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Forestry & related industriesJanuary 2000Forest Tourism and Recreation
Case Studies in Environmental Management
by Edited by Dr Xavier Font, John Tribe
The demand for ecotourism and outdoor recreation is increasing, and the pressures on land use are becoming more obvious. A large part of the experience of ecotourism and recreational landscape depends on the maintenance of forested land. Effective management of tourism and recreation in forests can provide extra income to help offset the costs of sustainable timber production and encourage biodiversity conservation.This multi-author book considers the compatibility between tourism, forestry and conservation, the management of natural resources and the involvement of stakeholders and the community. Issues are presented through case studies from a range of countries and topics covered include National Parks, peri-urban forestry and wilderness management, as well as practitioner-oriented contributions.
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Business, Economics & LawOctober 2020The Elephant Tourism Business
by Eric Laws, Noel Scott, Xavier Font, John Koldowski
Elephant tourism is a growing attraction in many countries across Asia and Africa and is popular with tourists from many origins. As elephants are no longer used in the logging industry in Asia, elephant tourism has grown rapidly, providing the only viable way that elephants and their owners can generate income. Old logging camps were developed into sanctuaries for some elephants, but many other camps were established as entertainment centres, with various welfare issues resulting for the elephants and their mahouts. The profits from elephant tourism in Asia have encouraged African operators to follow a similar business model. This book draws attention to the need for a comprehensive and rigorous focus on local solutions to improve the welfare of captive elephants and tourists' experiences of elephant tourism, to the benefit of local communities by: Critically reviewing recent research into elephant tourism Providing contemporary analytical case studies of elephant tourism policy and practice Identifying future research priorities The Elephant Tourism Business will contribute to a better understanding of how elephant tourism is organised, regulated and promoted, both in tourist origin countries and in elephant areas. It identifies priorities for future research into elephant tourism and provides a unique, authoritative resource for researchers, elephant managers and administrators, and tourism managers in this developing area of international concern. The book will be of interest to academics and practitioners with backgrounds in conservation, environment, tourism and veterinary sciences.
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September 2007Das Gemini-Ritual
by Case, John F. / Englisch Wasel, Ulrike; Englisch Timmermann, Klaus
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February 2004Der achte Tag
by Case, John F / Übersetzt von Wasel, Ulrike; Übersetzt von Timmermann, Klaus
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September 2009Tristano
by Nanni Balestrini, Peter O. Chotjewitz, Peter O. Chotjewitz, Umberto Eco
»Tape Mark I« (1961) von Nanni Balestrini gilt als erstes Gedicht, das je auf einem Computer geschrieben wurde. Der Autor verfolgte jedoch einen radikaleren Plan: Er wollte am Rechner einen Liebesroman verfassen, in seine Bestandteile zerlegen und diese willkürlich kombinieren. 1966 erschien sein Tristano bei Feltrinelli – als »normales« Buch mit 10 Kapiteln zu jeweils 30 Abschnitten in einer festgelegten Reihenfolge. Vier Jahrzehnte später erlauben es die Fortschritte der digitalen Drucktechnik, das Buch so zu veröffentlichen, wie der Autor es ursprünglich geplante hatte: Per Computer werden aus den 30 Abschnitten der 10 Kapitel jeweils 20 ausgewählt und in eine neue, zufällige Reihenfolge gebracht. Somit ist jedes der 2.000 Exemplare dieser deutschen Originalausgabe ein Unikat. Alle Bände sind auf dem Umschlag fortlaufend nummeriert. Die ersten 5.999 Tristano-Romane sind in italienischer Sprache bei Derive Approdi (Rom) erschienen. Die deutsche Ausgabe beginnt mit der Nummer 6.000 und endet mit der Nummer 7.999. Im Anschluß sind englische und französische Ausgaben geplant. Mit einem Vorwort von Umberto Eco und einem Nachwort von Peter O. Chotjewitz.
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Botany & plant sciencesFebruary 2012Blueberries
by Jorge B Retamales, James F Hancock
Blueberry cultivation has increased dramatically as production has shifted into new regions. Blueberries are now widely available as food and also processed to be used in medicine and pharmaceuticals for their antioxidant properties. This new and practical book covers the major topics of interest to blueberry breeders and researchers including botany, physiology, nutrition, growth regulation, photosynthesis, environment, weeds, pests, diseases and postharvest management. The main focus is on the most important cultivated species, the highbush blueberry, although information on other blueberries and related species is also provided. It is an essential resource for soft fruit researchers, extension workers, academics, breeders, growers, and students.
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April 2010Connected!
Die Macht sozialer Netzwerke und warum Glück ansteckend ist
by Christakis, Nicholas A.; Fowler, James H. / Englisch Neubauer, Jürgen
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Technology, Engineering & AgricultureAugust 2019GM Agriculture and Food Security
by Stuart Smyth, William A Kerr, Peter W B Phillips
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June 2006Die Meuterei auf der Bounty
Schiff ohne Hafen
by Charles B. Nordhoff, James N. Hall, Ernst Simon
Unter dem Kommando von Captain William Bligh segelt im Jahr 1789 die »Bounty«, ein bewaffnetes Transportschiff, von Tahiti zu den Westindischen Inseln. Doch die Rückfahrt führt in die Katastrophe: Wegen der brutalen Strenge des Kapitäns bricht die wohl bekannteste Meuterei der Geschichte der Seefahrt aus. Auf dem umfangreichen Tatsachenmaterial der britischen Admiralität haben die beiden Autoren das Thema in einem großartigen Roman voller Spannung aufbereitet.
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The environmentFebruary 2007Greenhouse Gas Sinks
by Edited by David Reay, Nick Hewitt, Keith A Smith, John Grace
Bringing together leading researchers from around the world this book reviews how vegetation and soils act as naturally occurring buffers which use up the gases responsible for global warming and the greenhouse effect. It provides in-depth information on the importance of these sinks, how they may respond to increased greenhouse gas emissions, how we can protect them and how they can help us mitigate climate change.