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      • Smith-Obolensky Media

        Smith-Obolensky Media is an international media boutique featuring the work by award-winning author Ivan Obolensky. His gothic mystery, Eye of the Moon, sold over ten thousand copies and the sequel is well underway for release next year. The Latin American Spanish literary translation has been accepted into the Librería Nacional chain, the largest in Colombia, for a thousand paperbacks to be sold in their stores (including those in three international airports).   We are magicmakers. How many of us have changed from a simple line we once read, or a film we saw at a crossroads moment? The art of storytelling, in all its facets, is something we celebrate.   In this spirit, we accept projects on a limited basis and focus on one author at a time, so we can fully present their works.

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      • Al-Alia Publishing House

        Al-Alia Publishing House produces stories for children. Not only the child enjoys the new experience of reading Alia presents, but so as everyone else.

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      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Agnes Varda

        by Alison Smith

        The first introduction in English devoted wholly to Varda and aimed at a general and student audience. Places Varda's major films in the context of her whole oeuvre and follows the development of important themes across her work.

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        Film theory & criticism
        December 2000

        100 years of European cinema

        Entertainment or ideology?

        by Diana Holmes, Alison Smith

        Cinema provides entertainment, but it also communicates a set of values, a vision of the world or an ideology. From its beginnings more than a century ago, European cinema has dealt with the tension between these two functions in a variety of ways: at the extremes, dictatorial regimes have sweetened the pill of ideology with the sugar of entertainment. Meanwhile, spectators have persisted in seeking out, above all, the pleasure film can provide. Now available again in paperback, this book explores the complex relationship between entertainment, ideology and audiences in European film, through studies that range from the Stalinist musicals of the 1930s, to cinematic representations of masculinity under Franco, to recent French films and their Hollywood remakes. Diverse and entertaining, this study is addressed to students of film - especially French, German, Russian or Spanish - and to those readers and academics interested in both the history of cinema and in European culture.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        April 2010

        Jacques Rivette

        by Douglas Morrey, Diana Holmes, Alison Smith, Robert Ingram

        Jacques Rivette is perhaps the best-kept secret of French cinema. A founding figure in the New Wave, and at the centre of the Cahiers du cinéma team, he developed into one of the most unusual and adventurous French directors of the last sixty years, yet his work remains little-known in comparison with his contemporaries, and this study is the first in English to look at the full span of his career. Starting with his decisively influential film criticism of the 1950s, it moves from the New Wave through the complex, experimental films of the 1970s to the challenging, playful dramas which ensured his visibility during the following two decades, and ends in the present, including Rivette's most recent films, Histoire de Marie et Julien (2003) and Ne touchez pas la hache (2007). The book takes a thematic approach, offering detailed discussion of key elements of Rivette's film world, including games, conspiracy and jealousy, as well as a study of what Rivette's cinema adds to our understanding of key theoretical concepts in Film Studies such as narrative, space and adaptation. There are many close analyses of sequences from Rivette's films including Paris nous appartient (1961), Céline et Julie vont en bateau (1974) and La Belle Noiseuse (1991). ;

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2022

        Women and Pilgrimage

        by E. Moore Quinn, Alison T. Smith, Sharenda Holland Barlar, Maryjane Dunn, Susan Dunn-Hensley, Shirley du Plooy, Vivienne Keely, Sarah E. Owens, Emma Rochester, Lisa F. Signori

        Women and Pilgrimage presents scholarly essays that address the lacunae in the literature on this topic. The content includes well-trodden domains of pilgrimage scholarship like sacred sites and holy places. In addition, the book addresses some of the less-well-known dimensions of pilgrimage, such as the performances that take place along pilgrims' paths; the ephemeral nature of identifying as a pilgrim, and the economic, social and cultural dimensions of migratory travel. Most importantly, the book's feminist lens encourages readers to consider questions of authenticity, essentialism, and even what is means to be a "woman pilgrim". The volume's six sections are entitled: Questions of Authenticity; Performances and Celebratory Reclamations; Walking Out: Women Forging Their Own Paths; Women Saints: Their Influence and Their Power; Sacred Sites: Their Lineages and Their Uses; and Different Migratory Paths. Each section will enrich readers' knowledge of the experiences of pilgrim women. Readers' understanding will be further enhanced by the book's: · interdisciplinary nature: The contributors hail from a wide range of disciplines, including Anthropology, Political Science, French, Spanish, Fine Art, and Religious Studies; · uniqueness: The text brings together previously scattered resources into one volume; · feminist perspective: Much of the subject matter utilizes feminist theories and methodologies and argues that further research will be welcome. The book will be of interest to scholars of pilgrimage studies in general as well as those interested in women, travel, tourism, and the variety of religious experiences.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        March 2024

