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      • Bruno Dorn Verlag

        The Bruno Dorn Verlag is publishing extraordinary and high quality art books and catalogues since 1996. In collaboration with artists*, museums or other art institutions, BDV is creating very special books that open up whole new creative worlds. Since 2007, the BDV is publishing the art magazine seen, a completely new and compact format to present new, emerging and interesting artists.    Der Bruno Dorn Verlag zeichnet sich seit 1996 durch Künstlerbücher und Kataloge von höchster Qualität und Kreativität aus. In Zusammenarbeit mit Künstler*innen und oft in Kooperation mit Museen oder anderen Kunstinstitutionen entstehen im BDV Bücher, die den Zeitgeist einfangen und zum Verweilen einladen. Seit 2007 gibt es mit dem Kunstmagazin seen ein neues Format, zu dem der Verlag in unregelmäßigen Abständen Künstlerinnen und Künstler einlädt.

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      • Mercis Publishing bv Dick Bruna inc.

        Mercis Publishing bv is the publisher and world-wide rights holder for Dick Bruna’s books, including Miffy. Mercis Publishing has published the Dutch version of the Dick Bruna books since 1995 and coordinates the publication of all Dick Bruna books in other countries. Dick Bruna’s books have been translated into more than 50 languages. The list includes picture books, board books, bath books, novelty books and colouring & activity titles.

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 1992

        Die Galeere


        by Werner, Bruno E

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        September 1999


        Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour

        by David E Walter, Heather C Proctor

        There are over 40 000 named species of mite, and if estimates for unnamed species are included, then up to 1 million may grace the planet. By comparison, there are approximately 40 000 species of vertebrates, half of them fish, alive today. Mites are predators, parasites, herbivores and detritivores. They live in the dark depths of the ocean, in the lungs of birds, on the leaves of rainforest plants, and in human clothes and bedding. They are vectors of disease, vital players in soil formation, and important agents of biological control. Despite the grand diversity of mites, these small arthropods are often overlooked, and even trained biologists can be unaware of their significance.This books aims to fill the gap in our understanding of these intriguing creatures. It surveys life cycles, feeding behaviour, reproductive biology and host-associations of mites, without requiring prior knowledge of their morphology or taxonomy. The text is richly illustrated with line drawings and photographs. Topics covered include evolution of mites and other arachnids, mites in soil and water, mites on plants and animals, sperm transfer and reproduction, and mites as models of ecological and evolutionary theories.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2017

        Der christliche Overbeck

        Franz Overbeck als Ironiker und Schellingianer

        by Wilson, John E.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2016

        Bottom's Dream

        by Arno Schmidt, John E. Woods

        35 Jahre lang hat John E. Woods Arno Schmidt übersetzt, fast das gesamte literarische Werk des deutschen Schriftstellers übertrug der Amerikaner in seine Muttersprache. Die erste Schmidt-Lektüre war für ihn eine »Explosion« – mit Schmidts »Evening Edged in Gold« (»Abend mit Goldrand«) hat der preisgekrönte Übersetzer seine Karriere einst begonnen, dessen wichtigstes und umfangreichstes Werk hob sich Woods bis zum Schluss auf: Jetzt liegt der Überroman »Zettel’s Traum« endlich auf Englisch vor. Schmidts Sprachspiele, eine Herausforderung für jeden Übersetzer, hat Woods immer kreativ in die flexible englische Sprache übertragen, und manchmal ist seine Lösung witziger als das Original. John E. Woods über Bottom’s Dream: »›I have had a dream past the wit of man to say what dream it was,‹ says Bottom. ›I have had a dream, and I wrote a Big Book about it,‹ Arno Schmidt might have said. Schmidt’s rare vision is a journey into many literary worlds. First and foremost it is about Edgar Allan Poe, or perhaps it is language itself that plays that lead role; and it is certainly about sex in its many Freudian disguises, but about love as well, whether fragile and unfulfilled or crude and wedded.«

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        Henrik Ibsen in Deutschland

        Rezeption und Revision

        by George, David E

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2013

        Rights in the Law

        The Importance of God's Free Choices in the Thought of Francis Turretin

        by Bruce, James E.

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        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        January 2024

        Vegetable Seeds

        Production and Technology

        by Gregory E Welbaum

        Most food and fiber crops are produced from seed. This means that the world's population is dependent on annual seed production for its food supply. Vegetable seed production is much different and more challenging than production of grain crops. This book explains the biology and technology behind producing, maintaining, and enhancing the quality of vegetable seeds from breeding through to the marketed product. It begins with six chapters on a broad range of seed-related topics: the importance of seeds, reproductive biology of plants, genetic improvement strategies, quality assurance of seed production, post-harvest seed enhancement, and organic production. The remaining chapters cover seed production in eleven important vegetable families. Each chapter provides a description of the botany, types and cultivars, genetic improvement, pollination, soil fertility management, pest management, crop production, harvesting, post-harvest handling, and seed yields. The aim of this book is to educate how to produce high-quality vegetable seeds. Incorporating both current methodologies and recent research results, it is suitable for students, researchers, and professionals in the seed industry.

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        Science & Mathematics
        January 2015

        Vegetable Production and Practices

        by Gregory E Welbaum

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1979

        Crash '81

        Der grosse Schock. Roman

        by Erdman, Paul E

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        September 2006

        Seiltänzer des Paradoxalen

        Aufsätze zur ästhetischen Wissenschaft

        by Wellbery, David E.

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