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      • American Diabetes Association

        The American Diabetes Association is the world’s largest publisher of titles on diabetes care and treatment, setting the standards of patient care based on the latest research.

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      • American Academy of Pediatrics

        Leading global publisher in the field and practice of Pediatrics. AAP Publications are among the most respected and frequently referenced in the world, including journals, clinical and consumer books and eBooks, and continuing medical education.  Top title include Red Book, NRP, Pediatrics, PREP Self-Assessment, Pediatric Clinical Practice Guidelines, Caring for Your Baby and Building Resilience in Children.

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      • Among Tigers

        by Amer Fahry

        It was all nothing compared to the problem I faced again; Nobody talks to me, so I was isolated from everyone, and this isolation increased when I was banned from using the mobile phone to the extent that I could not call my mother to broadcast my concerns. I was dumbfounded for a moment, as if my body and mind were somewhere else, and I was overwhelmed with great sadness. Outside, it was very nice, and the kids were outside except for me.   I had the impression that I was having the best moments of my existence, the times of my youth, that period that goes by so fast and mercilessly. My breath was cut off, my throat dried up, my temperature rose, and tears began to overwhelm my eyelids, so I tried to prevent them from appearing. Nothing could have calmed me, the time for serving sweets and complimenting smiles had passed. Only my mother's affection could make me better.

      • The Haweaters

        by Vanessa Farnsworth

        A ragtag group of settlers come to Manitoulin Island in the 1870s with dreams of building a better future. But things on the Island are about to get brutal. The Haweaters  brings to life the violent, real-life double murder of Charles and William Bryan by two members of the Amer family in 1877. Well known in its day, this murder pitted a wealthy landowner against his impoverished neighbour. It’s a tale of treachery, gossip, drunkenness, arson, and the merciless deaths of two not-so-innocent victims.

      • Verses of Love

        by Habiburrahman El Shirazy

        Fahri bin Abdillah is an Indonesian student who tried to reach his master's degree at Al-Azhar. He struggles with various targets and the simplicity of life. He makes a living by translating religious books. Fahri goes through everything enthusiastically except one: getting married. Courtship before marriage is not his thing. Throughout his life, the only women in his life are his grandmother, mother, and sister. Moving to Egypt has changed that.   There is Maria Girgis. A neighbor who is Christian but admire the Qur'an, and admire Fahri. Her admiration turns into love. Unfortunately, Maria only expresses her feelings in her diary.   And there is also Noura, a neighbor who is tortured by her own father. Fahri empathizes with Noura and wants to help her. What he feels toward her is only empathy. But Noura expects more.   Lastly, comes Aisha into his life. A girl he defends in a heated debate in a metro. Each of the three girls has a role that will shape Fahri's life. But who will betray him? Who will die? And who will stay by his side?

      • Bruise

        by Elham Fallah

        This is different novel in the background of war that depicts the blackness and whiteness of this disaster differently and innovatively. This novel is about the story of a young named ‘Amer’ and a girl that loved him and about a strange destiny that war that is determined for them by war. The author in the present novel presents a new experience from a narration about war in which he merges truths and lies. The setting of the story starts from the war time and continues until now. This novel is the story of a family that during these times encounter many events and incidents that have strong influences in their life and identity. The further the story proceeds, the readers face more incidents and accidents that are sometimes very moving. When the curtains fall down the characters spirits and their real face will be clear and the readers will find out that who tells the right and who the liar is. In this novel war is the setting of story. War does not enter the people’s life and influences on them on their own volitions. It enters people’s life and change it unintentionally and sometimes for reasons except defending homes and the land of one’s country. The protagonist was not in the habit of participating in a war and he was after something else for taking part in the war and it finally determines him his

      • Tuhaf al-Uqul: Meisterwerke der Intellekte

        by Scheich Hassan ibn Schu’ba al-Harrani

        Tuhaf al-UqulMeisterwerke der Intellekte aus den Weisheiten und Predigten der Familie des Gesandten (a.) Von Scheich Hassan ibn Schu’ba al-HarraniÜbersetzt von Sayed Mohamed Amer „Wir entdeckten ein altes Buch, dessen Stil auf die bedeutende Stellung seines Verfassers hinwies; zumeist handelt es sich um Predigten und allgemein bekannte Grundsätze, die für die Richtigkeit ihrer Überlieferungskette keine weiteren Belege erfordern.“ – Allama Muhammad Baqir Madschlisi (17. Jahrhundert, bekannt für sein Sammelwerk Bihar-ul-Anwar) über das Buch Tuhaf al-Uqul Dieses Sammelwerk der Worte des heiligen Propheten (s.) und der Imame (a.) sowie der Worte von Jesus (a.) ist über eintausend Jahre alt. Es vereint Ausführungen, Dialoge, Dispute, berühmte Ansprachen, Kurzüberlieferungen und historische Begebenheiten der Gottnahen (a.). Mit der umfangreichen Einleitung sowie den zahlreichen Fußnoten bietet sich sowohl dem theologisch als auch dem historisch interessierten Leser ein einmaliger Zugang zu den Ahl al-Bait (a.) und ihren ethischen Lehren des reinen Islam. Autor: Scheich Hassan al-HarraniFormat: 15,5 x 24 cm, HardcoverSeiten: 616Ort, Jahr:  Bremen, 2018ISBN 978-3-946179-10-8

