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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2021

        Alea Aquarius 7 Teil 1. Im Bannkreis des Schwurs

        by Tanya Stewner, Guido Frommelt, Laura Maire, Frank Gustavus, Claudia Carls

        Romantische Lennlea-Momente garantiert: Alea und Lennox reisen über Land zum sagenumwobenen Loreley-Felsen, wo sie Aleas Zwillingsschwester Anthea vermuten. Mithilfe von Nelanis Rückverwandler und Antheas DNA wollen sie dort Aleas Meermädchenfähigkeiten reaktivieren. Wird das Experiment gelingen? Alle Bände der Reihe auch als CD verfügbar: Band 1: Der Ruf des Wassers Band 2: Die Farben des Meeres Band 3: Das Geheimnis der Ozeane Band 4: Die Macht der Gezeiten (Teil 1 und 2) Band 5: Die Botschaft des Regens (Teil 1 und 2) Band 6: Der Fluss des Vergessens (Teil 1 und 2) Band 7: Im Bannkreis des Schwurs (Teil 1 und 2) Band 8: Der Gesang der Wale (Teil 1 und 2) Weitere Geschichten zur Bestseller-Reihe für jüngere Hörer*innen ab 5: Die Magie der Nixen Ein Lied für die Gilfen Weihnachten mit der Alpha Cru Die Kraft der Wasserkobolde Das erste original Song-Album mit der Alpha-Cru-Musik: Alea Aquarius. Die Songs

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Historical Essays. Volume 1

        by Ivan Lysiak-Rudnytskyi

        The first volume of "Historical Essays" includes works on methodological issues of medieval and early modern history of Ukraine, intellectual history, as well as Ukrainian-Russian, Ukrainian-Polish and Ukrainian - Jewish relations over the centuries. A special place in the book is occupied by studies devoted to the analysis of the concepts of Ukrainian political thinkers of the era of the "national revival" of the 19th century.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2018

        Alea Aquarius 4 Teil 1. Die Macht der Gezeiten

        by Tanya Stewner, Guido Frommelt, Jonatan Frieden, Laura Maire, Frank Gustavus, Claudia Carls

        Das große Meermädchen-Abenteuer geht weiter – Teil 1 des vierten Bandes! Auf der Flucht vor Doktor Orion segelt die Alpha Cru nach Norwegen, wo eine Bohrinsel leckgeschlagen ist. Können Alea und die Magischen eine Ölkatastrophe verhindern? Wird sie die Walwanderin treffen und mit den Meerkindern einen Weg finden, die magische Unterwasserwelt vom Virus zu befreien? Der erste Teil des vierten Bandes der Meermädchen-Saga Alea Aquarius von Bestseller-Autorin Tanya Stewner, vielstimmig interpretiert von Hörbuchpreis-Trägerin Laura Maire. Alle Bände der Reihe auch als CD verfügbar: Band 1: Der Ruf des Wassers Band 2: Die Farben des Meeres Band 3: Das Geheimnis der Ozeane Band 4: Die Macht der Gezeiten (Teil 1 und 2) Band 5: Die Botschaft des Regens (Teil 1 und 2) Band 6: Der Fluss des Vergessens (Teil 1 und 2) Band 7: Im Bannkreis des Schwurs (Teil 1 und 2) Band 8: Der Gesang der Wale (Teil 1 und 2) Weitere Geschichten zur Bestseller-Reihe für jüngere Hörer*innen ab 5: Die Magie der Nixen Ein Lied für die Gilfen Weihnachten mit der Alpha Cru Die Kraft der Wasserkobolde Das erste original Song-Album mit der Alpha-Cru-Musik: Alea Aquarius. Die Songs

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2020

        Alea Aquarius 6 Teil 1. Der Fluss des Vergessens

        by Tanya Stewner, Guido Frommelt, Tanya Stewner, Laura Maire, Frank Gustavus, Claudia Carls

        Sehnsüchtig erwartet: Mit Teil 6 der Bestseller-Reihe von Tanya Stewner gehen die Abenteuer mit Alea Aquarius in eine neue Runde. Sämtlicher Erinnerungen beraubt, muss sich die Alpha Cru erst wieder neu orientieren. Wer hat es auf sie abgesehen? Wer ist dieser Mann mit dem schwarzen Mantel und dem Leierkasten, der sie vom Ufer aus beobachtet? Und gab es ursprünglich noch mehr Bandenmitglieder? Alea wäre nicht Alea, wenn sie nicht trotz aller Widrigkeiten den Kampf mit ihren Gegenspielern aufnehmen würde, um ihre Freunde zu retten. Alle Bände der Reihe auch als CD verfügbar: Band 1: Der Ruf des Wassers Band 2: Die Farben des Meeres Band 3: Das Geheimnis der Ozeane Band 4: Die Macht der Gezeiten (Teil 1 und 2) Band 5: Die Botschaft des Regens (Teil 1 und 2) Band 6: Der Fluss des Vergessens (Teil 1 und 2) Band 7: Im Bannkreis des Schwurs (Teil 1 und 2) Band 8: Der Gesang der Wale (Teil 1 und 2) Weitere Geschichten zur Bestseller-Reihe für jüngere Hörer*innen ab 5: Die Magie der Nixen Ein Lied für die Gilfen Weihnachten mit der Alpha Cru Die Kraft der Wasserkobolde Das erste original Song-Album mit der Alpha-Cru-Musik: Alea Aquarius. Die Songs

