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        Emergencies at the Pharmacy

        Deal competently with emergency situations

        by Matthias Bastigkeit

        In emergency situations, a pharmacy assumes a special importance. Being an easily accessible point of contact, it is called upon to provide help in confused situations and also in those where there is a clear need for first aid. In such serious cases, it is essential to respond quickly and adequately. - How does one recognise an emergency? - How does one proceed? - What is one allowed to do, what must one do? The book provides clear answers to all these questions about emergency scenarios that can occur at a pharmacy. Whether it is an attack of asthma, a heart attack, burns or poisoning – in future, one will know what to do. In addition, the book provides information about the actions of the emergency physician and the common drugs used in emergencies.

      • Trusted Partner

        Pharmacy Practice Workbook

        practise, consolidate, revise

        by Annette Thomas / Nadine Sprecher

        Advising patients, dispensing, preparing and checking drugs – that is the essence of pharmacy practice and – at the same time – a broad field. This workbook enables knowledge about legal and regulatory requirements concerning the dispensing of drugs, the use of particular dosage forms, specific risks of drugs as well as the handling of medical devices or hazardous substances to be deepened – and in an amusing and entertaining way, thanks to a varied range of exercises! It is the ideal complement to the textbook Pharmacy Practice of the Deutschen Apotheker Verlag and the perfect preparation for the final examination. But quite apart from that, it guarantees fun for all prospective and active pharmaceutical technicians, returnees and pharmacy interns when learning and revising. It provides valuable ideas and support for pharmaceutical technician schools and pharmacies with teaching and training.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Practice of Pharmacy

        Textbook for pharmacy interns Handbook for the pharmacy

        by Dr. Michael Sax, founded by Dr. Herbert Gebler and Dr. Gerd Kindl

        After pharmacy studies have ended, the fascinating world of the pharmacy awaits – simultaneously varied and challenging. This is no problem with this well-established standard work to hand! The 7th edition, with a new editor and new structure, goes through the various stages of pharmacy operation. Beginning with the social mandate to supply medicines and then considering the organisational and economic orientation of a pharmacy, one delves ever deeper into its inner workings. In every area, the appropriate specific information can be found about pharmaceutical law and practice – whether this concerns the back office, over-the-counter medicines, dispensary and dispensing, or the supply of care homes, or preparation of cytotoxic drugs. In addition to the important topic “Dispensing of drugs and medical devices on prescription”, particular attention is paid to the principal activity in the pharmacy – giving advice on self-medication. The contents are based on the regulations for registration of pharmacists and the guidelines of the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists for the practical training of pharmacy interns in the pharmacy. The Practice of Pharmacy safely navigates the user through the practical training year and is the ideal preparation for the 3rd State Examination! Returnees, pharmacies that provide training and pharmacists of many years’ experience, will also benefit from this textbook and reference work.

      • Trusted Partner

        General Pharmacy

        A textbook for pharmacy interns, continuing professional development and pharmacy practice

        by Patrick Schäfer (ed.)

        Guide for pharmacy interns First-hand knowledge makes preparation for the 3rd State Examination easier. Each chapter ends with tips for pharmacy interns and – if appropriate – links to the worksheets of the BAK (Federal Chamber of Pharmacists) guidelines for practical training. Requirement for continuing professional development In-depth content supports those undertaking CPD in the area of general pharmacy. Each chapter contains additional proposals, such as participation in suitable seminars organised by the Chambers of Pharmacists, topics for the practical tasks or the project work. All-round talent for routine pharmacy practice Case examples link theoretical knowledge with actual patient counselling situations. Tips for practice, drug profiles and various boxes promote rapid and easy reference. New: The 2nd edition expands the proven, practical concept by chapters such as vaccination, hyperlipidaemia or dealing with adverse drug reactions.

      • Trusted Partner

        The sustainable pharmacy

        Climate change, protection of the environment and health

        by Esther Luhmann (ed.), By Björn Schittenhelm, Gabriele Renner and Florian Giermann

        We encounter the effects of climate change on a daily basis. It also presents a danger to our health. So is it not part of our responsibility as healthcare professionals to do something for the health of our planet? What contribution can pharmacy staff make? The authors explore these questions in depth. They examine the side effects that medicinal products can have on the environment and where alternatives are to be found. To help ensure that environmental protection is part-and-parcel of everyday pharmacy practice, the book offers practical tips and checklists for the whole team. For not only can the pharmacy conserve resources and advise patients on the consequences of climate change for their health – it can be a role model. The future lies in our hands!

      • Trusted Partner

        Paediatric Pharmacy

        Handbook for further training from the PädiaAkademie

        by Dr. MHA Constanze Schäfer, Dr. Christian Ude, Dr. Miriam Ude (eds.)

