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        Our books are sold around the world, have been translated into over 50 languages, won many awards, and have been adapted for film and stage.   We publish stories that feature strong female characters and explore themes of social justice, human rights, equality, and ability issues. Our list spans adult fiction and nonfiction; children’s fiction, nonfiction and picture books; and young adult fiction and nonfiction.

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        A History of the Original Brazilian Martial Art

        by Mestre Ricardo (Cachorro)

        Capoeira, an original Afro-Brazilian discipline, is not so easily defined due to its numerous facets, as a deadly martial art, an exotic dancing discipline, inspired by an ancient far-away culture.  Nearly four hundred years of slave trade brought to Brazil an envyingly cultural heritage, composed of a continuous influx of different ethnic groups, which, concomitant with the different native, African and European regional expressions and its rich constant geopolitical changes, has produced a singular, colorful and vibrant multicultural and multiethnic society engaged in their new Brazilian identity.  From the XVIII to the XIX century, the harsh conditions with which black slaves were treated led to increasing numbers of slave revolts in the Americas, where escaped slaves forming independent Maroon communities in French, Hispanic, British and the Netherlands Antilles, and the Quilombola communities in Brazil, organized fighting guerrilla wars against the plantation masters and owners, giving rise to campaigns against slavery in Europe and the abolition of slavery in the Americas. Capoeira became the result of Brazil’s own diasporic experience, a branch of a large tree which grew into a unique and complex social art that cannot be dissociated from its historical and anthropological perspectives.  The Amazing History of Capoeira, written by expert Brazilian capoeira Mestre Ricardo Cachorro, unveils the Age of Exploration and the resulted Atlantic slave trade, unfolding African slavery in Europe as early as in the 15th century, much before black slaves were taken to the New World. The enchanting saga of the Akindele family from the beautiful Yoruba kingdom of Adágún L}wá will take you deeply into pre-colonial Africa and to the lands of newly explored Bahia de Todos os Santos in 1531, where the almost sacred history of capoeira began.   From the new findings in Africa to the discoveries in Brazil, this captivating book navigates through the Feitorias and Capitanias – the sugarcane mills of the 17th century – the real and virtually unknown cradle of capoeira. It brings to surface beautiful historic and cultural aspects of the colonial periods with its arts, music and religion, the African melting pot which was formed from the blend of ancient African cultures and the new Afro-Brazilian rural and urban settings and, finally, the old and the modern founders of capoeira.  The Amazing History of Capoeira is a delicious treat for all Capoeira's lovers, practitioners, and instructors who want to know more about this original Afro-Brazilian discipline, as well as students of history, anthropology, art, music, theatre, and related fields – all the way from the academic researcher to the curious history & culture lover.  An English-language edition was  published in fall 2012. 224 pages, 16.5X24 cm with full-color photographs& B/W illustrations. And if it also makes you desire to actually practice the art of capoeira in the roda, you will be most welcome then to read: UNKNOWN CAPOEIRA: Secret Techniques of the Original Brazilian Martial Art

