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      • Hawker Brownlow Education

        Hawker Brownlow Education, a Solution Tree company, is Australasia’s leading provider of educational resources, events and professional development services. Since 1985, we have empowered F–12 teachers and educational professionals with the tools and skills they need to improve classrooms and raise student achievement. From our head office in Melbourne, we publish the latest and best-regarded educational thinking from around the region and the world, releasing over 300 new titles and printing over 100 000 publications each year to support educational professionals. Our publications can be found on the shelves of over 9200 schools across Australia and New Zealand, in addition to reaching educational professionals in over 50 countries globally. We train and inspire thousands of educational professionals through major annual conferences, regional events and in-school support, delivering over 2000 hours of professional development each year. For more, visit and follow @HawkerBrownlow on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn.

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      • Brown Bear Books

        Brown Bear Bookspublish and package high-quality, illustrated children’sbooks for trade and school libraries. They also own Windmill Books, who publish educational material.

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2017

        Tokyo Coffee Time

        by Yiju Life Studio, CHEN Ruoyi, Jimmy Wong

        What are the things you cannot miss in coffee shops in Tokyo? Why can master baristas make the most memorable tastes? You will find the answers from Tokyo Coffee Time through coffee experts’ professional and harsh eyes. Including 140 coffee shops, 26 master comments and so on.

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        January 2007

        Vom richtigen Verhalten in Umkleidekabinen

        ... und 101 andere tägliche Herausforderungen

        by Browning, Guy / Deutsch Maier, Hucky

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2009

        The silence of Barbara Synge

        by Bill McCormack

        'The silence of Barbara Synge' provides a fascinating companion volume to Bill McCormack's acclaimed 'Fool of the family' (2000), a biography of the playwright J.M. Synge (1871-1909). Taking the alledged death of Mrs John Hatch (née Synge) in 1767 as a focal point, this book explores the varied strands of the Synge family tree in eighteenth and nineteenth century Ireland. Key events in the family's history are carefully documented, including a suicide in 1769 which is echoed in an early Synge play, the effects of the famine which influenced 'The playboy of the western world' in 1907, and the behaviour of Francis Synge at the time of the union. 'The silence of Barbara Synge' is a unique work of cultural enquiry, combining archival research, literary criticism, and religious and medical history to pull the strands together and relate them to the family's literary descendent J.M. Synge. ;

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        July 2021

        Ein Baum für Piet

        Mein Jahreszeitenbuch

        by Peter Wohlleben, Carina Wohlleben, Stefanie Reich

        "Ein Baum für Piet", geschrieben vom Vater-Tochter-Duo Peter und Carina Wohlleben, ist ein bezauberndes Kinderbuch, das die Geschichte des Eichhörnchens Piet erzählt. Nach dem Umzug von einer ungemütlichen Kiefer in eine freundliche alte Buche erlebt Piet die Veränderungen eines Laubbaums über die vier Jahreszeiten hinweg. Dieses Buch, das zweite Pappbilderbuch der erfolgreichen Autoren, kombiniert kindgerechte Erklärungen mit wissenschaftlich fundiertem Wissen über die Natur. Die lebendigen und detailreichen Illustrationen regen die Fantasie an und machen die Naturbeobachtung zu einem interaktiven Erlebnis. Für junge Leser*innen ab zwei Jahren konzipiert, fördert "Ein Baum für Piet" das Verständnis für die Umwelt und stärkt die emotionale Verbindung zur Natur. Hergestellt auf umwelt- und klimafreundliche Weise, spricht es umweltbewusste Familien an und bietet durch seine liebevolle und informative Gestaltung einen Mehrwert für Kinder und ihre Begleiter im Entdecken der natürlichen Welt. Ideal für junge Entdecker: Speziell für Kinder ab 24 Monaten gestaltet, macht es die Naturwissenschaften zugänglich und unterhaltsam. Wissenschaft trifft auf Erzählkunst: Bietet eine perfekte Mischung aus sachlichen Informationen und einer fesselnden Erzählung. Auffallende Illustrationen: Die Seiten sind gefüllt mit ansprechenden und sorgfältig gestalteten Bildern, die zum Erkunden einladen. Umweltbewusste Produktion: Berücksichtigt ökologische Aspekte in der Herstellung, ideal für umweltbewusste Käufer. Von Fachleuten empfohlen: Erhält durchweg positives Feedback von Pädagogen und Kritikern für seinen lehrreichen und ansprechenden Inhalt. Fördert Naturverständnis: Stärkt das Bewusstsein und die Wertschätzung für die Umwelt bei jungen Lesern. Langlebig und relevant: Bleibt über die frühen Lesejahre hinaus ein interessantes und lehrreiches Buch. Weitere Pappbilderbücher von Peter und Carina Wohlleben: Kühle Pfötchen für Piet Wie schläft der Wald? Wie werden kleine Tiere groß? Das große Wald-Wimmelbuch

