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      • Babel-Bridge Literary Agency

        Babel-Bridge specialises in translation rights representation world-wide on behalf of publishing houses and agencies.   At Babel-Bridge, every single book is carefully selected for its potential ability to travel, be it for its universal theme, its commercial hook or stunning artwork, or indeed all three.   Babel-Bridge represents mainly books from the Nordics and the UK, but we wish to grow the portfolio to include beautiful books that tick the aforementioned boxes from other corners of the world. To that end, Babel-Bridge will rely on close collaboration with subagents, who are strongly placed to identify the books that are most likely to travel, but where the rights holder lacks the network abroad.

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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2023

        Tourism, heritage and commodification of non-human animals

        a post-humanist reflection

        by Álvaro López-López, Gino Jafet Quintero Venegas, Carol Kline, Tomas Arias, Jean Azcatl Pineda, Alicia Mariana Penélope Castro Pérez, Bobbie Chew Bigby, Émilie Crossley, Johan Edelheim, Georgina Flores, Carolin Funck, Leonardo Garavito-González, Yulei Guo, Jes Hooper, Brenda Martínez Velasco, Alejandro Morales, Gustavo Ortiz-Millán, Mateo Nicolás Rico Medina, Jorge Iván Ruiz Barrera, Javed Salim, Estephania Sepúlveda Perdomo, Rie Usui, David A. Varela-Trejo, Nusrat Yasmeen

        Heritage is a social construction rooted in modern and contemporary societies. It is commonly a positive assessment of many elements of the physical and human environment (e.g. ecosystems and landscapes, monuments, customs, gender norms, religious practices, gastronomy, and livelihoods). Heritage and tourism are strongly related to each other in that heritage gives rise to tourist attractions and activities, and tourism enhances the designation of heritage sites. Non-human animals (hereafter 'animals') are present as implicit or explicit heritage elements through multiple tourist environments: animals may be themselves the heritage focus of tourist interest (visual arts, gastronomy, as charismatic and distinguished beings, as part of festivities or rituals), or it may be that animals are agents involved in heritage tourist environments such as working animals or in recreational activities. A post-humanist perspective the moral valuation of equality between humans and other animals demands that both are sentient beings and self-aware of their pain and pleasure. Thus, the involvement of animals as heritage elements by themselves or as an element of tourist consumption in heritage sites implies their commodification and lack of agency. As such, these practices are usually unethical, since they threaten the animals' primary interests: not to suffer, not to feel pain and to be able to live their freedom. This book contains chapters that reveal both the unethical interactions between humans and animals within heritage tourism, and those that show experiences in which efforts are made to minimize damage within the commercialization of animals involved as heritage themselves. It will be of interest to postgraduate students, academics, NGOs and tourism planners.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2022

        Wir sind jetzt vier! und andere Geschichten


        by Regina Schwarz, Katja Reider, Kathrin Lena Orso, Sabine Cuno, Jodie Ahlborn, Kay Poppe, Susanne Szesny

        In „Wir sind jetzt vier“ bekommt Moritz ein kleines Schwesterchen. Das ist aufregend, aber auch ziemlich verwirrend. „Ein Geschwisterchen für Anna“ erzählt ebenfalls, wie behutsam Mama und Papa die „Großen“ auf den Familienzuwachs vorbereiten müssen. Ganz aufgeregt flattert es im Nest in „Du bekommst ein Geschwisterchen, kleiner Spatz“ und in „Hurra, ein Baby!“ hören wir, wie groß die Vorfreude ist, aber ebenso groß ist auch die Veränderung für die großen Brüder und Schwestern. Ganz schön aufregend! Enthält die Geschichten: "Wir sind jetzt vier!" von Sabine Cuno "Ein Geschwisterchen für Anna" von Regina Schwarz "Du bekommst ein Geschwisterchen, kleiner Spatz" von Katja Reider "Hurra, ein Baby!" von Kathrin Lena Orso und Jens Wenzel

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2021


        Kuschel-, Kitzel-, Krabbelverse für die Kleinsten

        by Carl Hahn, Gustav Falke, Johannes Trojan, Theodor Fontane, August Heinrich Hoffmann Von Fallersleben, Rudi Mika, Ralf Kiwit, Sascha Icks, Eva Michaelis, Ursula Illert, Jens Wawrczeck, Stefan Kaminski, Frank Gustavus, Markus Langer, Alexander Rieß, Cornelia Weber, Bastian Pusch, Dagmar Henze

        Bindung beginnt am Wickeltisch: Durch Streichel-Reime, Kitzelspiele, kleine Wettermassagen und wohlklingende Lieder begeistert man sein Baby. Dort, wo man eine flinke Idee zum Ablenken oder ein süßes Ritual braucht, lädt diese CD zum Mitmachen ein: am Wickeltisch. Einfache Anleitungen unterstützen Eltern und andere Wickel-Profis im spielerischen Umgang mit den Allerkleinsten.