      • Trusted Partner

        Die erstaunliche Geschichte von Capoeira

        by Mestre Ricardo Cachorro

        Die erstaunliche Geschichte von Capoeira Mestre Ricardo Cachorro Capoeira, eine ursprüngliche Afro-brasilianische Disziplin kann nicht leicht durch ihre zahlreichen Facetten definiert werden, als tödliche Kampfkunst, als exotische Tanzdisziplin, inspiriert durch eine uralte, ferne Kultur. Fast vierhundert Jahre des Sklavenhandels haben Brasilien eine beneidenswerte kulturelle Tradition beschert, bestehend aus einem ständigen Einfluss verschiedener ethnischer Gruppen, die, in Verbindung mit den unterschiedlichen eingeborenen afrikanischen und europäischen Expressionen und ihren konstanten geopolitischen Veränderungen eine einzigartige, farbige und lebendige multikulturelle und multiethnische Gesellschaft geschaffen haben, die dabei ist, eine neue brasilianische Identität zu bilden. Vom 18. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert haben die harten Bedingungen, unter denen schwarze Sklaven behandelt wurden, zu einer ständig steigenden Anzahl von Sklavenaufständen in Nord- und Südamerika geführt, bei denen Sklaven entkommen sind und unabhängige farbige Bevölkerungsgruppen in den französischen, spanischen, britischen und niederländischen Antillen gebildet, Guerillakriege gegen die Plantagenverwalter und –besitzer organisiert und die Kampagnen gegen die Sklaverei in Europa und die Abschaffung der Sklaverei in Nord- und Südamerika begonnen haben. Capoeira wurde das Ergebnis der für Brasilien typische Diaspora-Erfahrung, ein Zweig eines großen Baums, der sich in eine einzigartige und komplexe soziale Kunst entwickelt hat, die nicht von ihren historischen und anthropologischen Perspektiven getrennt betrachtet werden kann. Die erstaunliche Geschichte von Capoeira, verfasst von dem Experten der brasilianischen Capoeira, Mestre Ricardo Cachorro, entlarvt das Zeitalter der Ausbeutung und den daraus folgenden atlantischen Sklavenhandel sowie die sich ausbreitende afrikanische Sklaverei in Europa bereits im 15. Jahrhundert, lange bevor schwarze Sklaven in die Neue Welt verschleppt wurden. Die herzzerreißende Saga der Akindele-Familie aus dem wunderschönen Königreich Yoruba von Adágún L}wá wird Sie tief in das präkoloniale Afrika und in die Länder der neue entdeckten Bahia de Todos Santos im Jahre 1531 entführen, wo die fast heilige Geschichte der Capoeira begann. Von den neuen Erkenntnissen aus Afrika bis zu den Entdeckungen in Brasilien führt uns dieses spannende Buch durch die Feitorias und Capitanias – die Zuckerrohrmühlen des 17. Jahrhunderts – zur echten und weitgehend unbekannten Wiege der Capoeira. Es bringt auch die schönen historischen und kulturellen Aspekte der Kolonialzeit ans Licht mit ihren Künsten, ihrer Musik und ihrer Religion, den afrikanischen Schmelztiegel, der sich aus der Mischen alter afrikanischer Kulturen und den neuen afro-brasilianischen ländlichen und städtischen Umgebungen bildete, und schließlich auch die alten und neuen Gründer der Capoeira. Die erstaunliche Geschichte der Capoeira ist ein Leckerbissen für alle Liebhaber, Schüler und Lehrer der Capoeira, die mehr über diese ursprüngliche afro-brasilianische Disziplin erfahren wollen, sowie für Studenten der Geschichte, Anthropologie, Kunst, Musik, des Theaters sowie verwandter Bereiche – bis hin zum akademischen Forscher oder zum neugierigen Liebhaber von Geschichte und Kultur. Und wenn Sie Lust darauf bekommen, die Kunst der Capoeira selbst zu praktizieren, sollten Sie folgenden Titel beachten: UNBEKANNTE CAPOEIRA: Geheime Techniken der ursprünglichen brasilianischen Kampfkunst. Eine englischsprachige Ausgabe für Nordamerika ist für Sommer 2012 geplant.

      • Trusted Partner

        UNKNOWN CAPOEIRA :Volume I

        secret Techniques of the Original Brazilian Martial Art

        by Mestre Ricardo (Cachorro)

