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Sarigaga Books
Sarıgaga Books is an independent small publishing house founded on May 2011. Sarıgaga is specialized in children books and mainly picture books. Our aim is to contribute to the intellectual and emotional growth of children with beautifully illustrated books with good stories.
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Promoted ContentHumanities & Social SciencesMarch 2023
Golden Mummies of Egypt
Interpreting identities from the Graeco-Roman period
by Campbell Price, Julia Thorne
Golden Mummies of Egypt presents new insights and a rich perspective on beliefs about the afterlife during an era when Egypt was part of the Greek and Roman worlds (c. 300 BCE-200 CE). This beautifully illustrated book, featuring photography by Julia Thorne, accompanies Manchester Museum's first-ever international touring exhibition. Golden Mummies of Egypt is a visually spectacular exhibition that offers visitors unparalleled access to the museum's outstanding collection of Egyptian and Sudanese objects - one of the largest in the UK.
Promoted ContentHumanities & Social Sciences2020
Collection "Chornobyl KGB dossier: from construction to accident"
by Oleg Bazhan, Gennady Boryak, Andriy Kohut
Documents from the "KGB archives" are published in the book. They cover the period from the beginning of the construction of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant to the commissioning of the "Shelter" facility ("Sarcophagus") after the Chornobyl disaster (1970-1986).
February 2021
by Carole Trébor & Gabriele Bagnoli
Being a mummy on display in a museum is fun as long as there are children to smile at during the day... But things are getting boring for Tâvutatèt now because no one comes to see her anymore. An ancient Egyptian princess deserves to attract a little bit of attention now and again! Especially when her mother was the first female Pharaoh in history... Well, in actual fact, what Tâvutatèt really wants is not attention or new visitors. No, what she wants is to go off with Kepabet, her otter and best friend. If only she didn’t have to sleep in this old sarcophagus... But her mother has forbidden her from getting out of it. Humans should not find out that mummies can wake up! Yet one evening, her mother comes to get her as they have to escape. The look in her eyes shows her concern. She tells her daughter that the museum is closing and that the Mowlausses, members of a mysterious group with dubious intentions, are on their way. What can they want from them? They’ve never hurt a scorpion... doesn’t matter! This is the beginning of a long and hectic journey from Egypt to England where other beings as fantastical as Tâvutatèt are hidden and she absolutely must find them. Despite Tâvutatèt’s positive outlook and naiveté, they alone can protect her.
Travel writingDecember 2004
Pilgrims Road
A Journey to Santiago De Compostela
by Bettina Selby
Since the Tenth Century pilgrims have travelled the ancient roads through France and Spain that lead to the fabled town of Santiago de Compostela, the legendary shrine of St James the apostle. Travelling in groups for safety they braved the marauding Moorish armies, raging torrents and fearsome mountain passes, trusting in the protection afforded them by the emblem of St. James, a scallop shell. A thousand years later, Bettina Selby tackled the pilgrim’s trail alone and on a bicycle, finding the scallop shell still a powerful talisman, opening doors and providing shelter. This is the story of her journey through countries whose twentieth-century veneer barely conceals a wealth of history, from the magnificent architecture of the great cathedrals of the Middle Ages to the tiny hamlets that seem untouched by the present day, and the awe-inspiring and dangerous beauty of the Pyrenees. Like her predecessors, Bettina Selby had to deal with the natural hazards of the terrain, thieves and wild dogs, but she also encountered a host of fascinating characters along the route. Above all she found a vibrant tradition that lures more and more people to become pilgrims on the road to the ‘Field of the Star’ A real adventurer - brave, good humoured, modest and patient. She is also compassionate. TLS
Horror & ghost storiesAugust 2012
From the Darkness
by Lee Cushing
INITIATION Adrian Kincaid undergoes a life or death initiation to join an elite group of warriors BLOOD PREY Melissa Greene's initiation into the ranks of the undead. DEATH BY SUNRISE A serial killer preys on Strigoi GUILTY Maxine Clifford gets the ultimate opportunity for revenge after being convicted of a crime that she did not commit THE PENANGGALAN A mysterious creature terrorises a small village RUNAWAY Cynthia Anderson runs away from her mother's abusive boyfriend and enters a world of darkness and nightmares TERROR GIRLS A teenage girl's indoctrination into a violent street gang
November 2011
Songs and Stories of the Ghouls
by Alice Notley
An epic poem of genocide, designed to create power for the dead
FictionFebruary 2018
Eye of the Moon
by Ivan Obolensky
Built upon the fabric of the author’s background as a member of the 1%, yet woven from whole cloth, Eye of the Moon is an enchanting web of multigenerational intrigue, secret love affairs, sumptuous black- and white-tie dinner parties, potential murders, Egyptian occultism, vicious curses, unexpected magic, and secrets that break, or reshape, lives. It is peopled by characters like Russian dolls, with shocking elements revealed in layers over the five-day house party in Rhinebeck. Though the opening chapters are perhaps benign, readers and reviewers alike rave that they become ensnared in the story and can’t put the novel down, even if it means they burn their dinner or stay up to 4 am. Percy, the narrator, begins as someone raised on the fringes of the elite, quasi-abandoned by his traveling parents. He is abruptly reunited with his pseudo-brother and pulled into his hijinks. They stumble upon the dark story of Johnny's Aunt Alice, the legendary socialite who had died mysteriously twenty years earlier. Her letters and journals bring a more sinister world to the light and the two men dive headlong into the shadows. This inadvertently involves everyone at the estate, including the butler, Stanley, who was the only confidante of Alice with hidden knowledge of what happened behind closed doors before her death. She still lives in the places lit with magic, her narrative woven tightly with Percy’s. What will be the cost of revealing the truth? Where does Percy ultimately belong?
Children's & young adult fiction & true stories
Taya Bayliss - Snake Charmer
by E. J. Gore
Spending the long weekend at the Comino farm turns out to be far more scary than Taya has expected. While planning a joint birthday party, she and Chris come across several interesting items in the attic, including a carpet python. Snakes are definitely not Taya’s favourite creatures. Taya thinks one of the items she has found could prove the innocence of Chris’s Uncle George who is in jail for theft. Her persistence annoys Chris, but the hint of a mystery is irresistible to Taya If George didn’t steal the ruby cross, who did? Who is Bryan? Where is the cross now? Taya has to face up to her greatest fear as she tries to put the clues together. Could you charm a snake?