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      • The Parisian Agency

        Founded in 2010, the Parisian agency is a literary agency based in Paris. We represent a selected group of international writers of literary fiction such as multi-awarded Icelandic author Gudrun Eva Minervudottir and Hungarian novelist Arpad Kun, winner of the prestigious Aegon Award. We also represent the stunning illustrated books of the British and the Bodleian Library (UK) abroad. Last, we are now open to represent new lists in literary fiction, crime fiction and non fiction. Welcome to the Parisian Agency!

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      • Children's & YA
        March 2020

        Easy-to-make Desserts from Around the World 1

        by Candy Tang

        Making dessert can be a piece of cake! Let’s make chocolate mint smoothies, fruit parfait, Turkish rice pudding, Burbur cha cha, pancakes, Halo-halo, and more! Try these easy-to-make recipes of popular dishes from around the world!

      • Asian Vegetables

        by Caroline Ho-Yi Wang, Patricia Ho-Yi Wang, Stéphanie Ho-Yi Wang, photos by Virginie Gosselin

        If bok choy has been able to acquire a prominent place on Western shelves, many other Asian vegetables still remain unknown. But these tasty, nutritious vegetables can be easily grown in temperate, and even northern, climates! Caroline, Stephanie andPatricia Ho-Yi Wang, three sisters of Cantonese origin, have made it their mission to introduce these vegetables, which everyone will love, in a unique book that is both a guide to gardening and a cookbook, as well as the story of a family. Presenting 15 Asian vegetables according to each season, the book offers advice to Sunday gardeners as well as future market gardeners on how to organically grow and harvest these vegetables, as well as provides preservation techniques, nutritional information and cookingmethods. Around forty recipes, some of which were created by famous chefs, are presented as well. The Wang sisters also explore the world of Asian vegetables from a cultural point of view, tracing the place that these hold in their own lives and in those of their family members, many of whom left China to emigrate to Madagascar before finally settling in Quebec. A true homage to the earth, good food and one’s roots!

      • Fiction
        October 2020


        When Gerfaut learns that Brittany, land of legends, is also called the gate of hell, he knows that he will have to face the impossible.

        by Gilles Milo-Vacéri

        In Brittany (western France), near Yeun Elez, a ghosthunter vanishes during an investigation, two childrendisappear and a man is crucified and beaten to death.The prosecutor panics and calls Major Gerfaut as abackup. When the latter learns that this land of legendsis also called the gate of hell, he knows that he will haveto face the impossible, starting with the secret of theFortress of the Cursed.Used to sadistic killers and defying the invisible, Gerfautexpects the worst. Unfortunately, there is always aworse than the worst ...

      • October 2013

        Ma maman toute neuve

        by Josée Larocque

        Mon papa et ma maman ont décidé de fabriquer à mon demi-frère, mes demi-sœurs et moi un petit frère sans nous demander la permission. Le presque bébé frère n’est pas encore là que déjà il me vole la vedette. Ma vieille maman est devenue trop grosse et trop fragile. Il m’en faut une neuve! Notre voisine Sandy serait parfaite ! C’est décidé, je déménage !

      • 2018

        The Date Puree Revolution

        So Long, Refined Sugar! Hello, Date Puree!

        by Madame Labriski

        The healthy phenomenon from Québec : 60,000 copies sold! In this book, the author showcases the many culinary possibilities of date puree, while encouraging us to give free rein to our creativity in the kitchen. On the menu: cookies, bars, muffins, cakes, pies, smoothies, sauces, popsicles, coulis, frostings, breakfast puddings, granola, parfaits, protein snacks for athletes, and tips for hungry marathoners. The recipes are egg-free, gluten-free, and dairy-free.To learn more about this publisher, click here:

      • August 2019

        Illustration Book of Yukata and Kimono

        by MINAKATA Hisatsugu

        A hearty collection of works with many girls wearing yukata and kimono that are retro and pop, and if you look closely, they are playful. Just looking at it will expand your imagination, "I want to go out with this kind of dress", and it will be a reference for drawing for those who draw pictures. I explained the kimono dressing and structure that we did not know unexpectedly, along with the points when drawing in an easy-to-understand manner. The author, Hisatsugu Munakata, lives in Osaka. Illustrations have been uploaded to SNS alongside office workers, and "Danchi Maste" and "Atmosphere Parfait" have been well received.

