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      • Left Bank Literary

        Left Bank Literary is a Sydney-based literary agency specialising in quality fiction and non-fiction.    Our name references the creative environment that blossomed in 'the city of light' nearly a century ago. These writers were a vital force in an era of rising conservatism and facism. We have created Left Bank Literary to provide a home for the fertile ideas of our clients and to ensure literature continues to contribute to the most important conversations of the world.

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      • Japan Book Bank

        Japan Book Bank enables you to find the titles Rights Availability and the direct contact information for the buyers and agents around the world.

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      • Trusted Partner
        December 2022

        Jack Bannister - Herr der Karibik

        Historischer Roman

        by Lorne, Mac P.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 1993

        Das Bacon-Projekt

        Von der Erkenntnis, Nutzung und Schonung der Natur

        by Lothar Schäfer

        "Das »Bacon-Projekt« definiert einen Grundzug der Moderne; während in der Antike die Erkenntnis der Natur als Selbstzweck galt, betrachtet sie die Neuzeit als ein Mittel zur Mehrung des allgemeinen Menschenwohls. Die Naturforschung soll die Entwicklung einer Technik ins Werk setzen und damit dem Menschen Machtmittel zur Verfügung stellen, durch die er sich aus materieller Not und Naturabhängigkeit befreien kann. Francis Bacon (1551-1626) war der Propagandist der neuen Zielbestimmung der Naturforschung. Die in den modernen Industrieländern praktizierte technische Form der Naturnutzung ist infolge der jetzt offenkundig werdenden Schädigungen an der Natur zunehmend unter Kritik geraten. Mit den Befunden der »ökologischen Krise« wird nicht nur auf die Bedrohlichkeit der Technikfolgeschäden hingewiesen, sondern es wird zugleich die neuzeitliche Art der Naturforschung für die absehbare Katastrophe verantwortlich gemacht. Hans Jonas hat deshalb verlangt, daß wir das »Baconsche Ideal« aufgeben und uns dem Gedanken der Bewahrung der Natur verschreiben. Nicht länger sollten Ziele und Zwecke des Menschen die Grundlage unseres Handelns gegenüber der Natur sein; das »Prinzip Verantwortung« gebiete vielmehr, die in der westlichen Zivilisation dominant gewesene »Anthropozentrik« zu verabschieden und die Eigenrechte der Natur in unserem Handeln zu respektieren. Gegen diese pauschale Beschuldigung der Moderne ist die vorliegende Studie gerichtet. Schäfer sieht durch die ökologische Krise nicht die Aufkündigung des Baconschen Ideals geboten - wohl aber eine drastische Revision des »Baconschen Programms«, d.h. der Mittel und Methoden, mit denen das Ideal seither verfolgt wurde."

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2019

        Spuk in der Weihnachtswerkstatt

        Ein Weihnachtskrimi in 24 Kapiteln

        by Pestum, Jo

        Der Weihnachtsklassiker für alte und neue Fans: der neue Weihnachtskrimi von Jo Pestum ist da! Kurz vor Weihnachten lernen die beiden Hobbydetektive Leon und Phil die gleichaltrige Sophie und ihren Hund Irina kennen. Sophie lebt mit ihrer Familie in einem alten, umgebauten Schulhaus. Doch irgendwas geht dort nicht mit rechten Dingen zu. Versucht womöglich jemand, Sophie und ihrer Familie Angst zu machen und sie zu vertreiben? Oder spukt es in dem alten Schulhaus wirklich? Die Detektive machen sich sofort daran, den gespenstischen Fall zu lösen. Ihre Ermittlungen führen die beiden Freunde auf den Weihnachtsmarkt, in den verschneiten Wald und schließlich in einen Geheimgang unterhalb der alten Schule. Können sie das Rätsel lösen? Damit vergeht die Zeit bis Weihnachten wie im Flug: Krimispannung zum Miträtseln von Jo Pestum. Ein Weihnachtskrimi in 24 Kapiteln mit perforierten Seiten zum Auftrennen. Ideal zum Selberlesen ab 10 Jahren, aber auch zum Vorlesen für gemütliche Lesestunden im Advent für die ganze Familie. Liebevoll illustriert von Carmen Hochmann. Das ideale Geschenk für den Advent und die Vorweihnachtszeit. Weitere Bände der Reihe: Die große Adventsverschwörung. Ein Weihnachtskrimi in 24 Kapiteln Eine diebische Weihnachtsbescherung. Ein Weihnachtskrimi in 24 Kapiteln Der falsche Rauschgoldengel. Ein Weihnachtskrimi in 24 Kapiteln 50 Jahre Krimis von Jo Pestum bei Arena - und immer noch spannend!

