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      • Rosaria Carpinelli Consulenze Editoriali SrL

        Rosaria Carpinelli Consulenze Editoriali is a literary and editorial agency, representing domestic and international rights of Italian authors.

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      • Caramel Publishing - Editions Caramel

        Caramel specializes in the creation and packaging of children’s books destined for the mass-market. We are based in Brussels and have been serving as an international book packager since 1993. Caramel continues to innovate with new concepts, while also expanding its editorial program. We possess a wide range of eductional products from board books to activity books, that can easily be translated into more than 60 languages!

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        John et Yoni

        by Mike Carmel

        John et Yoni - Deux frères jumeaux - deux religions - deux nations - une seule âme !Mike Carmel A la suite d'une relation illicite passionnée entre une jeune étudiante en psychologie et son professeur marié, en 1979, deux frères jumeaux, John et Yoni, sont involontairement séparés lors du premier mois de leur vie et sont élevés dans deux différentes familles adoptives. John grandit en Angleterre à Liverpool, dans la foi romaine catholique. Yoni est élevé à Raanana, en Israël, dans la confession juive.A l'âge de 21 ans, ils se rencontrent pour la première fois. Ils sont tous deux très croyants, chacun dans ses propres convictions religieuses, et il s'ensuit un processus intéressant de découverte mutuelle, alors que leurs voies culturelles différentes se rencontrent. Ce qui suit est une histoire captivante, stimulante, amusante, qui soulève des questions et occasionnellement des conflits, et souvent débouche sur le bizarre. Alors, l'un d'eux perd tragiquement la vie, victime d'un attentat suicidaire à la bombe, et son frère jumeau reste, pour endurer le difficile processus de remise en question de sa propre identité, se retrouvant de nouveau seul au monde. Mike Carmel est né en 1956 à Liverpool et étudia l'économie à la Liverpool University et à la Brunel University, à Londres. Bien que l'auteur fût élevé dans la foi anglicane, il décida, en 1980, de se convertir au judaïsme. Il conserva désormais un profond respect pour les deux religions.Travaillant dans le secteur de la Hi Tech, Mike vit en Israël depuis 25 ans. Il a servi dans l'armée israélienne comme infirmier et il a aussi rempli diverses fonctions dans l'éducation dans les deux pays. Mike s'est marié avec une israélienne en 1981 et ils ont trois enfants. Sa fille, à laquelle le livre est dédié, a été gravement blessée pendant son service militaire par un terroriste suicidaire en 2003.

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        June 2023

        Attika. Die Schlacht von Marathon

        Historischer Roman

        by Iggulden, Conn

        Aus dem Englischen von Urban Hofstetter

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        September 2023

        Attika. Die Verteidiger Athens

        Historischer Roman

        by Iggulden, Conn

        Aus dem Englischen von Urban Hofstetter

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        June 2024

        Hellas. Der Löwe von Athen

        Historischer Roman

        by Iggulden, Conn

        Übersetzt von Bernhard Stäber

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2024

        Anticlerical legacies

        by Elad Carmel

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        SCRIBE :The Story of the Only Female Pope

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        The monastery at Siani was famous throughout the academic world for its library. The monks of medieval days routinely obtained ancient, crumbling manuscripts and recopied them. Among them, hidden in a wall in the cellar, the following parchment was found and faithfully recopied in the practiced hand of the Sianian monks several centuries after its original writing.  Hugo N. Gerstl, nationally famous American trial lawyer, world traveler and author of the bestselling historical novels: AGAINST ALL ODDS: The Magnificent Trio That Built Israel's Air Force; SCRIBE: The Only Female Pope; AMAZING GRACE: The Outstanding Tale of Grace O'Malley, The Notorious Pirate Woman; LEGACY: A Turkish Saga; and the gripping, breath-holding thrillers ASSASSIN & MISFIRE, which so far have been translated into Portuguese, Czech, and Turkish. as well as THE POLITICS OF HATE – A Piercing Insight into American Politics. Hugo Gerstl lives in Carmel, California with his wife Lorraine, a writer and teacher. Together they have raised five children, now grown. Published By  Pangæa Publishing Group 560 pages – 23 cm x 15 cm

