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        Over the years, an unusual mix of books, useful book accessories, gift items and games has remained an important characteristic of a steadily growing product range. Inventive non-fiction and activity books with a focus on playing, experimenting and learning are complemented by an extensive selection of little objects you see at your bookshop which somehow belong together with books. Our game portfolio ranges from children’s games, family games, card games to games involving patience, communication games, word games, puzzles, and games involving mental exercises. Thinking outside the box, discovering and realising new ideas - this is the concept of our publishing house. Our motto is: moses., one idea more.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Insects (entomology)
        December 2011

        Biology of Mosquitoes, Volume 3

        Transmission of Viruses and Interactions with Bacteria

        by Alan N Clements

        The great importance of mosquitoes lies in their role as transmitters of pathogens and parasites, and in their use as experimental animals well suited to laboratory investigations into aspects of biochemistry, physiology and behaviour. The largest part of this latest volume of The Biology of Mosquitoes concerns interactions between mosquitoes and viruses and the transmission of arboviruses to their vertebrate hosts, while the remainder concerns symbiotic interactions between mosquitoes and bacteria. The introduction provides a timely review of the first major development in mosquito taxonomy for several decades. Further chapters describe the interactions between mosquitoes and the viruses that infect them, the transmission and epidemiology of seven very important arboviruses, and the biology of bacteria that are important control agents or of great biological interest. Like the earlier volumes, Volume 3 combines recent information with earlier important findings from field and laboratory to provide the broadest coverage available on the subject.

      • Trusted Partner
        Insects (entomology)
        June 1999

        Biology of Mosquitoes, Volume 2

        Sensory Reception and Behaviour

        by Alan N Clements

        Mosquitoes are important as transmitters of widespread major diseases and as nuisance insects. They are also one of the most studied and well-known group of insects, both in the laboratory and in the field. The first volume in The Biology of Mosquitoes series is a key reference work and has received excellent reviews. This second title in the three volume series focuses on the functioning of the mosquito sense organs that provide them with information about the environment and that enable the adult females to find and attack their vertebrate hosts. It also reviews knowledge of the circadian rhythms and other internal mechanisms that regulate the onset and timing of different behaviours. This integrated review of the sensory mechanisms and behaviour of mosquitoes provides a unique insight into their biology. The contents, which are fully up-to-date, include much important work from the past which is often overlooked.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2024

        Conservation of Dragonflies

        Sentinels for Freshwater Conservation

        by Michael J Samways

        Dragonflies are among the most familiar and popular of all insects, deeply embedded in human cultural history. They are iconic and tell us much about the environments in which we and they live. Their conservation is an important part of biodiversity conservation. One modern dragonfly species is listed as extinct, with many others currently threatened. It is now essential to increase conservation efforts towards saving these threatened species, with strategies now available for doing this. Recovery of dragonfly populations goes hand in hand with improvements to both freshwater conditions and bank vegetation quality. In contrast, some other dragonfly species have benefitted greatly from human transformation of the landscape, with artificial ponds in particular, increasing the population levels of many species. In turn, climate change is seeing many geographical range shifts. Dragonflies are variously sensitive to the health of freshwater systems, and the quality of vegetation along rivers and around ponds. Dragonflies are excellent indicators in these times of great concern over the quality of our freshwater supplies. Their wide range of sensitivities enables us to measure the extent to which freshwater ecosystems are either deteriorating or are improving when we undertake restoration. They enable us to gauge how well we are conserving freshwaters, whether ponds and lakes, streams or rivers. They are also good umbrellas for many other freshwater inhabitants, which altogether reflect the health of a freshwater system. Conservation of Dragonflies: Sentinels for Freshwater Conservation is for naturalists, citizen scientists, entomologists and conservation scientists, as well as practitioners and policy makers around the world.

      • Trusted Partner
        Insects (entomology)
        January 1992

        Biology of Mosquitoes, Volume 1

        Development, Nutrition and Reproduction

        by Alan N Clements

        A detailed account of the embryology, growth and metamorphosis of mosquitoes, the nutrition of larvae and adults, and egg production by the adult females. Physiological adaptations of larvae to their aquatic environment are also described. Written in a manner to be comprehensible to any informed biologist, the book has received glowing reviews.

