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View Rights Portal- International Copyright, Licensing, and Literary Agency - International Illustrator Agency and Management Services - Creative Content Development Services
View Rights PortalIn Liedern auf die Liebe und die Freundschaft, in Hymnen auf das Unendliche und in Versen voller Einsicht und Weisheit hat Goethe das Leben bedichtet und besungen. Jede Gelegenheit konnte Anlaß sein für ein Gedicht, in freien Rhythmen oder in strengen Strophen, in Sonetten oder Epigrammen – Dichtung als Spiegel des Lebens und als Fluchtraum zugleich. Goethes Haltung zur Welt zeigen die in diesem Band versammelten Gedichte, ebenso wie seine Zeichnungen und Aquarelle. Im entschiedenen Eintreten für die Wahrheit und in ihrem Appell zur Selbstbestimmung sind sie heute noch genauso aktuell wie 1777, als die Verse für das Singspiel Lila entstanden: »Allen Gewalten / Zum Trutz sich erhalten, / Nimmer sich beugen, / Kräftig sich zeigen, / Rufet die Arme / Der Götter herbei!«
Dieser Band stellt einen in der deutschen Diskussion bisher weitgehend vernachlässigten Aspekt des Werkes von Charles W. Morris dar, nämlich seine Beziehung zur pragmatischen Bewegung in der amerikanischen Philosophie. In seiner Einleitung diskutiert Achim Eschbach nach einer wissenschaftshistorischen und systematischen Charakterisierung der ausgewählten Texte, inwiefern Morris' Begründung der Zeichentheorie den Forderungen moderner Pragmasemiotik genügt.
Alle Helden, deren ruhmreichen Aufstieg und ergreifenden Fall Morris schildert, haben eine Eigenschaft gemeinsam: Ihr ganzes Tun ist beherrscht von »makoto«, der kompromißlosen Aufrichtigkeit, die sich weder dem Pragmatismus noch dem gesunden Menschenverstand beugt.
A poet's quest to understand the deep past and uncertain future of his homeland. After inheriting his great-grandfather's Davy lamp, poet Jake Morris-Campbell sets out on a pilgrimage across his homeland. Travelling from the Holy Island of Lindisfarne to Durham Cathedral, he asks what new ways might be made through the old north. This region, a hub of early Christian Britain and later strongly defined by industry and class, now faces an uncertain future. But it remains a unique and starkly beautiful part of the country, with a deep history that is intimately entwined with the idea of Englishness. Jake's journey along the 'Camino of the North' sees him explore the shifting nature of individual and regional identity across thirteen-hundred years of social change. At the same time, it challenges him to reconsider his own trade of writer and how it relates to the lives of the people he meets along the way. Between the salt and the ash asks what stories the North East can tell about itself in the wake of Christianity and coal. Rejecting the damaging trope of 'left behind' communities, Jake uncovers neglected seams of culture and history, while offering a heartfelt celebration of the place he calls hyem.
The world is about to hit a population level of EIGHT BILLION people on one small planet. Through Allen’s analysis of the situation, the realization sets in that the fights by environmental and world aid groups are all for naught as every gain is soon overwhelmed by the pressures of more growth. Our planet's greatest threat is of too many people depleting the Earth's resources and contributing to climate change. Allen offers a thorough analysis of our environmental, social, political, and economic crises; then offers a treasure trove of solutions and success stories that we can all take to heart.
The promotion of maternal health and mortality reduction is of worldwide importance, and constitutes a vital part of the UN Millennium Development Goals. The highest maternal mortality rates are in developing countries, where global and regional initiatives are needed to improve the systems and practices involved in maternal care and medical access. Taking a practical policy approach, this book covers the background and concepts underlying efforts to improve maternal and perinatal mortality, the current global situation and problems that prevent progress. It includes case studies and examples of successful strategies, recommends good practices, and provides a critical analysis of knowledge gaps to inform areas for future research.
What a disaster! Snöfrid’s stream has disappeared during the night! Without water there can be no porridge, and Snöfrid doesn’t have to think twice. This problem must be solved immediately! The hunt for water begins with a wet meeting at the pond of the little nymph Flumina, but when it turns into a hunt for the mysterious river pearl, involving a submersible boat, the story quickly becomes an underwater adventure, and who knows how it will end? Magical adventure, great fun for boys and girls, by Spiegel bestselling author Andreas H. Schmachtl.