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Promoted ContentSeptember 1991
Mexikanischer Tango
Roman. Aus dem Spanischen von Monika López
by Ángeles Mastretta
Ángeles Mastretta wurde 1949 in Puebla, Mexiko, geboren. Sie studierte Kommunikationswissenschaften an der Fakultät für Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften der Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), u.a. bei Juan Rulfo. Nach ihrer Promotion war sie bis 1985 als Redakteurin und Mitarbeiterin im Rundfunk, Fernsehen und bei verschiedenen mexikanischen Zeitschriften tätig. Ángeles Mastretta widmete sich immer auch der schriftstellerischen Tätigkeit, deren Früchte sie nur zum Teil veröffentlichte, so 1975 ihren Gedichtband La pájara pinta. Den Titel für ihren ersten Roman, der 1985 in Mexiko erschien, fand sie in dem zeitgenössischen Tango Arráncame la vida (dt. Mexikanischer Tango, 1988) des mexikanischen Komponisten und Musikers Agustín Lara. Für diesen Roman erhielt sie im selben Jahr den hochangesehenen Literaturpreis Premio Mazatlán, der vor ihr u.a. an Octavio Paz, Juan Rulfo, Elena Poniatowska und Isabel Allende verliehen wurde. 1990 folgte die Veröffentlichung ihres dritten Buches Mujeres de ojos grandes (dt. Frauen mit großen Augen, 1992). Für ihren zweiten Roman, Mal de Amores (1996, dt. Emilia, 1998), für den sie 1997 als erste Frau mit dem bedeutendsten Literaturpreis Lateinamerikas, dem Rómulo-Gallegos-Preis, ausgezeichnet wurde. Angeles Mastretta lebt mit ihrem Mann, dem Schriftsteller und Journalisten Héctor Aguilar Camín, und ihren beiden Kindern in Mexiko-Stadt.
Trusted PartnerTrue stories (Children's/YA)August 2018
by María Jose Ferrada, María Elena Valdez
Thirty-four poems, one for each of the young children (all under the age of 14) that were executed, arrested or disappeared during the Chilean dictatorship. A book dedicated to all those little Chilean victims, but also to all the children that each day suffer the consequences of violence.
Trusted PartnerPoetry (Children's/YA)August 2018
Poemas breves salvajes
by María José Ferrada, Ana Palmero
"Hidden in his horn he guards the secret of the jungle”. This might be as well the beginning of a novel, but it's an inspired riddle about wild animals. The illustrations in high varnish of this edition highlight the different skin textures of each animal and invites the reader to discover a new way of reading in a tactile and playful way.
FictionSeptember 2023
Those who listen
Sinopsis : The closing ceremony of the Future Summit has an unexpected ending that puts the G7 presidents in an awkward position. While their advisors try to find out who has caused this problem and how to solve it, scenes from the lives of characters united by one fact are interspersed: they all hear a strange noise, the origin of which they cannot determine. This sound has side effects that will make them rethink their lives and their ethical convictions in a world that seems to be crumbling by the minute. When the future seems like a territory populated by ghosts, Diego Sánchez Aguilar explores, in Those who listen, all the forms of anxiety and fear that define contemporary society. And it will be difficult to emerge unscathed from his relentless enquiry. In Those who listen, Diego Sánchez Aguilar explores all the forms of Anxiety and Fear that define our contemporary society. “A thoughtful novel that avoids sermons: the best way to be a political novel” José María Pozuelo Yvancos . A novel that reminds us Thomas Pinchon, David Foster Wallace, Don DeLillo, and the Bulgarian Guéorgui Gospodínov. And something to do as well with Vivir abajo by Gustavo Faverón. The second novel by Murcian writer Diego Sánchez Aguilar (first one, Factsbook) is an extensive book with a deep political, contemporary and current commitment. A novel about anxiety, family, care, madness, the planet, capitalism and language. It is also a novel about language, about the way in which language constructs the world and, above all, about what future is possible, thinkable or imaginable within the horizon of meanings of a language dominated by the ideology of marketing and economic profit and infinite growth. Diego Sánchez Aguilar shows, with humour and precision, how this language determines common sense, and defines what is reasonable and what is madness.