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        October 2018


        Species-group, genus-group and family-group names in Culicidae (Diptera)

        by Ralph E. Harbach

        Mosquitoes are undeniably one of the most studied groups of insects due to their great impact on human health as the agents that transmit the pathogens which cause malaria, filariasis and numerous viral diseases, such as yellow fever and dengue fever. The study of mosquitoes has given rise to a plethora of names for subspecies, species, subgenera, genera and family-level groups, many of which are duplicate names for the same entity. This unique volume is a comprehensive compilation of all scientific names introduced at all levels of classification within the family since the official start of zoological nomenclature. The work is largely a lexicon that is historical and informative as well as nomenclatural and bibliographic. Unlike catalogues, it contains sections devoted separately to the groups of names regulated by the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, the species, genus and family groups, as well as sections concerned with names derived from personal and geographical names and other sources. In addition to insights into the history of mosquito classification, attention given to the formation, latinization and derivation of names makes the work a crucial contribution to mosquito science. Culicipedia is an important comprehensive reference source for students, entomologists, professional taxonomists and other scientists interested in culicid nomenclature, classification and the etymology of scientific names.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2024

        Invasive Species Reviews


        by David Hemming, B. M. A. Abdel-Banat, A. Alba, P. Alda, Marina P. Arbetman, C. Bergamino, R. C. Blackman, M. C. Boukouvala, Matthew L. Buffington, S. Burela, Nicolás R. Cecchetto, Matthew Cock, Michael Day, Kent M. Daane, H. A. F. El-Shafie, R. Enderle, Harry C Evans, Zhang FuDou, S. García-Lara, E. W. Githae, Jennifer Grenz, V. C. Griess, B. Hänfling, Kim A. Hoelmer, A. J. Hruska, S. Hurtrez-Boussès, Vanessa L. Jones, Brooks A. Kaiser, N. G. Kavallieratos, Melina Kourantidou, V. Lafond, L. Lawson-Handley, Jana C. Lee, S. Lioy, L. M. López-Castillo, M. Lounnas, P. R. Martín, B. L. Muatinte, B. M. Mvumi, J. P. Pointier, M. Porporato, M. Rusdy, E. Sabourin, L. Saveanu, M. E. Seuffert, R. H. Shaw, Shen ShiCai, V. Srivastava, John P. Stanga, J Stenlid, N. E. Tamburi, I. Unlu, Osariyekemwen Uyi, Rimvydas Vasaitis, A. A. Vázquez, Xingeng Wang, Rachel L. Winston, Eduardo E. Zattara

        Invasive species are responsible for significant impacts on agriculture, food security and health worldwide. This collection looks at a wide range of invasive species, including insects, plants, snails, fungal diseases, including: Mimosa diplotricha, Chromolaena odorata, privet, Opuntia, fall armyworm, Aedes albopictus, Prostephanus truncatus, Pomacea, and ash dieback. The articles examine mechanisms for detecting the spread of invasive species, and models for understanding the mechanisms of invasion alongside control and management approaches with a particular focus on biological control. The articles have been specially selected from contributions to CABI Reviews.

      • Trusted Partner
        Public health & preventive medicine
        August 2014

        Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

        by Edited by Duane J Gubler, Eng Eong Ooi, Goro Kuno, Subhash Vasudevan, Jeremy Farrar.

        Continued geographic expansion of dengue viruses and their mosquito vectors has seen the magnitude and frequency of epidemic dengue/dengue hemorrhagic fever (DF/DHF) increase dramatically. Recent exciting research on dengue has resulted in major advances in our understanding of all aspects of the biology of these viruses, and this updated second edition brings together leading research and clinical scientists to review dengue virus biology, epidemiology, entomology, therapeutics, vaccinology and clinical management.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2019

        Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

        by Duane J Gubler, Eng Eong Ooi, Goro Kuno, Subhash Vasudevan, Jeremy Farrar

        Continued geographic expansion of dengue viruses and their mosquito vectors has seen the magnitude and frequency of epidemic dengue/dengue hemorrhagic fever (DF/DHF) increase dramatically. Recent exciting research on dengue has resulted in major advances in our understanding of all aspects of the biology of these viruses, and this updated second edition brings together leading research and clinical scientists to review dengue virus biology, epidemiology, entomology, therapeutics, vaccinology and clinical management.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Malaria, Third Edition

        by Alan Hecht, D.C. and Bernard Marcus, Ph.D.

        With the mosquito as its vector, malaria has troubled humans throughout history. While kept under control in most of the developed world, it continues to ravage parts of Africa and Asia, where the majority of cases occur, and where the simple means of protection from the disease are out of reach for much of the population. Caused by protozoan parasites from the genus Plasmodium, malaria is a chronic disease, plaguing sufferers for many years. This revised edition of Malaria contains new illustrations and up-to-date information on this largely preventable disease, including the latest outbreak statistics, recent diagnostic and treatment breakthroughs, the findings of recent vaccine trials, and an examination of the impact global climate change may have on malaria outbreak patterns.Chapters include:     On the Wings of Mosquitoes     The Origin, Evolution, and Ecology of Malaria     A Brief History of Malaria     Attempts at Malarial Control     Preventing Malaria     Malaria Now.

