Vida que resurge en las orillas
Experiencias del Taller Mujeres, Arte y Política en Ecatepec
by Amador, Manuel; Mondragón, Rafael; Romero Jiménez, Karla Paola; Aguilar Navarrete, Carolina; Soberanes Flores, Carla Gabriela; Rea, Daniela; Zamora Ceballos, Lua; Ceballos, Diana; Andrade, Norma; González Ángeles, Mayra; Buendía Cortés, Irinea; Covarrubias Hernández, María Eugenia; Vázquez Domínguez, Dulce María; Monter Arizmendi, Nayade; Gutiérrez, Ricardo; Santangelo, Eugenio; González Rosas, Galia Isabel; Peñoñori, Iván
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The power of art to transform women's lives in one of the most dangerous places in Mexico.
Author Biography
Manuel Amador has been an animator of the Women's Art and Politics Workshop in Ecatepec for more than ten years. In this space he has promoted activities related to the defense of human rights. Rafael Mondragón is a researcher at the UNAM and a regular participant in community work experiences. In this book, both bring together young people from Ecatepec who have participated in the project since its foundation until now, as well as the voices of journalists, academics and human rights defenders who have accompanied the workshop.
Heredad Editorial
Heredad is a publishing cooperative dedicated to publishing books on art, history, thought and community work. Our books celebrate the beauty of our world and gather experiences in defense of life.
View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Publisher Heredad Editorial
- Publication Date October 2020
- Orginal LanguageSpanish
- ISBN/Identifier 9786079868215
- Publication Country or regionMexico
- Pages214
- Publish StatusPublished
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