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      • Hawker Brownlow Education

        Hawker Brownlow Education, a Solution Tree company, is Australasia’s leading provider of educational resources, events and professional development services. Since 1985, we have empowered F–12 teachers and educational professionals with the tools and skills they need to improve classrooms and raise student achievement. From our head office in Melbourne, we publish the latest and best-regarded educational thinking from around the region and the world, releasing over 300 new titles and printing over 100 000 publications each year to support educational professionals. Our publications can be found on the shelves of over 9200 schools across Australia and New Zealand, in addition to reaching educational professionals in over 50 countries globally. We train and inspire thousands of educational professionals through major annual conferences, regional events and in-school support, delivering over 2000 hours of professional development each year. For more, visit and follow @HawkerBrownlow on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn.

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      • Brown Bear Books

        Brown Bear Bookspublish and package high-quality, illustrated children’sbooks for trade and school libraries. They also own Windmill Books, who publish educational material.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2009

        The female sublime from Milton to Swinburne

        Bearing blindness

        by Catherine Maxwell

        This innovative study of vision, gender and poetry traces Milton's mark on Shelley, Tennyson, Browning and Swinburne to show how the lyric male poet achieves vision at the cost of symbolic blindness and feminisation. Drawing together a wide range of concerns including the use of myth, the gender of the sublime, the lyric fragment, and the relation of pain to creativity, this book is a major re-evaluation of the male poet and the making of the English poetic tradition. The female sublime from Milton to Swinburne examines the feminisation of the post-Miltonic male poet, not through cultural history, but through a series of mythic or classical figures which include Philomela, Orpheus and Sappho. It recovers a disfiguring sublime imagined as an aggressive female force which feminises the male poet in an act that simultaneously deprives and energises him. This book will be required reading for anyone with a serious interest in the English poetic tradition and Victorian poetry. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2024

        The construction of public opinion in a digital age

        by Catherine Happer

        This book presents a new conceptual model for understanding the role of the media in the construction of public knowledge, belief and opinion in the context of a radically changed communications infrastructure. Drawing on a series of empirical studies conducted over nearly a decade, Happer deploys evidence of a 'disconnect' between neoliberal media and the public which is rooted in a disaffection with a mainstream political culture which has failed to deliver the societal outcomes promised. As people are pushed towards alternative digital sources, new communities of opinion are produced in ways which polarise publics and ultimately limit the potential for social change. Offering an innovative and urgently needed new sociological analysis, this book is required reading for an inter-disciplinary field of media, journalism, and politics/IR which has largely abandoned questions of media power and public opinion management, as well as policymakers, science communicators and journalists. Key points of the book: 1) public opinion formation and why people may come to different positions through the development of a new model 2) the societal outcomes produced when a widespread disconnect between journalism and public opinion emerges 3) the atomisation of opinion and its relations to newly constructed opinion communities (with consideration of the role of class) 4) the turn to digitally available alternatives which enable new, less visible power agents to exert control.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2017

        Fashioning Gothic bodies

        by Catherine Spooner

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        December 2024

        Beyond the Happening

        Performance art and the politics of communication

        by Catherine Spencer

        Beyond the Happening uncovers the heterogeneous, uniquely interdisciplinary performance-based works that emerged in the aftermath of the early Happenings. By the mid-1960s Happenings were widely declared outmoded or even 'dead', but this book reveals how many practitioners continued to work with the form during the late 1960s and 1970s, developing it into a vehicle for studying interpersonal communication that simultaneously deployed and questioned contemporary sociology and psychology. Focussing on the artists Allan Kaprow, Marta Minujín, Carolee Schneemann and Lea Lublin, it charts how they revised and retooled the premises of the Happening within a wider network of dynamic international activity. The resulting performances directly intervened in the wider discourse of communication studies, as it manifested in the politics of countercultural dropout, soft power and cultural diplomacy, alternative pedagogies, sociological art and feminist consciousness-raising.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2023

        An archaeology of innovation

        Approaching social and technological change in human society

        by Catherine J. Frieman

        An archaeology of innovation is the first monograph-length investigation of innovation and the innovation process from an archaeological perspective. It interrogates the idea of innovation that permeates our popular media and our political and scientific discourse, setting this against the long-term perspective that only archaeology can offer. Case studies span the entire breadth of human history, from our earliest hominin ancestors to the contemporary world. The book argues that the present narrow focus on pushing the adoption of technical innovations ignores the complex interplay of social, technological and environmental systems that underlies truly innovative societies; the inherent connections between new technologies, technologists and social structure that give them meaning and make them valuable; and the significance and value of conservative social practices that lead to the frequent rejection of innovations.

