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      • Adriana Hidalgo editora

        Adriana Hidalgo editora is one of the most prestigious publishing houses in Argentina, with great recognition in Latin America and Spain. Founded in 1999, it specializes in literature, essays, philosophy, art and illustrated books. It publishes both argentine and translated authors. Its catalogue currently holds more than 400 titles and it stands out for its literary profile and for the constant discovery of new authors. In 2009, and with our publishing house’s 10th year’s anniversary, Pípala was created: an illustrated book’s imprint of Adriana Hidalgo editora Pípala is now an independent imprint for illustrated books for both children and adults, based on a powerful catalogue that is in permanent development. It publishes translated works from all over the world (Corea, France, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, etc.) as well as original works in Spanish from Latin American and Spanish writers and illustrators.

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      • Altair 4 Multimedia

        ALTAIR 4 Multimedia was established in 1986 byAlessandro Furlan, Pietro Galifi and Stefano Moretti, who conceived the studio as an actual workshop where various technological and artistic disciplines would interact in a coordinated and rewarding dialogue.The members of the Altair4 creative team come from diverse backgrounds and experience in computer animation, graphic arts, design and broadcast production.The ongoing dialogue between past and present characterizes all Altair4 productions and its innovative and multi-faceted approach to creating computer products where advanced technological tools and artistic and cultural processes are joined.

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      • Trusted Partner
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        March 2017

        Das Meer und ich waren im besten Alter

        Geschichten aus meinem Alltag

        by Altaras, Adriana

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        March 2017

        Zwerg Nase

        by Wilhelm Hauff, Adriana Coll

        Zwerg Nase ist eines der bekanntesten und beliebtesten Märchen von Wilhelm Hauff. Es erzählt die Geschichte vom hübschen Knaben Jakob, der von einer Hexe sieben Jahre als Diener gefangen gehalten wird und als hässlicher Zwerg zurückkehrt, so dass ihn nicht einmal die eigene Mutter wiedererkennt. Doch die Kochkunst, die er im Haus der Hexe erlernte, und die Freundschaft zu einer verzauberten Gans helfen ihm am Ende der Geschichte, sich und seine Freundin Mimi vom bösen Zauber zu befreien. Die Illustrationen von Adriana Coll bezaubern in der Anlehnung an japanische Holzschnittmeister durch ihre besondere Farbigkeit und Ausstrahlung. »›So, Söhnchen, so‹, sprach die Alte, ›iß nur dieses Süppchen, dann hast du alles, was dir an mir so gefallen! Sollst auch ein geschickter Koch werden, daß du doch etwas bist; aber Kräutlein, nein, das Kräutlein sollst du nimmer finden.‹«

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        August 2021

        Killing November 2. Hunting November

        by Adriana Mather, Susanne Klein, Anne Brauner, Frauke Schneider

        Atemberaubend spannend! Der zweite Band von Killing November Ein paar Wochen im tödlichsten Internat der Welt zu überleben, war eine Sache. Aber jetzt kommt die eigentliche Prüfung: Kann November Adley ihren verschwundenen Vater finden, bevor ihre Feinde sie finden? In dieser spannenden Fortsetzung von "Killing November" von der Autorin des New York Times-Bestsellers "How to Hang a Witch" ist Täuschung das Gebot der Stunde. Nachdem sie einen Crashkurs in Spionage an der mysteriösen Academy Absconditi überlebt hat, kennt November nur ein Ziel: ihren verschwundenen Vater zu finden. Zusammen mit ihrem Kommilitonen (und Schwarm) Ash folgt November den Hinweisen, die ihr Vater hinterlassen hat, und begibt sich auf die tödlichste Schatzsuche ihres Lebens. Der erste Hinweis befindet sich in ihrer Heimatstadt, wo alte Freunde locken und unerwartete Feinde hinter jeder Ecke lauern. Der zweite Hinweis befindet sich in Europa, wo Enthüllungen über die Geschichte ihrer Familie sie in ein internationales Netz aus Täuschung, Lügen und Intrigen stürzen werden. Der dritte Hinweis befindet sich tief im feindlichen Gebiet, umgeben von den fähigsten Attentätern und Meisterstrategen, und wo jeder sie und ihren Vater tot sehen will. Kann ein Mädchen mit begrenzter Ausbildung eine jahrhundertealte Organisation infiltrieren, die mächtig genug ist, um Imperien zu stürzen? November weiß nur, dass sie alles tun wird, um ihren Vater zu retten ... oder bei dem Versuch zu sterben. Hochspannender Thriller mit Sogwirkung – fesselnd bis zur letzten Seite. Ein geheimes Internat und eine mörderische Schnitzeljagd quer durch Europa. Von der #1-New-York-Times-Bestsellerautorin Adriana Mather.