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        November 2023

        Ganoderma Diseases of Tropical Crops

        by Carmel A Pilotti, Paul Dennis Bridge

        The fungal genus Ganoderma includes around 80 currently recognized species that are widely distributed in temperate, subtropical and tropical regions, and cause disease in a range of economically important perennial crops and tree-like plants. Ganoderma root and lower stem rots have a significant impact on yields from crops including oil palm, coconut, beverage crops, Acacia and rubber. The identification of species responsible for stem and butt rots is often ambiguous as closely related species may only be distinguished by subtle morphological differences. Within species there can be considerable morphological plasticity and this can make morphology-based identification difficult, particularly for species described from a single specimen. Molecular techniques are helping to slowly resolve Ganoderma taxonomy but it will be some time (if ever) before the taxonomy is fully resolved. This book brings together information on Ganoderma species that are reported to be responsible for crop diseases in tropical and sub-tropical agriculture and covers taxonomy, biology, genetics, aetiology, epidemiology and control. This book is an essential resource for researchers in Ganoderma in crop science and tropical agriculture, as well as practitioners and industry.

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        Billy Jenkins: Europe's King of the Cowboys

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        illy Jenkins’ career spans the years 1895-1954. He was King of the Cowboys, the most popular act in all Germany, hero of German pulp fiction – the last genuine hero of the “American” Wild West. Yet, like Karl May before him, he never set foot in America...Billy became one of the world’s earliest superstars. He thrilled millions between the two World Wars, built a palatial mansion on the hill in Berlin, complete with a dude ranch in his backyard. In 1932, after joining the Nazi Party, he became their favorite, and soon reached the pinnacle of his success – this, despite the fact that he was half-Jewish! As his star waned, not because he was Jewish but because his name sounded too American as Germany entered World War II, Billy rediscovered his Jewish roots, and… but that’s for the reader to find out.Hugo N. Gerstl, nationally famous American trial lawyer, world traveler and author of the best-sellers Scribe: The Only Female Pope, Amazing Grace: The Woman Pirate, Legacy: The Birth of Modern Turkey, ChildFinders, and Stalemate, which so far have been translated into Portuguese, Czech, and Turkish, lives in Carmel, California with his wife Lorraine, a writer and teacher. Together they have raised five children, now grown. Published By Pangæa Publishing Group,2019.  534 pages – 23 cm x 15 cm

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        The Lazarus Shares

        A Wertheim's Return To Berlin

        by T.M. Löwenthal

        With the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Germans offer to return unclaimed properties to the survivors and heirs able to provide proof of original ownership. This is the story of those who inherited the challenge of such an offer, those who would build a case to reclaim the assets and risk revisiting the past. Part exposé and part family saga, The Lazarus Shares is a tale within a tale, the story of emigrant wealthy Wertheims, Jewish Berliners whose present-day heirs face the ironic task of amassing proof of their family’s Berlin credentials. But it is in-between these timelines that the real story is revealed, a brother and sister trying to keep up with their mother, the wild Lili whose mastery of assimilation is exceeded only by her mastery of a vagabond life. Stretching from Kassel to Jerusalem, Budapest to London, Hollywood to Bogota, the story unravels one man’s stand against the past, Gus Maparae’s legacy to his daughter, Emma, the last of the Wertheims, the last pawn left standing. The author lives with her family in a small house on the Southern Carmel Mountains in Israel enjoying a view to Phoenician ruins, a magical milieu to her other pursuits as a teacher of Philosophy (Ethics) and local tour guide. An English-language eBook edition has been scheduled for publication in fall 2017 by Samuel Wachtman's Sons, Inc., CA. 360 pages 15 x 22.5 cm.