May 2018
The District's Rural Public Policy of Bogotá, D.C. Implementation of an Environmental Policy under the Human Development Framework
by Estíbaliz Aguilar Galeano, Julián Francisco Figueroa Espinel
The District’s Public Policy (ppdr) was formulated for Bogotá City (Colombia) in 2006. It came up as an administration tool for the territorial sustainable environmental management and for overcoming the exclusion of the population, from a human development approach. We present here the process and results of a case study in which we intended to analyze the implementation of the ppdr to contribute to understand the obstacles, successes and new challenges occurred by the inclusion of human development in public environmental policies. The study focused on environmental issues reported by the District´s public entities, corresponding to the government periods 2008-2011 “Bogotá Positiva: Para Vivir Mejor” and 2012 - 2015 “Bogotá Humana”. The analysis of the actions implemented under the ppdr framework showed that these have contributed in the betterment of human development in rural areas. It shows the importance of developing policies focused on the nature conservation as well as social and economic development of the populations living in direct contact with it, by integrating completely the equity issues into the environmental policies.
OncologyJanuary 2010
Fast Facts: Colorectal Cancer
by Irving Taylor, Garcia-Aguilar, Robyn Ward
Early detection is essential if patients are to be offered the best chance of survival from colorectal cancer. Many of the genetic and environmental factors that contribute to the development of this disease are now well recognized. In addition, new drug therapies have changed the way colorectal cancer is treated. Fast Facts: Colorectal Cancer delivers concise and highly practical information on all aspects of this all too common disease. This fully updated third edition provides invaluable information for the primary care team, who are key to the screening and diagnosis of the disease, and essential to the provision of optimal support services. Written by three international specialists, this new edition has been substantially revised and expanded, and includes: discussion of the latest therapeutic developments in both the adjuvant and metastatic setting, updated information on the genetic factors that contribute to development of the disease and expert guidance on diagnosis, screening and treatments. Table of contents: Epidemiology and pathophysiology Clinical presentation Diagnosis and staging Screening and surveillance Treatment of the primary disease Large bowel obstruction Advanced and recurrent disease Multidisciplinary management Future trends
by Suzette Celaya
It is the late sixties and a town is about to be drowned because the government decided to build a dam there. The inhabitants are exhorted, in one way or another, to abandon everything and start again somewhere else. Little by little the families succumb to the inevitable, except Violeta, who refuses to leave, abandon her dead, leave her roots. This is how she becomes the witness of everything that is happening: the corruption, the desolation, the sadness. With a mirror and a machete, she walks through the streets of the town, through the cemetery, attends her work in the church and, above all, resists. With a wonderful narrative voice, Suzette Celaya Aguilar builds a contained universe, in which The characters wander before a reality that is fading, where violence is exercised from different angles and, yet, manages to maintain a light that amalgamates all the eviction that is coming.
Family & healthJanuary 2021
The Two Hemispheres of Lucca
by Barbara Anderson
Written in a straightforward tone, Argentinian journalist Barbara Anderson tells the story of her son, Lucca, and the trip his family took with him to India for a futuristic treatment for the cerebral palsy he suffered from birth. Telling the story of the trip is also telling the story of how Barbara and her husband deal with the challenges of raising a child with an irreversible diagnosis. But the trip to India was life-changing…for everyone. Lucca became one of the first children to take two 28-day treatments with Indian scientist Rajah Kumar, in 2017 and 2019. Kumar is the inventor and developer of a groundbreaking neurogenesis treatment using Cytotron, a revolutionary technology. Lucca’s story does not end at the treatment, as Barbara championed the idea of bringing Cytotron to Mexico.
May 2018
Augustine of Hippo as Doctor Pacis. Studies on Peace in The Contemporary World, vol. 1
by Anthony Dupont, Enrique Eguiarte Bendímez, Massimo Borghesi, Gabriel Quicke, Ignacio López, Oscar Velásquez, Pamela Chávez Aguilar, Michael J. S. Bruno, Gregory W. Lee, Carlos Novella García, Maximiliano Prada Dussán, Martin Bellerose
Debate is ongoing about Augustine’s political philosophy, and more particularly about his views on the relations between Church and State. This volume brings together a number of contributions that examine Augustine’s theoretical views on the subject. Augustine assumed his responsibilities as a theologian and Church leader: the truth of the faith and the unity of the Church could not be compromised. He did not hesitate to appeal to the civil authorities in the pursuit of this goal. In fact, he even ventured to deploy the civil authority, the emperor, against an ecclesiastical authority such as Pope Zosimus. This appeal to the secular arm of power was inspired on the one hand by Augustine’s concern for the preservation of order and peace, and on the other by his faith in the rights of truth. Yet this aspiration of Augustine’s was not absolute either. He rejected the idea that humans should be converted forcibly, against their will. He also condemned anything that compromised the physical integrity of human beings. In short, Augustine also recognised the value of the political system. This served to safeguard the good ends of earthly life, i.e. peace and justice. But Augustine believed this earthly peace and justice were reflections of the heavenly peace and justice, which are the foundation of earthly order and stability.
