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      • Trusted Partner
        December 1987

        Allegorien des Lesens

        by Paul Man, Werner Hamacher, Peter Krumme, Werner Hamacher

        Im Falle Paul de Mans ist die begriffliche Charakterisierung seines Vorgehens zusätzlich erschwert dadurch, daß die Theorie nie losgelöst von den Texten, an denen sie gewonnen wird, betrachtet werden kann.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 1993

        Die Ideologie des Ästhetischen

        by Paul Man, Karl Heinz Bohrer, Christoph Menke, Jürgen Blasius, Christoph Menke

        Als Paul de Man 1983 starb, war er der wohl bekannteste und einflußreichste Vertreter einer Richtung der Literaturkritik und ihrer Theore, die allgemein als »dekonstruktiv« bezeichnet wird. Kennzeichnend für diese Richtung ist eine erneute Konzentration auf die innere Verfaßtheit der literarischen Texte. Eine erste Auswahl dieser methodisch vorbildlich wie brillant geschriebenen Texte ist 1988 unter dem Titel »Allegorien des Lesens« in der edition suhrkamp erschienen. Die vorliegende Auswahl konzentriert sich auf die methodologischen und theoretischen Prämissen dieses Vorhabens, wie sie die Abhandlungen über die Zeitlichkeit der Literatur, über Shelley und über die Autobiographie deutlich machen. Sich auf die immanente Verfaßtheit und Bewegung von Texten einzulassen ist nach de Man kein selbstzweckhaftes, folgenloses Unternehmen. De Man beansprucht vielmehr für seine »Rückkehr zur Philologie« eine allgemeine Bedeutung; die Literaturkritik ist zugleich philosophische und politische Kritik. Damit ist der zweite Schwerpunkt dieser Auswahl bezeichnet. De Man erläutert diese These zum einen in kritischer Auseinandersetzung mit der Philosophie Jacques Derridas. Zum anderen zeigt er an zentralen Texten der ästhetischen Tradition, an Kant und Hegel, daß ihr falsches – »ideologisches« – Verständnis literarischer Texte unter der Kategorie des »Ästhetischen« ebenso weitreichende philosophische wie politische Konsequenzen hat.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2017

        Der Deutsch-Russische Handels- und Schiffahrtsvertrag vom 20. März 1894.

        (Staats- und socialwissenschaftliche Forschungen XVII.3).

        by Human, Arthur

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2017

        Frauen der 1920er Jahre

        Glamour, Stil und Avantgarde

        by Thomas Bleitner, Man Ray, Edward Steichen, Claude Cahun, Dora Kallmus

        In den 1920er Jahren war vieles wagemutiger, unkonventioneller und exzessiver als heute. Keine Zeit hat so viel Glamour, Stil und Avantgarde hervorgebracht, und eine nie gekannte Experimentierlust erobert Bühnen, Kunstateliers, den Sport und so manches Schlafzimmer. Frauen machen den Flug- und Führerschein, sie greifen zur Filmkamera, sie designen eine neue Mode, sie rauchen und trinken und tanzen fröhlich am Abgrund. Thomas Bleitner stellt in diesem opulent bebilderten Band legendäre und unvergleichliche Frauen aus Film, Fotografie, Sport, Mode und Kunst vor, die in den 1920er Jahren in Berlin, Paris und New York alte Rollenmuster auf den Kopf stellten und damit für Furore sorgten. »Als die Frauen begannen, ihre Röcke zu kürzen und ihre Haare zu stutzen, war dies der größte Umbruch in der Geschichte der Mode der letzten hundert Jahre.« New York Vogue vom 1. Juli 1928

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 1983

        Der Naturgarten

        Mehr Platz für einheimische Pflanzen und Tiere

        by Schwarz, Urs / Vorwort von Stern, Horst; Herausgegeben von World Wildlife Fund

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        by Ninot Aziz, Rita Angelelli, Renato Ghezzi, The Journey Man Anna Kordzaia-Samadashvili, Helmut Kunkel, Samuel Peralta Imam Qalyubi, Arian Tejano, Teoh Choon Ean, Can Yiğit Tunçman Minah Sintian, Cora Wang Siyao, Ruby Yusuf

