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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        March 2022

        Atomkraft? Ja bitte!

        Klimawandel und Energiekrise: Wie Kernkraft uns jetzt retten kann

        by Anna Veronika Wendland

      • Trusted Partner
      • Women's health
        August 2019

        Contraception without hormones

        Alternatives to the Pill & Co.

        by Dorothee Struck

        There are many hormone-free contraceptive methods, but which one is right for me? Dorothee Struck, MD, explains in clear language how the female body is structured and what happens during the menstrual cycle. Based on this, she describes the mode of action of all hormone-free contraceptive methods, from the IUD to the various barriers such as the diaphragm or the cervical cap, to the time-choice methods with or without a contraceptive computer. All methods are put to the test: How easy is it to use and how safe is it? Natural: Choose a hormone-free alternative that does not interfere with the organism. Safe: Learn about the individual contraceptive methods. Because knowledge creates confidence. Individual: Not everything is good for everyone. Find the method that suits you best. The guide to all hormone-free contraceptive methods. Written by a practicing gynecologist.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2020

        Prinzip Mensch

        Macht, Freiheit und Demokratie im Zeitalter der Künstlichen Intelligenz

        by Paul Nemitz/Matthias Pfeffer

        The Human Imperative. Power, Freedom and Democracy in an Era of Artificial Intelligence   Human or algorithm - who is calling the shots for our future in this age of Artificial Intelligence? The power that digital corporations in Silicon Valley exert is astronomical, and this poses a serious threat to democracy and independence as we know them.Paul Nemitz and Matthias Pfeffer present an impressive analysis of how current attempts to implement an ethical regulation of Artificial Intelligence are too shortsighted and limited.The authors provide a detailed examination of this topic, concentrating specifically on the role being played by the public sphere and the threats posed against journalism in the digital age. They call for a strict regulation of Artificial Intelligence and a reconceptualization of the principles that define humanity, which must be defended against the principles of the

      • October 2016

        CITIES - Brennpunkte der Menschheit

        by Markus Eisl, Gerald Mansberger, Peter Matzanetz, Paul Schreilechner,

        The satellite image book CITIES - Brennpunkte der Menschheit shows the fascinating variety of cities from all over the world. Repeatedly the selection of spectacular  high resolution images taken by state-of-the-art satellites surprises with unexpected perspectives. Cities in extreme situations, ghost towns planned for millions of people, fascinating city layouts are presented in an appealing sequence. Systematic, planned structures and chaotically grown patterns are shown in the colors of all continents. The dynamics of rise and fall is visible in the images as well as the current, increasingly rapid development of megacities.

      • June 2023

        Der Schnee und die Angst

        Eingeschneit und gefangen im Haus eines religiösen Fanatikers und mörderischen Psychopathen.

        by Klaus Hansen

        English:No man had ever experienced anything like it, no man could have imagined such a catastrophe, and no man was on it prepared. One could only watch as the snow inexorably covered and buried all life. It just didn't stop: snow, nothing but snow!The curator Henny Butenschön rents a room at Oltmanns Hof in Dithmarschen to find out whether the painting by Pieter Brueghel the Elder hidden there is real. J. comes from the depots of Nazi-looted art. The excessively religious householder who hides more than just a dark secret stands in her way.Another guest at Oltmann's farm: Holm Martens, who is secretly looking for a sign of life from his sister, who disappeared here under mysterious circumstances.At the same time, two brothers are struggling through the snowstorm who have unwittingly come into possession of a shipment of drugs. On your heels: a cold-blooded killer. When the three paths cross, outrageous truths come to light and suddenly it is a matter of life and death.Deutsch:Kein Mensch hatte so etwas je zuvor erlebt, kein Mensch hätte sich solch eine Katastrophe vorstellen können, und kein Mensch war darauf vorbereitet. So konnte man nur zusehen, wie der Schnee unaufhaltsam alles Leben zudeckte und unter sich begrub. Es hörte einfach nicht auf: Schnee, nichts als Schnee!Die Kuratorin Henny Butenschön mietet sich auf Oltmanns Hof in Dithmarschen ein, um herauszufinden, ob das dort versteckte Gemälde von Pieter Brueghel d. J. aus den Depots der NS-Raubkunst stammt. Dabei stellt sich ihr der exzessiv religiöse Hausherr in den Weg, der mehr als nur ein dunkles Geheimnis verbirgt.Ebenfalls Gast auf Oltmanns Hof: Holm Martens, der verdeckt nach einem Lebenszeichen seiner Schwester sucht, die hier unter mysteriösen Umständen verschwunden ist.Zur gleichen Zeit kämpfen sich zwei Brüder durch den Schneesturm, die unwissentlich in den Besitz einer Lieferung Drogen gelangt sind. Ihnen auf den Fersen: ein kaltblütiger Killer. Als sich die drei Wege kreuzen, kommen ungeheuerliche Wahrheiten ans Licht und auf einmal geht es um Leben und Tod. Aber auch um Geborgenheit und Liebe.

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