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      • Suug Productions

        Kontexte, Blickwinkel, Sichtachsen und Perspektivwechsel Was wir machen Das Internet sollte Zugang zu Wissen organisieren und ist ein Werkzeug zum Austausch von Ideen, Visionen und Lösungen. – Suug Productions kreiert Projekte mit Sinn – und dem Anspruch, die Welt durch neue und ungewöhnliche Kontexte, Blickwinkel, Sichtachsen und Perspektivwechsel zu einem etwas reizvolleren Ort zu machen.

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      • Uitgeverij Prometheus

        Prometheus Publishers is a Dutch publisher that publishes a wide variety of quality fiction and non-fiction titles. Prometheus’s catalogue balances established talents with new voices that we introduce into the literary market. Amongst our fiction authors are renowned Dutch-language authors such as Connie Palmen, Griet Op de Beeck, Tom Lanoye, Tim Krabbé, and Esther Verhoef. Prometheus also publishes the Dutch translations of great international voices like Umberto Eco, Sandro Veronesi, Margaret Atwood, and Zadie Smith.   Our non-fiction catalogue is filled with experts from across the scientific spectrum. Ranging from history to psychology and from physics to literary studies, Prometheus offers exciting new insights into a wide range of disciplines. Prometheus also publishes a philosophical series with musings on subjects that are relevant to our society today.

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      • Trusted Partner

        The Sky Always Bright--Short and Medium Works Collection

        by "Dream Round 2020" Theme Literary Essay Activity Office

        This book is a collection of short and medium works in the series, including short and medium stories, short and medium reportage, prose, poetry and children's literature. These works are rich in the characteristics of the times and the breath of life. They show the moving deeds of Hunan's targeted poverty alleviation and targeted poverty alleviation, and demonstrate the spirit of people's struggle towards a well-off society. The theme is clear and prominent, the tone is positive, portraying and praising the most beautiful people and typical models participating in poverty alleviation and development, praising the true feelings of the world and transmitting positive social energy.

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        From Perversion to Purity

        The stardom of Catherine Deneuve

        by Lisa Downing, Sue Harris

        Catherine Deneuve is indisputably one of the world's most celebrated actresses, both in her native France and throughout the world. Her career has spanned five decades during which she has worked with the most significant of French auteurs, as well as forging partnerships with international directors such as Bunuel and Polanski. The Deneuve star persona has attained such iconic status that it can now symbolise the very essence of French womanhood and civic identity. In this wide-ranging and authoritative collection of essays by a selection of international film academics and writers, the Deneuve persona is scrutinised and illuminated. Beyond the glamorous iconographic status of Yves Saint Laurent's muse, and the epitome of sexual inviolability, Deneuve's status as actress is foregrounded. The book will be essential reading for students and lecturers in star studies.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 1997

        Florence Nightingale

        by Sue M. Goldie

        The letters in this volume come from the period in Florence Nightingale's life that brought her lasting fame. The letters, written amid scenes of horror and chaos, to officials, family and friends, express her hopes and fears and the doubts and frustrations of her arduous service. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2012


        Eine Biographie

        by Robert Service, Friedrich Griese

        Revolutionäres Vorbild, Internationalist und Kosmopolit, Theoretiker, Philosoph, Schriftsteller, Politiker, Liebhaber, Ehemann, Vater, Jude, Feind und verfolgtes Opfer. Leo Trotzki, einer der bedeutendsten politischen Führer der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts, war von schillernder Gestalt. Der 1879 in der Südukraine als Lew Dawidowitsch Bronstein geborene hat den Grundstein zur Gründung der Sowjetunion gelegt, und wird doch immer wieder unterschlagen, wenn die führenden Köpfe der russischen Revolution genannt werden. Zusammen mit Lenin stand er, der Gründer der Roten Armee, 1917 an der Spitze der Oktoberrevolution. Als Volkskommissar war er unter anderem verantwortlich für das Kriegs- und Verlagswesen. Trotzki war nicht nur politischer Führer, sondern auch produktiver Schriftsteller und begnadeter Redner. Fragen nach Kultur und Alltagsleben waren ihm ebenso wichtig wie Politik und Geschichte. Der Aufstieg der Stalinfraktion nach Lenins Tod 1924 führte zu seinem Ausschluß aus den politischen Führungspositionen und schließlich zu seiner Verbannung 1929. Im Jahr 1940 wurde Trotzki in Mexiko-City von einem GPU-Agenten mit einem Eispickel erschlagen. Robert Service, Professor für Russische Geschichte und Spezialist für Russische Revolutionsgeschichte, hat viele Jahre unveröffentlichtes Archivmaterial gesichtet und mit seiner packenden Biographie nicht nur das Bild eines der brillantesten politischen Köpfe der Revolution gezeichnet, sondern sich – unparteiisch und unverfälscht – auch mit der überfälligen Debatte um das Verhältnis zwischen Trotzki und Stalin auseinandergesetzt.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Bertrand Blier

        by Sue Harris

        The most complete study of Blier's work to date, Harris traces the director's career from the early 1960s until the present. Outlines the forms, themes and style which dominate in Blier's work, and challenges the many labels that have been used to describe both the corpus of films and the man himself. Provides an original and controversial discussion of Blier's alleged 'misogyny', and invites the reader to understand the scatological and corporeal aspects of Blier's filmmaking in terms of long-established traditions of popular dramatic culture. Brings to light the comic mechanisms underpinning Blier's films and identifies strategies which navigate through one of the most entertaining and disconcerting bodies of work of recent years. The first book on Blier published in English.

      • Trusted Partner
        Film, TV & radio
        July 2013

        Jack Rosenthal

        by Sue Vice

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        December 1997

        Introducing Bakhtin

        by Sue Vice

        There is no other comprehensive introduction to Bakhtin. The book is aimed at arts students - the primary market. Deals extensively with gender issues. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2013

        Worth saving

        by Sue Wheatcroft

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2024

        EcoGothic gardens in the long nineteenth century

        by Sue Edney

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 1998

        H wie Hass /I wie Intrige

        Zwei Romane

        by Grafton, Sue

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner

        Hatha Yoga

        Entspannen, auftanken, sich wohl fühlen. (gesundes leben)

        by Luby, Sue

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1995

        Kinsey Millhone

        Zwei Kriminalromane

        by Grafton, Sue

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner

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