      • Trusted Partner
        Microbiology (non-medical)
        January 1981

        Coelomycetes, parts I - VIII

        by B C Sutton

        Mycological papers for Coelomycetes, parts 1 to 8.

      • Trusted Partner
        Mycology, fungi (non-medical)
        January 1964

        Studies on Pyrenomycetes parts I - VII

        by C Booth

        Mycological series of papers on Studies on Pyrenomycetes, parts 1 through 7

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2019

        Alea Aquarius 5 Teil 1. Die Botschaft des Regens

        by Tanya Stewner, Guido Frommelt, Tanya Stewner, Jonatan Frieden, Laura Maire, Frank Gustavus, Claudia Carls

        Bleib du selbst und schütze, was du liebst! Nachdem sie den Fängen von Doktor Orion knapp entkommen sind, setzt die Alpha Cru auf der Suche nach Aleas Mutter die Segel in Richtung Frankreich. Bei einem Tauchgang rettet Alea den bewusstlosen Nixenprinz Cassaras aus dem Ärmelkanal. Durch giftigen Dünger hat sich dort eine Todeszone ohne Sauerstoff ausgebreitet. Alea ist fassungslos! Ob sie mithilfe ihrer Mutter und ihrer Freunde der Rettung der Meerwelt einen Schritt näher kommen kann? Der erste Teil des fünften Bandes der Meermädchen-Saga von Bestseller-Autorin Tanya Stewner, vielstimmig interpretiert von Hörbuchpreis-Trägerin Laura Maire. Alle Bände der Reihe auch als CD verfügbar: Band 1: Der Ruf des Wassers Band 2: Die Farben des Meeres Band 3: Das Geheimnis der Ozeane Band 4: Die Macht der Gezeiten (Teil 1 und 2) Band 5: Die Botschaft des Regens (Teil 1 und 2) Band 6: Der Fluss des Vergessens (Teil 1 und 2) Band 7: Im Bannkreis des Schwurs (Teil 1 und 2) Band 8: Der Gesang der Wale (Teil 1 und 2) Weitere Geschichten zur Bestseller-Reihe für jüngere Hörer*innen ab 5: Die Magie der Nixen Ein Lied für die Gilfen Weihnachten mit der Alpha Cru Die Kraft der Wasserkobolde Das erste original Song-Album mit der Alpha-Cru-Musik: Alea Aquarius. Die Songs

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2002

        Tropical Mycology: Volume 1, Macromycetes

        by Edited by Roy Watling, Juliet C Frankland, M Ainsworth, Susan Isaac, Clare H Robinson

        Tropical mycology is attracting increasing interest, as the key role of fungi in tropical ecosystems and as pathogens becomes appreciated. This book is the first of two complementary volumes (Volume 2 covers Micromycetes) produced from papers given at the British Mycological Society's symposium held in Liverpool in April 2000. It describes the ecology, biology, economic dimensions and systematics of tropical Macromycetes. Written by leading experts in their field, the papers have been thoroughly edited and revised.

      • Trusted Partner
        Agricultural science
        December 1997

        Forage Seed Production, Volume 1

        Temperate Species

        by Edited by Daphne T Fairey, John G Hampton

        The grasses and legumes grown in pastures and rangelands form the basis of the worldwide animal production industry. Some species also have a significant role in the sport and leisure industry, for playing surfaces such as golf courses and football fields. It is therefore vitally important to ensure that seed supplies of appropriate species are available for use on a commercial scale. This book is published in association with the International Herbage Seed Production Research Group. It brings together leading researchers and along with its companion volume Forage Seed Production Volume 2: Tropical and Subtropical Species (to be published in late 1998), provides the definitive resource for all those concerned with breeding and profitable seed production for grasses and legumes used within grazing systems or recreation and amenity provision. The book is in two parts. Part 1 covers all aspects relevant to seed production, including improving seed yield and quality, crop management, harvesting, processing and the international seed trade. Part 2 consists of eleven case studies from eight countries covering three continents. This book and its companion should be read by all seed scientists involved in the breeding and commercial production of grass and legume seed. They also represent a valuable asset for all commercial seed suppliers. Additionally, the information presented within the book is important for all students and lecturers within departments of agriculture and plant breeding.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2022