October 2020
Vida que resurge en las orillas
Experiencias del Taller Mujeres, Arte y Política en Ecatepec
by Amador, Manuel; Mondragón, Rafael; Romero Jiménez, Karla Paola; Aguilar Navarrete, Carolina; Soberanes Flores, Carla Gabriela; Rea, Daniela; Zamora Ceballos, Lua; Ceballos, Diana; Andrade, Norma; González Ángeles, Mayra; Buendía Cortés, Irinea; Covarrubias Hernández, María Eugenia; Vázquez Domínguez, Dulce María; Monter Arizmendi, Nayade; Gutiérrez, Ricardo; Santangelo, Eugenio; González Rosas, Galia Isabel; Peñoñori, Iván
Vida que resurge en las orillas" (Life that resurfaces on the shores) compiles ten years of the work of Manuel Amador and the Women, Art and Politics Workshop, which has inspired dozens of collective actions to confront violence against women in Ecatepec and the rest of Mexico. The protagonists of these actions are co-authors of the book. The voices and images gathered in this book are one of the most important experiences for the construction of peace and justice through art in recent years. In this insistence appeared a pedagogy from the bodies and the art, a pedagogy of the performance against the damage and the mistreatment; a knowledge as answer before the destruction of lives, an alternative speech of human rights before the precarization and the silencing. Actions of performance that generate, from the body, a ritual... For justice and the knowledge that is born from those bodies, for hope and memory"".
General fiction (Children's/YA)2012
The Girl Who Got Lost in Her Hair
by Andrés Kalawski, Andrea Ugarte
Lucia is a girl who gets easily angry. When she does, she covers her face with her beautiful long black hair. One day, she got very angry and did not find any better idea that proceed as usual. By the time she tried to get out from those multiple strands, she saw a light and walked towards it, thinking she would finally find the way out. But only when she got there, she discovered what was really hidden inside her hair… A journey into a girl who learns to overcome her own fears.
August 2013
Carmen, a Gypsy Geography
by Ninotchka Devorah Bennahum
Encounters with the Gypsy female flamenco dancer throughout history
Thriller / suspenseJune 2013
Dolor y Dinero-La Verdadera Historia
Pain and Gain-The Untold True Story
by Marc Schiller
La verdadera historia tras la película Dolor y Dinero Este libro demuestra que a veces la verdad es más extraña que la ficción! Era el año 1994, Marc y su familia vivian una vida normal en Miami, Florida. No se imaginaba que en Noviembre de ese año, su vida y la de su familia iba a cambiar para siempre. Los acontecimientos que se iban a desarrollarse no podían ser concebidos por la imaginación más vivida.En este sorprendente libro narra los acontecimientos que condujeron a su secuestro y su intento de asesinato. Lo transportara y colocara en la bodega donde fue encarcelado y le dara una perspectiva única de los hechos ocurridos durante ese mes horroroso y la lucha física y mental para vencer los obstáculos y sobrevivir.Marc narra su historia en detalle tortuoso. Su humillación, dolor y sufrimiento a manos de la banda Sun Gym y su supervivencia milagrosa.Usted va a entender cómo y por qué él sobrevivió y que a un ser humano le pueden quitar todo pero nunca su espíritu y la determinación de sobrevivir.Nadie creyó su historia, ni la policía ni ninguna otra persona. Sin embargo, mantuvo firme y decidido a llevar a los criminales ante la justicia antes de que vuelvan cometer otro crimen similar. ¡Una historia verdaderamente desgarradora y que no solamente usted no podrá olvidar pronto, sino que le motivará e inspirará!
Aprender a pensar en positivo
¡Atrévete… ya! El cielo es el límite
by Mariel Mambretti
In this volume, you will learn about the prodigious qualities of the brain, the powerhouse that governs who we are and, above all, how much we can become. Right now, millions of neurons are working for you, flashing, sending out a constant electrical flow. These tiny cells transmit sensations, desires, feelings, but also orders, attitudes, dispositions. Learning to wield that prodigious force to your advantage is at your fingertips. You can do it. Also, the brain can give answers that no computer has. It is proven that this amazing quality can be educated and increased. Whoever trains his ability to think, who knows how to encourage it and use his wealth of intelligence to the fullest, will have that tool available to geniuses, whose brain is potentially similar to everyone's. To achieve this, here you will find exercises and small challenges that will allow you to face the greatest challenges, those that will undoubtedly lead you to the goal.
