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      • The University of South Carolina Press

        Established in 1944,the University of South Carolina Press is one of the oldest and most distinguished publishing houses in the South. With well over 1,000 books available in print and digital formats, and publishing approximately fifty new books annually, the Press enhances and expands the scholarly reputation and worldwide visibility of the University of South Carolina.In helping the University fulfill its mission of research and teaching and outreach, the Press publishes a wide range of critically acclaimed works in the following subjects: Southern History, African American Studies, Civil Rights, and South Carolina. In addition, the Press publishes long-running scholarly series in Literary Studies and Rhetoric/Communication. Our editorial profile aligns with several of the institutional strengths of the University and underscores the Press’s mission to serve teachers and learners and readers in the academy and the broader culture, both in North America and around the globe.

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      • Caramel Publishing - Editions Caramel

        Caramel specializes in the creation and packaging of children’s books destined for the mass-market. We are based in Brussels and have been serving as an international book packager since 1993. Caramel continues to innovate with new concepts, while also expanding its editorial program. We possess a wide range of eductional products from board books to activity books, that can easily be translated into more than 60 languages!

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2010

        Ich wär gern wie ich bin


        by Gunnhild Øyehaug, Ebba D. Drolshagen

        Sigrid liebt Magnus, der mit seiner neuen Liebe Linnea nach Prag gereist ist. Sigrids Idol, der Schriftsteller Kåre Tryvle, ist zu einem Vortrag nach Bergen gekommen und verliebt sich in Sigrid. Aber nach der ersten gemeinsamen Nacht stellt er fest, daß er Wanda zurückhaben will, die Bassistin in einer Frauenrockband, von der er sich nach einem Streit getrennt hat. Es ging um Tarantinos Kill Bill 2 und um Uma Thurman, die in Teil 1 viel tougher war. Tough wollen sie sein, weil es dann einfacher ist, das Leben zu meistern: Sigrid und Wanda, aber auch Linnea, die Regisseurin. Doch was passiert, wenn Stärke sich in Schwäche verwandelt? In eine Schwäche für Männer? Dürfen wir sein, wie wir sind, fragt sich Sigrid, oder müssen wir uns in zu großen Männerhemden verstecken, um verletzlich auszusehen und geliebt zu werden? Und warum greift selbst Sofia Coppolas Lost in Translation zu diesem Trick? „Du liebe Güte, was für ein Buch! Einfallsreich und lebendig, in Sprache wie Handlung. Der norwegische Roman des Jahres! Die Lektüre ein pures Fest.“ Aftenposten

      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        December 2024


        Aquaculture, Biology and Health Management

        by Kim Thompson, Craig A. Shoemaker, David C Little, Alastair Hamilton, Alvin C. Camus, Andrew P. Shinn, Annette Boerlage, Benjamin R. LaFrentz, Carlos Garcia de Leaniz, Channarong Rodkhum, D. Allen Davis, Darci Carlos Fornari, De-Hai Xu, Divya Divya, Esteban M. Soto, Francis Murray, Gustavo Ramirez Paredes, Ha Thanh Dong, Halina Sobolewska, Hetron M. Munang’andu, Ian Goulding, Janina Costa, Joke van der Giessen, Jorge del-Pozo, Junning Cai, Matt J. Griffin, Mona Dverdal Jansen, Nopadon Pirarat, Olga L. M. Haenen, Partho Pratim Debnath, Ram C Bhujel, Roger S. V. Pullin, Ruth Zadoks, Saengchan Senapin, Sonia Rey Planellas, Taylor I. Heckman, Thomas P. Loch, Waldemar Rossi, Jr, Warren Turner

        Tilapia are a group of cichlid fish endemic to tropical freshwater in Africa, Jordan and Israel, that are extremely nutritious and in high global demand. They are a popular species to farm because of their relative ease of culture, their tolerance to relatively high stocking densities, large size, rapid growth and palatability. As a thorough exploration of tilapia aquaculture, this book emphasizes the significance of this group of fish and discusses the crucial elements of tilapia farming, including their reproductive and genetic characteristics, the various cultivation systems employed and the emerging governance of the practice. It also addresses important health management issues, focusing on nutrition, immunology, and animal welfare and extensively analyses the diseases that afflict tilapia, how they are diagnosed and what potential zoonotic hazards exist. The value of the book includes: Contributing to the wider understanding of tilapia aquaculture and the importance of the species to global food security. Providing an in-depth discussion on tilapia fish health, including major diseases, nutrition, immunology and disease prevention. Giving detailed insights into tilapia genetics, production systems, and reproduction. Written by an international team of experts to advance the long-term, sustainable growth of the global aquaculture industry, this book is a comprehensive and essential resource for anyone involved in or learning about tilapia farming.

