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        Children's & YA
        October 2021

        Bella becomes a giraffe princess

        by Christine Warugaba/Valerie Bouthyette

        On her ninth birthday, a lonely orphan named Bella gets a visit from a giraffe. The giraffe later takes her to Giraffe Land to meet the queen. While in Giraffe Land, Bella breaks the spell of of a witch who had planned on destroying Giraffe Land.

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        A Sea of Fishes

        A Culinary Guide to Mediterranean Seafood

        by Bella Galil

        This culinary guide to Mediterranean seafood combines a concise description and basic biological information on the most popular species, with historical anecdotes and cookery tips. Each entry is accompanied by a scientifically accurate drawing and the name of the species in the different Mediterranean languages. Dr. Bella Galil is a marine biologist at the National Institute of Oceanography. For some 20 years she has been researching marine life in the Mediterranean. In her travels, she has gathered choice seafood recipes from fishermen and colleagues, all of which she has tried in her own kitchen

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        Un mar de peces

        by por la Dra. Bella Galil

        Un mar de peces: Una guía culinaria sobre pescados y mariscos del Mediterraneo - por la Dra. Bella Galil. Esta guía culinaria combina anécdotas históricas, consejos de cocina y una descripción concisa con una información biológica básica sobre las especies mediterraneas más populares. Cada plato viene acompañado por una ilustración científicamente exacta con sus nombres en las diferentes lenguas mediterraneas. La Dra. Bella Galil es una bióloga marina en el Instituto Nacional de Oceanografía. Ha estado investigando la vida marina en el Mediterraneo durante unos 20 años. En sus viajes ha reunido una selección de recetas provenientes de pescadores y colegas que ha probado en su propia cocina.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2005

        Amy Tan

        by Bella Adams, John Thieme

        This is the most comprehensive study to date of Amy Tan's work. It offers close readings of her texts in the context of broader debates about the representation of identity, history and reality. In contrast with Tan's own American-born narrators, and mainstream critics, Bella Adams's study looks beyond the stereotypes which appear in Tan's books, and explores the ways in which Chinese immigrants and their American relatives struggle to understand each others 'best qualities' via the Chinese tradition of the 'talk story'. She emphasises Tan's American narrators' process of becoming Chinese and discovering 'real China', and the significance of the ironic staging of these moments. Students will find this study both accessible and probing, and scholars will welcome its contribution to our understanding of a significant figure in contemporary literature. ;

      • Trusted Partner

        Des Poissons plein le Mer

        by Dr. Bella Galil

        Des Poissons plein le Mer – Un Guide Pratique de Gastronomie Marine - par le Dr. Bella Galil  Ce guide allie une description concise et une connaissance biologique de base des espèces de poissons et fruits de mer les plus populaires, ainsi que des anecdotes historiques et petits secrets culinaires. Chaque espèce est accompagnée d’un dessin scientifique précis et de ses noms dans les différentes langues des pays méditerranéens. Dr. Galil, spécialiste en biologie marine à l’Institut National d’Océanographie de Haïfa, Israël,. mène depuis près de vingt ans des recherches sur la faune marine en Méditerranée. Dans le cadre de ses recherches, l’auteur a été aménée à plonger dans l’océan Pacifique, Atlantique et l’océan Indien, et a décrit de nombreuses nouvelles espèces dans divers publications scientifiques. Lors de ses voyages, Dr; Galil a également recueilli auprès de pêcheurs ou collègues une collection de recettes, qu’elle a d’ailleurs essayé dans sa propre cuisine et décrit dans son livre. Bien qu’écrit dans un style courant, ce livre ne compromet nullement l’exactitude scientifique, et fournit au lecteur tout ce qui est utile de savoir sur les poissons comestibles et les fruits de mer ordinairement trouvés près des côtes méditerranéennes. Des Poissons plein la Mer est certainement un régale pour les amoureux de poissons et fruits de mer, mais aussi un guide de ressources inestimables pour les cuisiniers amateurs ou professionnels. Ce livre comprend plus de 120 espèces différentes, toutes illustrées en détail. Ce titre initialement publié en noir et blanc (avec la possibilité d’ajouter de 16 à 32 illustrations en couleur) a déjà rapporté un franc succés à notre société et je suis sûre qu’il en sera de même pour votre compagnie. Si la possibilité de publier une édition en français de cet ouvrage, ou un projet de co-édition vous intéresse, c’est avec plaisir que nous vous ferons parvenir un supplément d’information et/ou un exemplaire de l’original hébreu, accompagné de la traduction en anglais de passages choisis

