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      • Suug Productions

        Kontexte, Blickwinkel, Sichtachsen und Perspektivwechsel Was wir machen Das Internet sollte Zugang zu Wissen organisieren und ist ein Werkzeug zum Austausch von Ideen, Visionen und Lösungen. – Suug Productions kreiert Projekte mit Sinn – und dem Anspruch, die Welt durch neue und ungewöhnliche Kontexte, Blickwinkel, Sichtachsen und Perspektivwechsel zu einem etwas reizvolleren Ort zu machen.

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      • Uitgeverij Prometheus

        Prometheus Publishers is a Dutch publisher that publishes a wide variety of quality fiction and non-fiction titles. Prometheus’s catalogue balances established talents with new voices that we introduce into the literary market. Amongst our fiction authors are renowned Dutch-language authors such as Connie Palmen, Griet Op de Beeck, Tom Lanoye, Tim Krabbé, and Esther Verhoef. Prometheus also publishes the Dutch translations of great international voices like Umberto Eco, Sandro Veronesi, Margaret Atwood, and Zadie Smith.   Our non-fiction catalogue is filled with experts from across the scientific spectrum. Ranging from history to psychology and from physics to literary studies, Prometheus offers exciting new insights into a wide range of disciplines. Prometheus also publishes a philosophical series with musings on subjects that are relevant to our society today.

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      • Sociology & anthropology
        March 2020

        Tetã Tekoha

        by Nhandewa, Alexandro; Yvoty, Ana Lúcia; Silva, Débora; Zamboni, Felipe; Sabino, Jaqueline; Tupã, Rodrigo; Pyntánh, Tiago; Matias, Uerique; Jacintho, Valéria; Queiroz, Yago

        Tetã Tekoha is a cry of resistance from ten young Guarani indigenous people, students at the State University of Londrina (UEL). Members of the Indigenous Word project, which sought to bring together and develop their authorship and their role, the students present first-person reports, with their own style - and a lot of emotion - in a search for affirmation of identity, ancestry and identification with both worlds: village and the city. From their experience at the university, where they study to deepen knowledge that may be useful to their people and question the invisibility and imposition of Western culture as unique, they want to show that they move between the worlds without abandoning their essence.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2020

        El Plan de Convivencia del Centro Educativo

        Pautas para su elaboración

        by Pedro Mª Uruñuela

        ¿Cómo puede un centro educativo actualizar su Plan de Convivencia? ¿Qué pasos son necesarios y en qué puntos debe fijarse? ¿Cómo puede trasladar los nuevos planteamientos al Documento de Organización de la Convivencia del propio centro?Tras un breve repaso a lo que es el Plan de Convivencia, su necesidad y objetivos fundamentales, el libro plantea un análisis del trabajo que está llevando a cabo el centro de cara a la convivencia. Y lo hace en torno a cuatro grandes temas.En primer lugar, la situación general, comprobando el grado de acuerdo sobre lo que se entiende por convivencia, el enfoque reactivo o proactivo de la misma y su presencia en los documentos institucionales, y en el día a día del centro. Seanalizan, en segundo lugar, las situaciones de quiebra de la convivencia que se están dando en el centro, desde el maltrato entre iguales hasta la violencia institucional, pasando por las conductas disruptivas y la violencia de género. En tercer lugar, se plantean cuatro actuaciones y trabajos imprescindibles para la convivencia, como son la gestión pacífica de conflictos, el protagonismo del alumnado y las familias, las normas y medidas correctoras, y el desarrollo de la inteligencia interpersonal o competencias necesarias para una convivencia positiva. Por último, se analizan los aspectos organizativos del Plan: las estructuras de apoyo, los tiempos y horarios, la elaboración del Plan y la formación del profesorado para todo ello.Cierra la obra un último capítulo dedicado a la elaboración y concreción del Documento de Organización de la Convivencia del centro, que es el resumen y concreción de todo lo tratado en el libro.Todos los capítulos cuentan con propuestas concretas de trabajo para poder analizar el desarrollo de cada apartado, valorar las alternativas y concretar las acciones que se recogerán en el Plan de Convivencia y en el Documento de Organización del Centro.

      • March 2020

        Women, empowerment and legacy

        by Silvana Mello

        Woman, empowerment and legacy, offers the possibility to discuss woman in a brazilian and overall scenario, their challenges, particularities, difficulties and the reflection and analysis of the unequal society that we face everyday. Through the choose of a strong theme like this, the author Silvana Mello, searches to contribute and leaves a positive mark for the future female generations.

      • October 2019

        Semióticas del cine y del audiovisual

        by Juan Alberto Conde, Torben Grodal,Buckland, Warren, Oakley, Todd, Odin, Roger. Echeverri Jaramillo, Andrea. Díaz Roa, César Augusto. Duarte, German A. Ríos, Diego Felipe. Finol, José Enrique. Finol, David Enrique. Corral Cuartas, Álvaro. Sosa, Diego Hernando.

        El presente volumen reúne una serie de textos escritos y publicados en las dos primeras décadas del siglo XXI, que abordan los problemas y objetos tradicionales de la semiótica fílmica y audiovisual, o que proponen nuevos objetos de indagación, nuevas preguntas. La primera parte está consagrada a las teorías generales, y en ella tiene preponderancia el denominado “giro cognitivo” de los estudios fílmicos, a partir de traducciones de textos inéditos en castellano: la teoría del flujo PECMA del investigador danés Torben Grodal; la semántica cognitiva aplicada a la interpretación audiovisual del británico Warren Buckland, o una nueva aproximación a la experiencia del espectador frente al dispositivo audiovisual por parte de Todd Oakley. En esta parte también se incluyen traducciones de dos textos de Roger Odin, pionero del enfoque semiopragmático, que permiten ver su pertinencia para abordar tanto problemas de la historia del cine y el audiovisual, como de sus manifestaciones contemporáneas.