      • Trusted Partner

        Activating the Knee

        120 exercises for osteoarthritis and after joint placement, injuries and surgery

        by Joachim Merk and Thomas Horstmann

        Activating the Knee provides 120 exercises to stretch, strengthen and improve mobility, with detailed photographs and clear instructions. They can be combined to create a personalized exercise program.

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        Heal Knee Pain

        by Zhang Fu

        This book is a collaborative work of experts in strength, body building, rehabilitation training and sports medicine. It is a manual for knee protection, functional training and injury recovery, offering practical and comprehensive guidance for athletes. The writer intends to share his own experience of healing knee pain with readers.   内容简介 力量、体能、体形、康复训练专家与运动医学专家的鼎力之作,膝关节保健、功能性训练与伤后康复训练手册,实用、全面的运动者有效护膝指南!作者以亲身经历与万千读者一起见证“终结膝痛”!

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        January 2021

        Tropical Tuber Starches

        Structural and Functional Characteristics

        by S N Moorthy, M S Sajeev, R P K Ambrose, R J Anish

        This book provides comprehensive and up-to-date knowledge relating to the morphological, structural, and functional characteristics of tuber starches, particularly in relation to their applications in food and industry. In recent years there has been significant progress and extensive research conducted on tropical root starches and especially on some of the lesser known tuber crop starches. There has also been a shift towards using biomaterials in place of synthetic materials in various applications. As researchers investigate the availability of natural products with similar properties, starch has been identified as a reliable alternative to these synthetic materials. Reflecting the growing body of research, Tropical Tuber Starches: - Explores the structure, properties and applications of tropical root and tuber starches (cassava, sweet potato, aroids, yams and other minor tuber crops) - Includes a chapter on the methodology for starch characterisation - Covers patents on starch-based products and the commercial potential of tropical root starches A valuable resource for researchers and students, plant breeders, and commercial producers working with, or considering working with, tropical tuber starches. Table of Contents 1: Introduction - Tropical Tuber Crops and Their Importance 2: Starch - General Considerations 3: Cassava 4: Sweet Potato 5: Aroids 6: Yams 7: Other Starches 8: Starch Modifications 9: Applications of Tuber Starches 10: Characterization and Analysis of Starches 11: Conclusions and Future Prospects

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2007

        Paris, Joyce, Paris

        by Djuna Barnes, Karin Kersten, Kyra Stromberg

        »Ein Liebhaberbändchen zum Mit-sich-Herumschleppen (nicht nur in Paris), zum Fotos-Anschauen (Paris, wie es einmal war, von unnachahmlichem Zauber), zum Sich-Freuen, daß es solche Bücher noch gibt.« BuchJournal

      • Trusted Partner

        Coping Better with Cancer Therapy

        Improved quality of life with the right vitamins and minerals

        by Uwe Gröber and Prof. Dr. Klaus Kisters

        Cancer patients often suffer from malnutrition. Not only do they lack energy-providing macronutrients such as protein, fats and carbohydrates, they particularly lack the micronutrients that regulate the metabolism. Micronutrients such as vitamin D, selenium, L-carnitine, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin C significantly contribute to supporting the immune system of cancer patients, reducing inflammatory processes, alleviating the side effects of cancer therapy, and improving their quality of life. This patient guide provides information about the relationship between cancer, malnutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, the influence of cancer therapeutics on micronutrient balance, and how cancer patients can support their therapy and improve their quality of life with a controlled intake of micronutrient

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        February 2025

        Assemblages of cancer

        Experiences and contexts of breast cancer in the UK, France and Italy

        by Cinzia Greco

        Assemblages of cancer illustrates the tensions in the experiences and context of breast cancer in Western Europe. Breast cancer is presented as a success story in oncology, especially in countries with advanced, universal healthcare systems. At the same time, individual experiences are shaped by uncertainty, local variability of healthcare provisions, and the need for patients to assemble information about the treatments, knowledge on healthcare systems navigation, and different processes of meaning-making to manage the uncertainty and variability characterising individual outcomes. The book explores both how individual bodies and experiences are transformed by different local medical practices, institutions and discourses of breast cancer and how patients need to find their own way in these contexts. Assemblages of cancer is based on ten years of ethnographic work with patients and medical professionals in the UK, France and Italy.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Os escritores de cartas à mão armada

        by Olufunke Ogundimu

        Os escritores de cartas à mão armada da autoria de Olufunke Ogundimu é uma estória sobre uma comunidade nigeriana que recebe cartas de assaltantes à mão armada a anunciar a sua chegada e uma lista de pertences que tencionam levar. Os assaltantes também enviam cópias destas cartas à polícia, aconselhando as suas potenciais vítimas a não se incomodarem. Usando o pronome colectivo "nós" para implicar uma voz narrativa coroada, Ogundimu retrata efectivamente, com um sentido de humor peculiar, a confusão colectiva e a determinação de civis indefesos e o estado lamentável do policiamento no país.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2008