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        Drei Weihnachts-Lamas in Gefahr

        by Pestum, Jo

        Der neue Weihnachtskrimi von Jo Pestum: In 24 spannenden Kapiteln durch den Advent Die Freunde Danny, Paul, Jana und Fatma trauen ihren Augen nicht. Mitten im Dezember entdecken sie drei Lamas in freier Wildbahn! Sofort gehen die Hobbydetektive der Sache auf den Grund und finden heraus: In den Stall der Tiere wurde eingebrochen! Hat das etwas mit den rätselhaften Diebstählen zu tun, die in der Stadt für Aufregung sorgen? Gina, die Besitzerin der Lamas verhält sich verdächtig. Die vier Detektive wollen aufdecken, ob Gina mit der Diebesbande unter einer Decke steckt, und nehmen die Ermittlungen auf. Warum trägt Ginas Bruder als Paketbote Weihnachtspäckchen aus, obwohl die Familie doch das kleine Café am Waldrand betreibt? Um den Fall zu lösen, müssen die Freunde den drei Lamas in den geheimnisvollen Winterwald folgen … Damit vergeht die Zeit bis Weihnachten wie im Flug: Krimispannung zum Miträtseln von Jo Pestum. Ein Weihnachtskrimi in 24 Kapiteln mit perforierten Seiten zum Auftrennen. Ideal zum Selberlesen ab 10 Jahren, aber auch zum Vorlesen für gemütliche Lesestunden im Advent für die ganze Familie. Liebevoll illustriert von Carmen Hochmann. Das ideale Geschenk für den Advent und die Vorweihnachtszeit. Weitere Bände der Reihe: Spuk in der Weihnachtswerkstatt. Ein Weihnachtskrimi in 24 Kapiteln Eine diebische Weihnachtsbescherung. Ein Weihnachtskrimi in 24 Kapiteln Die Christbaumräuber. Ein Weihnachtskrimi in 24 Kapiteln

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2001

        Les Murray

        by Steven Matthews, John Thieme

        Les Murray is amongst the most gifted poets writing today, his multi-faceted talents have received high praise both in his native Australia and beyond. But he has also proved a controversial figure, whose poetry strays across the boundaries of political and cultural debate. The only full critical study of Murray's work available, Steven Matthews provides a complete picture of his career to date, from its early parables of national emergence to the working man's epic encounter with the major events of the twentieth century, Fredy Neptune. Provides detailed readings of key poems, as well as literary and cultural contexts for the rapid shifts in style and subject matter Murray has made from collection to collection. Gives an overview of Murray's place within Australian literature and national thought. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2014

        Roger II and the creation of the Kingdom of Sicily

        by Graham Loud

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        April 2017

        Rural Tourism and Enterprise

        Management, Marketing and Sustainability

        by Ade Oriade, Peter Robinson

        Marketing and management processes across industries can be very similar, but contexts vary where political intervention, public interest and local sustainability are involved. The rural business setting is especially intricate due to the assortment of different business opportunities, ranging from traditional agriculture, to tourism enterprise and even high-tech business. This important new textbook on the subject: - Examines key issues affecting rural enterprise and tourism - Explores the breadth of rural enterprise management and marketing across both developed and developing economies - Discusses strategies for business growth within a rural setting, such as knowledge development, proper planning and innovation - Uses a mix of case studies and theoretical content specifically selected to appeal to both student and practitioner readers Including pedagogical features and full colour throughout, this new textbook provides an engaging and thought-provoking resource for students and practitioners of tourism, rural business and related industries. ; Marketing and management processes are especially intricate for the rural business setting due to the assortment of different business opportunities. This important new textbook examines key issues, discusses strategies for growth and uses a mix of case studies and theoretical content across developed and developing countries. ; Introduction: (Ade Oriade and Peter Robinson) Part 1: Management and marketing rural tourism and enterprise in developed economies 1: Rural enterprise business development: the developed world context (Peter Robinson & Alison Murray) 2: Selling to consumers (Sammy Li, Roya Rahimi & Nikolaos Stylos) 3: Sustainability, CSR and Ethics: Developed economies perspective (Caroline Wiscombe) 4: Community engagement and rural tourism enterprise (Peter Wiltshier) 5: Social enterprise and the rural landscape (Caroline Wiscombe, Liz Heyworth, Sandy Ryder, Lucy Maynard & Charles Dobson) Part 2: Management and marketing rural tourism and enterprise: developing world context 6: The rural business environment in developing economies (Solomon Olorunfemi Olubiyo & Ade Oriade) 7: Marketing and Communications and Rural Business in developing countries (Abiodun Elijah Obayelu & Nikolaos Stylos) 8: Consumers and Rural Tourism in developing Economies (Vivienne Saverimuttu and Maria Estela Varua) 9: Sustainability and Ethics in rural business and tourism in the Developing World (Weng Marc Lim and Sine Heitman) 10: Community engagement, rural institutions and rural tourism business in developing countries (Anahita Malek, Fabio Carbone & Asia Alder) Part 3: Strategies for rural business management and growth 11: Challenges and Strategies for rural business operations in developed and developing Economies (Ade Oriade and Peter Robinson) 12: Developing and Growing Knowledge within rural tourism enterprises (Tony Greenwood and Jo Tate) 13: Collaborate to Innovate: Challenges and Strategies for rural business to innovate (Ainurul Rosli, Jane Chang and Maria L. Granados) 14: Strategies for rural business growth (Crispin Dale, Neil Robinson and Mike Evans) 15: Opportunities for growth: The rural tourism policy and planning perspective (Caroline Wiscombe and Steve Gelder) Conclusion: (Ade Oriade and Peter Robinson)