        24 LEGENDS. 14 STORYTELLERS. 10 COUNTRIES. 1 MASTERPIECE.   Dragons, or 'Naga' as they are known in Southeast Asia, continue to exist in our legends long after we have embraced modern ideas and technology. They are beings that are both mystical and all-knowing. Until today, dragons still take on our emotions; our deepest joy and darkest fears, true love, and fleeting desires.    DRAGONLORE, conceptualised by Ninot in 2012,  features stories from many regions of the world of Southeast Asia, Australia, the Far East, Europe, ancient worlds, and mythology. Edited by Ninot and Johnny Gillett, award-winning writers Samuel Peralta (Canada), Cora Wang (China), Helmut Kunkel (Germany), Anna Kordzaia-Samadashvili (Georgia) Imam Qalyubi (Indonesia), Renato Ghezzi (Italy), Rita Angelelli (Italy),  Arian Tejano (Philippines), Minah Sintian (Malaysian) Teoh Choon Ean (Malaysia), Can Yigit Tuncmann (Turkiye), Ruby Yusuf ( Malaysia) , The Journey Man (UK) join Ninot Aziz in this amazing journey chasing dragons around the globe.    With Malaysian and Southeast Asian legends,  the gorgeous retelling of the Inuit legend of Palraijug to the delightful folktale of the Filipino, Bakunawa enchant readers. The twist in the tale of the Lyminster Knucker to the mystical dragon painter from China. We join Ajetis as he battles evil hidden in the Bosphorus Sea.     Twenty-four in all, each story is unique, bringing us to a different part of the world, and meeting wonderful characters along the way.   The significance of legends and folklore in imparting important lessons is more evident than ever. The lessons conveyed through these stories often resonate deeply with the present era, offering invaluable insights into our challenges.    From the Malay Archipelago to the Far East, the Arctic Circle to Down-under Australia, Europe, and beyond, legends and folklore possess a remarkable ability to capture the essence of our collective consciousness. By delving into these ancient narratives, we gain a broader perspective on the challenges that have plagued humanity throughout history. In the context of today's world, which grapples with urgent environmental concerns, stories from the past offer unyielding wisdom on sustainable living and the consequences of neglecting our planet.   These narratives serve as a bridge between the past and the present, weaving together timeless wisdom and modern challenges into a cohesive narrative that resonates with a wide audience and ensures the continuity and survival of such legends.

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        Geography & the Environment
        August 2022

        Key Questions in Environmental Toxicology

        A Study and Revision Guide

        by J P F D'Mello

        Key Questions in Environmental Toxicology is designed as a self-study tool for undergraduate students. Questions review the origin, characterization and environmental distribution of major pollutants, followed by their absorption and metabolic disposition in living organisms. They address implications for the development of cancer, cardiovascular disease, pulmonary dysfunction and neurological conditions in relation to gaseous pollutants, particulates, persistent organic compounds and radioactive emissions, then cover the impact of pollutants on biodiversity, food safety, and water contamination. This book: - Covers toxicology from human morbidity, ecological impact and biodiversity perspectives, and emphasises the impact of diverse organic pollutants in worsening these interconnected phenomena, leading to wider environmental emergencies; - Provides a selection of fill-in-the-gap, multiple choice and short answer question types for students to vary their learning and enhance motivation; - Includes full answer rationales, allowing students to gain true insight into the subject. Providing support to programmes across environmental science, ecology and human health, and covering all the major biological toxins and pollutants as well as unintended consequences of actions designed to improve outcomes, this book may be used in conjunction with the companion volume Introduction to Environmental Toxicology.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2023

        Critical theory and human rights

        From compassion to coercion

        by David McGrogan

        This book describes how human rights have given rise to a vision of benevolent governance that, if fully realised, would be antithetical to individual freedom. It describes human rights' evolution into a grand but nebulous project, rooted in compassion, with the overarching aim of improving universal welfare by defining the conditions of human well-being and imposing obligations on the state and other actors to realise them. This gives rise to a form of managerialism, preoccupied with measuring and improving the 'human rights performance' of the state, businesses and so on. The ultimate result is the 'governmentalisation' of a pastoral form of global human rights governance, in which power is exercised for the general good, moulded by a complex regulatory sphere which shapes the field of action for the individual at every turn. This, unsurprisingly, does not appeal to rights-holders themselves.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2023

