American Diabetes Association
The American Diabetes Association is the world’s largest publisher of titles on diabetes care and treatment, setting the standards of patient care based on the latest research.
View Rights PortalThe American Diabetes Association is the world’s largest publisher of titles on diabetes care and treatment, setting the standards of patient care based on the latest research.
View Rights PortalDiametric Verlag is an independent publisher founded by Jutta A. Wilke providing high-quality specialized literature focused on women's issues like Women's Health, Gender Medicine and Feminism. All titles are published in German and available in print and digital editions.
View Rights PortalMit schönem Farbschnitt in der Erstauflage – Lieferung je nach Verfügbarkeit Wer gewinnt dieses Spiel? Imogen ist Cheerleaderin für die Cape Coral Tigers. Sie ist der Star des Teams und der beliebteste Gast auf jeder Studentenparty. Doch niemand ahnt, was sie hinter ihrer perfekten Fassade verbirgt. Ashton ist der Runningback der Footballmannschaft, und er ist es gewohnt, in die Offensive zu gehen. Der attraktive Spaßvogel ist ein absoluter Frauenheld und hat sich geschworen, niemals eine feste Beziehung einzugehen. Für ihn zählt nur der Sport. Auf dem Spielfeld sind die beiden ein Team, doch abseits davon fliegen zwischen ihnen die Fetzen. Aber beide können nicht vergessen, was mal zwischen ihnen war … Outsmart the Offense: Summer vibes in Florida Eine zweite Chance für die Liebe: New-Adult-Romance mit Tiefgang für Leser*innen ab 16 Jahren. Sport und Liebe: Die spicy Sports Romance mit dem Trope „Second Chance“ fesselt von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite. Starke Hauptfiguren: American Football trifft College Romance in dieser bewegenden Story über die Liebe zwischen einer Cheerleaderin und einem Runningback. Sommerlicher Lesestoff: Band 2 der „Cape Coral“-Reihe von Bestseller-Autorin Mimi Heeger funktioniert auch als Einzeltitel. Hochwertig ausgestattet: Softcover mit gestalteten Klappen, trendig illustrierter Buchschnitt und tolles Lesezeichen zum Abtrennen. Mimi Heeger erzählt in ihrer berührenden Sports Romance von einer zweiten Chance für die Liebe und von zwei Protagonisten, die sich den Schatten ihrer Vergangenheit stellen müssen. Ein Must-Read für New-Adult-Fans ab 16 Jahren, die dramatische Geschichten und Autorinnen wie Hannah Grace und Elle Kennedy lieben.
— Analysis of how we view Europe's North and how this image emerged — An outsider's perspective on Nordic societies and their self image — Serves as an introduction into Northern European culture and society Our image of Northern Europe has been shaped by projections and desires in the long history of encounters: berserkers and war atrocities, bad weather, beautiful nature, stable political systems, social welfare, equality and prosperity, peacefulness, low corruption, hygge and Bullerby – all this is part of the Nordic narrative. But what about the religious, linguistic and ethnic homogeneity, what about the muchvaunted Nordic cooperation? How do politics "work" in the North? Why are Northern Europeans the happiest people?
"The First Page of Winter" is a collection of poetry by Iia Kiva, which includes poems composed from 2015 till 2019. The main theme is language and the inability to speak, the search for identity and historical memory, the understanding of great history and private stories inscribed in it, the war and traumatic experiences, about rooting and mapping. And in general - about a person in turbulent times and the search for words to understand what is happening, has happened and will happen. The poetry collection "The First Page of Winter", received a special award from the jury of the "ЛітАкцент-2019" (LitAccent-2019) literary award, and was included in the list of the best books of 2019 according to PEN Ukraine.
Maybe Now (MAYBE Trilogy, Vol. 1) Gabriella, Joana and Karla share a flat. To finance their studies, they all work at a catering company. And the three not only realize their professional dreams, but also find the love of their lives. Gabrielle almost missed her plane in Brazil and now she sits next to this super rude guy. Great! She‘s flying to Munich to finally meet her biological father. Undercover, as she starts an internship in his catering company. On her first day in the kitchen, her instructor turns out to be, of all people, Anton. Her rude – or rather rudely handsome – seatmate from the plane! He not only lights a fire at the stove... Gabriella tries in vain to fight the sparks between them. Because Anton has clear rules when it comes to relationships at work. As hot as the Brazilian sun and as seductive as a perfect chocolate mousse! • Feel-good page turner for New Adults• Original plots in heartfelt narrations, leaving out familiar clichés• Girl power: 3 self-confident protagonists and their strong friendship• Stories about first steps towards independence: Career choices, fear of the future, parental pressure, exploring roots to find your place
Maybe Never Gabriella, Joana and Karla share a flat. To finance their studies, they all work at a catering company. And the three not only realize their professional dreams, but also find the love of their lives. Since her older sister died in a fatal car accident, Joana does everything for a perfect life. She tries to follow her sister’s dream, out of guilt. In her life everything seems to be perfect: nice (but boring) boyfriend, successful biochemistry studies, a job at the catering company, affordable flat-sharing and wonderful friends. But everything changes when Kilian, the brother of her best friend Karla, shows up in Munich again. Kilian doesn’t fit into Joana‘s perfectly planned future at all. But he makes her feel what she has long supressed – the real Joana, who actually wanted to become a make-up artist. Ironically, since she has been wearing a mask herself since the death of her sister. • Feel-good page turner for New Adults• Original plots in heartfelt narrations, leaving out familiar clichés• Girl power: 3 self-confident protagonists and their strong friendship• Stories about first steps towards independence: Career choices, fear of the future, parental pressure, exploring roots to find your place
This third edition of Experimental Design and Analysis for Tree Improvement provides a set of practical procedures to follow when planning, designing and analysing tree improvement trials. Using many fully worked examples, it outlines how to: design field, glasshouse and laboratory trials; efficiently collect and construct electronic data files; pre-process data, screening for data quality and outliers; analyse data from single and across-site trials; and interpret the results from statistical analyses. The authors address the many practical issues often faced in forest tree improvement trials and describe techniques that will efficiently give conclusive results. The techniques provided are applicable to the improvement of not only trees, but to crops in general. Building on the success of the second edition, this new edition has been fully revised to include the construction of p-rep and spatial designs using the commercially available software package for design generation (CycDesigN). For analysis of the examples, it provides online Genstat and SAS programs and a link to R programs.
In the secret Wishing Wood, a wonderful world of unicorns is just waiting to be discovered! Enjoy magical adventures in the company of the little unicorn Finya Brightstar and her friends, Trixie the goblin girl and Kalle the bat. When they leave their tent one night, the three brave friends find out the cause of some strange noises. They come up with a clever plan to help the big unicorn Elara, who has been feeling horribly sad for several days. And when Finya and Trixie have a nasty quarrel, Kalle succeeds in getting them to make up. Because after all, best friends are always there for one another! Twelve stories to read aloud, on a wide range of subjects, all sheer delight! With beautifully designed four-colour illustrations by Marina Krämer on every page, and fine foil embossing on the cover. Ideal for bedtime reading.