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2017

        Proceedings of the 11th International Veterinary Behaviour Meeting

        by Sagi Denenberg

        This book contains the proceedings from the 11th International Veterinary Behaviour Meeting. Keynote Presentations include 'Use of Psychopharmacology to Reduce Anxiety and Fear in Dogs and Cats: A Practical Approach' by Barbara L. Sherman, 'A Multimodal Approach to Resolving Tension Between Cats in the Same Household: A Practical Approach' by Sarah E. Heath, 'The Importance of the Welfare of Research Animals to Maximise the Quality of Behavioural Research: Do We Measure True Behaviours?' by Patrick Pageat and 'Making Animal Welfare Sustainable - Human Behaviour Change for Animal Behaviour: The Human Element' by Jo White and Suzanne Rogers.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 1995

        The Surname Detective

        Investigating surname distribution in England since 1086

        by Colin Rogers

        From the author of The Family Tree Detective, this guide provides the amateur genealogist or family historian with the skills to research the distribution and history of a surname. Colin Rogers uses a sample of 100 names, many of them common, to follow the migration of people through the centuries. Each of the 100 names is mapped since the Doomsday book in 1086. For those whose name is not among the sample, the book shows how to find out where namesakes live now, how they moved around the country through time, and how the name originated from a placename, a nickname or an occupation. Colin Rogers finishes this work by showing how the distribution of surnames can be studied irrespective of the size of the surrounding population, and reaches some interesting conclusions about which names are more reliable guides to migration since the 14th century. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2008

        The family tree detective

        Tracing your ancestors in England and Wales

        by Colin Rogers

        The long-awaited fourth edition of this best-selling manual continues to offer up-to-date guidance both to newcomers and to the more experienced, on how to make best use of the labyrinth of genealogical sources in England and Wales. It takes into account recent, and even some future, changes to the civil registration system, and incorporates many of the vast sources newly available on the internet. There is also a substantial bibliography for those who discover that their ancestors migrated from other countries. New appendices provide research into underregistration of birth and death, and hitherto unpublished details from the 1915 and 1939 National Registers. The family tree detective remains an indispensible source of information on how to locate births, marriages and deaths, and alternative strategies if those searches fail. Dr Colin D. Rogers is a Fellow of the Society of Genealogists, a member of AGRA (the Association of Genealogists and Researchers in Archives), and was for thirty years the Hon. General Editor of the Lancashire Parish Register Society. He runs a consultancy helping banks and solicitors to identify and locate beneficiaries. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2024

        Experimental Design and Analysis for Tree Improvement

        by Emlyn Williams, Chris Harwood, Colin Matheson

        This third edition of Experimental Design and Analysis for Tree Improvement provides a set of practical procedures to follow when planning, designing and analysing tree improvement trials. Using many fully worked examples, it outlines how to: design field, glasshouse and laboratory trials; efficiently collect and construct electronic data files; pre-process data, screening for data quality and outliers; analyse data from single and across-site trials; and interpret the results from statistical analyses. The authors address the many practical issues often faced in forest tree improvement trials and describe techniques that will efficiently give conclusive results. The techniques provided are applicable to the improvement of not only trees, but to crops in general. Building on the success of the second edition, this new edition has been fully revised to include the construction of p-rep and spatial designs using the commercially available software package for design generation (CycDesigN). For analysis of the examples, it provides online Genstat and SAS programs and a link to R programs.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2006

