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      • BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT

        BCSis committed to making IT good for society and has over 70,000 members,including students, teachers, professionals and practitioners. Through a wide range of global communities, we foster links between experts from industry, academia and business to promote new thinking, education and knowledge sharing. BCSpromotes continuing professional development through a series of respected IT qualifications, professional certifications and apprenticeships, and provides practical support and information services for its customers around the world.

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      • David and Charles Ltd

        David and Charles is an independent publisher of non-fiction books, predominantly in art, craft and creative categories. Our titles feature industry-leading authors and award-winning editorial and design, commissioned for commercial success in all markets. Category focus on practical how-to books in art, crochet, knitting, general crafts, patchwork & quilting, sewing and wellbeing. Cornerstone titles which are highly illustrated, project, technique and trend orientated.

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        December 2007

        Die Zukunft der Werte

        Dialoge über das 21. Jahrhundert

        by Jérôme Bindé, Frank Sievers, Andreas Jandl

        Nietzsches Satz von der Umwertung aller Werte stand als prophetisches Motto über dem 20. Jahrhundert, das zunächst ein unvorstellbares Maß an Barbarei und später das postmoderne anything goes erlebte. Das dritte Jahrtausend konfrontiert uns mit neuen Herausforderungen: Der Fortschritt der Gentechnologie und die Erkenntnisse der Neurowissenschaften zwingen uns, Sein und Sollen des Menschen neu zu bestimmen; unter den Bedingungen der Globalisierung prallen unterschiedliche Wertesysteme aufeinander. Zur Diskussion dieser Fragen hat die UNESCO Wissenschaftler, Künstler und Philosophen zusammengebracht, um ein »Bündnis zwischen Politik und weitsichtigem Denken zu knüpfen« (Jérôme Bindé). Der Band dokumentiert die Beiträge von Jean Baudrillard, Julia Kristeva, Paul Ricœur, Michel Serres, Peter Sloterdijk, Gianni Vattimo, Wolfgang Welsch und anderen.

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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2006

        Spectaculum 77

        Sechs moderne Theaterstücke

        by Samuel Beckett, Jerome Kilty, Klaus Händl, Christoph Nußbaumeder, Moritz Rinke, Peter Turrini

        Samuel Beckett: Hörspielskizze I, Hörspielskizze II Deutsch von Elmar Tophoven Mit Endspiel (Bd. 2) war Beckett von Anbeginn Autor der Spectaculum-Reihe, in der inzwischen seine sämtlichen Theaterstücke erschienen sind. Seit seinem ersten Hörspiel 1956 spielt diese Gattung in seinem Gesamtwerk eine bedeutende Rolle, nicht zuletzt durch die Motive und Querverweise, die sich wie ein Netz über das »dramatische Werk« legen. Deshalb ist es sinnvoll, wenn aus Anlaß des 100. Geburtstages zwei zentrale Werke für das Radio erscheinen, in denen Samuel Beckett versucht, »aus dem Menschen etwas über den Menschen herauszubringen«. Jerome Kilty: Geliebter Lügner Es sind überaus emotionale Briefe, die sich die berühmte Schauspielerin Stella Campbell und der wohl erfolgreichste Dramatiker des 20. Jahrhunderts Bernard Shaw geschrieben haben. Beide meist verheiratet, aber nie miteinander, konnten über vier Jahrzehnte nicht voneinander lassen und lieferten sich große Liebesbeweise - per Post. Händl Klaus: Dunkel lockende Welt Ein abgetrennter Zeh in einer Ecke, eine Ärztin, die sich mit ihrem Vermieter streitet, ob es einen Gattenmord zu vertuschen oder ein Mutter-Sohn-Drama aufzudecken gilt, eine Wohnung in Leipzig, eine in München, ein Gewirr aus Phantasie und Realität, eine dunkel lockende Welt erzählt uns Händl Klaus. Peter Turrini: Bei Einbruch der Dunkelheit Alois, 15 und heimlicher Dichter, wird in das Herrenhaus des ortsansässigen Komponisten eingeladen. Er muß dort mit Schrecken feststellen, daß es in der Welt der Kunst nicht um Schönheit, sondern um Verrat, nicht um den Ausdruck von Gefühlen, sondern um die bessere Formulierung geht. Christoph Nußbaumeder: Mit dem Gurkenflieger in die Südsee Hier hat ein Autor im erweiterten Europa über Menschen aus Osteuropa geschrieben, die gezwungen sind, im »goldenen Westen« zu Billiglöhnen zu arbeiten. Mitten im Turbokapitalismus schafft Nußbaumeder ein unsentimentales Theaterstück über die »Sklaven des 21. Jahrhundert

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        Espionage & secret services
        February 2015

