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      • Adriana Hidalgo editora

        Adriana Hidalgo editora is one of the most prestigious publishing houses in Argentina, with great recognition in Latin America and Spain. Founded in 1999, it specializes in literature, essays, philosophy, art and illustrated books. It publishes both argentine and translated authors. Its catalogue currently holds more than 400 titles and it stands out for its literary profile and for the constant discovery of new authors. In 2009, and with our publishing house’s 10th year’s anniversary, Pípala was created: an illustrated book’s imprint of Adriana Hidalgo editora Pípala is now an independent imprint for illustrated books for both children and adults, based on a powerful catalogue that is in permanent development. It publishes translated works from all over the world (Corea, France, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, etc.) as well as original works in Spanish from Latin American and Spanish writers and illustrators.

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        Civil rights & citizenship
        July 2015

        Anti-terrorism, citizenship and security

        by Lee Jarvis, Michael Lister

        This book explores how different publics make sense of and evaluate anti-terrorism powers within the UK, and the implications of this for citizenship and security. Drawing on primary empirical research, the book argues that whilst white individuals are not unconcerned about the effects of anti-terrorism, ethnic minority citizens (including, but not only those identifying as Muslim) believe that anti-terrorism powers have impacted negatively on their citizenship and security. This book thus offers the first systematic engagement with 'vernacular' or 'everyday' understandings of anti-terrorism policy, citizenship and security. It argues that while transformations in anti-terrorism frameworks impact on public experiences of security and citizenship, they do not do so in a uniform, homogeneous, or predictable manner. At the same time, public understandings and expectations of security and citizenship themselves shape how developments in anti-terrorism frameworks are discussed and evaluated. This important new book will be of interest to researchers and students working in a wide range of disciplines including Political Science, International Relations, Security Studies and Sociology.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2018

        Anti-terrorism, citizenship and security

        by Lee Jarvis, Michael Lister

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        March 2019

        Kick-Ass Women

        52 wahre Heldinnen

        by Mackenzi Lee, Jenny Merling

        Die Weltgeschichte kennt kaum Heldinnen, meint man(n). Ist aber Quatsch. Denn das, was als Weltgeschichte gilt, wird von alten, weißen Männern entschieden. Und die haben ein Faible für ihresgleichen. Oder schon mal von der mächtigsten Verbrecherkönigin New Yorks gehört? Oder der russischen self-made Panzerkommandeurin auf Nazi-Jagd? Von der Jiu-Jitsu-Suffragette, der gefährlichsten Piratin der Weltmeere, der … nein? Komisch. Dieses Buch versammelt 52 sagenhafte Heldinnen und ihre wahren Geschichten – actionreich, informativ und ein schillernder Appell an alle Frauen, nie an der eigenen Großartigkeit zu zweifeln.

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        February 2003

        HAPPY und kein ENDe

        Gebrauchsanweisung für das Leben mit Mann

        by Lee, Jenny / Übersetzt von Savigny, Katharina von

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        J. Lee Thompson

        by Steve Chibnall

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        February 2016

        Szenen einer drohenden Heirat

        Ein voreheliches Memoir | Das perfekte Geschenk zu Hochzeit und Valentinstag

        by Adrian Tomine, Katharina Dittes

        »Müssen wir die wirklich alle einladen???« Was könnte ein schöneres Geschenk für Hochzeitsgäste sein als ein Buch aus der eigenen Feder? Das dachte sich der Graphic-Novel-Autor Adrian Tomine und bannte auf Papier, was ihn und seine Braut Sarah in den Monaten vor der Hochzeit umtrieb, was ihre Nerven blanklegte und ihnen den Schlaf raubte – denn der Weg zum Traualtar ist ein steiniger Pfad: Bei der Gästeliste trennt sich die Spreu vom Weizen, an der Frage „Band oder DJ?“ scheiden sich die Geister, und die Menüfolge ist ja sowieso Geschmackssache. Und zwischen Probeessen, Tanzkurs und Blumenbouquets tönen bald die Zweifel an diesem Wahnsinnsunterfangen lauter als die Hochzeitsglocken: Hilfe! Wie kommen wir aus der Nummer wieder raus?! Für alle, die noch nicht vor dem Standesbeamten, dafür aber kurz vor dem Nervenzusammenbruch stehen, ist Adrian Tomines charmante Graphic Novel genau das richtige Beruhigungsmittel. Sie zeigt, wie wahnsinnig und wie wunderbar es ist, eine Hochzeit zu planen. Happy End garantiert.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2023

        No masters but God

        Portraits of anarcho-Judaism

        by Hayyim Rothman

        The forgotten legacy of religious Jewish anarchism, and the adventures and ideas of its key figures, finally comes to light in this book. Set in the decades surrounding both world wars, No masters but God identifies a loosely connected group of rabbis and traditionalist thinkers who explicitly appealed to anarchist ideas in articulating the meaning of the Torah, traditional practice, Jewish life and the mission of modern Jewry. Full of archival discoveries and first translations from Yiddish and Hebrew, it explores anarcho-Judaism in its variety through the works of Yaakov Meir Zalkind, Yitshak Nahman Steinberg, Yehudah Leyb Don-Yahiya, Avraham Yehudah Heyn, Natan Hofshi, Shmuel Alexandrov, Yehudah Ashlag and Aaron Shmuel Tamaret. With this ground-breaking account, Hayyim Rothman traces a complicated story about the modern entanglement of religion and anarchism, pacifism and Zionism, prophetic anti-authoritarianism and mystical antinomianism.