        Women in Italy 1350–1650

        Ideals and realities

        by Mary Rogers, Paola Tinagli

        This enlightening book aims to fill the gap in the literature on women's lives from the mid-fourteenth to the mid-seventeenth century, a time in which Italian urban societies saw much debate on the nature of women and on their roles, education and behaviour. Indeed these were debates which would in subsequent years resonate throughout Europe as a whole. Using a broad range of contemporary source material, most of which has never been translated before, this book illuminates the ideals and realities informing the lives of women within the context of civic and courtly culture. The text is divided into three sections: contemporary views on the nature of women, and ethical and aesthetic ideals seen as suitable to them; life cycles from birth to death, punctuated by the rites of passage of betrothal, marriage and widowhood; women's roles in the convent, the court, the workplace, and in cultural life. Through their exploration of these themes, Rogers and Tinagli demonstrate that there was no single 'Renaissance woman'. The realities of women¹s experiences were rich and various, and their voices speak of diverse possibilities for emotionally rich and socially useful lives. This will be essential reading for students and teachers of society and culture during the Italian Renaissance, as well as gender historians working on early modern Europe. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        April 2017

        Fish Viruses and Bacteria

        Pathobiology and Protection

        by Patrick T K Woo, Rocco C Cipriano

        Taking a disease-based approach, Fish Viruses and Bacteria: Pathobiology and Protection focuses on the pathobiology of and protective strategies against the most common, major microbial pathogens of economically important marine and freshwater fish. The book covers well-studied, notifiable piscine viruses and bacteria, including new and emerging diseases which can become huge threats to local fish populations in new geographical regions if transported there via infected fish or eggs. A concise but thorough reference work, this book: - Covers key viral and bacterial diseases of notable fish species; - Reviews major well-established piscine pathogens as well as new, emerging and notifiable diseases; and - Contains the most up-to-date research contributed by a team of over fifty world experts. An invaluable bench book for fish health consultants, veterinarians and all those wanting instant access to information, this book is also a useful textbook for students specializing in fish health and research scientists initiating fish disease research programmes. ; Taking a disease-based approach, this book focuses on the pathobiology of and protective strategies against the most common, major microbial pathogens of economically important marine and freshwater fish. It covers well-studied, notifiable piscine viruses and bacteria, including new and emerging diseases. ; 1: Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis Virus, Arun K. Dhar, Scott LaPatra, Andrew Orry and F.C. Thomas Allnutt 2: Infectious Haematopoietic Necrosis Virus, Jo-Ann C. Leong and Gael Kurath 3: Viral Haemorrhagic Septicaemia Virus, John S. Lumsden 4: Epizootic Haematopoietic Necrosis and European Catfish Virus, Paul Hick, Ellen Ariel and Richard Whittington 5: Oncogenic Viruses: Oncorhynchus masou Virus and Cyprinid Herpesvirus, Mamoru Yoshimizu, Hisae Kasai, Yoshihiro Sakoda, Nanako Sano and Motohiko Sano 6: Infectious Salmon Anaemia, Knut Falk and Maria Aamelfot 7: Spring Viraemia of Carp, Peter Dixon and David Stone 8: Channel Catfish Viral Disease, Larry A. Hanson and Lester H. Khoo 9: Largemouth Bass Viral Disease, Rodman G. Getchell and Geoffrey H. Groocock 10: Koi Herpesvirus Disease, Keith Way and Peter Dixon 11: Viral Encephalopathy and Retinopathy, Anna Toffan 12: Iridoviral Diseases: Red Sea Bream Iridovirus and White Sturgeon Iridovirus, Yasuhiko Kawato, Kuttichantran Subramaniam, Kazuhiro Nakajima,Thomas Waltzek and Richard Whittington 13: Alphaviruses in Salmonids, Marius Karlsen and Renate Johansen 14: Aeromonas salmonicida and A. hydrophila, Bjarnheidur K. Gudmundsdottir and Bryndis Bjornsdottir 15: Edwardsiella spp., Matt J. Griffin, Terrence E. Greenway and David J. Wise 16: Flavobacterium spp.: F. psychrophilum, F. columnare and F. branchiophilum, Thomas P. Loch and Mohamed Faisal 17: Francisella noatunensis, Esteban M. Soto and John P. Hawke 18: Mycobacterium spp., David T. Gauthier and Martha W. Rhodes 19: Photobacterium damselae, John P. Hawke 20: Piscirickettsia salmonis, Jerri Bartholomew, Kristen D. Arkush and Esteban M. Soto 21: Renibacterium salmoninarum, Diane G. Elliott 22: Streptococcus iniae and S. agalactiae, Craig A. Shoemaker, De-Hai Xu and Esteban M. Soto 23: Vibriosis: Vibrio anguillarum, V. ordalii and Aliivibrio salmonicida, Alicia E. Toranzo, Beatriz Magariños and Ruben Avendaño-Herrera 24: Weissella ceti, Timothy J. Welch, David P. Marancik and Christopher M. Good 25: Yersinia ruckeri, Michael Ormsby and Robert Davies

