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      • Artech House Books Horizon House Publications Ltd.

        A leading technical book publisher, Artech House provides today’s professionals and students with cutting-edge books and software from the world’s top authorities. From RF/microwave design, wireless communications, radar engineering, and electronic defense, to GPS/GNSS, power engineering, computer security, and building technology, Artech House publishes the forward-looking titles that engineers and managers need to excel. Artech House is a subsidiary of Horizon House Publications, Inc., publisher of the internationally acclaimed magazine Microwave Journal®.

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      • Publishing House

        With strong focus on leadership as vital subject, we, at Publishing House, propose to offer amazing range of Indian content in variety of formats. Print, Ebooks, Audiobooks, Videobooks as well as content for television and films depict our intent with necessary depth and intricacy.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2013

        The English manor c.1200–c.1500

        by Mark Bailey

        Provides a comprehensive introduction and essential guide to one of the most important institutions in medieval England and to its substantial archive. This is the first book to offer a detailed explanation of the form, structure and evolution of the manor and its records. Offers translations of, and commentaries upon, each category of document to illustrate their main features. Examples of each category of record are provided in translation, followed by shorter extracts selected to illustrate interesting, commonly occurring, or complex features. A valuable source of reference for undergraduates wishing to understand the sources which underpin the majority of research on the medieval economy and society.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2021

        Bonbon and Blanket

        by Emily House

        A new children's picture book by author Emily House (of Earth Takes a Break) brings us the heartwarming tale of Bonbon and Blanket and the lengths we'll go to hold onto those we love. A great pick for a kids' bedtime storybook! Bonbon and Blanket’s friendship is full of fun and adventure, but the pair very soon discover that not every adventure is of their own choosing!

      • Trusted Partner
        Nature, the natural world (Children's/YA)
        March 2020

        Earth Takes a Break

        by House, Emily

        From children's book author Emily House comes a wonderful story that re-connects us with our planet. A modern fable inspired by recent events, Earth Takes a Break is a touching picture book jam-packed with fun illustrations and woven together with a message of hope. When Earth feels unwell, she goes to the doctor to ask for help. What the doctor prescribes seems impossible to Earth, until she wakes the next day to find a surprising change!

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2024

        At home with the poor

        Consumer behaviour and material culture in England, c. 1650-1850

        by Joseph Harley

        This book opens the doors to the homes of the forgotten poor and traces the goods they owned before, during and after the industrial revolution (c. 1650-1850). Using a vast and diverse range of sources, it gets to the very heart of what it meant to be 'poor' by examining the homes of the impoverished and mapping how numerous household goods became more widespread. As the book argues, poverty did not necessarily equate to owning very little and living in squalor. In fact, its novel findings show that most of the poor strove to improve their domestic spheres and that their demand for goods was so great that it was a driving force of the industrial revolution.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        April 2016

        The Donkey Family

        by Tang Sulan

        One day, mom brought back a little boy. From then on, all the family took focus on the baby. The boy’s sister thought parents didn’t love her any longer, so she hided in a cave alone and changed into a donkey. For looking after her, grandpa changed into a donkey too. Did other members of the family change into donkey?

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2018

        Changsha Traditional Family Values and Rules

        by Changsha Discipline Inspection Committee

        This book collects Changsha traditional family rules, family values, and family mottos, and contains a lot of folk proverbs and sayings. It uses pictures, footnotes, and content reviews to help readers have a better understanding. The author hopes to keep this good tradition and promote the building of family values and rules.

      • Trusted Partner

        For Love and Faith BringUs Together

        Letters from Home in Hunan during the Fight against COVID-19

        by Xiaoxiang Family Letter Activity Committee

        This book contains 81 letters written by medical care staff, police officers, journalists, community workers, volunteers and others during their fight novel coronavirus time. Together with photos and letters, it records ordinary true stories one by one, showing people what love is and what national spirits is.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        April 2016

        A House that Holds Us All

        by Tang Sulan

        A moment ago, sun was smiling in the sky. Why rain all of the sudden? Snail was not afraid of rain, because he had his own little house. An ant, a bunny and a little boy was running close one by one. They asked a same question, "Can I get in your house to get out of the rain?"

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 1998

        Irish Home Rule

        by Alan O'Day, Mark Greengrass

        Irish Home Rule considers the pre-eminent issue in British politics during the late nineteenth and early twentieth-centuries. It is the first account to explain the various self-government plans, to place these in context and examine the motives for putting the schemes forward. The book distinguishes between moral and material home rulers, making the point that the first appealed especially to outsiders, some Protestants and the intelligentsia, who saw in self-government a means to reconcile Ireland's antagonistic traditions. In contrast, material home rulers viewed a Dublin Parliament as a forum of Catholic interests. This account appraises the home rule movement from a fresh angle, distinguishing it from the usual division drawn between physical force and constitutional nationalists It maintains that an ideological continuity runs from Young Ireland, the Fenians, the early home rulers including Isaac Butt and Charles Stewart Parnell, to the Gaelic Revivalists to the Men of 1916. These nationalists are distinguishable from material home rulers not on the basis of methods or strategy but by a fundamental ideological cleavage. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2023

        Objects of affection

        The book and the household in late medieval England

        by Myra Seaman

        Objects of affection recovers the emotional attraction of the medieval book through an engagement with a fifteenth-century literary collection known as Oxford, Bodleian Library Manuscript Ashmole 61. Exploring how the inhabitants of the book's pages - human and nonhuman, tangible and intangible - collaborate with its readers then and now, this book addresses the manuscript's material appeal in the ways it binds itself to different cultural, historical and material environments. In doing so it traces the affective literacy training that the manuscript provided its late-medieval English household, whose diverse inhabitants are incorporated into the ecology of the book itself as it fashions spiritually generous and socially mindful household members.