        Capoeira is a martial art developed by African slaves in Brazil from the 16th century, as a result of the fusion of several ethnic groups that originally brought with them to South America their cultural identity, as well as their seeds of liberty. Despite the strong evidence of influence from a plurality of other forms of ancient African martial arts, capoeira is essentially an original Brazilian expression with many practitioners and enthusiasts in every continent. Although capoeira values much of its cultural and historical aspects, no one should be misled - it is an efficient and deadly fighting system! As a result of its development throughout the years, capoeira became the richest and the most spectacular and beautiful martial art on the planet. However, what even most capoeiristas do not know is that this fascinating martial art can turn into a gracefully athletic and also lethal weapon at the hands (and feet) of any disciplined, serious practitioner. In this book you will learn unique secrets of capoeira as performed in the roda or in actual combat. Moves, ground fighting and aerial techniques are fully described to the level of perfection, with the help of hundreds of pictures. Diagrams explain special maneuvers never before published in the world of martial arts. Additionally, readers will have free access to exciting animated GIF files for the numerous moves presented in the book. Mestre Ricardo, a.k.a. Cachorro, a graduate of Mestre Adilson’s Grupo Bantus de Capoeira at Morro do Pavão e Pavãozinho – poverty-stricken slums in the midst of the rich suburbs of Rio de Janeiro – was the first Mestre of the YMCA Capoeira Group in Governor’s Island, achieving this honor in 1975. The following year, he became a certified Mestre from the first federation of capoeira of Rio de Janeiro, the FCP, and in the same year he introduced capoeira in a live TV show filmed in North Carolina, sponsored by the local YMCA. In the 1970’s Mestre Ricardo was a member of the Olympic gymnastics team of Rio de Janeiro’s Fluminense Football Club, where he specialized in floor exercises. During his professional career as a capoeira practitioner, Ricardo learned and practiced boxing, Shotokan karate and judo as a means to better understand the body mechanics of motion involved in different martial arts. An English-language edition was  publlished in fall 2009, 288 pages, two colors, 16.5X24 cm, 200-plus illustrated practical moves. Further new title in the Capoeira series: The Amazing History of Capoeira

      • Trusted Partner

        L'histoire étonnante de la Capoeira

        by Mestre Ricardo Cachorro

        L'histoire étonnante de la Capoeira Mestre Ricardo Cachorro La discipline originale afro-brésilienne qu'est la capoeira n'est pas facile à définir à cause de ses nombreuses facettes : est-ce un art martial redoutable voire mortel, une discipline de danse exotique, inspirée d'une ancienne culture lointaine ? Environ quatre cents ans de trafic d'esclaves ont apporté au Brésil un héritage culturel enviable, le bagage d'un flux continu de groupes ethniques différents qui, en combinaison avec les diverses expressions natives régionales, africaines et européennes et les riches perpétuels changements géopolitiques de la contrée, a produit une société multiculturelle et multiethnique singulière, colorée et vibrante engagée dans sa nouvelle identité brésilienne. Au 18ème et au 19ème siècles, les dures conditions avec lesquelles les esclaves noirs étaient traits ont incite un nombre croissant de révoltes d'esclaves dans les Amériques, où des groupes d'esclaves se sont libérés formant des communautés indépendantes de « marrons » dans les Antilles françaises, espagnoles, anglaises et néerlandaises, et des communautés « quilombolas » au Brésil. Ils s'organisaient des combats de guérilla contre les contremaîtres et les propriétaires des plantations, soulevant des campagnes contre l'esclavage en Europe et pour l'abolition de l'esclavage dans les Amériques. La capoeira est le produit propre de l'expérience originale diasporique du Brésil, une branche d'un grand arbre qui a poussé pour donner naissance à un art social unique et complexe qu'il est impossible de dissocier de ses perspectives historique et anthropologique. L'histoire étonnante de la Capoeira, écrite par un expert brésilien de la capoeira, Mestre Ricardo Cachorro, lève le voile sur l'Age des Grandes Explorations et le trafic d'esclaves à travers l'Atlantique qui en a résulté, révélant l'existence de l'esclavage africain en Europe dès le 15ème siècle, bien avant que des esclaves noirs aient été enlevés vers le Nouveau Monde. La saga de la famille Akindélé du magnifique royaume de Yoruba d'Adágún L}wá vous enchantera, vous faisant voyager profondément dans l'Afrique précoloniale et vers les territoires nouvellement explorés de Bahia de Todos os Santos en 1531, là où l'histoire la plus sacrée de la capoeira a commencé. Des renseignements nouvellement retrouvés en Afrique aux découvertes du Brésil, ce livre captivant navigue de par les Feitorias (comptoirs) et les Capitanias (capitaineries) – les fabriques de cane à sucre du 17ème siècle – le véritable berceau, virtuellement inconnu, de la capoeira. Il fait sortir de leur ombre les beaux aspects historiques et culturels de la période coloniale avec son art, sa music et la religion, le melting pot africain qui s'est formé à partie d'un mélange d'anciennes cultures d'Afrique avec les nouvelles implantations rurales et urbaines afro-brésiliennes et, en définitive, les fondateurs anciens et modernes de la capoeira. L'histoire étonnante de la Capoeira est un délice pour tous les amateurs, adeptes et instructeurs de la capoeira et pour tous ceux qui veulent en savoir plus à propos de cette discipline originale afro-brésilienne, ainsi que pour les étudient l'histoire, l'anthropologie, les arts, la musique, le théâtre, et d'autres domaines – depuis les chercheurs académiques jusqu'aux amateurs et curieux amoureux d'histoire et de culture. Et si ce livre vous incite aussi à désirer pratiquer effectivement l'art de la capoeira dans la roda, nous vous invitons à lire : La capoeira, cette inconnue : Les secrets cachés de la capoeira brésilienne originale. Une édition en anglais pour l'Amérique du Nord devrait paraître en 2011.