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        April 1975



        by Adrian Naef

        Adrian Naef, geboren 1948 in Wallisellen (Schweiz), lebt in Zürich. Nach dem Studium der Ökonomie arbeitete er in der Jugend- und Erwachsenenbildung, als Religionslehrer, Journalist, Musiker und Schauspieler, als Körpertherapeut, Spitalpädagoge und Bildredakteur.

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        November 2022

        Cancel Culture Transfer

        Wie eine moralische Panik die Welt erfasst | Das Phänomen »Cancel Culture« verstehen

        by Adrian Daub

        Ein Gespenst geht um in Europa, ja in der ganzen Welt – das Gespenst der Cancel Culture. Glaubt man diversen Zeitungen, dürfen insbesondere weiße Männer jenseits der vierzig praktisch nichts mehr sagen, wenn sie nicht ihren guten Ruf oder gar ihren Job riskieren wollen. Ist da etwas dran? Oder handelt es sich häufig um Panikmache, bei der Aktivist:innen zu einer Gefahr für die moralische Ordnung stilisiert werden, um ihre berechtigten Anliegen zu diskreditieren? Der Ursprung der Cancel Culture wird üblicherweise an US-Universitäten verortet. Adrian Daub lehrt im kalifornischen Stanford Literaturwissenschaft. Er zeigt, wie während der Reagan-Jahre entwickelte Deutungsmuster über Campus-Romane verbreitet und auf die Gesellschaft insgesamt übertragen wurden. Man pickt einige wenige Anekdoten heraus und reicht sie herum, was auch hierzulande zu einer verzerrten Wahrnehmung führt. Anhand quantitativer Analysen zeichnet Daub nach, wie diese Diagnosen immer weitere Kreise zogen, bis sie auch die Twitter-Kanäle deutscher Politiker erfassten.

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        The Arts
        December 2024

        Addressing the other woman

        Textual correspondences in feminist art and writing

        by Kimberly Lamm

        This book analyses how three artists - Adrian Piper, Nancy Spero and Mary Kelly - worked with the visual dimensions of language in the 1960s and 1970s. These artists used text and images of writing to challenge female stereotypes, addressing viewers and asking them to participate in the project of imagining women beyond familiar words and images of subordination. The book explores this dimension of their work through the concept of 'the other woman', a utopian wish to reach women and correspond with them across similarities and differences. To make the artwork's aspirations more concrete, it places the artists in correspondence with three writers - Angela Davis, Valerie Solanas, and Laura Mulvey - who also addressed the limited range of images through which women are allowed to become visible.

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        Science & Mathematics
        April 2019

        The Discovery of a Visual System - The Honeybee

        by Adrian Horridge

        This book is the only account of what honeybees actually see. Bees detect some visual features such as edges and colours, but there is no sign that they reconstruct patterns or put together features to form objects. Bees detect motion but have no perception of what it is that moves, and certainly they do not recognize "things" by their shapes. Yet they clearly see well enough to fly and find food with a minute brain. Bee vision is therefore relevant to the construction of simple artificial visual systems, for example for mobile robots. The surprising conclusion is that bee vision is adapted to the recognition of places, not things. In this volume, Adrian Horridge also sets out the curious and contentious history of how bee vision came to be understood, with an account of a century of neglect of old experimental results, errors of interpretation, sharp disagreements, and failures of the scientific method. The design of the experiments and the methods of making inferences from observations are also critically examined, with the conclusion that scientists are often hesitant, imperfect and misleading, ignore the work of others, and fail to consider alternative explanations. The erratic path to understanding makes interesting reading for anyone with an interest in the workings of science but particularly those researching insect vision and invertebrate sensory systems.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2024

        Manchester minds

        A university history of ideas

        by Stuart Jones

        A bicentennial celebration of brilliant thinkers from The University of Manchester's history. The year 2024 marks two centuries since the establishment of The University of Manchester in its earliest form. The first of England's civic universities, Manchester has been home and host to a huge number of influential thinkers and generated world-changing ideas. This book presents a rich account of the remarkable contribution that people associated with The University of Manchester have made to human knowledge. A who's who of Manchester greats, it presents fascinating snapshots of pioneering artists, scholars and scientists, from the poet and activist Eva Gore-Booth to the economist Arthur Lewis, the computer scientist Alan Turing and the physicist Brian Cox.

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        January 1984

        Adrian der Tulpendieb

        Ein Schelmenroman

        by Rombach, Otto

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        The Arts
        January 2013

        Chinese Arts and Crafts Masters

        Lu Guangzheng—Dongyang Wood Carving

        by Zhang Yuhai

        This set of book introduces 50 artists who were conferred “Chinese Arts and Crafts Master”. They all have their unique skills with outstanding contributions. Each book has an interview with the master to show the unique technique and design concept to the readers.

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