        Earth Observation, Public Health and One Health

        Activities, Challenges and Opportunities

        by Stéphanie Brazeau, Nicholas H. Ogden

        This book focuses on the potential for Earth Observation (EO) to contribute to public health practice. Remote sensing experts from the EO community together with epidemiologists, modelling experts, policy makers, managers and public health researchers gathered at the One Earth-One Health workshop held at the Canadian Earth Observation Summit in Montreal in 2017. They shared how EO is being used to understand, track, predict, and manage infectious diseases and discussed the challenges and significant potential of using and developing EO data for public health purposes. The information provided by the workshop participants and members of the international community, has been compiled and substantially updated to reach EO community members and public health professionals interested in developing and applying EO and other geospatial applications in the risk assessment and management of public health issues. Major foci are mosquito-borne diseases, tick-borne diseases, air quality and heat, water-borne diseases, vulnerable populations and pandemics (including COVID-19).

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2013

        Eleventh-century Germany

        The Swabian chronicles

        by I. Robinson

        Three of the most important chronicles of eleventh-century Germany were composed in the south-western duchy of Swabia. The chronicles reveal how between 1049 and 1100 the centripetal attraction of the reform papacy became the dominant fact of intellectual life in German reformed monastic circles. In the abbey of Reichenau Herman 'the Lame' composed a chronicle of the reign of Emperor Henry III (1039-56). His pupil, Berthold of Reichenau, continued his master's work, composing a detailed account of 1076-1079 in Germany. Bernold, a clergyman of Constance, continued the work of Herman and Berthold in a text containing the fullest extant account of 1080-1100. Herman's waning enthusiasm for the monarchy and growing interest in the newly reformed papacy were intensified in Berthold's chronicle, and writing in the new context of the reformed monasteries of south-western Germany, Bernold preached total obedience to the Gregorian papacy. The Swabian chronicles are an indispensable resource to the student of the changing loyalties and conflicts of eleventh-century Germany.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Tourism industry
        December 1999

        Consumer Psychology of Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure, Volume 1

        by Edited by Arch G Woodside, Geoffrey I Crouch, Josef A Mazanec, Martin Oppermann, Marcia Sakai

        Developed from a symposium held in Hawaii in August 1998, this book focuses on the diverse subject of consumer psychology as applied to the fields of tourism, hospitality and leisure. It provides a general review of current thinking and presents several new theories and methods of analysis. It consists of 20 chapters, divided into five parts, and is essential reading for researchers and practitioners dealing with consumers and their choices and perceptions. The examples included are international in nature and provide a well-balanced book. Authors contributing to the book are well-respected authorities from the UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand and continental Europe.

      • Trusted Partner
        Microbiology (non-medical)
        January 1975

        Anthostomella Sacc, Part I

        by S M Francis

        Part 1 of mycological paper series discussing Anthostomella Sacc.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2013

        The Papal Reform of the Eleventh Century

        Lives of Pope Leo IX and Pope Gregory VII

        by I. Robinson

        The eleventh-century papal reform transformed western European Church and society and permanently altered the relations of Church and State in the west. The reform was inaugurated by Pope Leo IX (1048-54) and given a controversial change of direction by Pope Gregory VII (1073-85). This book contains the earliest biographies of both popes, presented here for the first time in English translation with detailed commentaries. The biographers of Leo IX were inspired by his universally acknowledged sanctity, whereas the biographers of Gregory VII wrote to defend his reputation against the hostility generated by his reforming methods and his conflict with King Henry IV. Also included is a translation of Book to a Friend, written by Bishop Bonizo of Sutri soon after the death of Gregory VII, as well as an extract from the violently anti-Gregorian polemic of Bishop Benzo of Alba (1085) and the short biography of Leo IX composed in the papal curia in the 1090s by Bishop Bruno of Segni. These fascinating narrative sources bear witness to the startling impact of the papal reform and of the 'Investiture Contest', the conflict of empire and papacy that was one of its consequences. An essential collection of translated texts for students of medieval history.

      • Trusted Partner

        Murdle Volume 1

        100 mörderisch gute Rätsel – werde mit Köpfchen, Logik und klugem Kombinieren zum Meisterdetektiv

        by G. T. Karber

      • Trusted Partner
        Mycology, fungi (non-medical)
        January 1972

        Dematiaceous Hyphomycetes, parts I - XI

        by M B Ellis

        Mycological papers for Dematiaceous Hyphomycetes, parts 1 to 11.

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