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1995

        Das steinerne Brautbett


        by Harry Mulisch, Gregor Seferens

        Zwölf Jahre nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg fährt Norman Corinth zu einem Kongreß in das zerstörte Dresden. Begegnungen und Auseinandersetzungen stürzen den Amerikaner, der als Mitglied einer Bomberbesatzung an dem schicksalhaften Angriff auf Dresden beteiligt war, in Verwirrung. Noch einmal erlebt Corinth Anflug und Abschuß des Bombers – bis sich die Krise in einem Heilschlaf löst. Mit diesem Prosadrama einer vorübergehenden, heilsamen Selbstentfremdung ist Harry Mulisch (geboren 1927) bereit 1959 ein Kriegsbruch gelungen, das die Schuldaufrechnung der ehemaligen Kriegsgegner furchtlos beiseite räumt, um eine Begegnung mit den Leiden und Schmerzen des Kriegs zu ermöglichen.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2025

        Ein Sommer in Salerno

        Roman | Eine herzerwärmende, amüsante und ermutigende Geschichte über Neuanfänge

        by Serena Giuliano, Christiane Landgrebe

        Sechs Haushalte, eine Putzhilfe – bis ein Sommer alles verändert … Montag: der Witwer mit dem gebrochenen HerzenDienstag: die Älteste, sehr neugierigMittwoch: die HerrischenDonnerstag: die WahrsagerinFreitagmorgen: die wohlhabenden VerzweifeltenFreitagnachmittag: der Unsichtbare Zwischen all den Haushalten und ihren Teenager-Zwillingen hat Eléonore keine Zeit, das Dolce Vita in Salerno zu genießen. Auch Marco, von dem sie sich gerade getrennt hat, geht ihr nicht aus dem Kopf. Doch als Eléonore immer mehr in das Privatleben ihrer Kunden hineingezogen wird, gerät ihr routinierter Ablauf außer Kontrolle. Könnte das die langersehnte Chance für einen Neuanfang sein?

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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2023

        Urban Pest Management

        An Environmental Perspective

        by Partho Dhang

        The management and control of pests in the urban environment in the 21st Century faces many challenges. Pest populations adapt to changing conditions brought about by environmental changes caused by global warming, human population growth, and increased pollution. Urban pests are able to expand their ranges, densities, and habitats, sometimes causing large-scale damage and disease. This book provides collective insights from academic and industry experts on perspectives concerning urban pest management and regulatory innovations arising from the rapid onset of recent environmental challenges. Chapter topics address pest biology, advances in urban pest management practices, emerging urban pest control developments, new technologies, and regulations. The book describes new methods of pest control, their impacts on human health and the environment, and strategies for integrated management limiting the use of chemicals. It provides a practical resource for researchers and policy makers in pest management, urban health, medical entomology and environmental science. · An up-to-date and comprehensive resource on environmental urban pest management · Designed to appeal to pest control operators, public health professionals, and a range of field workers, as well as researching academics and graduate students · Brings both academic and industry experts together in one volume