        Die Geheimnisse von Paris

        Vollständige Ausgabe. Zwei Bände in Kassette

        by Eugène Sue, Helmut Kossodo, Helmut Kossodo

        Paris 1838: Ein geheimnisvoller deutscher Herzog kämpft in den verrufensten Gegenden der Stadt für Gerechtigkeit, denn im Labyrinth der nächtlichen Gassen treiben so allerhand finstre Gestalten ihr Unwesen. Eugène Sue (1804-1857) gehört zu den meistgelesenen Autoren des 19. Jahrhunderts. Die Geheimnisse von Paris wurden bei Erscheinen 1843 schlagartig zum Bestseller. Einer der spannendsten und furiosesten Romane der europäischen Literatur!

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        O Redentor do Mundo

        Colectânea de contos traduzidos pelos vencedores do Concurso de Tradução Literária 2019

        by Sandra Tamele

        Instantâneos da vida na Europa na voz dos vencedores do Prémio Literário Europeu. Neste segundo volume da Colectânea de Contos Traduzidos pelos vencedores do Concurso de Tradução Literária, apresentamos cinco contos publicados em 2018 no âmbito do 10º aniversário do Prémio Literário Europeu (EUPL), nomeadamente: ‘The Savior of the World’ do Britânico Adam Foulds, ‘Nebulosa de Ciudad’ da Espanhola Raquel Martinéz-Goméz, ‘Le Lotissement’ da Francesa Emmanuelle Pagano, ‘Eine Ankunft’ da Austríaca Christina Schutti e ‘Apnea’ do Italiano Lorenzo Amurri. Junto com outros três contos posteriormente publicados numa colectânea exclusiva para os vencedores do EUPL. As estórias de ‘Redentor do Mundo’ propõem ao leitor instantâneos sobre a vida na Europa na perspectiva de uma crítica de arte que entre questionamentos sobre a autoria de um quadro lança críticas políticas e sociais; na perspectiva de uma jovem que assiste às mudanças no seu bairro; na perspectiva de uma mulher que está sempre de chegada a cidades europeias; e na perspectiva de um jovem que se vê subitamente tetraplégico num acidente. Lançado em 2015, o concurso e a publicação receberam em 2020 a nomeação entre os três finalistas e uma menção honrosa do Prémio Internacional da Feira do Livro de Londres para Excelência em Iniciativas de Tradução Literária.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2012

        Paris. Eine Liebe


        by Urs Faes, Nanne Meyer

        Milde Septembertage in Paris: Nach fast dreißig Jahren kehrt Eric zurück in die Stadt, von der er einmal gehofft hatte, sie würde ihm die Erfüllung bringen. Statt dessen brachten ihn die Tage mit Claudine an den Rand der Verzweiflung – Claudine mit ihren hellen, fast weißblonden Haaren, die Hände in den Taschen ihres grünen Mantels vergraben. Jetzt scheint eine Wiederbegegnung möglich. Und es stellt sich die Frage, ob »einer nicht genauso aus dem besteht, was er nicht gelebt hat, wie aus dem, was durch Zufall seine Wirklichkeit geworden ist«. -- Mit Zeichnungen von Nanne Meyer.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Cancer Patient in the Pharmacy

        Advisory knowledge for pharmacy practice

        by Edited by Dr. Dorothee Dartsch

        The decision for cancer treatment has been taken and now a difficult time begins for the cancer patient: complex treatment regimens, side effects, fear. As a trusted confidant and competent point of contact in primary care, the pharmacist is called upon to play a key role. This collection of up-to-date articles provides support in the management of side effects from nausea to cardiotoxicity, gives assistance in interpreting warning signs of complications and highlights particular groups of patients such as pregnant women, geriatric, cachectic or palliative patients.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2025