Biography & True StoriesMay 2011
The Sex Slave Murders
The True Story of Serial Killers Gerald & Charlene Gallego
by R. Barri Flowers
The Sex Slave Murders is an international bestselling true crime book. A marriage made in hell... Barely five feet tall, sweet and innocent looking, Charlene Gallego used all of her charms to beguile pretty teenage girls and young women into the back of a van, where her lethal husband, Gerald, lay waiting. A killer couple bound together by secrets, lies, and sex slave fantasies... Married multiple times and still in his early thirties, Gerald Gallego found the perfect companion in Charlene. Over a grisly period of twenty-six months, their bloody and brutal rampage of kidnapping, rape, and murder spanned three states and claimed eleven lives. In this much more frightening than fiction tale of domination, depraved lust, substance abuse, violence, and murder, award winning, bestselling criminologist R. Barri Flowers tells the whole story of a couple's twisted relationship, their ghastly crimes and ability to elude the law, how they were finally captured, and the two riveting trials that ultimately pitted wife against husband with the stakes higher than either once imagined in their murderous bond. "Selected as one of Suspense Magazine's Best of 2011 books." -- John Raab, CEO/Publisher, Suspense Magazine "A gripping account of the murders committed by husband-and-wife serial killers Gerald and Charlene Gallego. Top true crime author and criminologist R. Barri Flowers provides his keen insight and expertise into what made these killing partners tick. Flowers knows his stuff. Compelling reading." -- Gary C. King, author of Blood Lust
November 2023
Simplifying the Journey
Six Steps to Schoolwide Collaboration, Consistency, and Clarity in a PLC at Work®(A simple road map for teachers and teams with practical actions you can apply for immediate results)
by Sonju, Bob
Smart educators know simplicity is key to mitigating overwhelm and ensuring success. This book will help. Access the proven PLC at Work® process in a straightforward, easy-to-implement guide. Designated actions and essential steps for teachers, school leaders, and coaches focus on answering each of the four critical questions of a professional learning community so you can be confident you are doing the right work. This book will help teachers, school leaders, and coaches: Learn the six actions that help answer each of the four critical questions of a PLC Create a shared vision among teacher and leadership teams and gain clarity on student mastery of essential standards Employ meaningful feedback to encourage student self-assessment and ownership of learning Utilize field-tested prompts, rubrics, and templates to facilitate effective ongoing collaboration Address common roadblocks in establishing a collaborative school culture and work environment Contents: Introduction Chapter 1: Identifying Essential Standards and Skills Chapter 2: Gaining Shared Clarity and Defining Mastery Chapter 3: Encouraging Student Ownership Through Student Self-Assessment Chapter 4: Utilizing Formative Assessment for Feedback Chapter 5: Learning From Formative Data Chapter 6: Creating Extra Time and Support Chapter 7: Ensuring Focused, Productive Collaboration Final Thoughts References and Resources Index
Food & Drink
Essay on Philippine Food and Culture
by Doreen G. Fernandez
Doreen Gamboa Fernandez represents “the compleat writer” – her incisive yet soulful writing, coupled with her keen understanding of the Filipino’s culture and psyche, has brought her (and us fortunate readers) into the very essence of Filipino cooking. According to her, “Writing about food should not be left to newspaper food columnists, or to restaurant reporters. It should be taken from us by historians of the culture, by dramatists and essayists, by novelists, and especially by poets. For it is an act of understanding, an extension of experience. If one can savor the word, then one can swallow the world.”
The ArtsAugust 2019
by Fernanda Arêas Peixoto and Adrián Gorelik (editors)
Organized by Fernanda Arêas Peixoto, professor at the Department of Anthropology of the University of São Paulo, and Adrián Gorelik, professor at the University of Quilmes, this book is the result of a collective research project about the cultural urban history in South America, which was developed by a group of South American researchers. Using as a compass the notion of “cultural arena”, this work performs a reflection on the city as a place of cultural germination, experimentation and resistance. Some cities – Buenos Aires, Santiago, Lima, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Salvador, Montevideo, among others – are studied in order to capture the intimate and inextricable relations between city and culture.