        Religious Tourism and Globalization

        The Search for Identity and Transformative Experience

        by Darius Liutikas, Razaq Raj, Vitor Ambrósio, Silvia Aulet Serrallonga, Caglar Bideci, Mujde Bideci, Elzbieta Bilska-Wodecka, Dino Bozonelos, Nour Farra-Haddad, Stephen F. Haller, Jaffer Idris, Antonietta Ivona, Isilda Leitão, Dimitrios Mylonopoulos, Polyxeni Moira, Eleanor O’Keeffe, Spyridon Parthenis, Donatella Privitera, Ricardo Nicolas Progano, Alison T. Smith

        Is it possible to identify the positive and negative effects of globalization on religious tourism or to estimate the transformation of the internal and external constructs of pilgrimage by these effects? In order to address these questions, this book highlights the importance of the search for identity and transformative experience during religious tourism. It also looks at how, recently, globalization has played a part in the changes of the concept of personal and social identity and the transformative experience of pilgrimage. The chapters, consisting of carefully selected case studies, analyse possible effects including the adoption of different new rituals, new pilgrims' values, changes of tradition, acceptance of technologic innovations, development of new business models, and other environmental and sociocultural changes. The book provides: · a conceptual framework for understanding the impacts of globalization; · integrated cross-disciplinary approaches; and · an insight into major religious travel practices in the age of identity challenges and worldwide transformations. It will be suitable for researchers and students of religious tourism, pilgrimage, identity tourism, as well as related subjects such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, theology, history and cultural studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 1983


        by Christoph Martin Wieland, Heinrich Bock, Hildegard Bock

        Christoph Martin Wieland wurde am 5. September 1733 in Oberholzheim geboren. Nach dem Besuch des pietistischen Internats Kloster Berge bei Magdeburg begann er 1749 ein Philosophie-Studium in Erfurt. Ein Jahr später wechselte er zu einem Jura-Studium nach Tübingen. Ab 1752 arbeitete er als Hauslehrer in der Schweiz. Während seiner Professur an der Universität Erfurt von 1769 bis 1772 gründete er die Zeitschrift »Der Teutsche Merkur«, die eine herausragende Stellung im Geistesleben der Zeit einnahm und so zu Weimars Rolle als literarisches Zentrum beitrug. Er veröffentlichte im Merkur eine Vielzahl eigener Essays und Aufsätze, beschäftigte sich mit philosophischen, politischen, gesellschaftlichen und ästhetischen Fragen. Daneben schrieb er Romane, Satiren und Dramen und übersetzte Shakespeare ins Deutsche. Christoph Martin Wieland starb am 20. Januar 1813 in Weimar.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2019

        Conga Line on the Amazon

        by David Myles Robinson

        David Myles Robinson was eight years old when he first got hooked on travel. Since then, he’s seen most of the world—all its continents plus, he laments, “far too many places where travel is now off-limits.”After a lifetime of visiting near and far, in heat and in cold, in comfort and in danger, Robinson has put it all together now in this unique collection of the varied travel adventures he’s found—and the lessons he’s learned from them. A Fellini-esque view of the Amazon, a Mercedes caravan to Istanbul, Jane Goodall's amazing chimps—just part of a travel trunk full of experiences guaranteed to keep you seesawing from “Boy, I'd love to do that" to “Sure glad it was him, not me.”In Conga Line on the Amazon, Robinson brings to his first travel book the same gift for intriguing narrative and sharp characterization that has won praise for his six highly successful novels. Some of his tales may be for the strong of heart, but they’re all for the reader with a yen to be entertained by one intrepid man’s adventures and misadventures exploring the strange and wonderful world we live in.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 1977

        Wert- und Verteilungstheorien seit Adam Smith

        Eine nationalökonomische Dogmengeschichte. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Cora Stephan

        by Maurice Dobb, Cora Stephan

        Der kürzlich verstorbene britische Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Maurice Dobb, (»vgl. es 166: Organisierter Kapitalismus«) zählt zu den wenigen international hochangesehenen Vertretern seines Fachs; er hat als Methodologe und als Theoretiker gleichermaßen nachhaltig die neuere Nationalökonomie beeinflußt. Sein jüngstes Buch bestätigt den Ruf, der ihm vorausgeht: einer der führenden Interpreten wirtschaftlicher Entwicklungen und nationalökonomischer Theoriebildung zu sein. In systematischer Weise entfaltet Dobb an zwei herausragenden Problemstellungen – Einkommensverteilung und Wertlehre – die Entstehungs- und Klärungsprozesse der ökonomischen Theorie seit Smith (über Ricardo, Marx bis zu Keynes und Sraffa). Dies freilich – die Darstellung der ökonomischen Dogmengeschichte – ist nur die eine Seite der Dobbschen Argumentation; die andere bildet die ideologiekritische Auseinandersetzung mit der geschichtlichen Bedingtheit der ökonomischen Deutungssysteme und der mehr oder weniger »apologetischen« Funktion der aus ihnen abgeleiteten wirtschaftspolitischen Lösungsvorschläge. Es ist das große Verdienst der Arbeit von Dobb, den Erklärungsanspruch ökonomischer Theorien nicht nur logisch-immanent zu analysieren, sondern auch im Hinblick auf ihr Verhältnis zu der von ihnen beschriebenen Wirklichkeit.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2017