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2021

        Britain’s ‘brown babies’

        by Lucy Bland

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        October 2024

        Fractal Noise

        Mission ins Ungewisse

        by Paolini, Christopher

        Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Anke Kreutzer und Barbara Häusler

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2017


        by LIAO Yimei

        Amber is one of the“Pessimism Trilogy”from LIAO Yimei, one of the most well-know script writers in China. The wave son Gao Yuan thought he got the naïve girl Xiaoyou already. But actually Xiaoyou has her own secret purpose. This is a sotry start from a “heart”.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1991

        Sonette aus dem Portugiesischen

        by Elizabeth Barrett-Browning

        Elizabeth Barrett wurde am 6. März 1806 in Durham / England geboren. Sie genoß eine privilegierte Kindheit und war äußerst belesen, v.a. in antiker Literatur. Im Alter von zwölf Jahren verfaßte sie ihr erstes episches Gedicht. 1826 wurde ihr erstes Werk – anonym – veröffentlicht, An Essay on Mind and Other Poems. 1844 lernte sie den um sechs Jahre jüngeren Dichter Robert Browning kennen, den sie gegen den Willen ihres Vaters heiratete. 1846 floh das Paar nach Italien und lebte von da an in Florenz. 1850 wurde Sonnets from the Portuguese veröffentlicht, eine der bekanntesten Sammlungen von Liebesgedichten in englischer Sprache. In ihren späteren Werken verarbeitete sie auch politische und soziale Themen, wie beispielsweise die männliche Dominanz über Frauen in ihrem Versepos Aurora Leigh (1857). Elizabeth Barrett Browning starb am 29. Juni 1861 in Florenz.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Chocolate, women and empire

        by Emma Robertson

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2020

        Searching for Extrasolar Planets, Brown Dwarfs, and Dark Matter

        by Joseph A. Angelo, Jr.

        This eBook introduces three of the most fascinating scientific quests in modern astronomy. Readers will learn how space-based observatories, such as the Hubble Space Telescope, the Chandra X-ray Observatory, and the Spitzer Space Telescope are aiding scientists in their quest to learn more about the elusive objects that are extrasolar planets, brown dwarfs, and dark matter.

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        Forestry & related industries
        November 1998

        Silviculture of Mahogany

        by John Mayhew, Adrian C Newton

        Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) is one of the best-known and most valuable tropical timbers currently traded internationally. Concern has increased over the exploitation of mahogany, particularly as most timber is currently derived from natural forests which are not managed sustainably. Such concerns have resulted in an increased research effort focusing on the ecology of the species in natural forest. The potential of mahogany plantations as an alternative source of timber has received relatively little attention. However, evidence suggests mahogany may be a viable plantation species in many countries. The successful development of such plantations could make a major contribution towards meeting future demands for mahogany timber, and thereby help to reduce pressures on natural forest. The main aim of this book is to produce a comprehensive account of mahogany silviculture, with a particular emphasis on plantations, by bringing together the findings of foresters and researchers from mahogany-growing countries around the world. There is a logical progression through the stages of seed collection, plantation establishment, maintenance, prediction of growth and yield, protection and management of both natural stands and plantations under suitable silvicultural systems. This book is an indispensable guide and reference for those involved in growing and managing mahogany and will also be valuable to ecologists and land managers as well as students of forestry.

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        Agriculture & related industries
        April 2007

        Coffee Pests, Diseases and their Management

        by M Bigger, Rory J Hillocks. Edited by Jim M Waller.

        Price collapse and oversupply have made coffee a high-profile crop in recent years: never has efficient production and crop protection been more important for reducing costs and increasing quality. Packed with illustrations, this book covers the origins, botany, agroecology and worldwide production statistics of coffee, and the insect pests, plant pathogens, nematodes and nutrient deficiencies that afflict it. With emphasis on integrated crop management, this book reviews control measures suitable for any coffee pest or disease and will enable agriculturists to design and implement sustainable pest management systems.

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