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      • Gerstenberg Verlag GmbH & Co. KG

        The Publishing House and its History Established in St. Petersburg in 1792, today Gerstenberg is one of Germany’s oldest publishing houses. A family business, the publishing house moved to new headquarters in Hildesheim in 1796 and to this day occupies the same address in the old city marketplace as it did then. The most important branch of the publishing business, however, was the Hildesheimer Allgemeine Zeitung, which, incidentally, is the oldest daily newspaper still in existence in Germany. Today, the name of Gerstenberg is synonymous with delightful, innovative books of aesthetic design and high-quality content for children and young adults that compete very successfully also on the international market. An adult range comprising illustrated books, non-fiction and cookery books also forms part of the Gerstenberg portfolio.   Program Gerstenberg publishes board picture books, picture books, children’s and young adult narrative literature and non-fiction. With Eric Carle’s »The Very Hungry Caterpillar« (»Die kleine Raupe Nimmersatt«) and Rotraut Susanne Berner’s ›discovery picture books‹ (›Wimmelbücher‹), Gerstenberg became one of the best-known children’s book publishers. In 1999, the anthology of poetry »Dunkel war’s, der Mond schien helle«, came out as the first in Gerstenberg’s series of household compendiums, a segment that has since developed into a main pillar of the program. The publishing house has brought out some highly respected developments of its own in the children’s knowledge-book series ›Abenteuer! Maja Nielsen erzählt‹.

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      • Kesaint Blanc

        Kesaint Blanc Publishing is the leading foreign language-learning publisher in Indonesia, teaching Indonesian foreign languages since 1988. Kesaint Blanc Publishing has published other book genres as well, such as Children's Book. Our children's book showcases wonderful and fun stories accompanied by colorful and beautiful illustrations. We offer variety of stories for various age groups. All the titles are selected by their high educational and morale value.

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 1993

        Auguste Rodin - Die Bürger von Calais

        Eine Kunst-Monographie

        by Roland Bothner

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2018

        Mein Liederbuch

        by Dagmar Manzel

        »Schon als Kind«, schreibt Dagmar Manzel, »begeisterten mich die Lieder der Zwanziger Jahre, erzeugten in mir so etwas wie eine kleine Sehnsucht, die mich schließlich, viele Jahre später selbst als Sängerin auf die Bühne bringen sollte.« Unvergessen sind sie, die Lieder, die im Babylon Berlin der Weimarer Republik auf den Varieté-, Kabarett- und Operettenbühnen Furore machten: Jede Frau hat irgendeine Sehnsucht, Irgendwo auf der Welt oder Ick wunder´ mir über jar nischt mehr. Der Komponist Werner Richard Heymann pflegte zu sagen: „Sie kennen mich nicht, aber Sie haben schon viel von mir gehört“, und meinte damit seine Hits wie Ein Freund, ein guter Freund oder Das gibt’s nur einmal. Das vorliegende Liederbuch enthält die persönliche Auswahl Dagmar Manzels in Noten und Texten, die Namen der Komponisten und Autoren reichen von Friedrich Hollaender bis Mischa Spoliansky, von Walter Mehring bis Bertolt Brecht, ihre Protagonistinnen sind Blandine Ebinger, Lotte Werkmeister, Fritzi Massary und viele andere. Ergänzt wird das Liederbuch mit Abbildungen aus dem Cabaret Berlin der Roaring Twenties.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2022