      • Asian Vegetables

        by Caroline Ho-Yi Wang, Patricia Ho-Yi Wang, Stéphanie Ho-Yi Wang, photos by Virginie Gosselin

        If bok choy has been able to acquire a prominent place on Western shelves, many other Asian vegetables still remain unknown. But these tasty, nutritious vegetables can be easily grown in temperate, and even northern, climates! Caroline, Stephanie andPatricia Ho-Yi Wang, three sisters of Cantonese origin, have made it their mission to introduce these vegetables, which everyone will love, in a unique book that is both a guide to gardening and a cookbook, as well as the story of a family. Presenting 15 Asian vegetables according to each season, the book offers advice to Sunday gardeners as well as future market gardeners on how to organically grow and harvest these vegetables, as well as provides preservation techniques, nutritional information and cookingmethods. Around forty recipes, some of which were created by famous chefs, are presented as well. The Wang sisters also explore the world of Asian vegetables from a cultural point of view, tracing the place that these hold in their own lives and in those of their family members, many of whom left China to emigrate to Madagascar before finally settling in Quebec. A true homage to the earth, good food and one’s roots!

      • Sucré, salé, poivré et compagnie

        by Written by Jacques Pasquet, illustrated by Claire Anghinolfi

        Sweet, Salty, Peppery and Company A brilliant nonfiction book about spices found throughout the world: salt, pepper, chilli pepper, mustard, ginger, cinnamon, vanilla, chocolate, coffee, tea... Where do they come from ? In which way and form do they get to us? What shapes can they take ? How are they grown, and then transformed? With his undeniable storytelling talent, Jacques Pasquet explains to us everything we need to know about spices: their story, where they come from, and even some legends surrounding them! Claire Anghinolfi offers us realistic and stylized illustrations painted in gouache.

      • Cellular biology (cytology)
        November 2019

        Principles of Cytogenetics

        by KPS Malik

        The book is basically intended to accompany cytogenetics students of Genetics and Plant Breeding. The present book with the help of diagrams and explanations it has been attempted that even a beginner could grasp the core elements of the subject. The book has been strictly organized on the basis of course curriculum of being taught in Universities. All the topics covered in the book have been ordered in a crisp and comprehensible manner avoiding complexities of a traditional textbook since it is a simply a guide book to supplement but not supplant the main texts.

      • September 2019

        Fips doesn’t want to be a turtle anymore

        by Simone Gruber, Jacqueline Kauer

        Everybody wants to be different. But then you often notice that you feel most comfortable in your own skin. Fips is upset. Not because her name is Fips, although she is a girl. That can happen to anyone. She is angry because she is a turtle and always lies around. She would much rather jump around like a cuddly hare, be fast and agile like a fox or float through the air like a bird. “I don’t want to be me no more,” says Fips and looks around. And suddenly she has a great opportunity to slip into another role. But will Fips really be happy?

      • Fiction

        Le Songe d'Adam

        by John Ethan Py

        The French answer to Stephen King's Pet Sematary!   Present day, Germany, Black Forest. A father comes to live with his daughter. Soon, the girl will see and sense things that shouldn’t exist. When ghosts from both father and daughter’s past become more than memories, horror strikes. Disappearances in the heart of the woods demand an explanation that will defy what our mind can conceive.  A horrific atmosphere that slowly grows among this terrifying Black Forrest, full of eerie myths, all guided by a masterful hand and chiseled writing. Welcome to the everlasting terror of Adam’s Dream!

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA


        by NATAŠA BUCIK

        PEEKABOO’S PICTURE DICTIONARYSLOVENE-ENGLISH-FRENCHWritten by Nataša Bucik, Kaja BucikIllustrated by Ana Zavadlav With single and double page illustrations this picture dictionary introduces over 1200 words. The dictionary is suitable for children aged 3 years and up, when they start paying greater attention to naming things in their environment. It will also be a welcome picture dictionary for learning foreign words for children (up to the age of 10). Peekaboo’s Picture Dictionary is published in various language editions (3-5 languages). Illustrator Ana Zavadlav was given the Smrekar Award for popular science illustration for her dictionary illustrations. Format: 23 x 30.5 cm | 96 pages | Age: 3+

      • July 2020



        Summary: In the middle of the night, her sleep was suddenlyinterrupted by the sound of a bells ringing and was curiously the onlyone to hear. Everyone was sleeping around her. A few minutes later,she heard a very soothing and reassuring male voice speak to her:"Come, follow me and go for a walk." This suave voice became more and more strident to the point whereshe clogged her ears with her hands. She was stirred by fear, but noscream could come out of her gosier to alert her entourage to whatwas happening to her. Was it the famous crew of Rita's airline thatcame to pick her up? She had guessed. But where to go? She hadnever applied for their funeral visa.