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2000

        Marlene und Jo

        Recherche einer Leidenschaft

        by Sanders-Brahms, Helma

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2015

        Die Jolley-Rogers im Bann der Geisterpiraten

        die Buchvorlage zur KIKA-Serie „Die Piraten von nebenan

        by Illustriert von Duddle, Jonny; Englisch Thiele, Ulrich

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        April 2017

        Rural Tourism and Enterprise

        Management, Marketing and Sustainability

        by Ade Oriade, Peter Robinson, Sammy Li, Caroline Wiscombe, Peter Wiltshier, Solomon Olorunfemi Olubiyo, Abiodun Elijah Obayelu, Vivienne Saverimuttu, Weng Marc Lim, Sine Heitmann, Anahita Malek, Tony Greenwood, Ainurul Rosli, Crispin Dale, Steve Gelder, Neil Robinson, Michael Evans, Roya Rahimi, Nikolaos Stylos, Elizabeth Heyworth-Thomas, Sandy Ryder, Lucy Maynard, Maria Estela Varua, Fabio Carbone, Asia Alder, Maria Granados, Jane Chang, Charles Dobson

        Marketing and management processes across industries can be very similar, but contexts vary where political intervention, public interest and local sustainability are involved. The rural business setting is especially intricate due to the assortment of different business opportunities, ranging from traditional agriculture, to tourism enterprise and even high-tech business. This important new textbook on the subject: - Examines key issues affecting rural enterprise and tourism - Explores the breadth of rural enterprise management and marketing across both developed and developing economies - Discusses strategies for business growth within a rural setting, such as knowledge development, proper planning and innovation - Uses a mix of case studies and theoretical content specifically selected to appeal to both student and practitioner readers Including pedagogical features and full colour throughout, this new textbook provides an engaging and thought-provoking resource for students and practitioners of tourism, rural business and related industries. ; Marketing and management processes are especially intricate for the rural business setting due to the assortment of different business opportunities. This important new textbook examines key issues, discusses strategies for growth and uses a mix of case studies and theoretical content across developed and developing countries. ; Introduction: (Ade Oriade and Peter Robinson)Part 1: Management and marketing rural tourism and enterprise in developed economies1: Rural enterprise business development: the developed world context (Peter Robinson & Alison Murray)2: Selling to consumers (Sammy Li, Roya Rahimi & Nikolaos Stylos)3: Sustainability, CSR and Ethics: Developed economies perspective (Caroline Wiscombe)4: Community engagement and rural tourism enterprise (Peter Wiltshier)5: Social enterprise and the rural landscape (Caroline Wiscombe, Liz Heyworth, Sandy Ryder, Lucy Maynard & Charles Dobson)Part 2: Management and marketing rural tourism and enterprise: developing world context6: The rural business environment in developing economies (Solomon Olorunfemi Olubiyo & Ade Oriade)7: Marketing and Communications and Rural Business in developing countries (Abiodun Elijah Obayelu & Nikolaos Stylos)8: Consumers and Rural Tourism in developing Economies (Vivienne Saverimuttu and Maria Estela Varua)9: Sustainability and Ethics in rural business and tourism in the Developing World (Weng Marc Lim and Sine Heitman)10: Community engagement, rural institutions and rural tourism business in developing countries (Anahita Malek, Fabio Carbone & Asia Alder)Part 3: Strategies for rural business management and growth11: Challenges and Strategies for rural business operations in developed and developing Economies (Ade Oriade and Peter Robinson)12: Developing and Growing Knowledge within rural tourism enterprises (Tony Greenwood and Jo Tate)13: Collaborate to Innovate: Challenges and Strategies for rural business to innovate (Ainurul Rosli, Jane Chang and Maria L. Granados)14: Strategies for rural business growth (Crispin Dale, Neil Robinson and Mike Evans)15: Opportunities for growth: The rural tourism policy and planning perspective (Caroline Wiscombe and Steve Gelder)Conclusion: (Ade Oriade and Peter Robinson)

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2016

        Die Jolley-Rogers und der Fluch des Hexengoldes

        die Buchvorlage zur KIKA-Serie „Die Piraten von nebenan

        by Illustriert von Duddle, Jonny; Englisch Thiele, Ulrich

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2021

        The daring muse of the early Stuart funeral elegy

        by James Doelman

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