Practical Inspiration Publishing
The home of books that mean business
View Rights PortalGema Insani is one of the largest publishing houses in Indonesia. The company was established in 1986 and has published various genres of books including children books, fiction andnon-fiction as well as books on Islam. Some titles have been translated into different languages and Gema Insani has maintained good relations with other publishing houses in Asia, Australia, and Europe. Gema Insani is always committed to serving the society by publishing valuable and innovative books. Beside the publishing books, Gema Insani has also involved in printing and other businesses.
View Rights PortalThe links between islands and tourism, as sights of pleasure is embodied in the touristification of sun, sand and sea. Islandscapes are central to the tourist imaginaries that shape islands as touristified places - curated, designed and commodified for both mass tourism and more niche inclined versions. Yet while islands are parlayed for touristic pleasure seekers, islands are also home to longstanding communities that have variously battled with the tyranny of distance from metropolitan centres, as well as the everyday challenges of climate change effects, and benefitted from their isolation from modern-day pressures. To what extent are islandscapes resilient to rapidly changing utilities, significances and ways of life wrought by tourism expansion? The vulnerability-resilience duality remains firmly entrenched in the discourse on islands where tourism has become prominent. Although tourism provides some resiliency, overall, islandscapes remain subject to externally driven fast and slow change that exercises an overwhelming influence. This anthology of articles previously published in the journal Shima explores emergent themes that describe how island peoples adapt and respond in localised cultural islandscapes as a consequence of tourism expansion. It is aimed at researchers in island studies, tourism, sustainability, human geography, cultural studies, sociology and anthropology. The anthology will also be of interest to those with an abiding interest in the trajectories of islands and their peoples, particularly where tourism has come to shape islandscapes.
The 'overtourism' phenomenon is defined as the excessive growth of visitors leading to overcrowding and the consequencial suffering of residents, due to temporary and often seasonal tourism peaks, that lead to permanent changes in lifestyles, amenities and well-being. Enormous tensions in overtourism affected destinations have driven the intensification of policy making and scholarly attention toward seeking antidotes to an issue that is considered paradoxical and problematic. Moving beyond the 'top 10 things you can do about overtourism', this book examines the evolution of the phenomenon and explores the genesis of overtourism as well as the system dynamics underpinning it. With a rigorous scientific approach the book uses systems-thinking and contemporary paradigms around sustainable development, resilience planning and degrowth; while considering global economic, socio-political, environmental
Orphanage tourism is the practice, in less developed contexts, where tourist interactions with 'orphaned' children are central to traveller itineraries and experience making. While being attractive to the desire of tourists and volunteers to 'do good' while travelling, underlining orphanage tourism is the fact that the vast majority of children (over 80%) in orphanage institutions are not orphans. Instead they are the victims of intentional attempts by poor families to give children access to education opportunities, and consistent and reliable nutrition. However, such desires are easily exploited, and there are limited means by which families are able to ascertain the veracity around whether children are definitely receiving the care they have been promised. Orphanages themselves are very often for-profit enterprises, where the commodification of good intentions cycle begins and becomes embedded in the tourism supply chain where children become attractions and the focus of tourist consumption, and orphanages become sites of tourism production.
During the Second World War, there was concern as to whether Britain, unable to import food from abroad, would be able to feed the population. Therefore, the National Farm Survey was conducted during 1941-43, and described every farm in England and Wales in great detail. Because of its sensitivity, this material only became publicly available in 1992 after a fifty-year closure period. Information on farming types, cropping and stocking, machinery, employment, farm size and structure, land ownership and farm buildings was provided for all farms which were larger than 5 acres at that time.This book gives an overview of the Survey, and provides the most complete ‘Doomsday’ of British agriculture available, including maps and illustrations of the areas surveyed at that time. It is a unique source for measuring post-war changes in agriculture, environment and society.
Die Psalmen hat das Christentum übernommen, die im Raum der lateinischen Kultur entstandenen Hymnen sind sein eigener Beitrag zur Lyrik der Weltliteratur. Im 4. Jahrhundert setzt diese für Gottesdienst und private Frömmigkeit gedachte Literatur ein. Am Ende des Mittelalters ist der Bestand auf annähernd dreißigtausend Titel angewachsen. Hunderte sind in der Neuzeit im ständigen liturgischen Gebrauch geblieben. Der lateinische Hymnus wurde, wie etwa bei dem Passionslied „O Haupt, voll Blut und Wunden”, Grundlage deutschsprachiger Kirchenlieddichtung. Stücke wie das „Stabat mater” oder „Dies irae” haben große Kompositionen angeregt. Aus diesem Schatz werden in der vorliegenden Ausgabe dreiunddreißig Titel ausgewählt. Auf den lateinischen Text folgt jeweils eine Neuübersetzung oder eine liturgisch verwendete Nachdichtung. Einige Bemerkungen zur Textüberlieferung und ein ausführlicher Kommentar erschließen jeweils den Hymnus. Die Auswahl folgt dem Ablauf des Kirchenjahres und des monastischen Stundengebets. Sie ist exemplarisch für die literarische und theologische Vielfalt des Genres und kann als kleine poetische Summe der lateinischen Tradition des Christentums gelesen werden.