        The treatment of small and growing patients requires a broad knowledge - and the advising of these patients and their parents calls for great skill! The interdisciplinary team of pharmacist and physician authors addresses the central themes of paediatrics: - What is important for a high degree of safety in pharmacotherapy? - Which prophylactic measures maintain health? - Administration and adherence: what are the special features? - Comprehensive information for advising on the most important indications from the point of view of pharmacists and paediatricians. The handbook has become an established reference work in pharmacies. The second, updated edition provides the fundamental knowledge for certified further training “Specialist Adviser Paediatrics” and for skilful advice at the pharmacy in a tried and tested way.

      • Trusted Partner

        Pharmacy Assessment

        Sale and purchase of pharmacies

        by Dipl.-Kfm. Axel Witte and Dipl.-Bw. Doris zur Mühlen

        To avoid unpleasant surprises, it is worth taking a closer look when buying or selling a pharmacy. Whether buyer or seller: both parties ask themselves the question of the market value of an object. This is determined by a multitude of factors. This book shows how both parties arrive at a realistic assessment. The revised and updated edition of the classic work guides you through the process of assessing a pharmacy’s value. Various examples help to assess the facts and support the understanding of relevant factors during the sale or purchasing process, which is usually carried out with the help of an advisor experienced in the field.

      • Trusted Partner

        Omni Learning Center Guide to Manners and Etiquette

        by Lorraine Gerstl

        Maanners are polite behaviors that reflect an attitude of consideration, kindness and respect for others. They are learned behaviors to be used every day to make a good impression on others and to feel good about yourself. Good manners go beyond opening doors and writing thank you notes. The really polite person is tuned in to other people's feelings and can put herself or himself in another person's shoes. Using good manners encourages others to act in a similar fashion.Etiquette expresses consideration, respect, and honesty, the three qualities that stand behind all the manners we have. Etiquette is timeless and crosses cultural boundaries, unlike manners, which can change over time and differ around the world. Without proper manners and etiquette, the customs of polite society would soon disappear and we would act more like animals and less like people.Good manners are a powerful source of self-confidence and help facilitate life’s relationships in general. Manners are important for considering the feelings of other people and being the kind of person others will like and respect., “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” the Golden Rule, exists in every culture on the planet.Good manners impress people and put them at ease. And people who are impressed and relaxed are more likely to respect you and agree to your requests. Manners make the world a better place. Best of all, good manners don’t cost a thing. You can have the very best for free!Lorraine Gerstl bestselling author of Omni Guide to Reading Comprehension Strategies, is truly a woman for all seasons! She taught deaf children in her native South Africa before migrating to the United States, where she raised her own children, then recommenced her teaching career on California’s Monterey Peninsula, where she taught for nearly three decades at Robert Louis Stevenson Lower School and Santa Catalina as its beloved third grade teacher. Since her “retirement” in 2017, she and Margie Lotz, a colleague from Santa Catalina, formed Omni Learning Center, which provides educational enrichment for home schoolers. Omni has recently expanded into teaching unhoused women at Gathering for Women not only to return to the active workforce, but to reclaim self-respect and social validation. Lorraine has produced, directed, and acted in plays, musicals, variety shows, picked up a National Disney Teacher of the Year nomination, and traveled a good slice of the world in the process. An editor and internationally published writer, who won’t hesitate to stretch her students’ reach to the stars, she still revels in her favorite title – “Mom.”76 Pages, OMNI Learning Center Educational Guides, 2020.______________OMNI Learning Center Educational Guides: Guide to Study for Success, Guide to Manners & Etiquette, Guide to Theater in the Classroom, Guide to Reading Comprehension Strategies.

      • Trusted Partner
        Traditional stories (Children's/YA)

        Auntie Malva's Christmas Shop

        by Dermanskyi Oleksandr

        The townspeople do not crave a single holiday as zealously as Christmas, when the city is noisy and carefree. Everything around is filled with joyful laughter, carols, cheerful voices. And also with fabulous incense from the charming van shop of Auntie Malva. But this year, things may be different, because the creepy Ms. Mizzle and the insidious Mr. Raven have already begun to implement their sinister plan. And only little Tyshko and his faithful dog Kuchugurka can stop them. But will they be able to return the magic book to the grandfather storyteller and save Christmas? The book was created by two brilliant Ukrainian masters of pen and brush Sashko Dermanskiy and Rostyslav Popskiy.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Cancer Patient in the Pharmacy

        Advisory knowledge for pharmacy practice

        by Edited by Dr. Dorothee Dartsch

        The decision for cancer treatment has been taken and now a difficult time begins for the cancer patient: complex treatment regimens, side effects, fear. As a trusted confidant and competent point of contact in primary care, the pharmacist is called upon to play a key role. This collection of up-to-date articles provides support in the management of side effects from nausea to cardiotoxicity, gives assistance in interpreting warning signs of complications and highlights particular groups of patients such as pregnant women, geriatric, cachectic or palliative patients.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        We know to get dressed

        by Jean de Dieu Munyurangabo

        A fabric book to let children know different shapes in different colors, and how to dress and tie shoe laces