        Unter den Sternen von Paris

        Roman | Ein romantischer Wohlfühlroman, der das Herz berührt

        by Karolina Schützer, Nora Pröfrock

        Eine Stadt, die Herzen verbindet – und eine Frau auf der Suche nach sich selbst Unter dem funkelnden Sternenhimmel von Paris versucht Sophia ihr Leben neu zu ordnen: Nach einer schwierigen Scheidung und dem Verlust ihres Traumjobs als TV-Journalistin steht sie an einem Wendepunkt. Als sie unerwartet das Erbe ihrer Großmutter in Form einer kleinen Bar im Quartier Latin antreten soll, wird Sophia in eine Welt hineingezogen, die absolut nichts mit ihrem bisherigen Leben zu tun hat. In der Bar Le Lulu trifft sie auf den charmanten, aber geheimnisvollen Louis, einen alten Freund ihrer Großmutter, und beginnt, die vielen Geheimnisse ihrer Familie zu entdecken. Während sie tiefer in die Geschichte ihrer Großmutter eintaucht, erkennt sie, dass Paris mehr für sie bereithält, als sie jemals gedacht hätte – vielleicht sogar eine zweite Chance auf die Liebe.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2021

        Involução e outros contos para um mundo em crise

        Colectânea de contos traduzidos pelos vencedores do Concurso de Tradução Literária 2020

        by Sandra Tamele

        Neste terceiro volume da Colectânea de Contos Traduzidos pelos vencedores do Concurso de Tradução Literária, apresentamos seis contos publicados entre 2017 e 2019 no âmbito do Caine Prize for African Writing e da colectânea New Short Fiction from Africa: ‘Involução’ da autoria da sul-africana Stacy Hardy que aborda abertamente a sexualidade da mulher, também preocupações sociais e políticas, faz alusão a questões como a degradação ambiental, o colonialismo e direitos da mulher, ancorados numa teatralidade conceptual necessária para que o conto não se torne efémero e engaje o sentido de humor do leitor para o aproximar da mente aberta de Hardy. ‘A heroína misteriosa’ ou ‘Mavbanelo na mayi’ em Bitonga, é da autoria da Tanzaniana Lydia Kasese. Ela escreve sobre as expectativas e pressões sociais que levam as mulheres a desejarem concertar tudo. Neste conto Kasese traz destramente à luz questões sobre o abuso de menores e o seu impacto sobre as famílias na Tanzânia e, não só. Alinafe Malonje estreou-se nesta colectânea da Short Story Day com o conto ‘Manutenção de Rotina’, um registo metafísico de um hotel: parte alegoria, parte meditação com um subtil comentário sobre o que significa ser mulher no Malawi. Natasha Omokhodion-Kalulu Banda cria um fabuloso hotel de fantasia que contém realidades sinistras, construindo um persuasivo mundo alternativo. Tariro Ndoro em ‘A lenda das duas irmãs’, ou ‘Xihitana xa vamakwavu na makwavu’ em Changana, traz uma abordagem arrepiante dos perigos da saudade, onde a busca por uma irmã num hotel de luxo em Victoria Falls tem um fim fantasmagórico. Mampianina Randria nos apresenta em ‘O Gatilho’, ou ‘Niyódeké sê xidúvúlá’ em Changana, um conto com um ritmo cerrado e um desfecho totalmente inesperado onde uma mulher que lida com as frustrações de quem entra na vida adulta.

      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        November 2019

        Tropical Roots and Tuber Crops, 2nd Edition

        Cassava, sweet potato, yams and aroids

        by Vincent Lebot

        Root and tuber crops are important to agriculture, food security and income for 2.2 billion people in developing countries. These species produce large quantities of dietary energy and have stable yields under difficult environmental conditions. This second edition of Tropical Root and Tuber Crops is an authoritative treatment of four important root and tuber crops: cassava. sweet potato, yams, and aroids. The same format is followed for each crop: Origin and History, Taxonomy and Botany, Breeding and Genetics, Developmental Physiology, Agronomy, Pests and Diseases, Post-Harvest Quality and Marketing. This new edition reviews the scientific literature produced during the last decade and presents major technical advancements. Modern molecular tools have been used to clarify the phylogeny, taxonomy and origin of these species. Similar advances have been made in physiology, agronomy, pathology and product chemistry. It is essential reading for students, researchers and horticulturists.

      • Trusted Partner


        by Steedman

        In this book, Carolyn Steedman has produced a sometimes irreverent investigation into how modern historiography has developed. Writing about the practice and writing of history, she considers the immutable, stubborn set of beliefs about the material world, past and present, inherited from the 19th century, with which modern history writing attempts to grapple. Drawing on over five years worth of her own published and unpublished writing, the author has produced a sustained argument about the way in which history writing belongs to the currents of thought shaping the modern world.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2018

        Poetry for historians

        by Carolyn Steedman

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