      • Trusted Partner

        La increíble historia de la Capoeira

        by Mestre Ricardo Cachorro

        La increíble historia de la Capoeira / Mestre Ricardo Cachorro   La capoeira, una disciplina original afrobrasileña, es bastante difícil de definir dadas sus múltiples facetas, como arte marcial mortal y danza exótica, que se inspira en una antigua cultura remota. Casi cuatrocientos años de trata de esclavos han legado a Brasil un patrimonio cultural envidiable, basado en una afluencia continua de diversos grupos étnicos que, en combinación con las distintas expresiones regionales autóctonas, africanas y europeas y sus constantes cambios geopolíticos, ha producido una única, colorida y vibrante sociedad multicultural y multiétnica inmersa en su nueva identidad brasileña. Del siglo XVIII al XIX, las duras condiciones a las que fueron sometidos los esclavos negros llevaron a una creciente ola de revueltas de esclavos en las Américas, donde los fugitivos formaron comunidades cimarronas independientes en las Antillas francesas, españolas, británicas y holandesas, así como las comunidades quilombolas en Brasil y emprendieron guerras de guerrillas contra los amos y dueños de plantaciones, dando lugar a campañas contra la esclavitud en Europa y a la abolición de la esclavitud en las Américas. La capoeira fue el resultado de la experiencia diaspórica propia de Brasil, una rama de un gran árbol que creció hasta convertirse en un arte social único y complejo, que no se puede disociar de su perspectiva histórica y antropológica. La increíble historia de la Capoeira, escrita por el experto brasileño en capoeira Ricardo Mestre Cachorro, da a conocer la Era de la exploración y la trata de esclavos resultante y presenta la esclavitud africana ya en el siglo XV, mucho antes de que los esclavos negros fueran llevados al Nuevo Mundo. La fascinante saga de la familia Akindele, del hermoso reino yoruba de Adágún Lwá, le llevará al seno del África precolonial y a las tierras de la recién explorada Bahía de Todos los Santos en 1531, donde comenzó la historia casi sagrada de la capoeira. De los nuevos hallazgos en África a los descubrimientos en Brasil, este libro cautivante navega a través de las feitorías y capitanías —los molinos de caña del siglo 17— la verdadera y casi desconocida cuna de la capoeira. Saca a luz hermosos aspectos históricos y culturales de los períodos coloniales, con sus artes, su música y su religión, el crisol africano que se formó de la fusión de las antiguas culturas de África y de los nuevos escenarios rurales y urbanos afrobrasileños y, por último, los antiguos y los modernos creadores de la capoeira. La increíble historia de la Capoeira es una delicia para todos los aficionados, los profesionales y los instructores de capoeira que desean saber más acerca de esta original disciplina afrobrasileña, así como para estudiantes de historia, antropología, arte, música, teatro y ámbitos anexos, desde el investigador académico al amante curioso de la historia y la cultura. Se prevé la publicación de una versión en inglés, en la primavera de 2011. Si todo esto le hace desear dedicarse a la práctica del arte de la capoeira en la roda, le recomendamos leer: LA DESCONOCIDA CAPOEIRA - Secretos ocultos de la capoeira brasileña original

      • Trusted Partner


        by Mestre Ricardo (Cachorro)