      • Trusted Partner
        Food & Drink

        Baby, It's Mealtime!

        by Xizi

        This creative baby food recipe book features detailed illustrations and instructions for dozens of inventive baby meals. The author skillfully transforms common ingredients into adorable and nutritious dishes, such as cartoon rice balls, fancy noodles, and decorative fruit purees. These beautifully designed, playful meals will enhance your baby's appetite and make mealtime a delightful experience.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2022

        Madita 2. Madita und Pims

        by Astrid Lindgren, Ilon Wikland, Anna-Liese Kornitzky

        In Birkenlund ist immer etwas los. Denn hier lebt die siebenjährige Madita mit ihrer kleinen Schwester Lisabet, die alle nur Pims nennen. Maditas Freund Abbe vom Nachbarshof ist natürlich auch fast immer da, genauso wie die rothaarige Mia, ihre beste Freundin. Und bald kommt wohl noch jemand dazu, denn Maditas Mama bekommt ein Baby … Die Geschichten von Madita erobern seit Jahrzehnten die Herzen von kleinen und großen Kindern. Jetzt erscheint »Madita und Pims« erstmals nach fast 50 Jahren als Taschenbuch.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2021

        Such a Big Baby Elephant

        by Irina Sonechko (Author), Kateryna Razin’kova (Illustrator)

        This is the story of a little elephant who went for its first walk without its mum. The elephant was happy and felt very much like a grown up! But other animals mocked the little elephant, because it had such a long nose, big ears and it was not small at all. The little elephant was so upset. Good thing Mommy knows how to tell the baby that being an elephant is actually very good!   From 3 to 5 years, 622 words. Rightsholders:

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2018

        Animal Welfare

        by M Appleby, A Olsson, F Galindo (Eds)

        Updated and revised, this bestselling textbook continues to provide a broad introduction to the key topics in the welfare of animals both large and small, farm and companion, wild and zoo. It retains all the popular features of the previous editions with coverage of key issues such as ethics, animal pain and injury, health and disease, social conditions, and welfare dilemmas and problems. Importantly, it also offers practical advice for welfare assessment, with a full section dedicated to the implementation of solutions. The third edition:- Contains many more examples of welfare issues in different countries, particularly the implications for smallholders as well as larger scale agriculture- Covers fish welfare as well as welfare of amphibians, reptiles and invertebrates- Includes concepts of positive emotion and other positive aspects of welfare- Focuses on animal welfare and sustainability - Includes an integrated ebook with additional material and videosWith contributions from renowned international experts and a new editorial team, Animal Welfare, 3rd Edition is an essential resource for students and researchers in animal and veterinary sciences and other disciplines considering the science and practice of animal welfare, and for practitioners and decision-makers worldwide.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2023

        Erste Bilder für Babyaugen. 3-6 Monate

        Babys lieben Kontraste

        by Alice Hoffmann, Alice Hoffmann

        Ein Farbspektakel für Babys. Wusstest du, dass Babys ab drei Monaten neben Schwarz-Weiß-Kontrasten auch Primärfarben gut erkennen können? Dieses Leporello zum Auffalten und Hinstellen ist auch für Erwachsene ein Hingucker. Mit zehn Motiven mit Schwarz, Weiß und den Primärfarben ist es perfekt auf die Sehfähigkeit von Babys ab der zwölften Woche abgestimmt. Alice Hoffmanns Illustrationen bieten Babys eine interessante Beschäftigung und Eltern ein erstes Bilderbuch, das zusammen angeschaut werden kann. Fünf Seiten zeigen unterschiedliche Muster und die anderen fünf Seiten niedliche Tiere. Hier findet jedes Baby garantiert ein Lieblingsmotiv. Eine Augenweide, die nicht nur Babys ab drei Monaten viel Freude bereitet. Kontrastreich illustriertes Leporello mit Bildern, die Babyaugen wahrnehmen können und von den Kleinsten als spannend empfunden werden. Eyecatcher dank Primärfarben: Blau, Rot und Gelb plus Schwarz und Weiß – welches ist deine Lieblingsfarbe? Pappbilderbuch zum Ausklappen und Aufstellen auf dem Wickeltisch, der Spieldecke oder im Kinderzimmer. Moderne, skandinavisch anmutende Optik gefällt Babys und ihren Eltern – auch als Coffeetable Book sehr dekorativ.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2024

