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Promoted ContentJanuary 1991
Das Haus mit den sieben Stockwerken
by Buzzati, Dino / Italienisch Erné, Antionio L; Italienisch Erné, Nino
Promoted ContentOctober 1985
Die Ermordung des Drachen
Phantastische Geschichten
by Franz Rottensteiner, Antonio Luigi Erné
Buzzati, Dino: Die Ermordung des Drachen. (Aus dem Italienischen von Antonio Luigi Erné und Nino Erné). Cortázar, Julio: Axolote. Aus dem Spanischen von Wolfgang Promies. Borges, Jorge Luis: Die Lotterie in Babylon. Nach der Übersetzung von Karl August Horst bearbeitet von Gisbert Haefs. Eliade, Mircea: Bei den Zigeunerinnen. Aus dem Rumänischen von Edith Silbermann. Fuentes, Carlos: Aura. Aus dem Spanischen von Christa Wegen. Calvino, Italo: Eines Nachmittags, als Adam.... Aus dem Italienischen von Julia M. Kirchner. Aichinger, Ilse: Spiegelgeschichte. -. Ballard, J.G.: Der ertrunkene Riese. Aus dem Englischen von Alfred Scholz. Oates, Joyce Carol: Weitere Bekenntnisse. Aus dem Amerikanischen von Adelheid Dormagen. Lem, Stanisl'aw: Die Maske. Aus dem Polnischen von Klaus Staemmler. Barthelme, Donald: Der Smaragd. Aus dem Amerikanischen von Friederike Roth.
Trusted Partner1985
Die Maschine des Aldo Christofari
Und andere phantastische Erzählungen
by Dino Buzzati, Kalju Kirde, Antonio L Erné
Trusted PartnerJanuary 1999
Das Geheimnis des Alten Waldes
by Buzzati, Dino / Italienisch Kienlechner, Bettina
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Children's & YAAugust 2025
Dino + Ricky (7) and the blueshimmering-glimmring spooky grotto
by Peter Kruck
So there they are, the aquatic dinosaurs. And of course, getting to know them is not without consequences.Because the river dwellers have a lot to tell the Echsheimers. Not only do they know every secret of the “land dwellers”. No, they also have a very special mission for Dino: to find out the true story behind the legend of Dinoseos.It all begins in a spooky cave. There, Dino meets Plyntschia, the giant, mysterious water oracle. She sends the boys on a search for a legendary notebook. And the two friends set off on a crazy journey, very, VERY far back in time to a time before our time.There they make a spectacular discovery. They know immediately: when THIS becomes known, nothing will ever be the same again.
August 2024
Dino + Ricky (6) cherry-headed-shperical little master man
by Peter Kruck
The bookworm has his health back. But not only his health, but also his friendship with Frehdrich is restored.Somehow their quarrel seems to have something to do with Uncle Rupert's disappearance. Who knows ... maybe they can now find out what really happened to him? All the threads come together at the uncle's house. Edgar and the secret agents think so too.Dino and Ricky would like to get to the bottom of it all. If only it weren't for the preparations for the festival of peaceful coexistence ... and that stupid fraternity kiss.To make matters worse, that insufferable Master Planowiak keeps pushing his way to the center of attention. He presides over the whole spectacle and infuriates our children with his obnoxious manner.
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Trusted PartnerJuly 2023
Ein Dino auf Entdeckungsreise
by Sophie Luise Bauer, Frau Annika
Die Kleinsten entdecken die Welt – eine bunte Reise durch die Urzeit. Der kleine Langhals erlebt sein erstes Abenteuer und lernt dabei die anderen Dinosaurier kennen. Manche haben Hörner, manche können fliegen, manche schwimmen und wieder andere können richtig schnell rennen. Und manche Dinos sehen sogar ein bisschen gefährlich aus, auch wenn sie nur Pflanzen fressen. „Was kann ich besonders gut?“ fragt das Dino-Baby seine Mama, nachdem es all die anderen Urzeittiere getroffen hat. Na klar, mit seinem langen Hals kommt es an die leckersten Blätter heran. Denn die hängen ja bekanntlich weiter oben an Bäumen und Sträuchern. Zauberhafte Reime! Eine Pappbilderbuch-Geschichte aus der Welt der Dinos. So faszinierend, diese Dinosaurier! Urzeit-Abenteuer für kleine Entdecker*innen ab 2 Jahren. Schau nur, wie viele Dinos sich im Buch tummeln! Und alle sind verschieden – so wie wir Menschen. Liebevolle Reime wecken die Lust aufs Erkunden der Welt, stärken das Selbstbewusstsein und machen Mut für den Umgang mit anderen. Einzigartige Optik: Bebildert mit traumhaft schönen Aquarell-Illustrationen der bekannten Lettering-Künstlerin und Illustratorin Frau Annika. Nachhaltig produziert, schont Ressourcen und die Umwelt.
Children's & YASeptember 2024
Picture Book "Bella"
by Meggie Berns
Feodora + Gino present: Bella Feodora + Gino have been given soap bubbles. They go to the creek to play with them. They meet a newly hatched butterfly girl. The two dinosaur children want to help the beautiful Bella with her first attempt at flying. But somehow nothing goes as planned! Educational approach: The background of the story: Bella deals with the topic of beauty and flawlessness. It also looks at giving advice in a very funny way. It is often easier to give good advice if you are not affected yourself. Conclusion: Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder!
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Children's & YASeptember 2024
Picture book "Bibbi"
by Meggie Berns
Feodora + Gino present: Bibbi Feodora goes to the market with her mom. That's when she meets Gino. A grumpy honeybee attracts the attention of the two dino children. She seems to have a problem that is really putting her in a bad mood. But now Feodora + Gino are curious to find out what they can do for the little bee. Eucational approach: What does the book Bibbi aim to express? Even if you sometimes get the impression that something seems too difficult or too strenuous and you would rather throw it all away, you should take time to reflect on things carefully. Sometimes something you have to do might not be so bad after all! Each of the picture books has a basic theme that is dealt with. There is always a conclusion with which the story ends. This can then serve as a basis for further discussions on the topic. Picture book cinema This book by Meggie Berns has also been published as a movie in our picture book cinema. This means that it is 100% identical to “Bibbi - the movie”. Children who want to learn or practise reading can therefore read along word for word in the corresponding book.
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Trusted PartnerMicrobiology (non-medical)January 1963
Foot rot of Piper nigrum. L.
by P Holliday
Paper on the Foot rot disease of Piper nigrum. L
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Children's & YASeptember 2024
Feodora + Gino (1) Friends forever
by Peter Kruck/Meggie Berns
Welcome to the world of Feodora + Gino. The two dino children are six years old and live in Echsheim. They recently started going to the “School for Peaceful Coexistence”. Feodora + Gino are best friends. They help each other wherever they can and always stick together. The little Bronto lady has a very special hobby: she takes great care of sick or injured insects and other creepy-crawlies. In our first story, Feodora has to say goodbye to her patient Waltraud, a lady butterfly. Because she is healthy again. Gino is always there to help and advise her. He has a very special ability: he is very good at judging how dangerous a situation is. He always senses this somehow. Even when the two of them have to help a hornet out of a tight spot, he immediately knows what to do. Feodora + Gino have the craziest and most exciting adventures. And whenever they are successful, they celebrate as “Team Giodora”.
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