      • September 2021


        Marie has left her native countryside, and has taken a summer job in a Parisian brasserie. Staying with her parents’ friends, the husband regularly abuses her. So, she silences her shame and her pain, which leads the beast inside her to grow...

        by Camille Lysière

        Marie has just graduated from high school. She leaves her hometown and takes a summer job in a Parisian brasserie. During her stay, she is hosted by a couple, her parents’ friends. He is a shadowy journalist. She is a frustrated housewife. Marie, who dreams of a future in literature, is honored to have Olivier take an interest in her. He enjoys chatting with her, he takes her seriously. Marie feels important when he invites her to his office for a private chat. But this beautiful relationship gradually goes off track. There is that one time by the library when he holds onto her a little longer than necessary. Should she have said or done something?Since then, Olivier comes to her room to talk. The first time he sits on the bed, imploring. The next time, she struggles, but it is not enough. And every other night he comes back. Marie is devastated. Had she seduced Olivier in spite of herself? So she silences her shame and her pain, which leads the beast inside her to grow. Marie is not alone. In 2009, she is experiencing what other 17-year-old women like her have experienced in another times. Claudine in 1937, Isabelle in 1973 and Amandine in 1990. Travelling through time, this striking novel gives us the same story: the tragedy and the arbitrary nature of rape that shatters destinies.


        by Cyril Carrère

        Trois associés, un cadavre, un butin, une embrouille. Un coup de maître. Visalia, Californie centrale. William, l’homme d’affaires, rêve de créer un nouveau pôle d’excellence dans la région qui l’a vu naître, loin de la Silicon Valley et de la Baie de San Francisco. Lorsque sa société Educorp fait faillite, étourdi par le désir de revanche, il accepte l’aide d’un fonds privé sans en avertir ses associés. Quand Carl, l’avocat fiscaliste, met son nez dans les affaires d’Educorp, ce qu’il découvre va l’aspirer au cœur d’un engrenage incontrôlable.  Philip s’active pour offrir une fin de vie décente à sa mère. Pour y parvenir, le lieutenant de police est prêt à tout.  Le destin de ces trois hommes va se télescoper quand William doit revoir ses associés, une semaine plus tard, à l’occasion du Rassemblement, rituel instauré depuis la fin de leur aventure commune. Parfaite symétrie des situations et des hommes : dans ce dédale de faux-semblants, de violences feutrées et de trahisons, le face-à-face s’annonce comme la plus dangereuse réunion à laquelle ils n’aient jamais participé.

      • Children's & YA
        May 2020

        Perfect body

        by Vinciane Moeschler

        Anton loves Audrey and would like to save her from the anorexia that awaits her. They live in the same area of Belleville, but in two different worlds. Anton's father drives the subway. Audrey's mother is a reporter for the television news. The haikus written by the young girl weave together the unlikely story of a 16-year-old boy struggling at school and a brilliant student with an identity problem. Will they overcome their differences? Two voices. Two characters. Each with his or her own vision of the world.

      • Fiction


        by Feldrik Rivat

        VINGT ANS APRÈS LA 25E HEURE, QU'EST DEVENU LE MONDE ? « À quoi sert de conter l’histoire des grands hommes du passé si nous ne pouvons pas les faire revenir à la vie ? » Il est dit que maintenant, à Paris, les tours Cuprifères grimpent jusqu’aux cieux. Que la ville flotte pour moitié dans le vent, portée par des ballons de verre. Que les morts reviennent à la vie. Il est dit que maintenant, à Paris, les savants d’antan conversent avec les savants d’aujourd’hui. Que les artistes, les penseurs, les ingénieurs de tous les temps travaillent à construire le monde de demain. Il est dit que maintenant, à Paris, des messagers d’argile soufflent la parole des anciens avant de tomber en poussière.  Les rumeurs volent, depuis les cercles polaires jusqu’aux sables libyens, mais qui, en vérité, pourra vous dire ce qui se trame à Paris-Capitale ?

      • Nos Altermondes

        by Nicolas Debandt

        A disturbingly accurate novel about today's global issues In a society were bees have disappeared and drinking water is near impossible to find, Humankind has to look for drastic alternatives. Some have to become pollinator, whereas others leave the planet to explore new ones, in search for water. While a power struggle sets between two interdependent continents, a climatic catastrophe shakes the populations.  Nathanael, migrant and father of two. Ellyn, model worker. Fates cross, lifes entwine, soon the political intrigues will stop to count the victims.  What consequences will emerge from their choices and those of two peoples at war ?