      • Trusted Partner

        The House in Baiting Hollow

        by Vasyl Makhno

        Events, described by Vasyl Makhno in a debut collection of short prose, are happening at different times and in different places, and no matter who the storyteller is – a man over fifty, a grey-headed widow or a little boy – you believe them; because there are no author’s generalizations, conclusions or guidelines. These impartial stories tell us about fates of completely different people, honestly and without pathos. It is honesty and simplicity that make this prose so different; common and simple details, at first sight, add mystery and hold the reader in suspense throughout the entire book.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        April 2016

        First Trip away from Home

        by Tang Sulan

        A baby koala was born and rested in pouch of his mother all the day, never walking out. When he grows up, he needs to see the outside world. Could he become a brave boy?

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2009

        Ilias. Odyssee

        Zwei Bände im Schuber

        by Homer, Michael Schroeder, Karl Ferdinand Lempp

        Wer sich bisher nicht an Homer heranwagte, weil er sich durch die Versform oder die altertümliche Sprache der vorliegenden Übersetzungen abgeschreckt fühlte, kann in der Prosaübertragung von Karl Ferdinand Lempp die Ilias und die Odyssee als das erleben, was diese ältesten Dokumente der europäischen Literatur wirklich sind: fesselnde Romane. Die hier erstmals aus dem Nachlaß edierte Gesamtübersetzung von Karl Ferdinand Lempp befreit diese beiden zusammengehörigen Weltbücher, in denen der Krieg der Kriege und die Reise aller Reisen erzählt werden, von den Schlacken, die sich der antiken Vortragsform verdanken, und greift behutsam erklärend ein, wenn der Inhalt dem heutigen Leser nicht ohne weiteres verständlich ist. Ohne sprachliche Anbiederung präsentiert Lempp einen modernen und temporeichen Text, der den Zorn des Achill und die Irrfahrten des Odysseus so unmittelbar vor Augen führt, als wäre alles erst gestern geschehen.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        Science versus Crime, Revised Edition

        by Max M. Houck

        The highly publicized O.J. Simpson trial helped spark an interest in the application of science to criminal investigations, leading to popular TV shows, books, and movies on the topic. Enrollment in forensic science educational programs soared, and new academic programs sprouted everywhere.Science versus Crime, Revised Edition provides an insider’s look at how crimes are solved with the help of forensic science. Offering students a peek at the many investigations that have revolutionized this field of study, this eBook explores the pioneers of forensic science, how evidence is collected and analyzed, the science of DNA, fingerprinting, and more. Written by a well-respected forensic scientist with extensive experience in this field, this fascinating volume covers the important cases and procedures that govern scientific evidence: testimony, admissibility hearings, and how the law and scientific evidence intersect in a courtroom. Science versus Crime, Revised Edition is an essential book for middle and high school students, providing them with a thorough understanding of what forensic science is and how it can assist in crime fighting. Chapters include: Forensic Science: In and Out of the Laboratory History and Pioneers What Is Evidence? Microscopy Spectroscopy Chromatography Forensic DNA Fingerprints Firearms Examination Testimony and Report Writing.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        Trace Evidence, Revised Edition

        by Max M. Houck

        Evidence that can barely be seen with the naked eye routinely plays a crucial part in the search for—and the conviction of—some of the most dangerous criminals known to society. From the hairs of a dog to tiny fiber fragments, forensic analysts study these trace materials and interpret them for use in legal proceedings. Hairs and fibers are two of the most commonly found types of trace evidence and the focus of this eBook.Trace Evidence, Revised Edition explores the microscopic world in which the forensic scientist works by addressing the issues of what constitutes evidence; important methods of trace analysis, including spectroscopy and chromatography; human and animal hairs and what can be determined by examining them; and manufactured and natural fibers and the many ways in which they appear in textiles and are analyzed in the laboratory. Written by a well-respected author with extensive knowledge in the field, this eBook is essential for students fascinated by this area of forensic science. Chapters include: What Is Evidence? Forensic Applications Hairs Fibers.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        October 2018

        Study on Survival of Chinese Classical Opera

        by Wang Fuya

        The book mainly explores Chinese classical opera in terms of the existence, cutural essence and functions, artistic features, and the position in Chinese traditional culture. The author conducts study based on theories of popular culture and folk culture, historical resources of Chinese classical opera, along with various survival tactics for opera like opera adptation and opera prohibition.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2009

        Max Frisch. Citoyen

        by Max Frisch, Matthias Gunten

        »Wir riefen Gastarbeiter, und es kamen Menschen.« Mit Sätzen wie diesem griff Max Frisch immer wieder in das öffentliche Leben der Schweiz ein. Als politischer Intellektueller war er auch in anderen Ländern ein gefragter Gesprächspartner: Er diskutierte mit Henry Kissinger über den Krieg in Vietnam, war 1977 in der Nacht, in der die »Landshut« gestürmt wurde, bei Helmut Schmidt in Bonn. Dem Citoyen, dem engagierten Bürger Max Frisch hat Matthias von Gunten sein Porträt gewidmet. Zu Wort kommt, neben Kissinger und Schmidt sowie Schriftstellerkollegen wie Christa Wolf, Günter Grass und Peter Bichsel, auch der Autor Max Frisch selbst – seine Tagebucheinträge und Reden werden gelesen von Reto Hänny. »Solche Stimmen fehlen heute in der Schweiz«, sagte von Gunten dazu der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung. Man möchte ergänzen: und anderswo.

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