        Human-Animal Interactions in Zoos

        Integrating Science and Practice

        by Eduardo J Fernandez, Sally L Sherwen, Samantha J. Chiew, Courtney Collins, Jon Coe, Neil D’Cruze, Angela J Dean, Polly Doodson, Lucy Dumbell, Ashley N. Edes, Kelly S Fielding, Georgina Groves, Lauren M. Hemsworth, Paul H. Hemsworth, Geoff Hosey, Julia Hoy, Violet Hunton, Mark J. Learmonth, Terry L. Maple, Emily M McLeod, Vicky Melfi, Georgia Oaten, Chris Pawson, Bonnie M. Perdue, David M. Powell, Samantha Ward, Amanda D. Webber, Sarah Webber, Ellen Williams

        Human-Animal Interactions (HAI) are a primary welfare interest to both animal scientists and practitioners. In zoos and aquariums, the study of Animal-Visitor Interactions (AVI), including both the impact of visitors on animals (the visitor effect) and the impact of animals on visitors (the visitor experience), have become a focus for understanding HAIs in zoos. The study of HAIs in zoos has grown to consider a number of factors, including animal-staff interactions and bonds, modern exhibit design and technology, direct and indirect interactions, as well as positive and negative impacts on both animals and visitor alike. This thought-provoking book summarizes the latest research concerning the impacts of HAIs in zoos, including considerations for conducting research and managing HAIs. The book: Explores the interactions of animals with keepers, veterinary professionals, and other staff, and the effects of those interactions on the welfare of animals. Considers the impact of visitors on the well-being of animals. Covers the effects of interactions on education and the visitor experience. Outlines the use of technology to enhance experience, and improve animal welfare. Details theoretical, ethical, and practical considerations relevant to HAIs in zoos. An invaluable resource for animal behaviour and welfare scientists, students and practitioners, as well as anyone working with zoo animals.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Die Olchis retten das Dino-Baby

        Lesestarter. 3. Lesestufe

        by Erhard Dietl, Erhard Dietl

        In "Die Olchis retten das Dino-Baby", einer Geschichte, die perfekt abgestimmt auf die dritte Lesestufe ist, entführt die beliebte, schmuddelliebende Olchi-Familie junge Leser*innen in ein aufregendes Urzeit-Abenteuer. Dank Professor Brauseweins Zeitmaschine landen die Olchi-Kinder unvermittelt in einer Epoche, in der Dinosaurier die Erde beherrschen. Dort treffen sie auf ein verlorenes Dino-Baby, das verzweifelt nach seiner Mutter sucht. Sofort sind die Olchis zur Stelle, um zu helfen, doch sie stellen schnell fest, dass das Leben in der Urzeit voller Gefahren steckt. Gefährliche Echsen und ein hungriger Flugsaurier bedrohen den kleinen Dinosaurier. Während sie gemeinsam versuchen, das Dino-Baby in Sicherheit zu bringen, tickt die Uhr: Professor Brausewein könnte sie jeden Moment zurück ins gegenwärtige Schmuddelfing holen. Dieses Leseabenteuer für Dino-Fans kombiniert geschickt Humor, Spannung und Wissenswertes über die Urzeit mit der unvergleichlichen Olchi-Charme. Mit über 40.000 verkauften Exemplaren der Kinderbuchausgabe "Die Olchis im Land der Dinos" und insgesamt 7,4 Millionen verkauften Olchi-Produkten beweist Erhard Dietl einmal mehr sein Talent, junge Leser*innen zu begeistern und mitzureißen. Dank seines einfachen Satzbaus, dabei aber trotzdem fortgeschrittenen Textniveaus, eignet sich das Buch gut um die Lesebegierde und -fähigkeit von Schülern in der zweiten bis dritten Klasse zu fördern. Spannende Zeitreise: Kombiniert das beliebte Thema Dinosaurier mit Zeitreise-Abenteuern. Lesespaß garantiert: Humorvolle und spannende Geschichte, ideal für junge Dino-Fans und Olchi-Freunde. Bekannte Charaktere: Die Olchis, bekannt aus zahlreichen Kinderbüchern, bieten vertrauten Lesespaß. Lernerlebnis: Vermittelt auf unterhaltsame Weise Wissen über die Urzeit und das Zusammenleben mit Dinosauriern. Interaktiver Lesespaß: Mit tollen Bildern von Erhard Dietl und einem spannenden Leseabenteuer zum Mitmachen. Hohe Beliebtheit: Ein Teil der erfolgreichen Olchi-Serie, die bereits Millionen Kinderherzen erobert hat.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2023