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        April 2023

        Geronnene Lava

        Texte zu politischem Totenkult und Erinnerung

        by Reinhart Koselleck, Manfred Hettling, Hubert Locher, Adriana Markantonatos

        »Gestorben wird alleine, zum Töten des Anderen gehören zwei. Die Fähigkeit des Menschen, seinesgleichen umzubringen, konstituiert vielleicht mehr noch menschliche Geschichte als seine Grundbestimmung, sterben zu müssen.« Der »gewaltsam Umgebrachten« zu gedenken, gehört zum Kern der politischen Kultur. Reinhart Koselleck hat mit seinen wegweisenden Arbeiten zum »Totenkult« ein neues Forschungsfeld erschlossen: die europäischen Denkmalslandschaften in ihrer ganzen historischen, ästhetischen und politischen Komplexität. Ob es sich um Opfer für das Vaterland oder um solche von Kriegen und Gewaltherrschaft handelt, ob Menschen in Bürgerkriegen und Revolutionen oder durch Staatsverbrechen, politischen oder religiösen Terror umgebracht wurden – alle sind »getötete Tote«. Ohne ihrer zu gedenken, so der Humanist Koselleck, ist ein Weiterleben nicht möglich. Der Band versammelt Kosellecks Aufsätze zum politischen Totenkult, publizistische Beiträge zu den Debatten über die »Neue Wache« und das Holocaustmahnmal in Berlin, theoretische Überlegungen zum Erinnerungsbegriff und unveröffentlichte autobiografische Notizen über seine Erfahrungen in Krieg und russischer Gefangenschaft. In Distanz zur populären »Erinnerungskultur« betonen sie die Unhintergehbarkeit der Differenz zwischen individueller Erfahrung und kollektiven Erinnerungskonstruktionen. Die Historie soll solche kollektiven Identitäten nicht stiften, sondern kritisch analysieren. Darin liegt für Koselleck die Aufgabe der Geschichtswissenschaft.

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        August 2018

        Lyme Disease

        An Evidence-based Approach

        by John J Halperin

        This new edition of Lyme Disease provides up-to-date evidence-based research and covers the significant advances in our understanding of the disorders referred to as Lyme disease or Lyme borreliosis. This book explores the causative organism, its requisite ecosystem, disease epidemiology, host-Borrelia interactions, diagnostic testing, clinical manifestations, therapeutic options, the role of host immunity on pathogenesis and long term prognosis. The authors provide balanced perspectives on all aspects of Lyme disease and explicitly review both the basic biology of the infection and practical clinical aspects. This new edition: Includes new borrelial pathogens that have been identified (B. miyamotoi, B. mayonii and B. bavariensis among others). Provides updated information on the molecular biology of the organism, neuroborreliosis, and the role of the C6 peptide in diagnosis. Discusses the controversies about 'chronic Lyme disease', post Lyme disease syndrome and other ongoing but non-specific symptoms that have been attributed to this infection. As the endemic footprint of Lyme disease continues to grow, this book provides a broad and detailed guide for clinicians and researchers involved with the diagnosis and treatment of the condition. Covering biology, epidemiology and therapeutics, it is also essential reading for students of global health and infectious disease.

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        Diseases & disorders
        August 2011

        Lyme Disease

        an Evidence-based Approach

        by Phillip J Baker, Jorge Benach, John Paul Bouffard, Raymond Dattwyler, Durland Fish, Afton Hassett, Barbara Johnson, Adriana Marques, P Meade, Rob Nadelman, Sue O'Connell, Eugene Shapiro, Lenard H Sigal, Robert P Smith, Gerold Stanek, Gary P Wormser, Jonathan L Halperin, Joppe W. R. Hovius. Edited by John J. Halperin.