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        My Street Cats: Their Personality & Social Behavior

        by Dr. Raphaella Bilski

        They live beside us. They need our help and attention to survive. Most of us accept their presence without questioning. Part of us ignore them entirely and part of us give them food and water. These are the street cats. What do we know about them? – very little. This book is ought to show the reader the special and interesting world of the street cats focusing on one community for about 14 years (of observation). Here you will read on the social life, on hierarchy that exists in their community, on their leaders and various social behavior. The reader will also meet the heroic acts of various cats, the wonderful friendship relations between them and their very special patterns of motherhood etc. At the end of reading the book the street cat who was for most readers just an anonymous animal spending a lot of time near garbage cases will become a familiar animal, interesting and liked.   Raphaella Bilski has been a member of the Department of Political Science in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. She specializes in modern political philosophy, welfare and social policy and in the subject of happiness. Her most known books are "Every Individual – A King, the Political and Social Thought of Zeev Jabotinsky" (Dvir, Tel Aviv and Bnai Brith, New York). For this book she got The Jabotinsky Price. Her second known book is "The Lure of Happiness" (Carmel, Jerusalem). She was the director at the Van Leer Foundation (1977-1980) and an advisor on social and welfare policy to the Israel prime ministers Yitzhak Rabin, Yitzhak Shamir and Shimon Peres. From 1990-1992 she began taking care of street cats who constituted a community in her garden. This book is based on 14 years of observation. She continues to take care of street cats and is about to write a second book on this subject.   An English-language eBook edition was published in late 2014 by Samuel Wachtman's Sons, Inc., CA. 242 pages , 15x 22.5 cm

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        Meine Straßenkatzen

        by Dr. Raphaella Bilski

        Meine Straßenkatzen: Persönlichkeit und soziales Verhalten Dr. Raphaella Bilski Sie leben unter uns. Sie brauchen unsere Hilfe und Aufmerksamkeit, um zu überleben. Die meisten von uns sehen sie, denken aber nicht weiter über sie nach. Einige ignorieren sie völlig, andere geben ihnen Nahrung und Wasser. Es sind die Straßenkatzen. Was wissen wir über sie? – Sehr wenig. Dieses Buch soll dem Leser anhand der 14 Jahre dauernden Beobachtung einer Population die besondere und interessante Welt der Straßenkatzen zeigen. Hier erfahren Sie mehr über das soziale Leben, die Hierarchie in ihrer Population, über ihre Leittiere und über verschiedene soziale Verhaltensweisen. Der Leser erfährt über Heldentaten einzelner Tiere, die wundervollen Freundschaftsbeziehungen zwischen den Tieren und ihrer ganz besonderen Verhaltensweisen beim Aufziehen des Nachwuchses. Am Ende des Buchs wird der Leser mit anderen Augen auf die Tiere sehen, wenn mal wieder eines neben einer Mülltonne oder in einer abgelegenen Ecke entdeckt wird. Raphaella Bilski war Mitglied des Instituts für Politikwissenschaft an der Hebräischen Universität von Jerusalem, Israel. Sie ist spezialisiert auf moderne politische Philosophie und Sozialpolitik und auf das Thema Glück. Ihre bekanntesten Bücher sind „Every Individual – A King, the Political and Social Thought of Zeev Jabotinsky“ (Dvir, Tel Aviv und Bnai Brith, New York). Für dieses Buch erhielt sie den Jabotinsky-Preis. Ihr zweites bekanntes Buch ist „The Lure of Happiness“ (Carmel, Jerusalem). Sie war Direktorin der Van Leer-Stiftung (1977-1980) und Beraterin für Sozial- und Wohlfahrtspolitik der israelischen Ministerpräsidenten Yitzhak Rabin, Yitzhak Shamir und Shimon Peres. Von 1990 bis 1992 kümmerte sie sich um Straßenkatzen, die in ihrem Garten eine Gemeinschaft bildeten. Dieses Buch basiert auf 14 Jahren Beobachtung. Sie kümmert sich weiterhin um Straßenkatzen und ist dabei, ein zweites Buch zu diesem Thema zu schreiben. Eine englischsprachige nordamerikanische Ausgabe wurde Anfang 2014 von Samuel Wachtmans Sons, Inc., CA, veröffentlicht. 242 Seiten 15 x 22,5 cm

