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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2000

        Dolores & Imperio

        Die drei Leben des Sylvin Rubinstein

        by Kruse, Kuno

      • Trusted Partner

        En la ruta de la seda

        by Amnon Shamosh

        En la ruta de la seda por Amnon Shamosh Amnon Shamosh, quien se dio a conocer como autor con la famosa saga familiar  “Michel Ezra Safra y sus hijos” como también con docenas de cuentos cortos cautivantes que aparecieron en las colecciones tituladas “Mi hermana, la novia” y “Ruedas del mundo,” nos sorprende nuevamente con una novela moderna, brillante, y profunda. La historia gira alrededor de tradiciones de los antiguos tiempos y hechos históricos que se complementan. Todo ello mezclado con la imaginación de Shamosh, logra apasionar al lector. En el año 1400, el gran conquistador Timur Lang llega a la ciudad siria de Jalab (Aram de Soba) y desde ella envía diez familias judías de tintoreros de seda al exilio, desterrándolos a Samarkand, capital del imperio de Timur, en la ruta de la seda. Timur Lang también rapta vírgenes judías, y las retiene en sus harenes. Una de las vírgenes conquista el corazón del hijo de Timur, un hombre inteligente y creativo que gobierna bajo sus órdenes. El rey Elías, “hijo de la judía,” que fue criado en la fe islámica, embarca rumbo a España con el propósito de conocer y comprender el mundo cristiano y judío, en pleno apogeo en esa época en España. Elías, en busca de una identidad y también una novia, encuentra  a ambas en Jalab, ciudad de sus ancestros maternos. Su joven esposa procede de la familia Dayan, con parentescos de la dinastía de la tribu de David. La novela está compuesta de tres líneas narrativas. La primera, acontece en el siglo quince y se centra principalmente en la familia real en el harén en Samarkand. La segunda, al principio del siglo veinte, en el barrio Bujaro de Jerusalén, donde inmigrantes de Bujaría y Jalab están apiñados juntos, y reciben la visita de los líderes de esta  sociedad de  nuevos judíos inmigrantes a la vecindad. La tercera línea narrativa acontece en la última década del siglo, con la inmigración  masiva de judíos rusos; la historia se concentra en los inmigrantes Bujaros. El protagonista es Oshi Shauloff Ben-Shaul, nacido en el barrio Bujaro, cuya madre, de origen sirio (Jalab), es descendiente de la familia Dayan, anteriormente mencionada, y sus raíces pertenecen a una de las familias que fueron exiliadas de Jalab a Samarkand. Esta novela, emocionantemente erótica, mas refinada y moderada, tiene un estilo  inmediato poderoso e inspirador – como esperamos de los trabajos de Amnon Shamosh.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2013

        The Homestories

        by Andrii Portnov

        The book is symbolically dedicated to the memory of Yaroslav Isayevych and Dmitiy Furman and contains essays written in 2002-2013 and published in the famous magazine "Critics" and in the range of other national magazines as well as in foreign press, such as the Russian-American "Ab Imperio", the French "Anatoli. Dossier Reprsentations du monde dans l’espace postsovitique" and "Le Dbat," the Polish "Arcana," etc. Divided into five sections with eloquent titles - "Waiting for the Russian Gedroyets", "Ukrainian-Polish Adventures", "History of the Second World War", "Enslaved Academy" and "Inter Librorum" - and accompanied by the foreword "Third (not) redundant", two and a half dozens of essays are not so much a collection of diverse articles about various aspects of Polish-Ukrainian, Ukrainian-Russian and of Russian-Polish relations, but a monograph, a unified text, strongly connected by thorough intellectual plot, as the author himself underlines the impossibility to divide historiography and politics.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2015


        by Elaine Vilar Madruga

        En un futuro en el que los humanos cazan creaturas invaluables en planetas desconocidos, una de ellas cae en manos de las más altas jerarquías del imperio galáctico y es la razón de motines y desconfianza. El poder político se ve desestabilizado al nacer dentro de los gobernantes un hambriento deseo, despierto por este ser del espacio exterior, cuyo destino recuerda a las primeras historias de la humanidad. Esta novela obtuvo el Premio Calendario 2013 y el Premio Agustín Rojas de la Crítica a la mejor novela de ciencia ficción publicada en Cuba el mismo año.