        Tourism, heritage and commodification of non-human animals

        a post-humanist reflection

        by Álvaro López-López, Gino Jafet Quintero Venegas, Carol Kline, Tomas Arias, Jean Azcatl Pineda, Alicia Mariana Penélope Castro Pérez, Bobbie Chew Bigby, Émilie Crossley, Johan Edelheim, Georgina Flores, Carolin Funck, Leonardo Garavito-González, Yulei Guo, Jes Hooper, Brenda Martínez Velasco, Alejandro Morales, Gustavo Ortiz-Millán, Mateo Nicolás Rico Medina, Jorge Iván Ruiz Barrera, Javed Salim, Estephania Sepúlveda Perdomo, Rie Usui, David A. Varela-Trejo, Nusrat Yasmeen

        Heritage is a social construction rooted in modern and contemporary societies. It is commonly a positive assessment of many elements of the physical and human environment (e.g. ecosystems and landscapes, monuments, customs, gender norms, religious practices, gastronomy, and livelihoods). Heritage and tourism are strongly related to each other in that heritage gives rise to tourist attractions and activities, and tourism enhances the designation of heritage sites. Non-human animals (hereafter 'animals') are present as implicit or explicit heritage elements through multiple tourist environments: animals may be themselves the heritage focus of tourist interest (visual arts, gastronomy, as charismatic and distinguished beings, as part of festivities or rituals), or it may be that animals are agents involved in heritage tourist environments such as working animals or in recreational activities. A post-humanist perspective the moral valuation of equality between humans and other animals demands that both are sentient beings and self-aware of their pain and pleasure. Thus, the involvement of animals as heritage elements by themselves or as an element of tourist consumption in heritage sites implies their commodification and lack of agency. As such, these practices are usually unethical, since they threaten the animals' primary interests: not to suffer, not to feel pain and to be able to live their freedom. This book contains chapters that reveal both the unethical interactions between humans and animals within heritage tourism, and those that show experiences in which efforts are made to minimize damage within the commercialization of animals involved as heritage themselves. It will be of interest to postgraduate students, academics, NGOs and tourism planners.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2024

        The Impact of Therapy and Pet Animals on Human Stress

        by Lori Kogan

        Stress can have a deleterious effect on people's mental, physical, and psychological health. There is a growing body of evidence, however, that suggests animals, both as pets and therapy partners, can help mitigate people's stress levels. This book showcases a rich collection of research papers from Human-Animal Interactions. It highlights research pertaining to pets as well as animal-assisted therapy in both school and professional settings. The book also includes a scene-setting introduction and wrap-up conclusion from the editor. Providing comprehensive information on the impact of animals on human stress, this book is a useful resource for anyone interested in human health or human-animal relationships.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2018

        Bovine Tuberculosis

        by Mark Chambers, Stephen Gordon, Francisco Olea-Popelka, Paul Barrow

        This book is contemporary, topical and global in its approach, and provides an essential, comprehensive treatise on bovine tuberculosis and the bacterium that causes it, Mycobacterium bovis. Bovine tuberculosis remains a major cause of economic loss in cattle industries worldwide, exacerbated in some countries by the presence of a substantial wildlife reservoir. It is a major zoonosis, causing human infection through consumption of unpasteurised milk or by close contact with infected animals. Following a systematic approach, expert international authors cover epidemiology and the global situation; microbial virulence and pathogenesis; host responses to the pathogen; and diagnosis and control of the disease. Aimed at researchers and practising veterinarians, this book is essential for those needing comprehensive information on the pathogen and disease, and offers a summary of key information learned from human tuberculosis research. It will be useful to those studying the infection and for those responsible for controlling the disease.

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        aporello: Human Parasites

        by Christine Bender-Leitzig, Dr. Reiner Pospischil

        Infestation with parasites usually causes revulsion in those affected and many infections are kept secret through shame. In recent times there has also been a rise in non-native parasites, which often remain undetected. This book gives an overview of the most significant human parasites as well as their - prevalence - symptoms - treatment possibilities. The text is accompanied by illustrations that help when giving everyday advice. Practical icons show at a glance when, for example, the authorities must be notified and what special things need to be considered. Highly concentrated knowledge in an instant? That’s aporello!

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2021

        Critical theory and human rights

        by David McGrogan, Darrow Schecter

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