      • Trusted Partner

        Omni Learning Center Guide to Geography

        by Lorraine Gerstl

        MEET THE MOST IMPORTANT FRIEND YOU’LL EVER HAVE! Think of your family, your closest friend, a beloved pet. It’s only natural you’d want to know everything you can about them.  But we scarcely ever think how much we don’t know about the one friend we could never live without — the Earth, the only home we’ll have throughout our entire lives. We study geography because we want to learn about anything that has to do with Earth or anything that lives on Earth. This delightful, comprehensive book will teach you, step-by-step: To understand basic physical systems that affect our everyday life. To learn the location, physical, and cultural characteristics of places in order to function more effectively in our interdependent world. To understand how geography has always played – and always will play – important roles in the evolution of people, ideas, places, and environments. To develop a mental map of your community and the world so you can understand the “where” of places and events. To explain how human and physical systems have arranged and changed the surface of the Earth. To understand the relationship between the physical environment and society. To provide insight for wise management decisions about how the planet’s resources should be used. To understand global interdependence and to become a better global citizen. Learning geography helps us develop an understanding of the interdependence of our world and how we are connected through location, place, movement, region, history, and culture.  This understanding helps build awareness for cultural diversity — how and why people live the way they do. About the Author:  Lorraine Gerstl, truly a woman for all seasons, has taught thousands of children both in her native South Africa and in the United States. She has produced, directed, written, and acted in plays, musicals, and variety shows. A nationally recognized mentor teacher and a star of Omni Learning Center’s YouTube broadcasts and both live and virtual Omni classes, she’s traveled extensively on five continents, is an editor, internationally published writer, and a teacher who won’t hesitate to stretch her students’ reach for the stars. She still relishes her favorite title of all: “Mom.” 156 Pages, OMNI Learning Center Educational Guides,2020. ______________ OMNI Learning Center Educational Guides: Guide to Study for Success, Guide to Geography, Guide to Manners & Etiquette, Guide to Reading Comprehension Strategies, Guide to Theater in the Classroom.

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        Children's & YA

        A oficina do Cambeva (Cambeva's workshop)

        by Lido Loschi

        Cambeva's workshop is the first of four books of the collection "Presente de Vô" in partnership with Grupo Ponto de Partida. The book is a mixture of colours and elements that highlight the memory of the world, in which seekers of memories have the mission of bringing light and life to objects found in the travels of two characters: Zalém and Calunga. Cambeva is a restorer who, when the world lost its embrace, tried to reinvent it; he is the grandfather who mends dreams, forgotten things and lost emotions, to whom the seekers ask for help to fix something. In a magical universe, full of children, grandchildren, stories and memories of his lineage of restorers, when faced with this request for restoration, he makes room to bring back an emblematic figure who can no longer sing. A story about memories, care and affection...

      • Trusted Partner

        The Costume of China

        Fifty Coloured Engravings

        by William Alexander

        In 1814, carefully selecting 50 Chinese engravings that were supplemented by wonderful text descriptions, William Alexander published the book The Costume of China in London. As the pioneering work introducing Chinese dresses overseas, this book is a true and complete restoration of the customs of China in the Emperor Qianlong era. It is now available in both Chinese and English as a hardcover book set. 50 precious hand-colored engravings depict the images of emperors, officials, soldiers, court ladies, booksellers, actors, and hawkers. They show us, in the eyes of Europeans, the Qianlong Heyday, a colorful era that dates back far.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2023

        Verfassende Urteile

        Eine Theorie des Rechts

        by Sabine Müller-Mall

        Gerichte nehmen mit ihren Urteilen großen Einfluss auf Verfassungsentwicklungen. Wie aber können diese Urteile Verfassungen erweitern, verdichten oder verändern? Und was heißt es überhaupt, rechtlich zu urteilen? Um verfassende Urteile über ihre Rechtsförmigkeit zu erklären, rekonstruiert Sabine Müller-Mall in ihrem scharfsinnigen Buch Verfahren juridischen Urteilens. Sie entwirft nicht nur eine grundlegende Perspektive auf den Zusammenhang von Recht und Konstitutionalisierung, sondern auch eine Theorie des Rechts, die das Urteilen zum Ausgangspunkt nimmt.

