Burnet Media
Burnet Media is an independent publisher based in Cape Town, South Africa. We specialise in forging close author-publisher partnerships for trade and customised projects.
View Rights PortalBurnet Media is an independent publisher based in Cape Town, South Africa. We specialise in forging close author-publisher partnerships for trade and customised projects.
View Rights PortalBurleigh Dodds Subliscience Publishing was established in 2015 by former staff at the award-winning Woodhead Publishing. Our vision is to help solve one of the world’s greatest challenges: to feed the world’s growing population. There is an urgent need for a more climate-smart agriculture able to feed a growing population whilst, at the same time, adapting to (and not exacerbating) climate change. Our goal is to build collections of research on key topics in agricultural science so that researchers can build on existing work and collaborate more effectively. We are achieving this by using ’smart-publishing’ to help achieve ’climate-smart’ agriculture.
View Rights PortalBurak Yilmaz wächst in Duisburg auf, postmigrantisch. Sein Bildungsweg – katholisches Elitegymnasium, Koranschule, Universität – durchkreuzt Milieus, seine Arbeit gefährliche Überzeugungen: Als Reaktion auf den Antisemitismus in seinem Jugendzentrum organisiert er Fahrten nach Auschwitz mit muslimischen Teenagern. Ein Explosionsgemisch aus Schmerz, Enttäuschung, Zugehörigkeit entsteht … Ehrensache ist ein Zeugnis gegen den Hass, ein einzigartiger Lebensbericht und der dringend nötige Vorstoß an einen neuralgischen Punkt der deutschen Öffentlichkeit.
Ein Fall für Kommissarin Frida Beck: In den Tiefen der Ostsee ruhen tödliche Geheimnisse In der Hohwachter Bucht liegt ein lebloser Mann in voller Taucherausrüstung. War es ein Unfall oder Mord? Frida Beck und Deniz Yilmaz nehmen die Ermittlung im mondänen Niendorfer Tauchclub auf. Wie sich herausstellt, bietet der Club illegale Touren zu historischen Wracks an. Die Kommissarin vermutet, dass der Tote Kunstschätze geschmuggelt hat und mit einem Konkurrenten aneinandergeraten ist. Doch als kurz darauf eine weitere Tote gefunden wird, muss Frida erkennen, dass sie einer falschen Spur gefolgt ist … Ein atmosphärischer Urlaubskrimi für alle Ostsee-Liebhaber:innen - spannungsreich gelesen von Vera Teltz!
Am Ostseestrand zwischen Dünen und Kiefernwäldern lauert der Tod Im Schatten des Leuchtturms Dahmeshöved wird unter einer Segeljacht die Leiche eines Jugendlichen gefunden. Kommissarin Frida Beck und ihr Partner Deniz Yilmaz von der Kripo Lübeck übernehmen den Fall. Rasch finden sie heraus, dass der Vater des Opfers sich an der Küste durch den Kauf von Immobilien Feinde gemacht hat. Vor allem ein Nachbar, der seit Jahren Leuchtturmführungen für Touristen anbietet, ist nicht gut auf ihn zu sprechen. Als ein weiterer Toter in Dahmeshöved entdeckt wird, erkennt die Kommissarin, dass die Mordserie noch nicht zu Ende ist ... Ein atmosphärischer Urlaubskrimi für alle Ostsee-Liebhaber:innen - spannungsreich gelesen von Vera Teltz!
Members of the genus Phytophthora cause serious damage to a huge array of plants. From the nineteenth century Irish potato famine to current widespread threats to forests and ecosystems in North and South America, Europe and Australia, the genus lives up to its reputation as the plant destroyer. This book provides an overview of Phytophthora species impacting crops, forests, nurseries, greenhouses and natural areas worldwide. Chapters cover major hosts, identification, epidemiology, management, current research, future perspectives and the impacts of globalization on Phytophthora. Phytophthora: A Global Perspective is an essential resource for researchers and extension workers in plant pathology and crop protection.
About young love and old hate Mathilda’s first meeting with Milad is rather shocking: She has to tear him off the rails at the last moment before a train arrives! But it turns out, that he did not want to kill himself, he just wanted to get a kick and feel he is alive. Mats, as Mathilda calls herself, and Milad like each other almost from the first moment they’ve met. She, the outsider in her school, he who works in the garage of his dad, who originally is from Lebanon. They could be a pair. Could – if it weren't for the beautiful Alex, who didn't miss the fact that Milad looks pretty good on the one hand. And – on the other hand – for David, who has fallen in love with Mats, but also hangs out with the Nazi gang of the town. This gang really becomes active when it turns out that the asylum seekers' home in the neighbouringcity is asbestos contaminated and the refugees have to be relocated to the sport hall of their village. More and more the citizens become concerned because of the “hordes of foreigners” who might come to town. And when the sport hall goes up in flames, everything gets out of control ...
An amusing story about families and gender equality from a famous author A mom realizes that life is much better for people who have a moustache. So, why shouldn’t she grow one as well? The rest of the family naturally objected to this. But the real problem came up when other moms did the same thing and grew their own moustaches. Of course, it wasn’t acceptable for their husbands, or the authorities. An amusing story about gender equality…
"As it was her regular practice, she put burnt matchsticks under the candles and put melt wax on them. As if the burnt matchsticks were us and ends of candles were our graves... What a lovely simile matchstick graveyard was for the broken ones and losers like us... Burn when living, die by burning and continue burning after death. As if burning was defining her whole existence..." A clever cheater who was born out of the ashes of the pains in his past... A butterfly entering a beehive. An embittered girl who cannot even achieve to die since she is not living... A fish afraid of water. Two people that God brought together to find a remedy in each other. But what will happen if a butterfly with a one-day long life falls in love with tomorrow? Together with the second book of the series ,Matchstick Graveyard, sold over 200.000 copies.
Innovative research of ‘Islam at work’ in geographical and social contexts‘Modern Islamic Thinking and Activism’ presents a series of scholarly papers in relation to Islamic thinking, activism, and politics in both the West and the Middle East. The reader will apprehend that Islam is not the monolithic religion so often depicted in the media or (earlier) in the academic world. The Islamic world is more than a uniform civilization with a set of petrified religious prescriptions and an outdated view on political and social organization. The contributions show the dynamics of ‘Islam at work’ in different geographical and social contexts. By treating the working of Islamic thinking and of Islamic activism on a practical level, ‘Modern Islamic Thinking and Activism’ includes innovative research and fills a significant gap in existing work.Ebook available in Open Access.This publication is GPRC-labeled (Guaranteed Peer-Reviewed Content).ContributorsErkan Toğuşlu (KU Leuven), Thierry Limpens (KU Leuven), Eric Geoffroy (University of Strasbourg), Jonathan Benthall ( UCL, London) Thomas Michel (Georgetown University), Egbert Harmsen ( Leiden University), İhsan Yılmaz (Fatih University), Emilio Platti (KU Leuven), Roel Meijer (Radboud University)