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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2024

        Neither use nor ornament

        A cultural biography of clutter and procrastination

        by Tracey Potts

        Neither use nor ornament is a book about personal productivity, told from the perspective of its obstacles: clutter and procrastination. It offers a challenge to the self-help promise of a clutter-free life, lived in a permanent state of efficiency and flow. The book reveals how contemporary projections of the good, productive life rely on images of failure. Riffing on the aphorism 'less is more' - a dominant refrain in present day productivity advice - it tells stories about streamlining, efficiency and tidiness over a time period of around 100 years. By focusing on the shadows of productivity advice, Neither use nor ornament seeks to unravel the moral narratives that hold individuals to account for their inefficiencies and muddles.

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        November 2011

        The Honest Man's Fortune

        by Grace Ioppolo

        This edition of The Honest Man's Fortune, a play co-written by John Fletcher, Nathan Field, and Philip Massinger for the Lady Elizabeth's Men in 1613 and revived for the King's Men in 1625, is the first diplomatic edition of one of the most remarkable dramatic manuscripts of the early modern period. Almost uniquely, the fair-copy manuscript records the entire process of the circular transmission of the text from authors to censor to bookkeeper to actors to playhouse, as well as the types of revision each required. In the hand of Edward Knight, the King's Men's book-keeper, this manuscript's title-page notes that it was '/Plaide In the yeare 1613/' and contains one of the few surviving complete licences by Master of the Revels Sir Henry Herbert who states, 'This Play. Being an olde One and the Originall Lost was reallowd by mee. This: 8 febru. 1624 [i.e., 1625]'. In fact, Herbert accepted as payment for the new licence a printed edition of Sir Philip Sidney's /Arcadia/. More excitingly, the many cuts, deletions, and marginal and interlinear additions and revisions as well as the names of three actors in its stage directions show us two transmissions of this text: the first in 1613, when it was composed and licensed and then adjusted by the authors, and the second in 1625, when it went through almost the same process for revival. With a full discussion of the manuscript's material properties, provenance, transcription history, and the play's composition and performance history, this new edition of /The Honest Man's Fortune/ puts the play where it belongs: at the centre of the canon of Jacobean drama. ;

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        February 1977

        Das Ornament der Masse


        by Siegfried Kracauer, Karsten Witte

        Knabe und Stier. Zwei Flächen. Analyse eines Stadtplans. Die Photographie. Die Reise und der Tanz. Das Ornament der Masse. Über Erfolgsbücher und ihr Publikum. Die Biographie als neubürgerliche Kunstform. Aufruhr der Mittelschichten. Die Wartenden. Die Gruppe als Ideenträger. Die Hotelhalle. Die Bibel auf Deutsch. Katholizismus und Relativismus. Die Wissenschaftskrisis. Georg Simmel. Zu den Schriften Walter Benjamins. Franz Kafka. Kalikowelt. Die kleinen Ladenmädchen gehen ins Kino. Film 1928. Kult der Zerstreuung. Langeweile. Abschied von der Lindenpassage.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2019

        The Korean War in Britain

        by Grace Huxford, Penny Summerfield

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        November 1996

        Biotechnology of Ornamental Plants

        by Edited by R L Geneve, John E Preece, Scott A Merkle

        Ornamental plants include herbaceous plants produced as bedding plants, greenhouse pot plants and cut flowers, as well as bulbs, trees, shrubs and vines. Ornamental plant production is of major and increasing importance worldwide. Basic scientific research in recent years has provided a better understanding of plant regeneration, genetics, growth and development. This has led to the development of technologies which can significantly improve ornamental species. This book reviews recent advances in the biotechnology of ornamentals. For example, genes have recently been identified for flower characteristics and pest resistance and these have been engineered into ornamental species. The book is divided into four main parts and is written by authors from the USA, UK, Canada, Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand. It is aimed primarily at workers in horticulture and plant biotechnology, but will also be of interest to plant physiologists, geneticists and molecular biologists.

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        The Arts
        September 2021

        Building reputations

        Architecture and the artisan, 1750–1830

        by Conor Lucey

        Taking a cue from revisionist scholarship on early modern vernacular architectures and their relationship to the classical canon, this book rehabilitates the reputations of a representative if misunderstood building typology - the eighteenth-century brick terraced house - and the artisan communities of bricklayers, carpenters and plasterers responsible for its design and construction. Opening with a cultural history of the building tradesman in terms of his reception within contemporary architectural discourse, chapters consider the design, decoration and marketing of the town house in the principal cities of the eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century British Atlantic world. The book is essential reading for students and scholars of the history of architectural design and interior decoration specifically, and of eighteenth-century society and culture generally.

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        Microbiology (non-medical)
        January 1973

        Ornamentation on the terminal hairs in Chaetomium Kunze ex Fr. and some allied genera

        by H Wells, David L Hawksworth

        Mycological paper discussing the ornamentation on the terminal hairs in Chaetomium Kunze ex. Fr.