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2009

        Pu der Bär. Gesamtausgabe

        Enthält die Bände »Pu der Bär« und »Pu baut in Haus«

        by Alan Alexander Milne, Ernest H. Shepard, Harry Rowohlt

        Alles von Pu: unsterblich, unbelehrbar, unwiderstehlich! Wenn Christopher Robin vom vielen Rechnen müde ist, macht er es sich bequem und schläft ein. Nur Pu der Bär, sein bester Freund, bleibt ein bisschen länger wach und denkt Große Dinge über Gar Nichts, bis er ebenfalls die Augen schließt und Christopher in den Hundertsechzig-Morgen-Wald zu seinen Freunden folgt ... Die Gesamtausgabe mit „Pu der Bär“ und „Pu baut ein Haus" ist ein Schatz für Kinder und Erwachsene. Preisgekrönte Übersetzung von Harry Rowohlt. Tiefgründiger und herzerwärmender Vorlese-Klassiker für Kinder ab 6 Jahren. A.A. Milnes Geschichten bilden die Basis für Walt Disneys "Winnie Puuh".

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        Children's & YA
        May 2016

        Bella Donner

        Wie alles begann & Der große Zauberwettbewerb

        by Symes, Ruth / Englisch Schindler, Nina; Illustriert von Harvey, Franziska

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        Insect Pest Management

        by David R Dent, Richard H Binks

        This new, third edition has been thoroughly updated to include all the key principles, methodologies, approaches and practical examples of insect pest management in agriculture, horticulture, medical and veterinary entomology. The book covers monitoring and forecasting of pest outbreaks, yield loss and impact assessments and all of the latest methods involved in the control and management of insects. It includes coverage of host manipulation, plant resistance, biological control, use of interference, agronomic precision control methods and insecticides as well as socio-economic and research management aspects of developing integrated approaches to pest management. The new edition also reflects the key advances made in the disciplines of molecular biology, biochemistry and genomics related to insects and their management. It also considers the importance and role of biodiversity, climate change, precision agriculture, data management and sustainability of production and supply in delivering integrated management solutions. This important text continues to be essential reading for students, researchers and industry scientists involved in all aspects of insect pest management, applied entomology, crop protection and medical and veterinary entomology.

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        Contour & Confidence

        Mrs Bellas Lieblings-Looks

        by Bella, Mrs

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        Contour & Confidence

        Mrs. Bellas Beauty-Geheimnisse. Mit exklusiven Looks und Insider-Storys

        by Mrs. Bella

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      • Trusted Partner
        May 2007

        Bella Rosa


        by Wild, Lea

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        Journey in Trumplandia: The Rise of Populism in America

        by Tiberiu Dianu

        The book is a collection of essays about the transformation of America, which has turned from a united nation to one more divided than ever. Some pundits predict that, if things don’t change, another civil war could occur. Have we reached a point of no return? Hopefully, America is mature enough to learn from its mistakes and avoid further scars along its evolving history. "Trumplandia is a welcome addition toward understanding current events, Washington’s international policy, and the present American society; a society polarized and divided as it has not been since the Civil War.” NICHOLAS DIMA, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor and Research Associate, Nelson Institute, James Madison University, Virginia. "The book is fascinating. It provides background to, and insights into [the] current and past political history as well as offering a personal view... of the country and society. Presented in thematic form in chapters and sections, the insights offered provide a suggestive radiography...” Dr. DENNIS DELETANT, OBE, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington DC. "There has been this backsliding in... what a truly functioning rule-of-law state is, that has proper separation of co-equal powers, which, if you don’t keep working on that, you backslide. And I am even worried about that here, in the United States right now, about backsliding.” OBIE MOORE, Esq., OLM Advisors LLC, Washington DC “Indeed, Trumplandia should be a welcome addition to any scholar, student or layman’s library, especially in its international edition. If anyone loses sleep over its challenging assertions, then it will have been well worth it.” ERNESTO MORALES HIZON, Ph.D. Candidate in American and Comparative Politics at Claremont Graduate University, Member, Integrated Bar of the Philippines ABOUT THE AUTHOR: TIBERIU DIANU has practiced law in Romania (as a corporate lawyer, judge, senior counselor at the Ministry of Justice, university professor and senior legal researcher), and in the United States (as a legal expert for the judiciary). He published several books and a host of articles in law, politics, and post-communist societies. Tiberiu currently lives and works in Washington, DC.

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