        LA DESCONOCIDA CAPOEIRA: Secretos ocultos de la capoeira brasileña original por Mestre Ricardo (Cachorro) Capoeira es un arte marcial desarrollado por esclavos africanos en Brasil a partir del siglo XVI, como resultado de la fusión de diversos grupos étnicos que originalmente trajeron consigo a Sudamérica su identidad cultural, así como su simiente de libertad. A pesar de la sólida evidencia de la influencia de una gran variedad de otras formas de artes marciales africanos, la capoeira es esencialmente una expresión brasileña, con muchos aficionados y profesionales que la practican en todos los continentes. Aunque la capoeira valora muchos de sus aspectos culturales e históricos, que nadie se lleve a engaño, ?pues se trata de un sistema de lucha eficaz y mortífero! Como resultado de su desarrollo a través de los años, la capoeira se ha convertido en el arte marcial más rico, espectacular y hermoso del mundo. No obstante, la mayoría de los capoeiristas no saben que, en las manos de un profesional serio y disciplinado, este fascinante arte marcial puede convertirse en un arma graciosamente atlética y también mortal. En este libro aprenderá los secretos de la capoeira, tal y como se ejecuta en la roda o en un combate real. Maniobras, combate cuerpo a cuerpo y técnicas aéreas se describen en detalle a un nivel de perfección, mediante cientos de ilustraciones. En los diagramas se explican maniobras especiales, jamás antes publicadas en el mundo de las artes marciales. Además, los lectores tienen libre acceso a apasionantes archivos animados en formato GIF, para presenciar las numerosas maniobras que se presentan en el libro. Mestre Ricardo, alias Cachorro, graduado del Grupo Bantus de Capoeira del Mestre Adilson en Morro do Pavão y Pavãozinho —barrios pobres y marginados en medio de los ricos suburbios de Río de Janeiro— fue el primer Mestre del Grupo Capoeira de la Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes en la isla del Gobernador, habiendo recibido dicho honor en 1975. Al año siguiente se convirtió en Mestre certificado de la FCP, la primera Federación de Capoeira de Río de Janeiro y en el mismo año presentó a la capoeira en un programa de televisión en vivo filmado en Carolina del Norte, patrocinado por la Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes (YMCA) local. En la década de 1970, Mestre Ricardo fue integrante del equipo de gimnasia olímpica del Club de Fútbol Fluminense de Río de Janeiro, donde se especializó en ejercicios de suelo. Durante su carrera como profesional de capoeira, Ricardo aprendió y practicó boxeo, karate Shotokan y judo, como medio para comprender mejor los mecanismos de movimiento del cuerpo involucrados en diversas artes marciales. Se prevé la publicación de una versión en inglés americano, en el otoño de 2009. Otra nueva obra de la serie de Capoeira: La increíble historia de la Capoeira

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        Children's & YA

        Ayélévi's Secret

        by Simon de Saint-Dzokotoe, Maryse Montron

        Little Ayélévi is very cunning. She always wins at the game of "Who would win the most beautiful flower." This situation intrigued his brother who wanted to understand the secret of these repeated successes. Ayélévi is very clever; will it still be for a long time?

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Secret of Crossing

        China Story Picture Books

        by Zhang Jie

        China Story Picture Books is the first set of children's picture books launched by the Bingxin Award Committee. This set of books covers the works of seven Bingxin Award-winning writers of different ages including children's literature masters and promising young writers. The illustrations are full of traditional Chinese cultural elements such as dragon lantern dance, paper cutting, oil paper umbrella, and bamboo. Powerful painters at home and abroad are invited to do illustrations, which brings interesting fusion and collision of Chinese and foreign cultures to the books. In addition to the original illustrations, the stories are more touching. Every child can harvest the courage and wisdom for growing up from these stories.   The series consists of 7 picture books: The Dragon Lantern, The Path of Golden Flowers, The Child in Three-Story Attic, The School Day Gifts, The Secret of Crossing, The Slope of Sisters.   The Secret of Crossing tells the story of the growth of children in villages and small towns. The mud road to the canteen is narrow, several places collapse from the foot of the wall, and one of them breaks into a big gap. Why not fill in the big gap? It's really a lion in the way, and the girl has to cross it carefully, with all her strength.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2022