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        Amazing Grace

        The Story of Grace O'Malley the Notorious Pirate Woman

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        A WOMAN THAT HATH IMPUDENTLY PASSED THE PART OF WOMANHOOD AND BEEN A GREAT SPOILER AND CHIEF COMMANDER AND DIRECTOR OF THIEVES AND MURDERERS AT SEA … SHE HATH BEEN THE MOTHER OF ALL REBELLIONS FOR FORTY YEARS … , the “Pirate Queen of Connaught,” was thus vilified by those English authorities who tried to bring stubborn, recalcitrant Ireland to its knees in the Sixteenth Century. Twice married, twice widowed, a passionate lover, gambler, pirate, sea captain, politician, mother of heroes, and, above all, a symbol of the indomitable human spirit and Irish independence. She was a force to be reckoned with by anyone – man, woman, even the sovereign of England, who tried to cross her path. AMAZING GRACE swaggered boldly across the world stage for more than seventy years. These were turbulent times of Henry VIII and “Bloody Mary” Tudor, and Queen Elizabeth – the age of discovery when the remnants of the Middle Ages were dying – except in the provinces of Ireland – and the Renaissance was in full flower – the days of the “discovery” of America by Spaniards, the exploration of Africa and India by Portugal, the launching of the Invincible Armada, and the great schism of two contending forces of western Christianity. Armed with courage and daring to match that of any man, AMAZING GRACE lived a life “larger than legend.” More sinner than saint, she is remembered throughout western Ireland more than four hundred years after her death, celebrated in story and song. In a time when women were very much “second class citizens,” GRACE O’MALLEY did not need a women’s rights organization – she was her own force, and if you tried to cross her, you’d best beware. Sir Henry Sidney, the English Lord Deputy of Ireland, said it best: “There came to me a most feminine sea captain called Grace O’Malley, with three galleys and 200 fighting men. She brought a husband with her, and she was, by sea and by land, well more than Mrs. Mate with him. This was a notorious woman in all the coasts of Ireland.” , nationally famous American trial lawyer, world traveler, whose books have been translated into Portuguese, Czech, Turkish, Hebrew, and German, and author of international bestsellers , , , and , lives in Carmel, California with his wife Lorraine, a writer and teacher. Together they have raised five grown children.  Published by Pangæa Publishing Group, 402 Pages, 2019. 23 cm x 15 cm

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        by Moshe Kaufman

        These thirty three drawings by Moshe Kaufman, selected from hundreds of drawings, are the fruition of his sketching trips to the historic and picturesque landscapes of the Holy Land. They reflect the artist’s admiration of the majestic sceneries he has witnessed while touring the various regions of the country. Kaufman's formative years were spent in Jerusalem, where the urban landscapes of the holy city were first absorbed. As a young architecture student in Haifa, he enjoyed many trips to the mountains of the Carmel and the Galilee. In later years, being involved in the planning of the town of Eilat, he had the opportunity to be in close contact with the mountainous desert views of the Negev and the Arava. Moshe Kaufman is a painter and retired architect. His landscapes, in black and white, as well as in color, were exhibited in several successful one-man shows in Israel, Florida, and New York.   “...Moshe Kaufman, with only pen and ink on paper, he paints the simple country scenes, and the intensity with which they are felt, make them rise off the page as from the page of the Old Testament. The simple jagged desert tree, with a few bushes and a hill behind them is the stuff with which Moshe Kaufman can make magic.”                           Bruno Pulmer Poroner                          “ARTSPEAK” New York  “...Kaufman does not copy nature in a realistic style. He rather adopts the impressionist tinge with a personal touch. His drawings consist of mysticism and imagination combined with realism. His expressive landscapes reveal a concealed force of the artist, as well as his inner truth that characterizes him.”                     “WORLD OF ART” Tel Aviv