        East German intelligence and Ireland, 1949–90

        by Jérôme Wiel

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        September 1999

        Abschied vom Leben

        Acht bewegende Schicksale, die Mut machen

        by Groopman, Jerome

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2014

        East German intelligence and Ireland, 1949–90

        Espionage, terrorism and diplomacy

        by Jerome de Wiel

        This book is an in-depth examination of the relations between Ireland and the former East Germany between the end of the Second World War and the fall of the Berlin Wall. It explores political, diplomatic, economic, media and cultural issues. The long and tortuous process of establishing diplomatic relations is unique in the annals of diplomatic history. Central in this study are the activities of the Stasi. They show how and where East German intelligence obtained information on Ireland and Northern Ireland and also what kind of information was gathered. A particularly interesting aspect of the book is the monitoring of the activities of the Irish Republican Army and the Irish National Liberation Army and their campaigns against the British army in West Germany. The Stasi had infiltrated West German security services and knew about Irish suspects and their contacts with West German terrorist groups. East German Intelligence and Ireland, 1949-90 makes an original contribution to diplomatic, intelligence, terrorist and Cold War studies. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2017

        East German intelligence and Ireland, 1949–90

        Espionage, terrorism and diplomacy

        by Jérôme de Wiel

        This book is an in-depth examination of the relations between Ireland and the former East Germany between the end of the Second World War and the fall of the Berlin Wall. It explores political, diplomatic, economic, media and cultural issues. The long and tortuous process of establishing diplomatic relations is unique in the annals of diplomatic history. Central in this study are the activities of the Stasi. They show how and where East German intelligence obtained information on Ireland and Northern Ireland and also what kind of information was gathered. A particularly interesting aspect of the book is the monitoring of the activities of the Irish Republican Army and the Irish National Liberation Army and their campaigns against the British army in West Germany. The Stasi had infiltrated West German security services and knew about Irish suspects and their contacts with West German terrorist groups. East German Intelligence and Ireland, 1949-90 makes an original contribution to diplomatic, intelligence, terrorist and Cold War studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & young adult fiction & true stories

        Letters from the Lighthouse

        by Tania Postavna

        This book is full of daily magic, adventures, kindness, and dreams. It contains seven incredible stories written in letters from the Maldives, Chile, Iceland, Myanmar, Nigeria, and Greece. Six children, the characters of this book, describe their lives and the places where they live; they share their experiences and thoughts; they write about their relationship with their parents and their dreams. These children have a lot in common, despite the fact that they live in different countries and cultures. These letters did not reach their recipients, but they were found by Jerome, the old postmaster of post at the lighthouse, and the seventh story is his. This book is a teleport to different continents, an opportunity to find friends and understand that we are not alone in our worries.

      • Trusted Partner

        Handbook of Life Design

        From Practice to Theory and from Theory to Practice

        by Laura Nota, Jérôme Rossier

        People’s lives and careers are becoming ever more unpredictable. The “life-design paradigm” described in detail in this handbook helps counselors and others meet people’s increasing need to develop and manage their own lives and careers. Life-design interventions, suited to a wide variety of cultural settings, help individuals become actors in their own lives and careers by activating, stimulating, and developing their personal resources. This handbook first addresses life-design theory, then shows how to apply life designing to different age groups and with more at-risk people, and looks at how to train life-design counselors. Target Group: Counsellors, coaches, career and vocational advisors.

      • Trusted Partner
        Teaching, Language & Reference
        February 2020

        A writer's guide to Ancient Rome

        by Carey Fleiner, Jerome de Groot

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        April 2018

        Loslassen heißt sich selbst zurückbekommen

        Der Liebeskummer-Ratgeber, um dein Herz zu heilen

        by Jerome, Tatiana / Übersetzt von Bischoff, Ursula

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        Animal physiology
        November 1998

        Grass for Dairy Cattle

        by Edited by Jerome H Cherney, Debbie J R Cherney

        With the current interest in the environmental and economic sustainability of dairy farming, grass forage crops have emerged as a potential solution to some of the nutrient management problems now encountered on intensively managed dairy farms. The expansion and reintegration of grass-based systems into the mainstream of dairying systems will require a major paradigm shift involving economic, social and ecological, as well as biological factors.This book examines the role of grass in milk production in sustainable agricultural ecosystems. It provides a current summary of the role of grass in dairy cattle systems, including the breeding, management, storage, feeding and economics of grass for both lactating and dry dairy cows. Written by leading specialists from Australia, Europe, New Zealand, North and South America, this is an essential reference source for researchers, dairy industry professionals and advanced students of forage and dairy cattle nutrition.

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        ICF Core Sets

        by Jerome E. Bickenbach, Alarcos Cieza, Alexandra Rauch, Gerold Stucki

        The WHO’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) is the accepted common framework for understanding and documenting functioning and disability. The ICF Core Sets selected for this book have now been developed to facilitate the standardized use of the ICF in real-life clinical practice and thus improve quality of care. By using this collection of clear checklists, definitions, and forms, clinicians will quickly and easily be able to assess clients with a range of typical health conditions at different stages and in a variety of health care contexts. This manual describes how and why the ICF Core Sets have been developed and shows, step-by-step, how to apply the ICF Core Sets in clinical practice. Target Group: For practitioners working in various health care contexts but also for students and teachers.

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