        The Encyclopedia of Animal Nutrition

        by Clive J C Phillips

        The Encyclopedia of Animal Nutrition covers animal nutrition across a wide range of disciplines, including physiology, biochemistry, veterinary medicine and feed technology. Through approximately 3000 entries ranging from short definitions to more discursive articles, it discusses and illuminates on all aspects of this important topic. The book: - Covers every type of animal managed in developing and developed countries, from livestock and companion animals to those commonly found in laboratories and zoos; - Expands usual definitions of 'livestock' to include farmed invertebrates such as honey bees and prawns, and animals of localised significance such as yaks, snakes, crocodiles, and asses; - Addresses important societal topics in relation to nutrition, including welfare, environmental pollution, disease, resource use, and animal product quality. Written by a global team of contributors and expert section editors, this book is an important resource for researchers, students and advisers of animal nutrition, as well as anyone interested in agriculture, veterinary science, zoology, physiology, equine science, and animal behaviour.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2022

        Ich liebe Schlaf! Mein Baby auch!

        Ruhige Nächte für dein Baby und dich

        by Melanie Schüer,

        "Ich liebe Schlaf! Mein Baby auch!" von Melanie Schüer bietet erschöpften Eltern einen praktischen Leitfaden zur Verbesserung des Schlafs ihres Babys und ihres eigenen. Dieser Ratgeber basiert auf aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen und Erfahrungen von und gibt Eltern das nötige Wissen an die Hand, um alltägliche Herausforderungen rund um das Schlafverhalten ihres Babys zu meistern. Von der Identifizierung der passenden Einschlafmethode bis hin zur Einführung eines harmonischen Tagesrhythmus zeigt dieses Buch auf, wie man die sogenannte ANGEL-Schlafmethode anwendet und was bei Schreibabys wirklich hilft. Zusätzlich bietet es Einblicke, warum Weinen manchmal auch seine Berechtigung hat und wie Eltern trotz der Schlafprobleme ihres Babys selbst zu einem erholsameren Schlaf finden können. Durch diesen Ratgeber gewinnen Eltern nicht nur ein tieferes Verständnis für die Schlafentwicklung ihres Babys, sondern auch praktische Strategien, um die häufigsten Schlafprobleme effektiv zu bewältigen. Expertenwissen leicht gemacht: Bietet fundiertes Wissen über Babyschlaf, basierend auf der Expertise von Praktische Lösungen für alltägliche Probleme: Liefert effektive Methoden und Strategien für die häufigsten Schlafherausforderungen bei Babys. Förderung des Familienwohlbefindens: Unterstützt Eltern dabei, einen erholsameren Schlaf für sich und ihr Baby zu finden und somit Übermüdung und Stress im Alltag zu reduzieren. Basiswissen und tiefere Einblicke: Erklärt nicht nur Grundlagen, sondern geht auch auf spezifische Probleme wie Schreibabys ein und zeigt, warum auch Tränen ihren Platz haben. Leicht umsetzbare Tipps: Mit der ANGEL-Schlafmethode und anderen praktischen Ratschlägen für einen ruhigeren und strukturierteren Alltag.

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        September 2022

        Companion Animal Behaviour Problems

        Prevention and Management of Behaviour Problems in Veterinary Practice

        by Rachel Casey, Sarah Heath, Helen Zulch, David Ryan, Jon Bowen, Emma Lightfoot, Anne McBride, Clare Wilson, Caroline Bower, Francesca Riccomini, Claire Hargrave, David Appleby, Emily Blackwell, Julie Bedford, Caroline Warnes, Trudi Atkinson, Emma Brown, Amanda Roshier, Stephanie Hedges

        Behaviour problems are a significant cause of companion animal relinquishment and euthanasia. This book provides up to date information about animal behaviour as well as practical advice on how veterinary practice professionals can manage undesirable animal behaviour and give down to earth, appropriate and trusted advice to owners. This book: · Covers the important aspects of behaviour in dogs, cats, rabbits and rodents, parrots and birds, as well as how this behaviour has adapted to the domestic environment. · Discusses the role of the veterinary practice in improving the emotional experience of animals attending the veterinary practice, including practice design, socialisation classes for young animals and effective communication with owners. · Covers the clinical decision-making process in managing the signs of undesirable behaviour, appropriately handling pets in the practice to minimise distress, as well as: behavioural first aid, referral to a specialist, medical influences on behaviour and decisions about euthanasia. This practical and accessible book gives all the essential information needed by veterinary professionals in order to advise clients on the behaviour and well-being of animals in their care.