      • Fiction

        À présent, vous pouvez enterrer la mariée

        by Oren Miller

        Hyppolite Bartoli is mad with grief. His daughter is found dead on her wedding day, burnt dead with her wedding gown left pristine. Not trusting for a second the local policemen, he asks two investigators known for their talent to resolve the most uncanny cases for help.  Soon enough, the mystery darkens and death takes its toll, varying the pleasure: mass shooting, cannibalism, unexplainable fits of madness and poisoning... All of it feeding the craziest of leads and multiplying the least condemnable suspects of Monaco's good society. Is the key to the case to be found within the highest circles... or merely under the veil of the bride?

      • Fiction

        Le Songe d'Adam

        by John Ethan Py

        The French answer to Stephen King's Pet Sematary!   Present day, Germany, Black Forest. A father comes to live with his daughter. Soon, the girl will see and sense things that shouldn’t exist. When ghosts from both father and daughter’s past become more than memories, horror strikes. Disappearances in the heart of the woods demand an explanation that will defy what our mind can conceive.  A horrific atmosphere that slowly grows among this terrifying Black Forrest, full of eerie myths, all guided by a masterful hand and chiseled writing. Welcome to the everlasting terror of Adam’s Dream!

      • Fiction

        J'agonise fort bien, merci

        by Oren Miller

        Sainte-Marie-La-Grise. Its exceptional location close to the Emerald Coast targets it as the ultimate place to go on holidays. Breathtaking landscapes, the mysterious folklore of Brittany and dead we helped to pass will amaze the most adventurous among you. Enjoy the warn welcome you will receive. However, to fully appreciate your stay, please follow these three rules: 1 – Always listen to those you cannot see. 2 – Watch out for dark creatures who knock before entering. 3 – Be quiet. Really quiet.

      • Fiction


        by Nicolas Debandt

        IIluvendan.   A city where magic and technology work side by side. Iölthan, a strange black crystal, is used for both and the prosperity of Iluvendan depends on it.  Three teenagers go there for their studies. They will soon be called to adventure and will  investigate the rumors of a penury of ölthan and war. With two friends met along they overcome the situation, and set the world on a new path. Co-written by the authors at age 17, Iluvendan is a real initiation quest, using pieces of classic fantasy with a bit of steampunk.

      • April 1998

        The Technopriests

        by Alejandro Jodorowsky and Zoran Janjetov

        The cosmic adventures of a young boy on his path to ridding the galaxy of an insidious technological plague. After the Greek tragedy of "The Metabarons," Alejandro Jodorowsky returns to his biblical roots with this quest reminiscent of Moses and set on a galactic scale. To top it off, the characters and the theme of virtual reality are tailor-made for artist Zoran Janjetov ("Before The Incal"), who finds in Jodorowsky his perfect match. Albino, hero of this space odyssey, remembers here his childhood, his apprenticeship, and the big and small battles he had to fight to fulfill his ambitions in a universe where technological advances are paradoxically matched only by the cruelty and the barbarism of the forces controlling it.

      • Fiction

        Que passe l'hiver

        by David Bry

        A captivating and poetic behind-closed-doors tale, at the crossroads of a Nordic ode and a Shakespearian drama    Stig goes to his first Winter Solstice, where all clans go to pay tribute to the King of the Glade. As soon as he arrives however, death comes and the threads of Fate weave a future impossible to predict. Threatened with no reason, Stig will have to discover what lays in the festivities shadows, protect those he love, and... survive. At the crossroads of an initiation tale and a behind-the-doors story, May Winter Passtells the fate of a young man with a clubfoot and a king with long antlers, both caught in the maelstrom of a dying world...

      • Fiction

        Le Miroir de Peter

        by John Ethan Py

        A documented and referenced dive in Hollywood cinema   When Satiajit Wilcox, a young psychoanalyst based in Hollywood, is offered to take care of George Mothershield's analysis, the biggest name among horror writers, he first sees an opportunity for his career. Quickly things goes south. From where come Mothershield ideas? Why are they so disturbing? And what about this sentence he keeps repeating: "They want an image"?  Satiajit sees his habits and certainties go away as they progress into the analysis. Moreover, there is this mirror in the writer's possessions whose link to Lewis Carroll is more than unsettling. This mirror that shows him a lot of things... or forgotten memories...

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