        Auftritt: Die Neue Frau

        by Brigitte Landes

        Ihr Auftreten in der jungen Millionenstadt Berlin mit Smoking, Zigarette, Bubikopf und Auto, als Flapper, Garçonne oder Girl, macht sie zur Ikone der Zwanziger Jahre. Sie spielt selbstbewusst, sachlich, frivol, provozierend und kämpferisch ihre neu errungene Rolle. In Essays, Reportagen und Kolumnen, in Erzählungen, Romanen und in Lebenserinnerungen wirbt und kämpft sie für die Idee von der ›Neuen Frau‹. Für Helen Hessel ist die »Mode eine Waffe im Kampf der Geschlechter«, Fritzi Massary, die »Frau, die weiß, was sie will«, schreibt vom »Glück des Autofahrens«, Marieluise Fleißer denkt nach über »Sportgeist und Zeitkunst«, Vicky Baum boxt und hat keine »Angst vor Kitsch«, Mascha Kaléko erzählt von den »Mädchen an der Schreibmaschine«, Pola Negri will den Männern missfallen, Gabriele Tergit und Else Lasker-Schüler protestieren gegen den §218, Blandine Ebinger und Claire Waldoff erkunden die Nachtseite Berlins, Josefine Baker tut, was ihr passt, und Valeska Gert platzt wie eine Bombe auf die Wilde Bühne, die Trude Hesterberg gegründet hat ... In den aus den unterschiedlichsten Quellen zusammengestellten Texten zeigt sich die neu gewonnene Freiheit mit ihren Licht- und Schattenseiten.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1975

        Der Fall Rivière herausgegeben von Michel Foucault

        Materialien zum Verhältnis von Psychiatrie und Strafjustiz

        by Michel Foucault, Wolf Heinrich Leube

        Michel Foucault und seine Mitarbeiter sind im Zusammenhang von Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Beziehungen zwischen Psychiatrie und Strafjustiz auf den Fall Rivière gestoßen, über den 1836 eine ungewöhnlich umfangreiche Dokumentation publiziert worden war, u. a. ein Memoire Pierre Rivières über die Beweggründe zu seiner Tat: der Ermordung seiner Mutter, seiner Schwester und seines Bruders. Warum hat sich über diese Dokumentation – und insbesondere über das Memoire Pierre Rivières –, nachdem sie einmal das lebhafte Interesse der Ärzte erregt hatte, alsbald wieder absolutes Schweigen gebreitet? Die Autoren der »Anmerkungen« zu den im ersten Teil des vorliegenden Bandes abgedruckten Dokumenten analysieren einige auf den ersten Blick verdeckte Funktionen der vielfach sich überlagernden, sich kreuzenden und gegeneinander gerichteten Diskurse, die scheinbar alle von derselben Sache sprechen – einem Fall von Verwandtenmord –, gleichzeitig aber Gefechte sind. So kämpfen die Ärzte gegeneinander, gegen die Justiz und gegen Rivière; so kämpft die Justiz u. a. um die Anerkennung medizinischer Gutachten und die Zuerkennung mildernder Umstände; so sind die Zeugenaussagen von Dorfbewohnern auch Versuche, mit dem in ihrer Mitte begangenen Verbrechen fertig zu werden … Das Dossier wurde zusammengestellt, bearbeitet und mit Anmerkungen versehen im Rahmen einer Kollektivarbeit am Collège de France von: Blandine Berret-Kriegel, Gilbert Burlet-Torvic, Robert Castel, Jeanne Favret, Alexandre Fontana, Michel Foucault, Georgette Legée, Patricia Moulin, Jean-Pierre Peter, Philippe Riot, Maryvonne Saison.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Medicine
        January 2005


        Anatomie - geste respiratoire

        by Blandine Calais-Germa

        There are at least a hundred ways to breathe... and even more... Why are some ways of breathing active while others are passive? How can apnea be at the same time a period of rest and one of intense activity? Breathing is an extremely diversified action. Most of the time, we are not aware of our breathing, because we are so intimate with it, and because it becomes a part of something we are doing – a body movement that entails more than breathing alone. All forms of breathing rely, in the beginning, on two fundamental mechanisms and their variants, which can differ in degree, and combine in any number of ways. This book proposes to explore breathing gestures: by describing the process, explaining the anatomic systems, and identifying the forces at play through the practice of numerous exercises. The reader will learn that there are no bad ways of breathing, that each, in its own way, is important: each will accompany our movement in certain situations, and be appropriate for achieving specific goals. Throughout the book, the reader is called upon to go against the flow and against generally accepted ideas that have been going around about breathing in body-work circles. This manual is written for all professionals who use breathing in their work. - physical therapists, midwives, psychomotor specialists, etc. - P.E. teachers, water-gym instructors, sport techniques, yoga, body consciousness, etc. - professionals in the living arts: music, singing, theatre, dance, mime, circus, etc. - teachers, journalists, lawyers, etc. - phoniatricians, speech therapists, etc. - relaxologists, sophrologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, psychologists, psychoanalysts, etc.