      • Fiction

        Now Lila Knows

        by Elizabeth Nunez

        Lila Bonnard has left her island home in the Caribbean to join the faculty as a visiting professor at Mayfield College in a small Vermont town. On her way from the airport to Mayfield, Lila witnesses the fatal shooting of a Black man by the police. It turns out that the victim was a professor at Mayfield College, and he was giving CPR to a white woman who was on the verge of an opioid overdose. The two Black faculty and a Black administrator in the otherwise all-white college expect Lila to be a witness in the case against the police, but Lila fears that in the current hostile political climate against immigrants of color she may jeopardize her position at the college by speaking out, and her fiancé advises her to remain neutral. Now Lila Knows is a gripping story that explores our obligation to act when confronted with the unfair treatment of fellow human beings. A page-turner with universal resonance, this novel will leave readers rethinking the meaning of love and empathy.

      • Fiction
        October 2017



        Résumé:  Pour  échapper  aux  griffes  des  les  terroristes  qui  ont  tout simplement  décimé la moitié  de  sa  famille  et  qui  encore  tenir  son  seul  fils  Jonathan,  Joss  fils,  et  son demi - frère, la  princesse  Merilee  Mokdem,  captifs: Que de se marier le capitaine Kaderamim Del Salim. Alors ouvre une page d' amour aux couleurs mythiques et              la  séduction  et  terrible  guerre homme  qui  peut  dire  « Afrique »  va  avec  une  ferme  main  pour  diriger  la  vie  de  la  jeune femme  et  faire  son  cœur  trembler. Mais  se  il  réussira  à  tourner  la  page par  de  son  passé pour  toujours? Va-t- elle réussir à oublier Joss? Tout au long de l' histoire de Merilee  ,          MarieJulie  Nguetse  révèle  l'  Afrique d'aujourd'hui , plongée  sous  le  joug  des  guerres internes  , des  épidémies, du   néocolonialisme, de  l' émigration  clandestine et de  ses  corollaires.


        by Laurent Chabin & Christine Delezenne

        A carp tells the sad story of the lake in which it has always lived. Like hundreds of lakes around the world, this lake is drying up. The lake’s surface, volume and water level decrease drastically until it is all reduced to a muddy puddle. Many sad consequences follow from these lakes drying up. An engaged graphic novel that denounces, strikes, disturbs and that really makes you want for things to change, and now !

      • Children's & YA
        June 2018

        Plastic apocalypse

        by Arthur Ténor

        Originally, Plastivorax was a breakthrough in biotechnology. It was going to enable us to treat all plastic waste on Earth without residue or pollution. On the flip side, its inventor would pocket billions of dollars. But we hadn't counted on "that fatal little detail." A detail that this apprentice sorcerer (who thought he had mastered everything, even the laws of nature) refused to see. The result: nothing less than the end of the world, well… as we know it.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        Junk Science and the American Criminal Justice System

        by M. Chris Fabricant

        From CSI to Forensic Files to the celebrated reputation of the FBI crime lab, “forensic scientists” have long been mythologized in American popular culture as infallible crime solvers. Judges and juries put their faith in “expert witnesses” and innocent people have been executed as a result. Innocent people are on death row today, condemned by junk science. In 2012, the Innocence Project began searching for prisoners convicted by junk science, and three men, each convicted of capital murder, became M. Chris Fabricant’s clients. Junk Science and the American Criminal Justice System chronicles the fights to overturn their wrongful convictions and to end the use of the “science” that destroyed their lives. Weaving together courtroom battles from Mississippi to Texas to New York City, Fabricant takes the reader on a journey into the heart of a broken, racist system of justice and the role forensic science plays in maintaining the status quo. At turns gripping, enraging, and moving, Junk Science is a meticulously researched insider’s perspective of the American criminal justice system. Previously untold stories of wrongful executions, corrupt prosecutors, and quackery masquerading as science animate Fabricant’s astonishing true-crime narrative. The book also features a full-color photo insert that illustrates the junk science explored by the author.

      • Children's & YA
        February 2020

        Black Friday

        by Christophe Léon

        Dresses and make-up. A new generation tablet. A new law on obsolescence. A small business not very legal. A lost Santa Claus in the heart of Africa. A well-fed child. "Black Friday" is six short stories of black humor to be consumed without moderation. But beware, this Black Friday will leave a bitter taste in your mouth: when hyperconsumption and perpetual promotions to the point of nausea reign, it is our planet that suffers from indigestion.

      • April 1998

        The Technopriests

        by Alejandro Jodorowsky and Zoran Janjetov

        The cosmic adventures of a young boy on his path to ridding the galaxy of an insidious technological plague. After the Greek tragedy of "The Metabarons," Alejandro Jodorowsky returns to his biblical roots with this quest reminiscent of Moses and set on a galactic scale. To top it off, the characters and the theme of virtual reality are tailor-made for artist Zoran Janjetov ("Before The Incal"), who finds in Jodorowsky his perfect match. Albino, hero of this space odyssey, remembers here his childhood, his apprenticeship, and the big and small battles he had to fight to fulfill his ambitions in a universe where technological advances are paradoxically matched only by the cruelty and the barbarism of the forces controlling it.

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