        My Father's Secret

        The BND, my family and I

        by Corinna von Bassewitz

        For a long time, Corinna von Bassewitz believed her father was a soldier, later on that he was a diplomat. Then, at the age of 16, she learnt something unbelievable: he had been a secret agent for the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND, Germany's Federal Intelligence Service). Once the secret had been at least partly uncovered, she became something of a spy herself and eventually found some confidential documents in her parents' attic. Later, she realised that her father had been living as a double agent for the FRG and the GDR. So what effect does it have on a girl if her father conceals his true identity and eventually disappears without trace? Along with her family history, the author provides multi-layered and exciting insights into the historical context of the Cold War. A very personal book, intriguingly told and emotionally touching.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner

        The Eagle's Secret

        by Erez Aharoni

        The Eagle's Secret Ido Barnea, an Israeli combat pilot, is flying a routine night flight over the Negev desert when suddenly his reliable Skyhawk jet fighter starts to vibrate uncontrollably and finally crashes, forcing Ido to eject at the last possible second. At that exact moment a young girl in the heart of Brussels is kidnapped. What’s the connection between these two events? Who’s behind them? Accused of betrayal, Ido is forced into a dizzying chase to clear his name. Naama Sharon, a beautiful Mossad agent, is sent after him and the two encounter powerful arms dealers, cynical terrorists, and corrupt army officers. In their struggle, they discover that the two mysterious events hide a deplorable crime. The Eagle's Secret is an original, thrilling novel, full of jet-fighter-like twists and turns. Its fast pace will leave you breathless and wanting more.   Erez Aharoni completed his fighter pilot training course in the Israeli Air Force in 1978. He served as a pilot in the Hercules squadron and participated in various flights and missions, including the immigration of Ethiopian Jews. After his discharge, the author became one of Israel's foremost commercial lawyers and one of the founders and managing partner of the international law firm of Zysman, Aharoni, Gayer & Co., as well as a partner and an owner of the U.S. law firm ZAG/S&W. In 2004, the author's story “Cackling” won first prize in the prestigious Uriel Ofek short fiction competition. His first book, Half a Moustache, was published in Hebrew in 2006, followed by The Eagle's Secret, and then the novel Wildfire. 360 pages, 15X22 cm

      • Trusted Partner

        The Secret Chief Revealed

        Conversations with Leo Zeff, Pioneer in the Underground Psychedelic Therapy Movement

        by Myron J. Stolaroff

        Leo Zeff (1912 – 1988) was a pioneering psychedelic therapist and researcher focused on LSD, MDMA and other psychoactive drugs. He conducted much of his work and practice underground after psychedelics were declared illegal in the 1960s. By the time he turned 70, Zeff was single-handedly responsible for the introduction of psychedelic compounds in use globally among nearly 4,000 individual therapists/practitioners. The Secret Chief Revealed is written as a transcription of an interview conducted in the 1980s with Zeff about his research, studies, and practice with psychedelicassisted therapy. The revised 2nd edition maintains much of the 2nd edition release, including thoughtful contributions on Zeff’s lifework/research from other leaders in the psychedelic movement including Albert Hofmann, discoverer of LSD, psychedelic researcher and author, Stanislav Grov, a founder of transpersonal psychology, and Ann & Alexander Shulgin, renowned psychedelic researchers and authors, who also mention Zeff in Pihkal: A Chemical Love Story.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        History of Ukraine from KGB Secret Files

        by Volodymyr Viatrovych

        The unknown and classified KGB history of the largest country in Europe - Ukraine is the history of people, events, documents and files. The files have answers to many questions. The most important of which - why did a war begin again in Europe? Why is it so important for Russia to conquer Ukraine? Why are Ukrainians putting up such a powerful resistance? Historian Volodymyr Viatrovych, who declassified the secret archives of the Soviet special services from the Cheka to the KGB, talks about the history of Ukraine, the USSR and Eastern Europe from 1918 to 1991. The reader, is offered, along with various heroes and traitors, those who thought they were in control of events, and those who thought they had no power over them, to recreate the nearly century-old chess game between the Ukrainian liberation movement and the creators of the "prison of nations." Described in reports and recreated by a historian, this work looks at the cunning “special operations”, deadly moves, information wars and complex games among several players that are all an attempt to find an answer to the question: what creates our destiny - human will or circumstances?