      • Trusted Partner
        Veterinary medicine
        April 2013

        Animal Abuse

        Helping Animals and People

        by Catherine Tiplady

        Animal abuse affects everybody working in animal-related industries, and constitutes a significant part of veterinary caseloads and animal shelter work. Based on the author's experience as a shelter worker and veterinarian, this book provides advice and assistance to those working with animal abuse. Beginning with definitions and types of abuse that occur worldwide in domestic, industry, leisure and cultural settings, the book goes on to detail current topics of debate such as foie gras production, pedigree dog breeding, links between animal abuse and domestic violence, and the fascinating subject of veterinary forensics - the scientific investigation of instances of animal abuse. The book's practical focus is developed through interviews with people in a variety of affected roles, international case studies, and discussion of the difficulties that arise; how they can be dealt with and the mental health impacts they can have on those involved. With contributions from world-renowned experts including Phil Arkow and David Bailey, and an introduction by Clive Phillips, Animal Abuse: Helping Animals and People provides practical advice and insights into issues surrounding this emotional subject.

      • Trusted Partner
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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2017

        Empire careers

        by Catherine Ladds

      • Trusted Partner
        Literary studies: fiction, novelists & prose writers
        May 2001


        By Gertrudis Gomez de Avellaneda

        by Catherine Davies

        This tale of a slave's unrequited love for the woman who owns him is set in nineteenth-century colonial Cuba and was the only feminist-abolitionist novel published during the century in Spain or its colonies. This unique text raises important issues concerning power, race, gender and class in colonial societies, colonial and post-colonial subjectivity and identities, feminist appropriations of the abolitionist agenda, human rights discourse, and literary and philosophical issues associated with enlightenment thought. This new annotated critical edition is the first to provide the original Spanish text along with a substantial and authoritative introduction in English, as well as maps and tables relating to nineteenth-century Cuba, a vocabulary list, and suggestions for further reading.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2022

        Sturmwächter 2. Die Magie von Arranmore

        by Catherine Doyle, Sylke Hachmeister, Bill Bragg

        In "Sturmwächter 2. Die Magie von Arranmore", der fesselnden Fortsetzung der "Sturmwächter"-Reihe von Catherine Doyle, spitzt sich die Lage auf der magischen irischen Insel Arranmore dramatisch zu. Der junge Sturmwächter Fionn Boyle steht vor einer seiner größten Herausforderungen: Die böse Zauberin Morrigan regt sich in den Tiefen der Insel, bedrohliche Seelenstelzer landen auf Arranmore, und Fionn muss seine Magie beherrschen lernen, bevor es zu spät ist. Doch diese Aufgabe erweist sich als schwieriger als erwartet, insbesondere da sein Großvater Malachy, der ihm bislang stets zur Seite stand, immer schwächer wird. Mit jedem Tag, der vergeht, intensiviert sich der Kampf um die Insel. Fionn, entkräftet durch das Versiegen seiner magischen Kräfte und konfrontiert mit dem schwindenden Gedächtnis seines Großvaters, ist gezwungen, sich auf seine Freunde Shelby und Sam zu verlassen. Gemeinsam suchen sie nach der verlorenen Armee der Merrows, mystische Meereskreaturen, die als einzige Morrigan und ihre Anhänger aufhalten können. Doch niemand außer Fionn glaubt an deren Existenz. Während die Inselbewohner sich auf eine Invasion vorbereiten, beginnt ein verzweifelter Wettlauf gegen die Zeit, um Arranmore vor der Zerstörung zu bewahren. Diese Fortsetzung bleibt bis zum Schluss spannungsgeladen und bereitet die Bühne für den nächsten Band, der mit Sehnsucht erwartet wird. Die Geschichte setzt die Abenteuer von Fionn Boyle auf der magischen irischen Insel Arranmore fort, wo er gegen die böse Zauberin Morrigan und ihre Seelenstelzer kämpft. Erzählung durchdrungen von der Magie der Insel und einer dichten Atmosphäre, die die Leser in eine Welt voller Geheimnisse und alter Legenden entführt. Fionn steht vor der schwierigen Aufgabe, seine magischen Kräfte zu kontrollieren und die Insel zu schützen, während er persönliches Wachstum und Entwicklung durchmacht. Der Kampf gegen die dunklen Mächte und die Suche nach der verlorenen Armee der Merrows sorgen für durchgehende Spannung und fesselnde Wendungen. Die Sturmwächter-Reihe behandelt komplexe Themen wie Familie, Mut, Vertrauen und den Umgang mit Verlust und Ängsten, was eine zusätzliche emotionale Tiefe schafft. Begeistert Leser jeden Alters mit seiner faszinierenden Welt und der mitreißenden Geschichte. Ideal für Leser ab 10 Jahren, die sich nach magischen Welten sehnen, in denen die Grenzen zwischen Realität und Fantasie verschwimmen und die das Geheimnisvolle und Mystische lieben.

