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View Rights PortalThis book traces the career of Roy Ward Baker, one of the great survivors of the British film and television industry. He directed the landmark British film Morning Departure (1949), worked at Twentieth Century Fox in Hollywood in the early 1950s where he directed Marilyn Monroe's 'breakthrough' film (Don't Bother to Knock), and followed this with a succession of fine films for Rank, culminating in the best version of the Titanic disaster, A Night to Remember in 1958. Yet within three years he was unable to secure a job in the British film industry and he moved to television series such as The Avengers, The Saint and Minder. Later Baker re-emerged as a major director of science-fiction (Quatermass and the Pit) and horror films (Asylum). Geoff Mayer provides an industrial and aesthetic context in which to understand the interrelationship between a skilled classical director and the transformation of the British film industry in the 1950s. ;
Barrøy – so heißt die kleine Insel vor Norwegens atemberaubender Küste, auf der Ingrid aufwächst, fernab der übrigen Welt. Bis eines Tages der mörderische Weltkrieg den verschlafenen Ort einholt: Der Kriegsgefangene Alexander, ein Russe, findet nach einem tragischen Schiffsunglück Zuflucht auf der Insel. Ingrid verliebt sich in den schweigsamen Mann, doch ihre Liebe kann nur kurz währen, bis die deutschen Besatzer Alexander inhaftieren. Neun Monate später bekommt Ingrid eine Tochter. Der Krieg ist nun vorbei, das Land will nichts anderes als vergessen. Doch Ingrid kann Alexander nicht vergessen. Mit Kaja vor den Bauch gebunden, macht sie sich auf die Reise durch ein kriegserschüttertes Land, auf der Suche nach Alexander, ihrer großen Liebe. Roy Jacobsens Insel-Saga erzählt, auch vor dem Hintergrund deutscher Geschichte, mit außergewöhnlichem Sog vom Leben einer Familie in überwältigender Natur, von starken, eigenwilligen Frauen, von Schuld und Kollaboration.
Antioxidants play an important role in the progression of major human degenerative diseases and conditions. This book covers antioxidants and their mechanisms of action; their role in a whole array of conditions including coronary heart disease, malignant disease, diabetes, cataracts, respiratory disease, cystic fibrosis, cognitive functions, and aging; their indicators for oxidative stress; and consumer issues. The majority of chapters have been developed from papers presented at the 6th World Congress in Clinical Nutrition, held in Banff, Canada, July 1997.
This is the first book-length study to focus primarily on the role of class in the encounter between South Asians and British institutions in the United Kingdom at the height of British imperialism. In a departure from previous scholarship on the South Asian presence in Britain, 'The better class' of Indians emphasizes the importance of class as the register through which British polite society interpreted other social distinctions such as race, gender, and religion. Drawing mainly on unpublished material from the India Office Records, the National Archives, and private collections of charitable organizations, this book examines not only the attitudes of British officials towards South Asians in their midst, but also the actual application of these attitudes in decisions pertaining to them. This fascinating book will be of particular interest to scholars and general readers of imperialism, immigration as well as British and Indian social history.
Plants are important source of lead molecules for drug discovery. These lead molecules serve as starting materials for laboratory synthesis of drug as well a model for production of biologically active compounds. Phytochemical processing of raw plant materials is essentially required to optimize the concentration of known constituents and also to maintain their activities. Extraction techniques and analytical techniques have played critical roles in phytochemical processing of raw materials. Extraction technologies from conventional extraction to green extraction as well as analytical techniques from single technique to hyphenated/coupled techniques most frequently used in phytochemistry laboratories are covered in the book.