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Promoted ContentMedicineMarch 2017
The metamorphosis of autism
A history of child development in Britain
by Keir Waddington, Bonnie Evans
This book is available as an open access ebook under a CC-BY-NC-ND licence. What is autism and where has it come from? Increased diagnostic rates, the rise of the 'neurodiversity' movement, and growing autism journalism, have recently fuelled autism's fame and controversy. The metamorphosis of autism is the first book to explain our current fascination with autism by linking it to a longer history of childhood development. Drawing from a staggering array of primary sources, Bonnie Evans traces autism back to its origins in the early twentieth century and explains why the idea of autism has always been controversial and why it experienced a 'metamorphosis' in the 1960s and 1970s. Evans takes the reader on a journey of discovery from the ill-managed wards of 'mental deficiency' hospitals, to high-powered debates in the houses of parliament, and beyond. The book will appeal to a wide market of scholars and others interested in autism.
Promoted ContentHistory of medicineFebruary 2017
The metamorphosis of autism
'A history of child development in Britain
by Series edited by Professor Keir Waddington, Bonnie Evans
What is autism and where has it come from? Increased diagnostic rates, the rise of the 'neurodiversity' movement, and growing autism journalism, have recently fuelled autism's fame and controversy. The metamorphosis of autism is the first book to explain our current fascination with autism by linking it to a longer history of childhood development. Drawing from a staggering array of primary sources, Bonnie Evans traces autism back to its origins in the early twentieth century and explains why the idea of autism has always been controversial and why it experienced a 'metamorphosis' in the 1960s and 1970s. Evans takes the reader on a journey of discovery from the ill-managed wards of 'mental deficiency' hospitals, to high-powered debates in the houses of parliament, and beyond. The book will appeal to a wide market of scholars and others interested in autism, neurodiversity and how this relates to wider theories of children's psychological development.
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December 2024Die Anwältin
... und plötzlich ist sie selbst das Opfer. Thriller
by Kistler, Bonnie
Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Kristina Lake-Zapp
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1993Nie allein zu zweit - Die Macht der unsichtbaren Dritten
(rororo zu zweit)
by Jacobson, Bonnie; Kettelhack, Guy
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October 2008Leidenschaft der Wüste
Sie suchte seinen Schutz - und fand die Liebe
by Vanak, Bonnie / Übersetzt von Schilasky, Sabine
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March 2009Sturm der Leidenschaft
Er suchte einen verborgenen Schatz - und fand die Liebe seines Lebens
by Vanak, Bonnie / Übersetzt von Schilasky, Sabine
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January 1995Eine eigene Geschichte - Frauen in Europa
Verschüttete Spuren. Frühgeschichte bis 18. Jahrhundert
by Anderson, Bonnie S; Zinsser, Judith P / Englisch Biegger Scharz, Katharina
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January 1995Eine eigene Geschichte - Frauen in Europa
Aufbruch. Vom Absolutismus zur Gegenwart
by Anderson, Bonnie S; Zinsser, Judith P / Englisch Holenstein Weidmann, Pia
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August 2000Der Klang von fallendem Schnee
Leben ohne zu hören
by Tucker, Bonnie P / Übersetzt von Wasel, Ulrike; Übersetzt von Timmermann, Klaus
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Humanities & Social SciencesOctober 2023Towards a just Europe
A theory of distributive justice for the European Union
by João Labareda
This highly original book constitutes one of the first attempts to examine the problem of distributive justice in the European Union in a systematic manner. João Labareda argues that the set of shared political institutions at EU level, including the European Parliament and the Court of Justice of the EU, generate democratic duties of redistribution among EU citizens. Furthermore, the economic structure of the EU, comprising a common market, a common currency and a free-movement area, triggers duties of reciprocity among member states. The responsibilities to fulfil these duties, Labareda argues, should be shared by the local, national and supranational levels of government. Not only should the EU act as a safety net to the national welfare systems, applying the principle of subsidiarity, but common market and Eurozone regulations should balance their efficiency targets with fair cooperation terms. The concrete policy proposals presented in this book include a threshold of basic goods for all EU citizens, an EU labour code, a minimum EU corporate tax rate and an EU fund for competitiveness. Labarada argues that his proposals match the political culture of the member states, are economically feasible, can be translated into functioning institutions and policies and are consistent with the limited degree of social solidarity in Europe. This book is a major contribution to the understanding of what a just Europe would look like and what it might take to get us there. This book is relevant to United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 10, Reduced inequalities
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Humanities & Social SciencesMarch 2017Sunningdale, the Ulster Workers' Council strike and the struggle for democracy in Northern Ireland
by David McCann, Cillian McGrattan
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May 2013Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny
Oper in drei Akten. Musik von Kurt Weill. Text von Bertolt Brecht. Textausgabe
by Bertolt Brecht, Kurt Weill, Joachim Lucchesi
Text und Kommentar in einem Band. In der Suhrkamp BasisBibliothek erscheinen literarische Hauptwerke aller Epochen und Gattungen als Arbeitstexte für Schule und Studium. Der vollständige Text wird ergänzt durch anschaulich geschriebene Kommentare.