        Providing the medical practitioner with a broad scientific understanding, this book discusses the causative organism, its requisite ecosystem, disease epidemiology, host-Borrelia interactions, diagnostic testing, clinical manifestations, therapeutic options, and long term prognosis. It explicitly reviews both the basic biology of the infection and practical clinical aspects, linking the two to demonstrate what is and is not attributable to this infection. It is a broad and detailed guide for medics and researchers involved with diagnosing and treating Lyme, covering biology, epidemiology and therapeutics.

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      • Fiction

        The Salt

        by Adriana Riva

        “The silence stretches. We have come this far. Mom is that unreachable inch of skin between my shoulder blades, that bit that itches and I can’t scratch”.Beginning with a childhood accident, Ema digs into the bond with her mother and, pregnant with her second child, sets on a journey for answers: who is Elena, really? Does she know her well enough? Her mother is distant and there’s an area she can’t reach, no matter how hard she tries; that hasn’t changed over the years.With an appearance of simple prose, but charged with truthful images, Adriana Riva examines family relationships with an admirable precision, humor and rawness that turn The Salt into an intimate and touching novel. “This is the age of women, and argentinian literature is being renewed by many writers. Adriana Riva writes with verbal brilliance, creates wonderful images and shoots at the heart of empathy. With this book she asserts herself, without a doubt, as a truly unique voice in this literary scene”.Santiago Llach

      • Fiction
        November 2020

        El menor (The Younger Brother)

        by Alicia Plante

        In her new novel, Alicia Plante confronts us again with atmospheres full of tension and expectations, along with a search for meaning, embodied in a brother who may hold the secret to our own identity. The writer -who seems to know the soul of each place she describes- plays with ever-changing and surprising backdrops, and now turns to a provincial town, which is a blend of charm and evil that seems to erupt in this “small town” scene. This offers a sharp contrast with the world of industry and finance, where the struggle for power and profit cannot hide its protagonists’ voracious greed, irrepressible passion, the danger of misplaced erotism, doubt, and loneliness.

      • Biography & True Stories
        March 2020

        Crónicas completas (Full Chronicles)

        by Hebe Uhart

        In Hebe Uhart’s chronicles, more than landscapes and history, the author captures speech. These journeys, mostly intimate, are a search for ways of speaking. Hebe Uhart’s work as a collector of linguistic expressions is a fortunate and important contribution, since the woman who pays attention to language is not a collector of curiosities, she is a writer. Her fascination for language is not limited to spoken language; as she tours cities and towns, she notes down stores’ names, advertisements and graffiti, a routine repeated in almost every story. She is also interested in all the oral expressions that are intimately related to literature, such as proverbs. Hebe Uhart is voracious, but she offers all this information with great kindness, careful not to overwhelm readers, sharing with them facts which, however obvious, may have never caught their attention. The political stance behind these chronicles is quite clear: Latin American anchorage, stories that have been ignored or frowned upon —local history, everyday knowledge, linguistic expressions— and, one of her favorite subjects, Indigenous peoples on the continent.

      • Fiction
        March 2020

        Enjambre (Swarm)

        by Joaquín Areta

        The stories of Enjambre (Swarm), Joaquín Areta's first novel, take place in a torrid, dry Neuquén, province of Argentina. Carlos, a retired engineer, takes care of his old mother; a boy from the suburbs, Bairon, waits alone, by the road, for cyclists to pass; Iñigo, a young agricultural engineer marked by his relationship with his father, must solve an invasion of aggressive bees. These stories are composed by matters that, only in appearance, are trivialities: a line of ants that persists in accompanying Carlos' elderly mother; a rectangle of black dirt at the bottom of his garden; Bairon's secret collection of stones and arrowheads; the monument in his neighborhood that commemorates the clash between the conquerors and the original inhabitants; the threatening presence of the police; the small "treasures" left behind by someone gone, which bring us echoes of the military dictatorship; the spines of the alpataco trees in the memory of Iñigo; a glass of juice filled with ice-cubes; the nauseating smell of an ambulance ... A swarm of images that orbits around bonding: between characters, between past and present, between territory and inhabitants. These stories together give shape to a particular Universe, in which the silence, the things that are not said and those which are simply implied, make the atmosphere  more and more intriguing and unsettling until we’re also reached by its sting. Joaquín Areta’s writing enables a new way of showing and saying that will imply, as well, a different way of reading and perceiving. This novel becomes intense and moving, taking on the brightness of what we cannot stop contemplating.

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