the present day. The book will be of vital importance to students of British history and international relations during this exciting period. Together with the other books in the series, on domestic policy and economic policy, it provides a complete picture of the development of Britain under the premiership of Harold Wilson.

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        Schöpfung ohne Schöpfer

        Was war vor dem Urknall?

        by Atkins, Peter W

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        Entstehung - Verlauf - Therapie. Eine klinisch-psychologische und psychopathologische Studie

        by Rosenberger, Peter W

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        September 2008

        Emergent Freedom

        Naturalizing Free Will

        by Haag, James W.

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