      • Trusted Partner
        Geography & the Environment
        July 2018

        Invasive Species and Human Health

        by Giuseppe Mazza, Elena Tricarico, Pedro M. Anastácio, Leonardo Ancillotto, Sylvie Augustin, Daniela Boccolini, Giuseppe Brundu, Dario Capizzi, Lucilla Carnevali, Marco Di Luca, Franz Essl, Bella Galil, Piero Genovesi, Giulio Grandi, Lorenzo Lazzaro, Antonella Lugliè, Angeliki F. Martinou, Jolyon M. Medlock, Mattia Menchetti, Andrea Monaco, Emiliano Mori, Wolfgang Nentwig, Nikola Pantchev, Bachisio Mario Padedda, Olivier S.G. Pauwels, Cristina Preda, Petr Pyšek, Wolfgang Rabitsch, Julian Reynolds, Roberto Romi, Alain Roques, Helen E. Roy, Marie-Anne Auger-Rozenberg, Riccardo Scalera, Francis Schaffner, Stefan Schindler, Francesco Severini, Sauro Simoni, Catherine Souty-Grosset, Paolo Sposimo, Diederik Strubbe, Luciano Toma

        Invasive alien plants and animals are known for their disruption of ecosystems and threat to biodiversity. This book highlights their major impact on human health. This includes not only direct effects through contact with the species via bites, wounds and disease, but also indirect effects caused by changes induced in ecosystems by invasive species, such as more water hyacinth increasing mosquito levels and thereby the potential for malaria. Covering a wide range of case studies from different taxa (animals and plants), and giving an overview of the diverse impacts of invasive species on health in developed and developing countries, the book is a significant contribution that will help in prioritizing approaches to controlling invasive species and mitigating their health effects. It covers invasive plants, marine species, spiders and other arachnids, ticks and dust mites, insects, mosquitos and other diptera, freshwater species (invertebrates and fishes), amphibians and reptiles, birds and mammals. Key Features Collects together the major health impacts for the first time Covers animal and plant invasive species Examines issues in developed and developing countries The broad spectrum of the analyzed case studies will ensure the appeal of the book to a wide public, including researchers of biological invasions, doctors, policy-makers and managers, and students of invasive species in ecology, animal and plant biology and public health medicine.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2022

        Earth Observation, Public Health and One Health

        Activities, Challenges and Opportunities

        by Stéphanie Brazeau, Nicholas H. Ogden

        This book focuses on the potential for Earth Observation (EO) to contribute to public health practice. Remote sensing experts from the EO community together with epidemiologists, modelling experts, policy makers, managers and public health researchers gathered at the One Earth-One Health workshop held at the Canadian Earth Observation Summit in Montreal in 2017. They shared how EO is being used to understand, track, predict, and manage infectious diseases and discussed the challenges and significant potential of using and developing EO data for public health purposes. The information provided by the workshop participants and members of the international community, has been compiled and substantially updated to reach EO community members and public health professionals interested in developing and applying EO and other geospatial applications in the risk assessment and management of public health issues. Major foci are mosquito-borne diseases, tick-borne diseases, air quality and heat, water-borne diseases, vulnerable populations and pandemics (including COVID-19).

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Yellow Fever, Second Edition

        by Brian R. Shmaefsky, Ph.D.

        Caused by a virus that is spread through the bite of an infected mosquito, yellow fever gets its name for the jaundice it causes its victims. This hemorrhagic illness has plagued humans throughout history, and before the development of a yellow fever vaccine, the mortality rate from this disease was high. Tropical nations now prevent epidemic yellow fever levels through vaccination, and travelers to these areas are advised to take precautions. Yellow Fever, Second Edition explores both the historical and epidemiological aspects of this disease. Colorful photographs, maps, and illustrations provide important explanations of various aspects of yellow fever, and information on vaccination, treatment, prevention, and up-to-date statistics on worldwide incidences are provided. Chapters include: The Yellow Fever Disease Disease Course and Epidemiology Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Yellow Fever and Other Modern Plagues The Impact of Diseases on History Future Directions in Controlling Viral Diseases.

      • Trusted Partner


        by Mahaya Mohd. Yassin, Hasni Jamali

        This book portrays the spirit of love and cooperation between different types of insects. A dragonfly notices an ant falling into a river, and quickly throws a leaf to help it. The dragonfly quickly seeks help. It asks a housefly, a butterfly, a bee, a grasshopper, and a beetle for help. It also gets information from a duck, an egret, a kingfisher, and an otter. Finally, all six of them successfully pull the ant to the ground.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Dengue Fever and Other Hemorrhagic Viruses, Second Edition

        by Patrick G. Guilfoile, Ph.D. and Tirtha Chakraborty, Ph.D.