      • June 2019

        Mesopotamia y el Antiguo Testamento ("Mesopotamia and the Old Testament")

        by Francesc Ramis Darder

        El conocimiento de la historia y la literatura de Mesopotamia constituye el entramado necesario para la buena comprensión de la Biblia, especialmente del Antiguo Testamento. La narración del Diluvio se entrelaza con la epopeya de Gilgamesh; el Código de Hammurabi asoma entre la legislación bíblica; el zigurat de Babilonia deja entrever su silueta en la mención de la Torre de Babel; mientras la leyenda de Sargón orienta la mirada hacia la figura de Moisés. El lector inquieto por conocer la relación entre la Biblia y el mundo oriental encontrará en este libro una guía para escuchar el eco de Mesopotamia entre las líneas de la Sagrada Escritura. A knowledge of the history and literature of Mesopotamia constitutes the necessary framework for a proper understanding of the Bible, especially the Old Testament. The narration of the Flood is interwoven with the epic of Gilgamesh; the Code of Hammurabi looms among the biblical legislation; the Ziggurat of Babylon reveals its silhouette at the mention of the Tower of Babel; while the legend of Sargon focuses its gaze towards the figure of Moses. The reader, eager to know the relationship between the Bible and the Oriental world, will find in this book a guide for listening to the echo of Mesopotamia between the lines of the Holy Scripture.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        April 2021

        Sueños de la Euro

        El torneo que reconcilió a un continente

        by Miguel L. Pereira

        As Paul Auster once said, football is the miracle that allowed Europe to hate itself without destroying itself. The ball has done more than any other political project for brotherhood in a land too used to fighting with itself. After each conflict, it was necessary for the ball to be there to make the continent a space of union and not a perpetual trench. For this reason, every time the European Championship is held, there is a part of the world that looks into each other's eyes and shakes hands. For this reason, when we write about the 60 years of history of this emblematic tournament, we are really drawing our memories, our fears and our desires as Europeans. Because the dreams of Delaunay, Panenka, Charisteas, Aragonés or Éder are also our dreams.

      • History of Western philosophy

        Kant and His Heirs

        An Introduction to the History of Western Philosophy

        by Miguel García-Baró

        Each generation has the obligation to tell the history of philosophy. It is not only a moral responsibility toward the past, but also a commitment to the future. By stressing some authors and some ideas over others, in the end we are pointing to the certitudes that uphold and justify the way we see reality and act upon it. After the first volume, centered on ancient and medieval philosophy, and the second one, consecrated to the Modern Era, this original history of thought concludes with the volume dealing with the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Kant and his philosophy mark the beginning of a new stage that extends to our own time. Different trends have appeared during this stage: idealism, pragmatism, existentialism, phenomenology, analytical philosophy or hermeneutics… and they have shaped today’s reflection.

      • November 2019

        Bible City

        A guide in which to delve, lose and find oneself in the biblical books

        by Xabier Pikaza Ibarrondo

        BIBLE CITY is infinite, unforeseen, unique, eternal, surprising, inexhaustible, vital. God willing, this biblical adventure will make the reader repeat those impassionedwords of Saint John Chrysostom: «I hold the Scripture in my hands: this is my staff, my safety, my quiet harbour».

      • Literature & Literary Studies

        Music against walls in the Arab-Israeli conflict

        by Ana Arambarri

        With an agile, precise and sustained style Música Contra los Muros explores the influence of music on the human being in extreme circumstances. Different choral voices immerse the reader in the geopolitical labyrinth of the Middle East and tell a true and little-known story: that of famous musicians who canceled all their commitments and voluntarily traveled to Israel to encourage their compatriots who were fighting at the front. Against this backdrop, suggestive narrative threads are woven: the passionate romance of the pianist Daniel Barenboim with the cellist Jacqueline du Pré during the Six Day War; the account of Israeli soldiers, whose voices were censored for forty years, forced to participate in a war in which they did not believe; or the torn lives of thousands of Palestinians who, since the occupation, lost the right to a decent and dignified life. Hand in hand with a narrative strategy that recalls the New Journalism that emerged in the sixties, a reconciliation proposal is offered: the case of the West-Eastern Divan orchestra, made up of Arab, Israeli and Palestinian musicians, shows that thanks to music, coexistence is possible. Edward Said, a Palestinian thinker and philosopher, asked himself: Who knows how far we are going to be able to change the thoughts and convictions of these young people thanks to music? The energy of this interrogation continues to challenge the possibilities of the present, while confirming the success of an experience as unusual as it is fascinating.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2019

        The construction of regional identities in Spain, France and Germany, 1890-1939

        by Eric Storm

        Many of the existing regional topics were forged in the late 19th or early 20th century. Painters, architects and international exhibitions -such as those in Barcelona and Seville- played a crucial role in the definition and visualization of the idiosyncratic character of each region. This pioneering book compares the process of building regional identities in Spain with that of France and Germany, showing that regionalist paintings, houses and pavilions were generally interpreted as a sample of (regional) diversity within the (national) unit. The culture of regionalism was therefore part of a new phase of the nationalization process, while its relations with the various regional movements were weak.