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        Children's & young adult fiction & true stories

        The Secret Society of Nerds, or Extreme Adventures on Mount Pidstava

        by Lesia Voronyna

        There are people who cannot imagine their life without adventures. In the "Secret Society of Nerds" the boy responds to the invitation to participate in the extreme adventures on a mountain with the strange name Pidstava (Ukrainian word for “Prank”). After the incredible events that Klim Jura had to go through, saving humanity from scary blue-faced aliens, he seems to have gotten rid of fear completely and was ready to jump into the vortex of even more dangerous encounters. Could the boy have suspected that the invitation was not sent to him by members of the Secret Society of Cowards, nicknamed Beetle and Hare? That a trap was waiting for him in the extreme adventure camp? What happened at top of the mountain? Did the Bluefaces leave their secret bases on Earth? And finally, what is hidden in the "places of power" among the ancient megaliths-cromlechs stones?

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Daddy Has A Secret

        by Avianti Armand

        My daddy has a secret. His secret was in the form of little men, locked in a box in the middle of a dark room. Sometimes, the little men disturb my father, until Father has to run away. I want to help Father, I'm going to. But how?

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        December 2018

        The Tree Boy

        by Srididhya Venkat and Nayantara Surendranath

        Sid is a lonely boy who detests idle, lonely trees. He has good reasons though. At least he likes to think so. He does not notice the friendship between the dangling leaves, dancing to the song of the wind. He ignores countless birds returning to the safety of their comfy homes, nestled in the soft spots of rough branches, after a long day of collecting worms. So when he is called a brainless tree for missing a save in soccer at school, it is easy for him to decide he never wants to be a tree, until one morning he wakes up to have transformed into one. Srividhya Venkat spins a delectable fantasy around thinking twice about what you wish for, or not and depicts the transformation of Sid’s lonely life after he embraces the excitable voices of kids twisted in his vines and the ecosystem hovering above him. Nayantara Surendranath’s eccentric combination of art collage and digital creation expresses the refreshing quirks that breathe life into the tale.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2004

        Secret Shakespeare

        Studies in theatre, religion and resistance

        by Richard Wilson

        Shakespeare's Catholic context was the most important literary discovery of the last century. No biography of the Bard is now complete without chapters on the paranoia and persecution in which he was educated, or the treason which engulfed his family. Whether to suffer outrageous fortune or take up arms in suicidal resistance was, as Hamlet says, 'the question' that fired Shakespeare's stage. In 'Secret Shakespeare' Richard Wilson asks why the dramatist remained so enigmatic about his own beliefs, and so silent on the atrocities he survived. Shakespeare constructed a drama not of discovery, like his rivals, but of darkness, deferral, evasion and disguise, where, for all his hopes of a 'golden time' of future toleration, 'What's to come' is always unsure. Whether or not 'He died a papist', it is because we can never 'pluck out the heart' of his mystery that Shakespeare's plays retain their unique potential to resist. This is a fascinating work, which will be essential reading for all scholars of Shakespeare and Renaissance studies. ;

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        The secret life of romantic comedy

        by Celestino Deleyto

        The secret life of romantic comedy offers a new approach to one of the most popular and resilient genres in the history of Hollywood. Steering away from the rigidity and ideological determinism of traditional accounts of the genre, this book advocates a more flexible theory, which allows the student to explore the presence of the genre in unexpected places, extending the concept to encompass films that are not usually considered romantic comedies. Combining theory with detailed analyses of a selection of films, including To Be or Not to Be (1942), Rear Window (1954), Kiss Me Stupid (1964), Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989) and Before Sunset (2004), the book aims to provide a practical framework for the exploration of a key area of contemporary experience - intimate matters - through one of its most powerful filmic representations: the genre of romantic comedy. Original and entertaining, The secret life of romantic comedy is perfect for students and academics of film and film genre.

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