Al-Alia Publishing House
Al-Alia Publishing House produces stories for children. Not only the child enjoys the new experience of reading Alia presents, but so as everyone else.
View Rights PortalAl-Alia Publishing House produces stories for children. Not only the child enjoys the new experience of reading Alia presents, but so as everyone else.
View Rights PortalFür Juno Ryan bricht eine Welt zusammen, als sie erfährt, dass ihr Freund Brad bei einem tragischen Unglück ums Leben gekommen ist. Und als wäre das nicht schon schlimm genug, stellt sich heraus, dass der Mann, den sie liebte und mit dem sie von einer gemeinsamen Zukunft träumte, verheiratet war und einen Sohn hat. In ihrer Verzweiflung flüchtet sie nach Spanien in das Ferienhaus einer Freundin, in die idyllische Villa Naranja. Der blaue Himmel, ein streunender Kater und nicht zuletzt Pep, der attraktive Sohn des benachbarten Weinbauern, sind Balsam für ihre Seele.Nach und nach scheint sie die Vergangenheit hinter sich lassen zu können, doch als eines Tages Max, der Bruder ihres Geliebten, in ihr kleines Refugium einbricht, muss Juno sich ihren Gefühlen stellen und herausfinden, was sie im Leben wirklich will …
Für Juno Ryan bricht eine Welt zusammen, als sie erfährt, dass ihr Freund Brad bei einem tragischen Unglück ums Leben gekommen ist. Und als wäre das nicht schon schlimm genug, stellt sich heraus, dass der Mann, den sie liebte und mit dem sie von einer gemeinsamen Zukunft träumte, verheiratet war und einen Sohn hat. In ihrer Verzweiflung flüchtet sie nach Spanien in das Ferienhaus einer Freundin, in die idyllische Villa Naranja. Der blaue Himmel, ein streunender Kater und nicht zuletzt Pep, der attraktive Sohn des benachbarten Weinbauern, sind Balsam für ihre Seele.Nach und nach scheint sie die Vergangenheit hinter sich lassen zu können, doch als eines Tages Max, der Bruder ihres Geliebten, in ihr kleines Refugium einbricht, muss Juno sich ihren Gefühlen stellen und herausfinden, was sie im Leben wirklich will …
MicroDosis is a diary written during the last two years in which Enrique Bunbury decides to experiment in his conscience the ingestion of microdoses of psilocybin. The genre chosen by the author to narrate this inner journey is poetry. In this way Bunbury consolidates his incursion into literature after the appearance in 2021 of his first collection of poems Exilio Topanga (La Bella Varsovia) adding to the aesthetic features present in that one an atmosphere of psychedelia and a critique of "the mental norm" of the system. MicroDosis is an experiential and intimate book that contemplates the daily routine with eyes that open without hesitation the doors of another perception. Space and time acquire a new depth, just as they do in Krishnamurti's diaries, grafting onto its passages the heritage of the American beat generation, the oneirism of David Lynch and a very filmic plasticity that runs through Los Angeles with a neural network in flames. Taking the words of Vicente Gallego in his prologue: "Of that extinction of oneself in the cosmic amplitude, of those inner journeys where the familiar becomes unacceptable and the prodigious dawns to its prodigality the pages of this book written with his underpants off, but full of affection for everything, including the always vain spectacle of this world, speak to us." Four editions since March 2023 6000 copies sold
In 1919, Walter Gropius founded the Staatliche Bauhaus in Weimar (Germany): a place for construction. The project was born as a utopian school in which to train, integrating various artistic disciplines through the object and architecture, the new craftsmen that would be demanded for a sweeping beginning of the century. An idea that would evolve into design from its headquarters in Dessau with the famous "art and technology: a new unity". However, the intellectual recognition of the Bauhaus is a fact that historically focused on its male protagonists, forgetting a number of women artists, designers, set designers, painters or architects trained there who contributed decisively to this "revolution", and whose work in the imaginary about the Bauhaus has remained invisible, despite developing their respective careers with an unquestionable international impact. With this work, Marisa Vadillo fills this gap, completing the reality of the school by recounting the outstanding role of these fundamental authors in an unrepeatable episode of twentieth-century art.
The series Underutilized and Underexploited Horticultural Crops are reviewed in several science journals for its uniqueness and richness in content and botanical information. Enlarging the food base and food basket along with validated information on plants for industry, dyes, timber, energy and medicine is the core theme of the series. The third volume has 25 s written by 46 scientists from UK, Mexico, Spain, India, USA, Turkey and Nigeria. The crops covered are atuna, African de bolita, capers and caper plants, kair, natural dye plants, plants used for dye sources, underutilized wild edible fruits of Kerala, bael, carambola, tropical plum, citrus, fig, guava, star gooseberry, hog-plum, underutilized leaf vegetables of sub-Himalayan terai region, underutilized vegetables of Tripura, agathi and chekkurmanis, celosia, colocasia, edible begonias, kangkong, underutilized palms, Atuna and African de bolita are new crops to Indian readeNatural dyes are attaining significant commercial importance in view of the negative effects of synthetic dyes which are allergic and in a few cases carcinogenic. Underutilized fruits like bael, carambola, tropical plum, fig, star gooseberry and hog-plum are receiving attention in view of their wider adaptability and suitability to grow under conditions of stress. Underexploited leaf vegetables like agathi, chekkurmanis, celosia, edible begonias and kangkong have been given prominence. Prof.Ghillean T Prance, FRS has contributed the on Atuna. The Editor is Dr K V Peter Former Vice-Chancellor, Kerala Agricultural University.
Understanding public health has never been more important It is in the headlines as never before. Aimed at all interested individuals but particularly students and professionals in nursing, medicine, social work and public health, this book encourages critical debate and reflection for a deep understanding of the complexities of public health.
Il Vermouth di Torino è per eccellenza un simbolo dell’aperitivo in tutto il mondo. Nasce nel 1700 dalla maestria dei liquoristi torinesi, poi diventa un prodotto esportato ovunque. Immagini indimenticabili sono state create da importanti artisti per la sua réclame. Stupende etichette con la loro speciale grafica ne hanno portato e ne portano il nome in mille Paesi. Questo vino sta vivendo un’epoca di grande apprezzamento, tanto da aver ottenuto dall’Unione Europea il riconoscimento dell’Indicazione Geografica che identifica e sancisce il legame con una terra, una tradizione, un “saper fare” unico. Bevuto puro o in celeberrimi cocktail, il Vermouth di Torino è protagonista di un racconto avvincente che parte dalla mondana “ora del Vermouth” tipica di Torino, per giungere al moderno rito sociale dell’“happy hour".
Yony Leyser developed the idea for Queercore: How to Punk a Revolution during a tour with a group of queer artists. Years later, the acquired baggage would be translated into the acclaimed documentary project of which this book offers for the first time a translation. Here it is made clear that punk and queer are not musical styles or genres, but ideals worth fighting for. Ways to make the world we live in a better and more fun place. Leyser takes up the legacy of queercore to fight against any kind of conformism, encouraging the audience to break free and constitute a liberating and transforming force in society. Brimming with testimonials from icons such as Peaches, John Waters, Bruce LaBruce, Billie Joe Amstrong, Jodi Bleyle and Lynn Breedlove, this book is a treasure trove for the queer community.