        Victorian demons

        Medicine, masculinity, and the Gothic at the fin-de-siècle

        by Andrew Smith

        Victorian demons provides the first extensive exploration of largely middle-class masculinities in crisis at the fin de siècle. It analyses how ostensibly controlling models of masculinity became demonised in a variety of literary and medical contexts, revealing the period to be much more ideologically complex than has hitherto been understood, and makes a significant contribution to Gothic scholarship. Andrew Smith demonstrates how a Gothic language of monstrosity, drawn from narratives such as 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde' and 'Dracula', increasingly influenced a range of medical and cultural contexts, destabilising these apparently dominant masculine scripts. He provides a coherent analysis of a range of examples relating to masculinity drawn from literary, medical, legal and sociological contexts, including Joseph Merrick ('The Elephant Man'), the Whitechapel murders of 1888, Sherlock Holmes's London, the writings and trials of Oscar Wilde, theories of degeneration and medical textbooks on syphilis.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 1997

        Von der Freiheit der Literatur

        Kritische Schriften und ausgewählte Publizistik

        by Christoph Martin Wieland, Wolfgang Albrecht

        Christoph Martin Wieland wurde am 5. September 1733 in Oberholzheim geboren. Nach dem Besuch des pietistischen Internats Kloster Berge bei Magdeburg begann er 1749 ein Philosophie-Studium in Erfurt. Ein Jahr später wechselte er zu einem Jura-Studium nach Tübingen. Ab 1752 arbeitete er als Hauslehrer in der Schweiz. Während seiner Professur an der Universität Erfurt von 1769 bis 1772 gründete er die Zeitschrift »Der Teutsche Merkur«, die eine herausragende Stellung im Geistesleben der Zeit einnahm und so zu Weimars Rolle als literarisches Zentrum beitrug. Er veröffentlichte im Merkur eine Vielzahl eigener Essays und Aufsätze, beschäftigte sich mit philosophischen, politischen, gesellschaftlichen und ästhetischen Fragen. Daneben schrieb er Romane, Satiren und Dramen und übersetzte Shakespeare ins Deutsche. Christoph Martin Wieland starb am 20. Januar 1813 in Weimar.

      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        May 2025

        Mrs Dalloway

        Biography of a novel

        by Mark Hussey

        A compelling biography of one of the most celebrated novels in the English language. The fourth and best-known of Virginia Woolf's novels, Mrs Dalloway is a modernist masterpiece that has remained popular since its publication in 1925. Its dual narratives follow a day in the life of wealthy housewife Clarissa Dalloway and shell-shocked war veteran Septimus Warren Smith, capturing their inner worlds with a vividness that has rarely been equalled. Mrs Dalloway: Biography of a novel offers new readers a lively introduction to this enduring classic, while providing Woolf lovers with a wealth of information about the novel's writing, publication and reception. It follows Woolf's process from the first stirrings in her diary through her struggles to create what was quickly recognised as a major advance in prose fiction. It then traces the novel's remarkable legacy to the present day. Woolf wrote in her diary that she wanted her novel 'to give life & death, sanity & insanity. to criticise the social system, & to show it at work, at its most intense.' Mrs Dalloway: Biography of a novel reveals how she achieved this ambition, creating a book that will be read by generations to come.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2020

        Private Regierung

        Wie Arbeitgeber über unser Leben herrschen (und warum wir nicht darüber reden)

        by Elizabeth Anderson, Karin Wördemann

        Der freie Markt war einmal ein progressives Projekt, das zur Befreiung der Lohnabhängigen führen sollte – von obrigkeitsstaatlichen Strukturen und von der Gängelung durch die Arbeitgeber. Elizabeth Anderson zeigt, was aus dieser schönen Idee geworden ist: reine Ideologie in den Händen mächtiger ökonomischer Akteure, die sich wenig um die Freiheit und die Rechte von Arbeitnehmern scheren. Sie arbeitet heraus, wie sich der positive Zusammenhang zwischen freiem Markt und freiem Arbeiter aufgelöst hat, und bestimmt die gegenwärtige Beziehung zwischen Arbeitgebern und Arbeitnehmern neu: als eine von quasi autokratisch herrschenden, privaten Regierungen und den von ihnen Regierten, die in vielerlei Hinsicht das Nachsehen haben. Eine beeindruckende Dekonstruktion eines Mythos des Marktdenkens.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA


        by Jessica Bosworth Smith

        From the illustrator of The Straw Giant & The Crow comes a new picture book, Liefie. Explore the wonders and worries of having a surprise new child with this heart-melting family of otters! 'Liefie' by Jessica Bosworth Smith is an incredibly heart-warming and humorous take on a family of otters, who have a surprise laat-lammetjie (Afrikaans term — "the late lamb" — which is a South African phrase for a surprise child born long after their siblings).

      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        June 2010

        Alison Uttley: Spinner of Tales

        The authorised biography of the creator of Little Grey Rabbit

        by Denis Judd

        Little Grey Rabbit and Sam Pig are just two of the inspired characters created by Alison Uttley, loved by millions and still very popular today. But who was the real woman spinning enchanting tales of country life and lore, magic and friendship? Alison Uttley gathered much of the inspiration for her stories from the fond memories of her Derbyshire childhood and her love of the countryside. A talented and prolific writer, she was still producing stories in her late eighties. Yet she was often plagued by self-doubt, and extremely possessive over her close friends, family and work. Tragically, Alison's husband committed suicide before her writing successes. She soon developed a smothering relationship with her only child John, even convincing him to jilt his first fiancée and escape to Scotland - the honeymoon destination. With exclusive and unrestricted access to her personal diaries and private letters, Denis Judd paints an intriguing portrait of one of the most successful, creative and troubled children's authors of modern times. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        April 2017

        Rural Tourism and Enterprise

        Management, Marketing and Sustainability

        by Ade Oriade, Peter Robinson

        Marketing and management processes across industries can be very similar, but contexts vary where political intervention, public interest and local sustainability are involved. The rural business setting is especially intricate due to the assortment of different business opportunities, ranging from traditional agriculture, to tourism enterprise and even high-tech business. This important new textbook on the subject: - Examines key issues affecting rural enterprise and tourism - Explores the breadth of rural enterprise management and marketing across both developed and developing economies - Discusses strategies for business growth within a rural setting, such as knowledge development, proper planning and innovation - Uses a mix of case studies and theoretical content specifically selected to appeal to both student and practitioner readers Including pedagogical features and full colour throughout, this new textbook provides an engaging and thought-provoking resource for students and practitioners of tourism, rural business and related industries. ; Marketing and management processes are especially intricate for the rural business setting due to the assortment of different business opportunities. This important new textbook examines key issues, discusses strategies for growth and uses a mix of case studies and theoretical content across developed and developing countries. ; Introduction: (Ade Oriade and Peter Robinson) Part 1: Management and marketing rural tourism and enterprise in developed economies 1: Rural enterprise business development: the developed world context (Peter Robinson & Alison Murray) 2: Selling to consumers (Sammy Li, Roya Rahimi & Nikolaos Stylos) 3: Sustainability, CSR and Ethics: Developed economies perspective (Caroline Wiscombe) 4: Community engagement and rural tourism enterprise (Peter Wiltshier) 5: Social enterprise and the rural landscape (Caroline Wiscombe, Liz Heyworth, Sandy Ryder, Lucy Maynard & Charles Dobson) Part 2: Management and marketing rural tourism and enterprise: developing world context 6: The rural business environment in developing economies (Solomon Olorunfemi Olubiyo & Ade Oriade) 7: Marketing and Communications and Rural Business in developing countries (Abiodun Elijah Obayelu & Nikolaos Stylos) 8: Consumers and Rural Tourism in developing Economies (Vivienne Saverimuttu and Maria Estela Varua) 9: Sustainability and Ethics in rural business and tourism in the Developing World (Weng Marc Lim and Sine Heitman) 10: Community engagement, rural institutions and rural tourism business in developing countries (Anahita Malek, Fabio Carbone & Asia Alder) Part 3: Strategies for rural business management and growth 11: Challenges and Strategies for rural business operations in developed and developing Economies (Ade Oriade and Peter Robinson) 12: Developing and Growing Knowledge within rural tourism enterprises (Tony Greenwood and Jo Tate) 13: Collaborate to Innovate: Challenges and Strategies for rural business to innovate (Ainurul Rosli, Jane Chang and Maria L. Granados) 14: Strategies for rural business growth (Crispin Dale, Neil Robinson and Mike Evans) 15: Opportunities for growth: The rural tourism policy and planning perspective (Caroline Wiscombe and Steve Gelder) Conclusion: (Ade Oriade and Peter Robinson)

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