      • Medicine
        January 2004

        Anatomie pour le mouvement - Volume 1 - NEW EDITION

        Introduction à l'analyse des techniques corporelles. Nouvelle édition revue et corrigée.

        by Blandine Calais-Germain

        Anatomy for Movement An Introduction to the analysis of body techniques For almost forty years now, and through 5 successive editions, this book has provided easy access to the bases of anatomy for all people studying anatomy and/ or practicing a body technique. It describes the musculoskeletal system with abundant illustrations: over 1100 commented drawings show the bones, joints, and muscles in direct relation with the movement situations that concern them. The following areas are addressed: The trunk: Spine, pelvis, rib cage. Upper extremities: Shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands. Lower extremities: Hips, knees, ankles, feet. For each area, comments deal successively with: * The morphology of the area * Movements made by this part of the body * Bones, joint structures and the different muscles involved The new edition of this reference book – translated into 19 languages, and sold in over 40 countries – is enhanced with 100 QR codes that provide the reader with a better view of the structures described in the text, thus constituting a new tool for understanding anatomy.

      • September 2014

        Anatomie pour le mouvement - Volume 2: Nouvelle édition

        Bases d'exercices

        by Blandine Calais-Germain - Andrée Lamotte

        In the past few years, we have become increasing aware of our bodies and of how they work and move. ANATOMY is no longer a subject reserved for specialists alone, rather, all who regularly practice a sport or do other bodywork can also benefit from its study. In a very lively manner, this book gives a panorama of the bones, joints, and muscles directly linked to movement. It relies heavily upon the illustrations in the volume. These illustrations have captions, which may be used in one of two ways: for a quick overview, or for more in-depth study. This is a basic book that enables the reader to uickly grasp the basics of anatomy, essential to all bodywork and sports. It is a complete guide for body techniques including, martial arts, dance, gymnastics, physical therapy, mime, psychomotricity, sports, theatre, and yoga.

      • Travel & holiday guides
        November 2010

        Cross-Channel France

        Nord-Pas de Calais: The Land Beyond the Ports

        by John Ruler

        Nord-Pas de Calais is Britain's foothold in France; it's where the ferries dock and the Channel Tunnel emerges into daylight. Bradt's Cross-Channel France delves not only into the port towns but also into the forgotten France that's rarely reached. Sample Vieux Bologne – the smelliest cheese in the world; climb the hill at Cassel – where the Grand Old Duke of York marched his 10,000 men; or visit Agincourt – the site of a cornerstone battle in British history. The guide also reveals where visitors can shop for cut-price goods and where they can cycle, walk or ride horses. Bradt's Cross-Channel France is packed with information for day trips as well as longer family-friendly holidays._x000D_ _x000D_

      • January 2018

        The Chronicle of Andres

        by Abbot William of Andres, Leah Spokhow

        Translated with Notes and Commentary by Leah ShopkowIn 1220 Abbot William of Andres, a monastery halfway between Calais and Saint-Omer on the busy road from London to Paris, sat down to write an ambitious cartulary-chronicle for his monastery. Although his work was unfinished at his death, William’s account is an unpolished gem of medieval historical writing. The Chronicle of Andres details the history of his monastery from its foundation in the late eleventh century through the early part of 1234. Early in the thirteenth century, the monks decided to sue for their freedom and appointed William as their protector. His travels took him on a 4000 km, four-year journey, during which he was befriended by Innocent III, among others, and where he learned to negotiate the labyrinthine system of the ecclesiastical courts. Upon winning his case, he was elected abbot on his return to Andres and enjoyed a flourishing career thereafter. A decade after his victory, William decided to put the history of the monastery on a firm footing.This text not only offers insight into the practice of medieval canon law (from the perspective of a well-informed man with legal training), but also ecclesiastical policies, the dynamics of life within a monastery, ethnicity and linguistic diversity, and rural life. It is comparable in its frankness to Jocelin of Brakelord’s Chronicle of Bury. Because William drew on the historiographic tradition of the Southern Low Countries, his text also offers some insights into this subject, thus composing a broad picture of the medieval European monastic world.

