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        April 2022


        by Attilio Cassinelli, Vivien Danne

        Der kleine Pinocchio gerät immer wieder in Schwierigkeiten. Gut, dass er die blaue Fee hat, die ihm immer im richtigen Moment hilft – zum Beispiel, wenn vom vielen Lügen seine Nase mal wieder viel zu lang geworden ist. Carlo Collodis weltbekannte Geschichten nacherzählt vom Star der italienischen Kinderbuchillustration. Die beliebtesten Märchen und Kindergeschichten, leicht und verständlich erzählt im unverwechselbaren Stil von Attilio: kurze Texte, klares Design und helle Farben. Perfekt zum Vorlesen für Kleinkinder.

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        Children's & YA

        The Strawberry Fairy. The Loveliest Stories to Read Aloud

        by Stefanie Dahle

        The Strawberry Fairy works her magic again! For this top-quality gift edition, decorated with glitter and foil embossing, the author and illustrator Stefanie Dahle has chosen her own favourite stories from the three books. There is always something going on in the strawberry garden: the little fairy cures the sore throats of the frog choir, helps Don Carlo to win the love of his sweetheart, and enjoys some jolly parties in the garden. Later everyone cuddles up by the fire and makes plans for the spring while drinking a delicious cup of strawberry tea. A book to treasure, and not just for Strawberry Fairy fans.

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        Picture books

        The Lilac Girl

        by Ibtisam Barakat (author), Sinan Hallak (illustrator)

        Inspired by the life story of Palestinian artist, Tamam Al-Akhal, The Lilac Girl is the sixth book for younger readers by award-winning author, Ibtisam Barakat.   The Lilac Girl is a beautifully illustrated short story relating the departure of Palestinian artist and educator, Tamam Al-Akhal, from her homeland, Jaffa. It portrays Tamam as a young girl who dreams about returning to her home, which she has been away from for 70 years, since the Palestinian exodus. Tamam discovers that she is talented in drawing, so she uses her imagination to draw her house in her mind. She decides one night to visit it, only to find another girl there, who won’t allow her inside and shuts the door in her face. Engulfed in sadness, Tamam sits outside and starts drawing her house on a piece of paper. As she does so, she notices that the colors of her house have escaped and followed her; the girl attempts to return the colors but in vain. Soon the house becomes pale and dull, like the nondescript hues of bare trees in the winter. Upon Tamam’s departure, she leaves the entire place drenched in the color of lilac.   As a children’s story, The Lilac Girl works on multiple levels, educating with its heart-rending narrative but without preaching, accurately expressing the way Palestinians must have felt by not being allowed to return to their homeland. As the story’s central character, Tamam succeeds on certain levels in defeating the occupying forces and intruders through her yearning, which is made manifest through the power of imaginary artistic expression. In her mind she draws and paints a picture of hope, with colors escaping the physical realm of her former family abode, showing that they belong, not to the invaders, but the rightful occupiers of that dwelling. Far from being the only person to have lost their home and endured tremendous suffering, Tamam’s plight is representative of millions of people both then and now, emphasizing the notion that memories of our homeland live with us for eternity, no matter how far we are from them in a physical sense. The yearning to return home never subsides, never lessens with the passing of time but, with artistic expression, it is possible to find freedom and create beauty out of pain.

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        Children's & young adult fiction & true stories
        January 2021

        What’s the Dark Matter With You?

        by Kyrylo Bezkorovainyi (author), Daria Skybchenko (illustrator)

        Do you know how stars are born and what dark matter that is still considered one of the greatest mysteries in the universe is made of? These questions are worth discussing if you are from a family of astrophysicists as our protagonist and have a real telescope at home. Then it is not hard to imagine that your room is open space. But you are not alone there, because suddenly an amazing girl appears out of nowhere assuring that she comes from... dark matter. Get ready for exciting adventures, and a strong friendship that inspires, motivates you to make new scientific discoveries, and will, after all, last forever.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2019

        At the Ocean

        by Yuriy Nikitinskiy (Author), Marichka Ruban (Illustrator)

        This story is full of a cheeky sense of humor that little readers will adore. In this book they can find funny poems and beautiful watercolor illustrations to give them the feeling of diving in the ocean. This unique and amazing book was created by the famous Ukrainian writer Yuriy Nikitinskiy and by the fabulous illustrator Marichka Ruban.   From 3 to 8 years, 422 words Rightsholders:

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        ER Duties

        Stories from the Cardiovascular System

        by Tepai Pascual (author and illustrator)

        “Duty Ka Ba?” (“Are you on duty?”), a Filipino comic series by Tepai Pascual, delves into the demanding world of the emergency room. Balancing humor and romance with realistic medical scenarios, it follows the lives of doctors and nurses navigating chaotic shifts, personal struggles, and the unexpected love that can bloom amidst pressure. Praised by healthcare professionals for its accuracy, the series offers a compelling mix of medical drama, relatable characters, and witty humor, making it a captivating read for anyone interested in exploring the world of medicine through a unique lens.