        Dengue fever is an infectious disease found around the world that is caused by four closely related, but distinct, types of viruses commonly transmitted by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Triggering excessive bleeding, dengue fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever, and dengue hemorrhagic shock can be fatal. Dengue Fever and Other Hemorrhagic Viruses, Second Edition explores the biology of the dengue virus and similar viruses such as Ebola, Marburg virus, and Lassa fever, as well as their symptoms, where they are commonly found, how they are transmitted, and the efforts to treat and eradicate them.Chapters include: History of Infectious Disease Other Hemorrhagic Fevers Insect Vectors Treatment and Prevention of Dengue Infections.

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        November 2016

        Climate Change Impacts on Urban Pests

        by Partho Dhang

        This book is the first resource to review the influence of climate change on urban and public pests such as mosquitoes, flies, ticks, and wood pests, with respect to population, distribution, disease, damage and control. It systematically addresses how the impact of climate change on pests in urban areas differs from natural areas, focusing on the increased temperatures of urban locations, the effect of natural disasters, the manner of land use and the consequences of human habitation. Climate Change Impacts on Urban Pests: - covers key information on how climate change and urban pests affect human health - includes coverage of the impacts of natural disasters such as flooding looks at issues which could influence the management of pests - explores a range of international opinion from recognised authorities covering six continents. Presenting up-to-date knowledge, this book is an essential resource for researchers in urban pests, entomology and public health, as well as scientists, environmentalists and policy makers involved in studies on climate change. ; This book reviews the influence of climate change on urban and public pests such as mosquitoes, flies, termites, rodents and others, with respect to population, distribution, disease, damage and control. ; Chapter 1: Climate Change Effects on Urban Pest Insects Chapter 2: Climate Change and Urban Pest Management Chapter 3: Climate Change and the New Dynamics of Urban Pest Management in North America Chapter 4: Natural disasters, Extreme Events, And Vector-Borne Diseases: Impact on Urban System Chapter 5: Survival of Formosan Subterranean Termite Colonies during Periods of Flooding Chapter 6: Termites and a Changing Climate Chapter 7: Fly Populations and Problems in a Changing Climate Chapter 8: Impact of Climate Change on Medically Important Ticks in Europe and Their Control Chapter 9: Climate Change and its Effect on Urban Mosquitoes in South America Chapter 10: Urbanization, Climate Change and Malaria Transmission in Sub-Saharan Africa Chapter 11: Climate Change and Vector Borne Diseases in Urban Ecosystem in India Chapter 12: Climate Change and Urban Human Health Chapter 13: Innovative Formulations Useful for Area Wide Application Suitable for Climate Change

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        March 2022

        Key Questions in Urban Pest Management

        A Study and Revision Guide

        by Partho Dhang, Philip Koehler, Roberto Pereira, Daniel D Dye II

        Urban pests are common all over the world. These include cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes, bed bugs, ticks, fleas, ants, termites, rodents and others. These pests thrive in human structures, where there is food, warmth and places to hide. Urban pests are one of the leading causes of illnesses in humans due to allergies, bites, food contamination and phobias. They can also cause significant damage to property and structures. Knowledge and training in this field is vital for professional and trainee pest managers. This book is specifically intended to provide an aid to such candidates. The book contains 500 multiple-choice questions (and answers) grouped into the following major topic areas: · The history of urban entomology · Household pests · Cockroaches · Flies · Mosquitoes · Bed bugs · Termites · Sporadic pests · Stored product pests · Vertebrate pests · Pesticides and pesticide formulations · Handling pesticides · Integrated Pest Control Produced in a convenient format that can be used at any time in any place, the book allows the reader to learn and revise the subject and much more. Its structure allows the study of one topic area at a time, progressing through a simple introduction followed by key revision questions, many of which require students to use their practical knowledge. The answers to each of the questions are provided at the end with short explanations wherever appropriate.

      • Trusted Partner
        Infectious & contagious diseases
        December 2011

        Special Offer - Buy all Three Volumes of Biology of Mosquitoes

        by Alan N Clements

        Buy all three volumes in this widely acclaimed resource covering all aspects of the mosquito's biology for this very special price.

      • Trusted Partner
        Genetic engineering
        October 2014

        Transgenic Insects

        Techniques and Applications

        by Edited by Mark Quentin Benedict

        Insect transgenesis promises improvements in agriculture, pharmaceuticals and public health. Many important insects can now be routinely transformed with effectors that have useful applications. Agriculture presents the largest market for transgenic insects and has a foundational history of success with sterile insect technique for control of pests including Mediterranean fruit flies and screwworms. Biotechnology will contribute superior markers, suppressible sterility and sex-conversion. Public health is also seeing transgenic mosquitoes developed which suppress natural populations and are incapable of transmitting disease. Experts in the field will contribute their insights into the latest technology and its applications. Authors will also consider the larger risks, social and economic aspects of transgenic insects whose value must be proven in political, regulatory and public acceptance arenas.

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