      • Literature & Literary Studies

        An Introduction to Christian Arab Literature

        by Pilar González Casado

        Since its very beginning, Christianity has been present in the Middle East. However, the rise of Islam toward the end of the seventh century and the political and linguistic dominion it exerted over that region has a deep impact on the area and the Christian communities. When Arabic became the language of culture, Christian authors adopted it in their writings. As a result of the ups and downs in their relation with Islam, there will be apocalyptic and apocryphal works in ancient Palestine monasteries, books by Melkite, Nestorian and Monophysite authors, dogmatic treatises and poetic compositions. Moreover, both the Bible and patristic, liturgical and hagiographical works were soon translated into Arabic.  This literary activity took place not only in major centers such as Damascus, Baghdad and Cairo, but also in farther areas like Al-Andalus.

      • Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2019

        El pensamiento del poema

        Variaciones sobre un tema de Badiou

        by Mario Montalbetti

        El pensamiento del poema es el ensayo más reciente del poeta peruano Mario Montalbetti. Publicado en Chile durante 2019, el libro gira alrededor, va y viene, de las propuestas de Alain Badiou respecto del poema como una forma de pensamiento. Examinando su obra, Montalbetti pone a prueba sus aserciones y temas con herramientas de la filosofía, la lingüística y la literatura.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2019

        Lugares, recorridos y sentidos de la memoria histórica: Acercamientos metodológicos

        by Laura Fonseca Durán, Diana Vernot, Tatiana Rojas Roa, Laura Giraldo Martínez, Edwin Corena Puentes, David J. Luquetta Cediel

        This book is an initiative of the Regional Groups of Historical Memory (GRMH), which, together with the National Center for Historical Memory since 2013, generated proposals for the construction of historical memory in Colombia. The objective of the consolidation of the GRMH has been to recognize local research processes carried out by university professors to build bridges between the country's institutions and communities victimized in the framework of the internal armed conflict in Colombia.   Although the participatory social research bets are nourished by multiple edges, disciplines, and schools of thought, there are methodological peculiarities in the investigations that are formulated in the key of historical memory that, on this occasion, are transversal and are deepened in each chapter.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        February 2022

        Away Days

        by Álvaro de Grado

        There is no better journalism than the one that is done on the ground, there is no better literature than the one that takes us far from home and there is no better passion than the one that is breathed in the stands during a football match in England. Álvaro de Grado made a decision in 2013 that changed his life: moving to Manchester. This book is the journey of someone who, from that day on, always plays as a visitor. It is the x-ray of a unique way of feeling football that emerges in the Premier League stadiums but also in the most modest fields. This book does not give news, it narrates the adventures and misadventures of a correspondent. It tells stories about a land and a people to whom the ball owes everything.

      • September 2018

        Horizontes culturales de la historia del arte: aportes para una acción compartida en Colombia

        by Editor académico: Diego Salcedo Fidalgo. Autores: Karen Cordero Reiman, María Clara Cortés Polanía, Claudia Angélica Reyes Sarmiento, Isabel Cristina Ramírez Botero, Mario Alejandro Molano Vega, Diego Salcedo Fidalgo, Julián Sánchez González, María Margarita Malagón-Kurka, Ana María Franco, Jesús Pedro Lorente, Antonio Sánchez Gómez, Gabriela Gil Verenzuela, Paula Jimena Matiz López, Carlos Rojas Cocoma, Daniel García Roldán, Anne-Marie Losonczy, Jairo Enrique Salazar Chaparro, Mariana Dicker Molano.

        Horizontes culturales de la historia del arte. Aportes para una acción compartida en Colombia da cuenta de reflexiones que van desde los silencios u omisiones en la historia del arte, pasando por las conexiones complejas entre estética e historia del arte, hasta las vicisitudes de su práctica en el museo o lugares alternativos. También examina la memoria del arte como nuevo modo de representación, relectura y construcción de subjetividad.

      • Unico grande amore

        A trip through Italy thanks to football

        by Toni Padilla

        This trip through Italy is not intended to arrive as soon as possible. The guide is Toni Padilla, who, accompanied by a ball, and based on themes such as death, music, cheese or stickers, is impregnated with the country's double soul. Here are the majestic Italy and the Italy massacred by prejudices, lying on this journey from north to south and from east to west. The raw material of the stories, which are only on the author's radar, are the walks through the homeland of Benito Mussolini, Rafaella Carrà or Francesco Totti. Its pages are a map where memories are celebrated and goals are savored. Written with detailed prose and a leisurely gaze, they seem from another era, now that we don't have time for everything. But calcium is in no rush to get off this train.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        April 2021

        Sueños de la Euro

        El torneo que reconcilió a un continente

        by Miguel L. Pereira

        As Paul Auster once said, football is the miracle that allowed Europe to hate itself without destroying itself. The ball has done more than any other political project for brotherhood in a land too used to fighting with itself. After each conflict, it was necessary for the ball to be there to make the continent a space of union and not a perpetual trench. For this reason, every time the European Championship is held, there is a part of the world that looks into each other's eyes and shakes hands. For this reason, when we write about the 60 years of history of this emblematic tournament, we are really drawing our memories, our fears and our desires as Europeans. Because the dreams of Delaunay, Panenka, Charisteas, Aragonés or Éder are also our dreams.

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