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        Organic farming
        August 1994

        Ornamental Bedding Plants

        by Allan M Armitage

        Traditionally, bedding plants are those plants used to provide colour in summer garden beds. Although some writers include any herbaceous plant started under controlled environmental conditions and sold for outdoor use, embracing a number of fruit and vegetable crops, in this book ornamental bedding plants include tender herbaceous ornamental annuals and biennials only. As with other titles in this series, the aim of this book is to present scientific principles that underlie production practices. The author discusses traditional and plug methods of production, the latter having revolutionized mass market production during the last decade. The principles of propagation and growing on, including the role of nutrition and media, temperature, light, supplemental carbon dioxide and growth regulators, are described. Aspects of postproduction, diseases and pests, and mechanization, are also considered. There is also an appendix providing production guidelines for 15 major bedding plant species, including begonia, impatiens, petunia, marigolds and pansies. Written by one of America’s foremost horticultural scientists and writers, the book is invaluable for plant producers or growers, as well as for students of ornamental or amenity horticulture.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2018

        Forever fluid

        by Hanneke Canters, Grace M. Jantzen

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        December 1984

        Die kleinen Störungen der Menschheit

        Geschichten vom Lieben. Aus dem Amerikanischen von Hanna Muschg

        by Grace Paley, Hanna Muschg-Johansen

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2022

        (Not So) Amazing Grace

        by Mercedes Helnwein, Moon Notes, Rita Gravert

        In "(Not So) Amazing Grace" von Mercedes Helnwein steckt Grace Welles im Sumpf Floridas in einem Internat fest und schwört sich, durch strenge, selbst auferlegte Einsamkeit zu überleben. Ihre abweisende Haltung funktioniert hervorragend, um potenzielle Freunde fernzuhalten, bis sie unerwartet einen neuen Schüler rettet und ihre Welt der Einsamkeit ins Wanken gerät. Der Neue, Wade Scholfield, entpuppt sich als jemand, der Grace zeigt, dass Schulregeln gebrochen werden können und dass tiefgründige Gespräche zu unerwarteten emotionalen Verbindungen führen. Zusammen mit Wade beginnt Grace zu entdecken, dass das Leben mehr zu bieten hat als ihre bisherige Isolation. Während Grace durch Wade lernt, sich dem Leben und anderen Menschen zu öffnen, steht sie gleichzeitig vor der Frage, was sie bereit ist, für ihre neu entdeckten Gefühle und Träume zu opfern. Die Geschichte entwickelt sich zu einer Erkundung von Freundschaft, Liebe und Selbstfindung gegen den Hintergrund des harten Alltags im Internat. Doch trotz der positiven Entwicklungen kommt es zu einem unerwarteten Wendepunkt, als Grace Wades Herz bricht, was die Leser*innen dazu bringt, über die Komplexität von Beziehungen und die Herausforderungen des Erwachsenwerdens nachzudenken. Helnweins Erzählung ist eine eindringliche Darstellung der Höhen und Tiefen jugendlicher Emotionen und der Suche nach Identität in einer oft unverständlichen Welt. Entdecke die tiefe und komplexe Welt von Grace Welles, einer jungen Frau, die lernt, ihre selbst auferlegte Einsamkeit zu überwinden. Faszinierende Kulisse eines Internats in den Sümpfen Floridas, wo die Regeln nicht immer das sind, was sie zu sein scheinen. Unkonventionelle Liebesgeschichte, die zeigt, wie tiefgründige Gespräche und gemeinsame Entdeckungen zu unerwarteten emotionalen Verbindungen führen können. Folge Grace auf ihrem Weg der Selbstfindung und des Erwachsenwerdens, während sie lernt, was es wirklich bedeutet, sich anderen zu öffnen und für ihre Träume zu kämpfen. Eine Geschichte über Freundschaft, erste Liebe und die schmerzhaften Lektionen, die das Leben zu bieten hat, perfekt für Fans von Rainbow Rowell und jugendlichen Romanen mit Tiefgang. Begleite Grace und Wade auf einer emotionalen Achterbahnfahrt, die dich zum Lachen, Weinen und Nachdenken bringen wird. "(Not So) Amazing Grace" von Mercedes Helnwein ist ein mitreißendes Debüt, das die Herausforderungen und Freuden des Heranwachsens mit einer außergewöhnlichen Hauptfigur erforscht.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2020

        The Impact of Research at The International Livestock Research Institute

        by John McIntire, Delia Grace

        This book recounts the history and achievements of research at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), including work at its predecessors the International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA; 1974-1994) and the International Laboratory for Research on Animal Diseases (ILRAD; 1974-1994). The scientific and economic impacts of tropical livestock research reveal valuable lessons, in this work charting the research of these three institutions. Describing mixed crop and livestock systems' impact on the global environment, it also covers animal genetics, production, health and disease control, land management, public policy, and economics. Providing global estimates of the impact of livestock research and with useful pointers for future research, this book provides an important reference for animal scientists and veterinarians working in the global south.

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