      • Historical fiction
        September 2019

        Nigrinus. The condemnation of memory

        by Xavier N. Cervera

        The greatest Roman of his time, Marco Cornelio Nigrino Curiacio Materno, suffers the damnatio memoriae (the condemnation of memory) for posing a threat to Trajan aspirations, the other candidate to Caesar’s chair. Nigrino carved the most brilliant military career of his time, became the most awarded general, was named consul and ruled the Aquitaine, Moesia, and Syria provinces. However, the emperor Nerva is forced to choose Trajan as his successor. The chance of a civil war disappears with a quick movement that leads to the cessation of Nigrino, his forced exile and the prohibition of mentioning his name. Nigrino and his family, from Edeta, fought to keep their memory alive no matter how regardless of the difficulties imposed by those who saw their disgrace as a chance to inherit their influences and great fortune. Historical novel thoroughly set in the 1st century, retrieving the character of one of the most important personalities of our history, forgotten during nearly twenty centuries. The Edetan Marco Cornelio Nigrino, condemned to memory due to his rivalry with Trajan to gain Caesar’s chair.

      • 2022

        Cómo sobrevivir a… la Antigua Roma

        by El Fisgón Histórico

        Bloodthirsty emperors, erupting volcanoes, games where you can lose your head... Are you sure you could survive in Ancient Rome? The age of the Caesars is one of the most exciting times in history, but beware! It's not all about gladiators or relaxing in the baths -danger is around every corner! Luckily, the Historical Snoop comes to your rescue. With this comprehensive survival guide, you'll learn all about the Romans and the threats of the time, and maybe, just maybe... you'll make it out of Ancient Rome in one piece! If you think history is boring, it's because you don't know it!

      • Literary studies: general
        February 2018


        by BARANDA LETURIO, Nieves; CRUZ, Anne J.

        Aunque ignoradas en las historias literarias y culturales, durante los siglos XVI y XVII existieron en España decenas de mujeres que buscaron un espacio en el territorio de las letras. Después de más de treinta años de estudios especializados durante los cuales se han exhumado innumerables documentos y se han desarrollado y probado metodologías específicas para entender a las escritoras como mujeres integradas en su tiempo, es posible llegar a producir un libro como este. Esta historia y guía de investigación representa un avance radical en el conocimiento de las escritoras del Siglo de Oro, porque recoge los resultados más relevantes y los utiliza para configurar un panorama en el que la literatura escrita por las mujeres se plantea, por fin, bajo unos perfiles específicos. Se prescinde de la historia de las individualidades para mostrar en qué medida las escritoras dialogaron con su entorno y modularon los temas, los géneros o la retórica para responder a sus necesidades expresivas.

      • Children's & YA

        The Voice of Amunet

        by Victoria Álvarez

        Egypt, 1346 B.C.: Ever since he can recall, Amunet hasbeen able to communicate with animals, but his lifeis turned upside down when the priests of Amun, themost powerful clergy in Ancient Egypt, discover hisprodigious gift. Convinced that he is the piece they needin their political puzzle, they bring him to the templeof Ipet Sut, where he will begin his training as a heka orsorceror in the service of the royal family.Egypt, 1799: When Napoléon Bonaparte’s army takescontrol of Cairo, the gang of thieves Shaheen belongsrecieves a comission to raid an ancient tomb in theValley of the Nobles. What Shaheen doesn’t know is thatinside that tomb they’ll encounter something even moreunsettling: the spirit of Amunet himself, trapped forover three thousand years... and thirsting for vengeance.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences


        Peligros y oportunidades de la megacrisis

        by Gastón Soublette

        ‘Manifiesto. Peligros y oportunidades de la megacrisis’ (Ediciones UC, 2020), nació con el estallido social de octubre y fue terminado en el contexto de la pandemia. El autor, así, destacado filósofo, musicólogo, esteta y escritor, reflexiona sobre la crisis social y política de Chile, la cual ha culminado con la entrada del coronavirus y conlleva el desafío de entender lo ocurrido para discernir sus causas más profundas.

      • The natural world, country life & pets

        Natural Journey

        An encounter between Arts and Science

        by Josefina Hepp, Vivian Lavin, María José Arce

        “Natural Journey” aims to remove the old-fashioned tension between art and science in order to approach nature’s shapes and colors with astonishment and without being distracted from the main task: to learn from it and listen to its call in the midst of the climate crisis.  Botanical illustration is the art that allows us to enter the world of plants through our senses. But it is also a scientific record that provides botanists and scholars with subtle and precise representations that no technological device can reproduce.  A botanist, an illustrator and a journalist are touched by the journey led by other women who inspired them with their environmental sensitivity and awareness. When reading “Natural Journey”, you will be taken into a pleasant walk through six types of plants whose names take after their identifying characteristics. “Travelers”, some inspire and others move (without legs or wings), “dangerous”, even lethal, colors and characteristics that define them, “deceitful”, traps and camouflages to get what they want, “rebels”, those who dodge the rules, undisciplined, stubborn and defiant, and  “hungry” from the Plant to the Animal Kingdom,  nutrient-capture strategies, “flamboyant”, as emerged from delirium. The book also contains each plant’s data sheet and mapping.

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