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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2024

        Die Klage des Friedens

        Der grundlegende Text der Friedensbewegung

        by Erasmus Rotterdam, Kurt Steinmann, Kurt Steinmann

        Mit scharfsinniger Kritik und humanistischem Idealismus stellt dieser klassische Text die drängende Frage nach Frieden in einer von Auseinandersetzungen geprägten Welt – und ist damit heute von erschütternder, doch wegweisender Aktualität. Im kriegs- und konfliktgebeutelten Europa verleiht Erasmus von Rotterdam 1517 der Friedensgöttin Pax eine Stimme: Ihre Klage über den heillosen Zustand der Welt ist zugleich Anklage der Mächtigen und Aufruf eines jeden Einzelnen dazu, die verheerenden Folgen von Krieg und Gewalt nicht hinzunehmen. Sie erinnert daran, die Hoffnung auf Frieden nicht aufzugeben und sich allen politischen Wirren zum Trotz für Versöhnung und Frieden einzusetzen, statt mit Waffen durch Dialog, Vernunft und Menschlichkeit.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2024

        Die Klage des Friedens

        Der grundlegende Text der Friedensbewegung

        by Erasmus von Rotterdam, Kurt Steinmann, Kurt Steinmann

        Mit scharfsinniger Kritik und humanistischem Idealismus stellt dieser klassische Text die drängende Frage nach Frieden in einer von Auseinandersetzungen geprägten Welt – und ist damit heute von erschütternder, doch wegweisender Aktualität. Im kriegs- und konfliktgebeutelten Europa verleiht Erasmus von Rotterdam 1517 der Friedensgöttin Pax eine Stimme: Ihre Klage über den heillosen Zustand der Welt ist zugleich Anklage der Mächtigen und Aufruf eines jeden Einzelnen dazu, die verheerenden Folgen von Krieg und Gewalt nicht hinzunehmen. Sie erinnert daran, die Hoffnung auf Frieden nicht aufzugeben und sich allen politischen Wirren zum Trotz für Versöhnung und Frieden einzusetzen, statt mit Waffen durch Dialog, Vernunft und Menschlichkeit.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Six Hundred Year History of the Forbidden City

        by Yan Chongnian

        "A Forbidden City tells half of Chinese history." This book takes the six hundred year history of the Forbidden City as a clue, tells stories built around the Forbidden City, and represents stories of the emperors, generals and ministers of state, the concubines, even the bodyguards, eunuchs, imperial doctors, and other people on the historical stage of the Forbidden City. There are not only well-known historical events but also secret histories of the palace, with more than 500 historical figures vividly interpreting the vicissitudes of life in the book.   The famous historian Yan Chongnian, with his unique vision, selects the most representative historical stories and integrates the events of the changeable Forbidden City of six hundred years into the book. He uses popular and witty diction, combined with his life experience of more than eighty years, to make serious history no longer boring and difficult to understand, so that official history can also be lively and interesting. This is a popularizing history book suitable for readers of all ages. They can better understand the Forbidden City in the palace world built by Yan Chongnian, appreciate the splendid history of Chinese civilization, and develop new insights into life.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        September 2016

        Forest Hydrology

        Processes, Management and Assessment

        by Devendra Amatya, Thomas Williams, Leon Bren, Carmen de Jong

        Forests cover approximately 26% of the world's land surface area and represent a distinct biotic community. They interact with water and soil in a variety of ways, providing canopy surfaces which trap precipitation and allow evaporation back into the atmosphere, thus regulating how much water reaches the forest floor as through fall, as well as pull water from the soil for transpiration. The discipline "forest hydrology" has been developed throughout the 20th century. During that time human intervention in natural landscapes has increased, and land use and management practices have intensified. This book: - Presents cutting edge thinking and assessments in forest hydrology across all latitudes and terrains, including state-of-the-art modelling techniques and methodologies - Describes the latest challenges facing forest hydrology, such as increased occurrence of disturbance, due to extreme floods, drought, disease, and fire, potentially caused by climate change - Is written by an internationally renowned team of scientists, engineers, and managers to give a well-rounded review of the subject The book will be useful for graduate students, professionals, land managers, practitioners, and researchers with a good understanding of the basic principles of hydrology and hydrologic processes. ; This book presents cutting edge thinking and assessments in forest hydrology across all latitudes and terrains, including state-of-the-art modelling techniques and methodologies. It describes challenges facing forest hydrology such as extreme floods, drought, disease, and fire, and is written by an internationally renowned team. ; 1: An Introduction to Forest Hydrology 2: Forest Runoff Processes 3: Forest Evapotranspiration: Measurement and Modelling at Multiple Scales 4: Forest Hydrology of Mountainous and Snow Dominated Watersheds 5: European Perspectives on Forest Hydrology 6: Tropical Forest Hydrology 7: Hydrology of Flooded and Wetland Forests 8: Forest Drainage 9: Hydrological Modeling in Forested Systems 10: Geospatial Technology Applications in Forest Hydrology 11: Forests Cover Changes and Hydrology in Large Watersheds 12: Hydrologic Effects of Forest Management 13: Hydrology of Forests after Wildfire 14: Hydrologic Processes of Reference Watersheds in Experimental Forests, USA 15: Applications of Forest Hydrologic Science to Watershed Management in the 21st Century 16: Hydrology of Taiga Forests in High Northern Latitudes 17: Future Directions in Forest Hydrology