      • Fiction
        July 1999


        by Alex Aitken

      • Humour

        All Mouth and Codpiece

        by Roger Butters

        Through the perilous world of late mediaeval espionage strides the intrepid figure of Ancient Pistol, secret agent. Never at a loss for an insult or an anachronistic quotation from the Bard, Shakespeare’s vainglorious soldier has been entrusted by Thomas Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk, to investigate a matter of the utmost delicacy, involving as it does the fate of the mightiest in the land. Pistol would not be everyone’s choice for such a task, being a loud-mouthed, cowardly, drunken fathead. But before the monumental ineptitude of his blundering, the Machiavellian schemes of the mighty crumble and fall. Ridiculed, beaten, humiliated but undefeated, Pistol triumphs in the end. Historical spoof based on the antics of Shakespeare’s character Ancient Pistol. Sequel to All Wind and Pistol, published by Book Guild Publishing, Brighton, 2008. Approximately 65,000 words.

      • Literary Fiction
        January 2015


        by Marie Houzelle

        This book is a delight! - Anne Korkeakivi Like Louise Fitzhugh's classic Harriet the Spy, the story is powered by a precocious and independent loner whose observations and reports are both charming and moving. Tita is a remarkable debut. .- Katharine Weber ...Witty, wry, and clever...I cannot recommend it enough! - Janet Skeslien Charles   This book has a charm so unique and powerful, it pulls you in simply, effortlessly...I loved it.-Nicola Keegan,   There’s nothing simplistic about this novel. Tita is not an exercise in blind nostalgia for a lost past. It is a rich and warm, yet open-eyed portrait of a place and time just beyond our current reach. It’s a book worth savoring.– Judith Starkson – New York Journal of Books Tita is seven, and she wonders what’s wrong with her. She has perfect parents. She puts on plays with her friends, spies on adults, challenges her teacher, even manages to read forbidden books. She should be happy. But she dreams of a time without meals, and keeps worrying about her mother’s whereabouts, spoiling her own life for no reason at all. Tita wants to be good – but how? As her beloved small town vibrates to age-old Latin rituals on the verge of slipping away, Tita finds refuge - and a liberation - in books.

      • Romance
        August 2014

        It Is Love

        by Barbara Cartland

        Money may not be able to buy you love but without it an Earldom is an empty title as black sheep of the family, Michael Belmont, could discover to his cost. Heir to a huge country estate, filled with antiques and the finest furniture, Michael’s gambling debts and dissolute lifestyle result in a desperate quarrel with his father, who threatens to disinherit him. When his father dies suddenly, Michael has sunk so low that he does not even have enough money for his fare home. With his allowance gambled and his fine clothes pawned Michael is a man in despair. But all that changes when he meets the beautiful Lady Verna, who is seeking a chauffeur to drive her car home to England. Not knowing that her willing volunteer is actually an Earl, they strike up an unlikely friendship and before the journey ends he has fallen under her spell. Captivated by her independent spirit and positive outlook Michael knows that their love will reform him, and suddenly there is brilliant new hope in his life. All he has to do is win the trust of her father, wealthy Lord Challoner, and convince him of his suitability as a husband – but the shadow of the late Earl’s threat looms large. With so much uncertainly the only thing they can be sure of is their love. As Michael tries to turn his life around and win the hand of the woman he adores can Lady Verna convince her father that love is enough to live on? Meanwhile Michael’s cunning younger brother, Anthony, has his eye on the estate. Their father’s favourite, he may not carry the title but he is determined to take everything else from his brother including the bride.

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