      • Trusted Partner
        Teaching, Language & Reference
        November 2010

        El Camino by Miguel Delibes

        by Catherine Davies, Jeremy Squires

        Upon entering the Royal Spanish Academy in 1975, Miguel Delibes delivered an address which reclaimed El camino (1950) for the emerging Green movement. With a blend of hilarity, satire, pathos and tragedy, Delibes artfully explores the process of crossing boundaries in pursuit of maturity and social advancement, whilst also implying that real education is the unfolding of the human heart among friends and sweethearts within a shared social and natural space. This new annotated version of the text comprises an introductory essay discussing green issues, attitudes towards the Spanish peasantry under Franco, and the function of the novel's subtly orchestrated comedy. It also contains explanatory notes on the text, discussion topics and an extensive Spanish-English glossary. This edition is intended primarily for English-speaking students of Spanish literature and culture at school and university. ;

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2016

        Tristana by Benito Pérez Galdós

        by Catherine Davies, Pablo Valdivia

        Tristana is a novel where love, hate and power converge into a triangle of domination and frustration.Galdós', following the ideas of the Free Teaching Institution, intervened in the arena of the debate around the emancipation of women and their incorporation into the public sphere. Tristana, a young woman subjected to the rule of the tyrannical Don Lope, idealistically tries to find her purpose on life but she ends trapped by the rules of a world dominated by men who only see her as the object of their desire. Written in an experimental manner that defies the boundaries of theatre, epistolary and novel genres, Galdós' displays the purest nature of his characters by presenting their contradictions, weaknesses and virtues. He uses a deliberately ambiguous style that seeks to address fundamental questions regarding the unbalances of a Madrid in times of turbulence, but leaves the reader to draw their own meaning. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        August 2016


        by Benito Pérez Galdós

        by Catherine Davies, Pablo Valdivia

        Tristana is a novel where love, hate and power converge into a triangle of domination and frustration.Galdós', following the ideas of the Free Teaching Institution, intervened in the arena of the debate around the emancipation of women and their incorporation into the public sphere. Tristana, a young woman subjected to the rule of the tyrannical Don Lope, idealistically tries to find her purpose on life but she ends trapped by the rules of a world dominated by men who only see her as the object of their desire. Written in an experimental manner that defies the boundaries of theatre, epistolary and novel genres, Galdós' displays the purest nature of his characters by presenting their contradictions, weaknesses and virtues. He uses a deliberately ambiguous style that seeks to address fundamental questions regarding the unbalances of a Madrid in times of turbulence, but leaves the reader to draw their own meaning.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2022