      • Trusted Partner

        Formulation Plausibility Check

        In accordance with § 7 German Ordinanceon the Operation of a Pharmacy

        by Dr. Andreas S. Ziegler

        The Ordinance on the Operation of a Pharmacy states that a plausibility check must be undertaken for each new formulation. The tabular compilations of this book help pharmacists to complete this task quickly and reliably. All the information required for the check is clearly laid out and easy to find. New in the 6th edition: Many new active substance – ointment base combinations with demonstrated compatibility | more than 50 new ointment bases | 30 new active substances Bonus: The information about standard doses for paediatric dermatology enables pharmacists to also prepare paediatric formulations. | References to the Ziegler Rezepturbibliothek® (Ziegler Formulation Library), where completely formulated manufacturing instructions for the named active substance – ointment base – combinations can be found. This makes it even easier to supply patients with tested standard preparations. The set includes 50-sheet pads of the complementary form Plausibility Check. The form makes documentation easier and enables rapid and reliable navigation through the tables. This allows both the prescriber’s treatment concept and also possible incompatibilities to be checked in less than no time.

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        Children's & YA

        Missing Bugs and Grass

        An Invitation Letter from Nature

        by Xue Tao

        An Invitation Letter from Nature series is Xue Tao's first set of nature-themed picture books. Since childhood, Xue Tao has enjoyed getting along with the plants and animals in nature and felt the rise and fall of all beings with a sensitive heart. This set of picture books for nature and ecology education just pays tribute to nature, as well as to a vibrant childhood.   An Invitation Letter from Nature series focuses on the theme of nature in the form of transitions through the four seasons. It currently has five books: Epic of Mountain Forests, Day and Night of the Little Wooden House, One Year of Me and Tree, Missing Bugs and Grass, Birds and Little Beasts as Companions. Each book has its own theme, just like five different landscape paintings, presenting different life experiences.   Missing Bugs and Grass depicts the changes of bugs and grass in four seasons, which is in fact a metaphor for the journey of human life.

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        Jiu-Jitsu brésilien

        by Fabio Duca Gurgel do Amaral

        Jiu-Jitsu brésilien – Techniques de base et avancées Par Fabio Duca Gurgel do Amaral Le jiu-jitsu, qui signifie littéralement « l’art doux », est une forme populaire d’autodéfense qui ne repose pas nécessairement sur la force physique et sur la puissance. Fabio Gurgel, sept fois champion du monde, nous présente une série complète en deux volumes (Techniques de base et Techniques avancées) qui introduit la simplicité dans les mouvements complexes de cet art martial, lorsqu’il nous révèle étape par étape les secrets du Jiu-jitsu. Ces livres sont pleinement illustrés et simplifient les expressions techniques de la forme artistique, de façon à permettre à chaque étudiant d’apprendre et de s’améliorer. Au départ, le jiu-jitsu avait été développé pour les samurais, d’anciens guerriers qui n’avaient que peu d’armure, ou pas du tout, pour se défendre contre un ennemi plus puissant et mieux armé. Ainsi, le jiu-jitsu est le père des arts martiaux japonais, y compris le judo et l’aïkido, et il a influencé le karaté et d’autres styles d’arts martiaux. Il utilise des techniques de coups, de prises, de clés, de projections et d’esquives. Du point de vue mental, le jiu-jitsu enseigne la confiance en soi, accroît l’estime de soi-même, relâche le stress et augmente les facultés de concentration. Le jiu-jitsu emploie la physique et la science par les applications des moments et la connaissance de l’anatomie humaine pour venir à bout de tout agresseur en utilisant aussi peu d’effort et de force physique que possible. Le jiu-jitsu brésilien diffère du jiu-jitsu traditionnel par le fait qu’il a été développé dans un environnement et des lieux différents en réponse à des besoins différents. Cela a occasionné le développement de techniques supplémentaires qui correspondent mieux au combat sur le terrain et certaines nécessités appropriées pour affronter la violence dans la vie moderne. Aujourd’hui, le jiu-jitsu brésilien est réputé pour son excellent combat sur le terrain, le haut niveau de ses compétitions et de ses athlètes, ainsi que pour ses tactiques de pensée et de manœuvres. Sept fois champion du monde, Fabio Duca Gurgel do Amaral a commencé à pratiquer le jiu-jitsu à l’âge de 13 ans et a reçu sa ceinture noire à l’âge de 19 ans. Avec son maître, Romero Jacaré, il a fondé l’équipe Alliance Team, deux fois champion du monde, avec 40 académies à travers le monde – du Venezuela jusqu’à New York, et de la Finlande à l’Allemagne. Gurgel continue à enseigner dans sa propre académie à São Paulo et organise des séminaires à travers le monde. Il est le président de la Ligue Professionnelle du Jiu-jitsu. L'édition en anglais pour l'Amérique du Nord a été publiée en 2007. L'édition tchèque devrait paraître en 2010. 176 pages ; 16.5 x 24 cm.

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