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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2024

        Heritage and healing in Syria and Iraq

        by Zena Kamash

        This book explores what to do with heritage that has been destroyed in conflict. It charts a path through the colonial histories and traumatic wars of Syria and Iraq to examine the projects and responses currently on offer and assess their flaws and limitations, including issues of digital colonialism, technological solutionism, geopolitical manoeuvring, media bias and community exclusion. Drawing on current research into the psychology and neuroscience of trauma and trauma recovery, and taking inspiration from artists and creative thinkers who challenge the status quo, this book envisages gentler, creative and ethically-driven ways to respond to heritage damaged in conflict that recentre people and their hopes, dreams and needs at the heart of these debates.

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        La chant des blessures (The song of the wounds)

        by Sybille Claude

        In the midst of Operation Baghdad in Port-au-Prince, a man, poet and family man, is murdered with five bullets to the head. A dying, despairing and despondent mother succumbs to the banal disaster and the weight of a thankless, bitter life too heavy to bear. Faced with the disarray of his country, the son decides to set sail in search of artificial paradises under other skies. And it's a debacle. The only one left is little Sarah who, through books and poetry, tries to pick up the pieces of her life.

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        August 2015


        Erinnerungen an eine Weltstadt

        by Wali, Najem / Übersetzt von Fähndrich, Hartmut

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        May 2003

        Mein Bagdad-Tagebuch

        Als Kriegsreporter im Brennpunkt Irak

        by Kloss, Stephan

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        October 2007

        Bagdad Burning

        Ein Tagebuch

        by Riverbend,

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        Business, Economics & Law
        July 2024

        False profits of ethical capital

        Finance, labour and the politics of risk

        by Claire Parfitt

        False profits of ethical capital is a thought-provoking approach to understanding stakeholder capitalism. Rather than focusing on the inadequacies of corporate responsibility, sustainable investment and consumer politics, this book grapples with the technical and rhetorical functions of ethical capital for profit and accumulation. It provides a unique and eclectic analysis of the political dynamics between finance, capital and labour, offering a refreshing perspective on struggles interlocking social, ecological and economic crises, and suggesting new ways of thinking about sustainability politics.

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        May 2007

        Paris, Joyce, Paris

        by Djuna Barnes, Karin Kersten, Kyra Stromberg

        »Ein Liebhaberbändchen zum Mit-sich-Herumschleppen (nicht nur in Paris), zum Fotos-Anschauen (Paris, wie es einmal war, von unnachahmlichem Zauber), zum Sich-Freuen, daß es solche Bücher noch gibt.« BuchJournal

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2005


        Ein Reisebegleiter

        by Hans-Christian Oeser

        Dublin, mit London, Paris und Rom das beliebteste städtische Reiseziel Europas, ist zugleich auch das literarischste. Spätestens seit James Joyce' Ulysses (1924) findet sich die irische Hauptstadt auf der literarischen Weltkarte eingezeichnet. Auf acht Spaziergängen führt Hans-Christian Oeser zu ihren literarisch bedeutsamen Stätten.Geburts-, Wohn- und Sterbehäuser, Grab- und Denkmäler, Pubs und Theater sowie einige wenige Museen – sie alle eröffnen Zugang zu den Persönlichkeiten der irischen Literatur: den Autoren und ihren Figuren. Ein Serviceteil mit den wichtigsten Adressen und Telefonnummern ergänzt den Band.

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        August 2017

        Tokyo Coffee Time

        by Yiju Life Studio, CHEN Ruoyi, Jimmy Wong

        What are the things you cannot miss in coffee shops in Tokyo? Why can master baristas make the most memorable tastes? You will find the answers from Tokyo Coffee Time through coffee experts’ professional and harsh eyes. Including 140 coffee shops, 26 master comments and so on.

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