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        The Arts
        January 2018

        The Flower of Evil: Illustration Art of Aubrey Beardsley

        by by Aubrey Beardsley Edited by Wei Junlin

        This title collects illustrations, posters, and design works of Aubrey Beardsley, the characteristic illustrator in the 19th century. It is the most complete collection of his works in China, edited by Mr. Wei Junlin, painter and researcher of Beardsley.

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        Children's & YA
        December 2019

        The Middle

        by Richa Jha and Eva Sanchez Gomez

        The Middle is a story of a journey within a journey. A voracious reader, Azma, whose mind is full of questions as she reads, finds that the more books she consumes, the more the whys and hows in them consume her. One night, a torn scrap of paper floats into her room, carrying an incomplete line within its crinkles. She desperately searches for any missing words to complete the lonely phrase but failing at each attempt, she finally turns to writing her own beginning and end.  The pages of The Middle are filled with surreal creatures - formidable, terrifying, looming – and these represent the fears and doubts of a mind struggling to make sense of the worlds captured within those books that only partially satisfy her as a reader. Azma embarks on an incomplete journey, ready to create its origin and end, finally realising the answers to all her impossible questions can only come to her when she writes her own version of the story. It is only then that the haunting creatures begin to soften and harmlessly melt away into themselves. Richa Jha’s lyrical prose and Eva Sanchez Gomez’s breathtaking visual poetry come together to narrate a tale that is both stunning and thought-provoking. For all the restless creative souls out there, The Middle presents an all-familiar trajectory of creating something new.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        A Tale Of Light

        by Khrystyna Lukashchuk (Author), Khrystyna Lukashchuk (Illustrator)

        This unique picture book is a creation of Khrystyna Lukashchuk, a well-known Ukrainian author and artist recognized as one of the best illustrators of independent Ukraine. From the emergence of Ukraine through its darkest times to its final victory over evil,  A Tale Of Light allows us to find answers to dramatic questions: how can we explain to children why there is a war in their country? Why can not the enemy leave the Ukrainian land in peace? What will help us to defeat the enemy for good? The profound symbolic images that the author recreated will guide the readers along their journey. Ukrainians have been tapping into them for long times to find a source of harmony and internal strength –  they are a powerful source of Light sustained by Ukrainian history, culture, and language. No enemy, however big or conniving, can destroy this Light.   From 3 to 6 years, 719 words Rightsholders:

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        by Karen Francisco (author and illustrator)

        Set in a post-apocalyptic Philippines, Naermyth tells of a world plagued by the monsters of myth and legends who have stepped out of their storybook shadows to assume world dominion. They are the Naermyth (a word play on “never myth”) and have forced the human race close to extinction and fodder for the growing supremacy of these creatures. Among the survivors is Aegis, a seasoned soldier, and her story takes a dark turn when she rescues a stranger with mysterious abilities. Clearly, he is not human, and saving him triggers a series of revelations that challenges the meanings of monstrosity, heroism and family.

      • Trusted Partner

        Ella Arcangel

        Magic of Earth and Blood

        by Julius Villanueva (author and illustrator)

        Ella Arcangel: Magic of Earth and Blood follows the adventures of the titular hero, a 12 year old “mambabarang” living in the slums of Barangay Masikap. Ella has to walk the tightrope of helping her impoverished community deal with the supernatural, assisting the dispossessed spirits and elementals deal with the humans who are sharing their space, and fending off her own lack of resources. She won’t just battle supernatural monsters, but monsters with a badge and a uniform as she is caught in the middle of the unjust drug war.

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        by Mervin Malonzo (author and illustrator)

        Tabi Po tells the story of Elias, a neophyte aswang (flesh-eating humanoid creature). Born from a tree during the country’s Spanish era, Elias embarks on a journey with two older aswangs in the quest to understand their true nature. Along the way, Elias meets Salome, a sex slave of the friars, and falls for her. In the middle of a rising revolution, Elias is forced to face his own battles– his love for Salome and her pursuit of vengeance versus his hunger for flesh, the growing rift between himself and his two aswang mentors, the society’s stigma with their kind, and the battle with his own inner demons.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2021

        Charming Stories. Winter

        by Zoi Linska (Author), Lena Lion (Illustrator)

        "Winter” is the first of the four-season series Charming Stories about the adventures of Alice and her charming friends Fairy La La and Martha the Cat, this time with Snowflake and Snowy. Like a golden thread, faith in the fulfilment of desires, the power of team spirit,  and the value of friends’ support run through these light and kind stories. The author Zoi Linska, with the illustrator Lena Lion, invite you to a journey into their world of fantasy and kind magic.   From 3 to 8 years, 8568 words Rightsholders:

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2017

        Abenteuer Freiheit

        Ein Wegweiser für unsichere Zeiten

        by Carlo Strenger

        Nachdem Carlo Strenger in »Zivilisierte Verachtung« gezeigt hat, weshalb es westlichen Gesellschaften heute oft schwerfällt, ihre Werte selbstbewusst zu verteidigen, wendet er sich in seinem neuen Buch der individuellen Seite dieser Verunsicherung zu: Warum leiden so viele Menschen unter Depressionen und einer erdrückenden Angst vor dem Scheitern? Warum boomen Heilslehren, die uns den Weg zum wahren Selbst weisen wollen? All das hat laut Strenger, damit zu tun, dass es sich bei der Idee, es gäbe so etwas wie ein Grundrecht auf müheloses Glück, um einen Mythos handelt. Ausgehend von Denkern wie Spinoza, Nietzsche und Freud legt er dar, dass lange die Überzeugung vorherrschte, Konflikte und Scheitern gehörten zur menschlichen Natur. Daher, so schließt er aus den Biografien von Künstlern wie James Joyce, Pablo Picasso und Francis Ford Coppola, müssen wir wieder lernen, dass Freiheit ein lebenslanges Abenteuer ist: riskant, aber zugleich viel interessanter, als und die Massenkultur heute weismachen will.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1993

        Die Liebe zur Mechanik


        by Carlo Emilio Gadda, Marianne Schneider

        Wenige Jahre vor seinem Tod stimmte Carlo Emilio Gadda (1893 – 1973) der Veröffentlichung seines ersten in den Jahren 1928 und 1929 sorgfältig erarbeiteten, jedoch unvollendet gebliebenen Romans zu. Es ist eine Geschichte aus dem ersten Weltkrieg, deren drei Schlußkapitel der Autor noch geschrieben, aber nicht mehr in das Romanganze integriert hat.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2015

        Gesammelte Werke

        Bände 1 bis 5

        by Juan Carlos Onetti

        Juan Carlos Onetti ist der große Solitär in der modernen lateinamerikanischen Literatur, einer der maßgeblichen Schriftsteller des 20. Jahrhunderts, ein Autor von künstlerischer, ästhetischer und moralischer Kompromisslosigkeit. In gründlich revidierten Übersetzungen und zum Teil erstmals auf Deutsch bietet die Werkausgabe sämtliche vollendete Romane und Erzählungen Onettis, zusammen mit Anmerkungen und Nachworten der Herausgeber. Am Anfang steht sein ruppiger Erstling Der Schacht von 1939 – ein unausschöpflicher, immer neu zu lesender Text. Daneben enthält Band 1 der Werkausgabe die beiden bislang noch nie auf Deutsch erschienenen frühen Romane Niemandsland (1941) und Für diese Nacht (1943). Band 2 der Werkausgabe versammelt drei Romane: Das kurze Leben, 1950 erschienen, hat Onettis Ruhm begründet: ein herausforderndes, ebenso faszinierendes wie hartes Stück Literatur. Noch stärker verdichtet, enigmatisch bei erster Lektüre und immer leuchtender beim Wiederlesen, sind Onettis Kurzromane Abschiede und Für ein Grab ohne Namen von 1954 und 1959. Band 3 der Werkausgabe enthält die beiden Romane Leichensammler (1964) und Die Werft (1961), die das Herzstück des Zyklus von Santa María bilden: Mit wenigen Strichen eine Gestalt in ihrer widersprüchlichen persönlichen Wahrheit hervortreten zu lassen, eine Konstellation zweier Menschen wie eingeätzt zu umreißen, herausgelöst aus allen vorgegebenen Mustern: diese Kunst Onettis ist oft bewundert worden. Band 4 der Werkausgabe enthält Onettis letzten Romane, in ihnen steigt er tief hinab in den Schacht seiner Erfahrung des Lebens – aber wie unterschiedlich ist das, was er als Erzähler schreibend hervorholt: vier Romane, ›reife‹ und ›späte‹, die verschiedener nicht sein könnten und die in je eigener Form und Sprache eine besondere Geschichte erzählen. Der große Romancier Onetti hat ein Leben lang auch Geschichten geschrieben. In Band 5 der Werkausgabe sind erstmals sämtliche Erzählungen auf Deutsch versammelt, und so sehr

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        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        My Dad and Me

        by Dmytro Kuzmenko (Author), Oksana Drachkovska (Illustrator)

        Who are the ghostinosours? What are clouds made of? How to prepare trubel and what may happen if you do not limit yourself and do everything you want? My Dad and Me’s main hero is about 4 years old and seeks to find answers to all these questions. His life is full of adventures: he is a dreamer and make-believer. He often disobeys his father and dislikes brushing his teeth. All in all, every young reader can find a bit of themselves in this little one. My Dad and Me is a treasure book of honest, warm-hearted stories about the close connection between father and son, about little things and great discoveries in the eyes of children, about trust and adventures they can share, and fundamentally, about mutual understanding. Even when someone can’t pronounce “r " yet!   From 6 to 9 years,  4883 words Rightsholders:

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        The General History of Chinese Costume

        by Author: Liu Yonghua Illustrator: Liu Yonghua

        The General History of Clothing holds a large time span from the ancient Shang and Zhou Dynasties to the present, and the splendid clothing culture of China appears on the scroll of three meters. The scroll is designed to present on both sides. The front side shows the features of different clothes in different ages with the history of its handcraft, color blending, accessory and military. The back side shows the clothes features of each of china’s 56 nationalities. The Readers can lead the children to appreciate different culture charm and nourish the children’s cultural confident by researching different clothes.

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