      • January 2022

        Martin Luther and the Shaping of the Catholic Tradtion

        by Nelson H. Minnich, Michael Root

        When Martin Luther distributed his 95 Theses on indulgences on October 31, 1517, he set in motion a chain of events that profoundly transformed the face of Western Christianity. The 500th anniversary of the 95 Theses offered an opportunity to reassess the meaning of that event. The relation of the Catholic Church to the Reformation that Luther set in motion is complex. The Reformation had roots in the late-medieval Catholic tradition and the Catholic reaction to the Reformation altered Catholicism in complex ways, both positive and negative. The theology and practice of the Orthodox church also entered into the discussions. A conference entitled “Luther and the Shaping of the Catholic Tradition,” held at The Catholic University of America, with thirteen Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant speakers from Germany, Finland, France, the Vatican, and the United States addressed these issues and shed new light on the historical, theological, cultural relationship between Luther and the Catholic tradition. It contributes to deepening and extending the recent ecumenical tradition of Luther-Catholic studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2022

        Small Animal Fluid Therapy

        by Edward Cooper, Julien Guillaumin, Page Yaxley, Jiwoong Her, Anda Young

        Fluid therapy is one of the most important aspects of patient management in veterinary medicine, and this book provides guidelines for its safe implementation in clinical practice. It describes fluid compartments of the body and considers the factors that affect movement of administered water, electrolytes and colloids. It also covers characteristics of different fluid types, routes of fluid administration and how to approach fluid supplementation. Finally, this book provides information regarding both general application and monitoring of fluid therapy, as well as consideration of an assortment of specific clinical circumstances. This book: - Provides the tools necessary to develop an appropriate fluid therapy plan for any small animal patient; - Includes careful consideration of potential adverse effects associated with fluid therapy to help optimize safety and efficacy of fluid administration; - Contains numerous colour illustrations and is written by recognized experts from the USA. With multiple case examples to help translate theory into practical advice, this valuable book provides a comprehensive and informative resource for veterinarians facing a range of clinical circumstances.

      • African history
        January 2013

        Black Egyptians

        The African Origins of Ancient Egypt

        by Segun Magbagbeola

      • Fiction
        July 2013

        Acts of Faith

        A 'Cry Freedom' Story

        by Clive Gilson

        The European Renaissance never happened. The Ottomans were not stopped at the gates of Vienna. Ferdinand and Isabella failed in their attempt to defeat the Moors. Imagine a world turned upside down. Northern Europe is the basket case. The Middle East is the centre of the developed and "civilised" world.Acts is a reflective, personal journey, a moving story of loss, love and transition. It is about Marwan the boy and Marwan the man - and not so much the wider socio-political implications of the world he finds himself in, although these glimpses offer a thought-provoking dimension. The story is uplifting as Marwan's humanity shines through: the book itself is like a meditation on isolation, which links the reader with Marwan: to keep the focus on him keeps the reader's focus narrow - so there is a real empathy there. One loves Marwan as Marwan himself loves......and through Marwan's story we ask a simple question; how would we behave if we were dealt the same hand as the Lebanese in the 1980's or the Palestinians and Iraqi's now? Acts of Faith takes us on a journey of hope amid chaos and brutality in a world so very similar to the one that we feel so comfortable in, except that it might very well be we who are the extremists.

      • Biblical studies & exegesis
        October 2015

        Discovering Genesis

        Content, interpretation, reception

        by Iain Provan

        This introduction to the interpretation of Genesis encourages indepth study of the text, and genuine grappling with the theological and historical questions raised, by providing a critical assessment of key interpreters and interpretative debates. It draws on a range of methodological approaches (author-, text- and reader-centred), as complementary rather than mutually exclusive ways of understanding the text. It also reflects the growing scholarly attention to the reception history of biblical texts, increasingly viewed as a vital aspect of interpretation rather than an optional extra.

      • Trees, wildflowers & plants
        June 2006

        Flower Crops

        Cultivation and Management

        by Anil Kumar Singh

        Flower growing, once used to be a gardeners activity has today transformed into an astounding business. In India also, being an integral part of our rich heritage and culture, flower crops have become source of income as highly remunerative crops. Concerted efforts are being made in the country to boost the productivity, quality and export worthiness of several floricultural crops. With the changing trends and constant urge for new innovative products, this is imperative to have information about new potential crops with novel developed varieties and improved production technology. The worldwide interest in floriculture has also forced the agriculture universities and colleges for their perusal on teaching the emerging stream floriculture. Hence, the present book is a result of good compilation of recent advances in floriculture by the author. The publication entitled Flower Crops: Cultivation and Management specifies the practices and problems in growing flower crops along with entire description of crops and potential varieties.

      • Architecture
        July 2018


        Urbanism, architecture, sacred art

        by Percival Tirapeli (author)

        The fruit of an extensive research by Professor Percival Tirapeli, this richly illustrated work covers three centuries of Colonial and Baroque art, and is divided in three parts: “Colonial Urbanism”, “Ecclesiastical Architecture” and “Sacred Art – Furniture and Ornamentation”. “Colonial Urbanism” explains the differences and approximations of the layout and planned urbanism between Hispano-American and Portuguese-Brazilian cities. “Ecclesiastical Architecture” analyzes the cathedrals of the viceroyalties, the audiences and the Brazilian sees. The section “Sacred Art – Furniture and Ornamentation” completes the analysis of churches, examining their retable façades, the furniture of the altars and their ornamental complements, such as sculptures and paintings.

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