      • Trusted Partner
        Veterinary medicine
        March 2013

        Animal Machines

        by Ruth Harrison, Marian Stamp-Dawkins

        Ruth Harrison's Animal Machines now a unique historical classic, had a profound impact on public opinion and the quality of life of farmed animals when it was published in 1964. * Reprinted in its entirety, gives an accurate, and sometimes shocking, account of intensive farming in the 1960's, still current in large parts of the world today. * Harrison's work greatly increased public awareness of animal welfare and led to legal reforms, shaping our closer understanding of farm conditions today. * Provides a fascinating insight into the system we continue to live with as the global population increases. * Includes foreword by Rachel Carson and new chapters by international experts in animal welfare including Marion Stamp Dawkins, discussing the book's significant legacy and impact today.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2023

        Linear Models for the Prediction of the Genetic Merit of Animals

        by Raphael A Mrode, Ivan Pocrnic

        The prediction of producing desirable traits in offspring such as increased growth rate, or superior meat, milk and wool production, is a vital economic tool to the animal scientist. Covering the fundamental principles of the application of linear models for the prediction of genetic merit in livestock, this new edition is fully updated to incorporate recent advances in methods of genomic prediction for pure and cross-bred animals. It provides models for the analysis of main production traits as well as functional traits, and includes numerous worked examples. The book covers: - models of survival analysis, social interaction and sire and dam models; - advancements in the use of SNPs in the computation of genomic breeding values; - single step approaches to genomics; - genomic non-additive models; - temporal and genomic analysis of genetic change. Suitable for postgraduate students, researchers and lecturers of animal breeding, genetics and genomics, this established textbook provides a thorough grounding in both the basics and new developments of linear models and animal genetics.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2017

        The breeding of Silkworm Baby

        The Open Sesame Series

        by Qi Zhi

        This series of book tells several interesting stories about a group of children adopting different animals. In raising them, they have overcome countless difficulties and thus learnt such spirits as teamwork, tolerance and thanksgiving. Despite their deep love for the animals, they still decide to let them return to nature.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2024

        The Impact of Therapy and Pet Animals on Human Stress

        by Lori Kogan

        Stress can have a deleterious effect on people's mental, physical, and psychological health. There is a growing body of evidence, however, that suggests animals, both as pets and therapy partners, can help mitigate people's stress levels. This book showcases a rich collection of research papers from Human-Animal Interactions. It highlights research pertaining to pets as well as animal-assisted therapy in both school and professional settings. The book also includes a scene-setting introduction and wrap-up conclusion from the editor. Providing comprehensive information on the impact of animals on human stress, this book is a useful resource for anyone interested in human health or human-animal relationships.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2023

        Animal Assisted Interventions

        Recognizing and mitigating potential welfare challenges

        by Lori Kogan

        This is a practical book exploring how to conduct animal assisted intervention (AAI) in ways that protect and prioritize animal and human welfare. This resource is for social scientists (e.g., psychology, social work, human development and family studies, etc.), as well as ethologists and animal behaviour and welfare students and practitioners. The book is a series of short chapters that depict a wide array of AAIs and their potential welfare concerns. The chapters include descriptions of the AAI offered, the welfare challenges, and ways to successfully mitigate these challenges. This book also covers critical topics including therapy animals' aging, retirement, and death as well as ethical issues including animal consent. Species include not only dogs, but horses, rabbits, and other small animals (e.g., guinea pigs, mice, etc.). Types of AAI involve individual interventions as well as crisis dogs (those who help after natural and man-made disasters), and residential animals. The book is designed to be a practical, engaging book with links to video and examples of real-life situations. It is evidence-based, yet user-friendly and directly applicable to students and practitioners. This highly practical and engaging book with examples of real life situations, videos and case studies, explores how to conduct animal assisted interventions in ways that protect and prioritize animal and human welfare. The book: · Explores how to conduct animal assisted intervention (AAI) in ways that protect and prioritize animal and human welfare. · Discusses potential welfare challenges including how to advocate for the animal, animal consent, and the animal's aging, retirement, or death. · Evidence based approach to mitigating welfare concerns for a wide range of therapy animals including dogs, horses, rabbits, rodents, and exotic animals - and their recipients. An invaluable resource for ethologists and animal behaviour and welfare students and practitioners, as well as social scientists (e.g., psychology, social work, human development and family studies).

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