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        by Moshé Kaufman

        PAISAJES DE ISRAEL por Moshé Kaufman Estos treinta y tres dibujos de Moshé Kaufman, escogidos entre cientos de dibujos, son el resultado de sus viajes artísticos a los panoramas históricos y pintorescos de Tierra Santa. Dichos diseños reflejan la admiración del artista por los espléndidos paisajes que pudo apreciar en sus recorridos por las diversas regiones del país. Los años formativos de Kaufman transcurrieron en Jerusalén, donde absorbió por primera vez los panoramas urbanos de la ciudad santa. Como joven arquitecto en Haifa, disfrutó de numerosas visitas a las montañas del Carmel y de la Galilea. Posteriormente, al estar involucrado en la planificación de la ciudad de Eilat, tuvo la oportunidad de entrar en estrecho contacto con los panoramas del desierto montañoso en el Néguev y en el valle de Aravá. Moshé Kaufman es pintor y arquitecto jubilado. Sus paisajes, en blanco y negro y también en color, se exhibieron en diversas exposiciones individuales de gran éxito, en Israel, en Florida y en Nueva York.   «...Moshé Kaufman, sólo con pluma y tinta sobre papel, pinta las sencillas escenas del país y la intensidad con que son percibidas y las hace surgir de la hoja como si lo hicieran de una página del Antiguo Testamento. El sencillo árbol desértico espinoso, con unos pocos arbustos y una colina detrás de ellos es un material que, en las manos de Moshé Kaufman, se convierte en algo mágico».                           Bruno Pulmer Poroner                          "ARTSPEAK" Nueva York   «...Kaufman no copia la naturaleza en un estilo realista, sino más bien adopta la connotación impresionista, con un toque personal. Sus dibujos consisten en una mezcla de misticismo e imaginación con realismo. Sus paisajes expresivos revelan la fuerza oculta en el artista, así como la verdad interna que lo caracteriza».                     "WORLD OF ART" Tel Aviv

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        by Mosche Kaufman

        ISRAELISCHE LANDSCHAFTEN von Mosche Kaufman ‫? Diese dreiunddreißig Zeichnungen von Moshe Kaufman, ausgewählt aus Hunderten von Zeichnungen, sind die Frucht seiner Zeichenausflüge in malerische Landschaften des Heiligen Landes. Sie reflektieren die Bewunderung des Künstlers für die majestätischen Landschaftsansichten, die er auf seinen Reisen in die verschiedenen Regionen des Landes erlebt hat.   Der Künstler verbrachte seine formativen Jahre in Jerusalem, wo er zuerst die urbanen Landschaften der heiligen Stadt in sich aufnahm.Als junger Architekturstudent in Haifa erfreute er sich an zahlreichen Ausflügen in die Berge des Carmel und nach Galiläa.In späteren Jahren war er an der Planung der Stadt Eilat beteiligt und hatte Gelegenheit, in engem Kontakt mit den gebirgigen Wüstenansichten von Negev und Arava zu sein.   Moshe Kaufman ist Maler und Architekt im Ruhestand.Seine Landschaften, schwarzweiß wie farbig, wurden in mehreren erfolgreichen Einzelausstellungen in Israel, Florida und New York.   ‫    *... Moshe Kaufman malt mit Stift und Tusche auf Papier einfache ländliche Szenen, und mit der Intensität, mit der sie gefühlt sind, gemahnen sie häufig an Szenen des Alten Testaments.Der schlichte, knorrige Baum in der Wüste, ein paar Büsche und ein Hügel im Hintergrund – das ist der Stoff, aus dem Mosche Kaufman Magie erzeugen kann.                             Bruno Pulmer Poroner                            “ARTSPEAK” New York   „... Kaufman kopiert nicht die Natur auf realistische Weise.Statt dessen übernimmt er impressionistische Schattierungen und versieht sie mit seiner persönlichen Note.Seine Zeichnungen bestehen aus Mystik und Imagination, in Verbindung mit Realismus.Seine expressiven Landschaften enthüllen eine verborgene Kraft des Künstlers und die innere Wahrheit, die ihm zu eigen ist.“                       “WORLD OF ART” Tel Aviv

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