        Sturmwächter 1. Das Geheimnis von Arranmore

        by Catherine Doyle, Sylke Hachmeister, Bill Bragg

        In "Sturmwächter 1. Das Geheimnis von Arranmore" von Catherine Doyle findet der 11-jährige Fionn Boyle zusammen mit seiner Schwester Tara den Weg zu der magischen irischen Insel Arranmore, um den Sommer bei ihrem Großvater zu verbringen. Dort entdeckt Fionn, dass er in die Fußstapfen seiner Vorfahren treten und als Sturmwächter die Insel und ihre Bewohner vor den dunklen Mächten schützen muss. Die Fähigkeit, Magie in der Flamme einer Kerze einzufangen und in die Vergangenheit zu reisen, eröffnet ihm eine neue Welt voller Geheimnisse und Abenteuer. Doch als sich ein heftiger Sturm ankündigt, steht Fionn vor der Herausforderung, die Inselbewohner vor der erwachenden dunklen Zauberin zu beschützen, die in den Tiefen Arranmores schläft. Catherine Doyles atmosphärisch dicht erzählter Roman ist eine Hommage an die Kraft der Natur und der Magie, verwebt mit der tiefen Verbindung zwischen Familie und Tradition. Fionn muss lernen, sein Erbe anzunehmen, seine Ängste zu überwinden und sein Vertrauen in die eigene Kraft zu finden, um seiner Bestimmung als Sturmwächter gerecht zu werden. "Sturmwächter 1. Das Geheimnis von Arranmore" ist nicht nur ein spannendes Abenteuer über Mut und Selbstfindung, sondern auch eine berührende Geschichte über den Umgang mit Trauer und den Zusammenhalt innerhalb der Familie. Mit seiner einzigartigen Mischung aus Magie, Humor und emotionaler Tiefe zieht das Buch Leser jeden Alters in seinen Bann und legt den Grundstein für eine fesselnde Reihe. Dieses einzigartige Fantasy-Abenteuer für Jung und Alt entführt Leser in eine Welt voller Magie und Mysterien auf der irischen Insel Arranmore, ideal für Leser ab 10 Jahren und auch Erwachsene. Überzeugt durch eine Kombination aus magischen Elementen, Familienbanden und der Auseinandersetzung mit ernsten Themen wie Trauer und Mut, eingebettet in eine fesselnde Handlung. Protagonist Fionn Boyle erlebt eine bemerkenswerte Reise des persönlichen Wachstums, unterstützt durch die lebendigen Nebencharaktere und die komplexe Beziehung zu seiner Familie. Die innovative Nutzung von Magie, insbesondere durch die Kerzen, die Zeitreisen ermöglichen, und die Auseinandersetzung mit der Naturgewalt, verleiht dem Buch eine einzigartige Note. Catherine Doyles Schreibstil ist fließend und atmosphärisch, wodurch die irische Landschaft und die magische Atmosphäre Arranmores lebendig werden. Die Suche nach dem neuen Sturmwächter und der Kampf gegen eine dunkle Macht halten die Spannung hoch und versprechen ein packendes Leseerlebnis. Mit Andeutungen auf zukünftige Herausforderungen und Entwicklungen bleibt die Vorfreude auf weitere Abenteuer in Arranmore bestehen. Neben Unterhaltung bietet das Buch auch Tiefgang durch die Auseinandersetzung mit Mut, Verlust und dem Wert von Erinnerungen.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2010

        Biografía de un cimarrón

        By Miguel Barnet and Esteban Montejo

        by Catherine Davies, William Rowlandson

        This Biography of a runaway slave is arguably the best-known book to have been written and published in revolutionary Cuba, being the testimonial narrative of Esteban Montejo, a former slave, runaway, and soldier in the Cuban wars of independence. The text is the collaboration between ethnographer Miguel Barnet and Montejo, the result of three years of tape-recorded interviews, transcribed, edited and annotated by Barnet. Montejo provides a first-hand account of slavery in nineteenth-century Cuba - the language, religion, music, and customs - and describes life in the sugar plantations and mills and as a runaway slave. Montejo's text also covers key historical moments, from slavery to Abolition, the Ten Years War, the Spanish American War, and US intervention in the new republic. Reflecting the growing interest in Latin American and Cuban Studies, this student edition includes the complete text in Spanish, notes in English, a time-line of Cuban history and themes for debate and discussion. The extensive introduction focuses on three main areas: an overview of Cuban history featuring slavery, wars of independence and the new republic; an overview of the genre of the testimonial narrative as it emerged as an important literary style in revolutionary Cuba; and an analysis of the relationship between the Cuban Revolution and the publication of the text. There is also an extensive bibliography. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1998

        »Paul Valéry – Glück, Dämon, Verrückter«

        Tagebuch 1920–1928

        by Catherine Pozzi, Max Looser, Max Looser

        "Im Juni 1920 lernt Catherine Pozzi Paul Valéry kennen. Er ist seit zwanzig Jahren verheiratet und hat drei Kinder. Es beginnen acht Jahre einer notgedrungen heimlichen, aber jeden Tag erneuerten und wieder in Frage gestellten Beziehung; acht Jahre der abgenötigten und unhaltbaren Versprechen; Pozzi und Valéry erleiden »den Tod und die Leidenschaft« ihrer Liebe; aber auch acht Jahre der gemeinsamen Arbeit, Lektüre und Forschung; acht Jahre eines intellektuellen und philosophischen Zwiegesprächs unter Gleichen."

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